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Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment In proportion as any group of individuals work out their own economic and intellectual platform in any country, and to establish their social system; in just that proportion, will they be recognized in the progresive advances of that Nation, and with just that much culture will they be ab guide their own destinies should the opportunity be afforded that they be thrown on their own recources.
Therefore it behoves us all to educate ourselves on progress lines.
NUM. 67 YEARII LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY FEBRUARY 21 1931 The visit of The Royal Guests Great Injustice to the settlers at Guacimo on Railroad Accident at La Gloria Complaints have reached Inspector de Hacienda must price of the Contract for The Prince of Wales and and go back to Bolivia vvhich proportion to population than us, vvhich leads ore to infer have such Contracts in hand, building the house, but in the his Brother the Prince George is a land locked country any other country in the that all is not marching vvell vvhy not hand over such name of Justice why should travelling on the Oro. that sends 80 per cent of world except the United vvith regards to equality of Contracts for the lots to these this be allovved by the pesa One of the great Pacific her Exports to Britain, while States and the British Empire; Justice among the Admin people who are willing to authorities?
Liners of the Royal Mail Steam she does not take in exchan 60 per cent of all the auto istrators of lavv and order in construct, rather than deThe proper manner for all Packel Co. a boat of over ge more than 20 per cent of biles to be found in the con the vecinity of this settlement manding them to go to further vyho have made solicitudes 14000 tons. as the Earl of her importations, the Prince tinent of South America are and in the Office at Guapiles. expenses to pay the Agent to the Fomento is to present Chester, has arrived in Jamaica is there to see vvhy?
to be found in Argentine. It Some time ago applications of Police to make out another himself by means of a comamid a reception befitting the ovvns also 40 per cent of He vvill, after crossing the vvere made by several resi document to obtain these petent interpreter (it may cosi heir to the Throne of the Andes mountains three times, all the Railvvay lines in the dents at Guacimo to the Mi Contracts.
you tvvo colones) to the Jefe mighties Povver on earth, Sailing on Lake Titicaca, a continent, vvhich roads carry nisterio de Fomento for per It appears that there is a Politico or Sub. Inspector of and gone on the diplomatic Jake of 500 square miles of 60 per cent of the passenger mission to build houses Carpenter Contractor vvho is Hacienda (government Rents)
mission for vvhich he started vvater at an elevation of traffic of the continent. Its the government strip along in great favour of the Agent and ask for your Contract ont.
12. 000 feet about sea level, normal vvheat and cron crops the Railvvay lines at this place. of Police vvho can get permisor reply from the Fomento His mission is one for the if none is there for yon, visiting La Paz the Capital of are each about three hundred These applications vvere recei sion to build for these unpurpose of encouraging closer million bushels of vvhich the ved and favourable considered fortunates, if the contract for address yourself again to the friendship and trade vuith Bolivia, playing golf there on Fomento asking for a Reply the house is given to him, the highest golf links in the vast majority goes to Britain, by the Fomento, insomuch the South American Republics.
vvorld he vvill get into Arthe linseed crop averages to your former request and that a Special Agent Was sent ofcourse the price of the He vvill travel through Peru, gentine early in march and about one hundred million dovun to inspect and measure permission is included in the Continued on Page Bolivia, Chile, Argentine and Brazil, and finally vvill open after opening up the Exhibi bushels per annum. It ranks up these lots don Guillermo tion he will go at the invita fourth in the world as a Casasola in Association With up an immense British Empire tion of the Brazilian governCattle reareng country and the Jefe Politico actually came Trade Exhibition in the Arment to Rio Janeiro the only third in sheep rearing, most and confered with these gentine Republic at Buenos harbour in the vvorld that is of vvhich are sent to Great applicants on the 15th of Aires on the 14th march. Just vvorth seeing, according to immagine the significance of Britain in great refrigerating December 1930.
an eminent Brazilean. After Vessels. Buenos Aires is con These people thinking that frindship, by a British Empire all vvas well, vvent about What might have been an turned turtle a fevy meters Trade Exhibition in a foreign seeing all through the pampas sidered the Babel City of the of Argentine and Brazil, they Pampas vvhere every language buying up their materials etc.
country; but vvell might it be, avyful catastrophe vvas pro from the spot of the accident.
vvill resort to the fashionable of Europe is freely spoken, but novy that they endeavour vvhen it is considered that videntially spared us by the This is unquestionably a seaside resorts of Argentine but among the most nume to start their buildings they hand of fate. While the Pas result of the drastic retrenchArgentine is preeminently the at Mar del Plata vvhich is rous foreign Communities are have been stopped by the country of British enterprise.
senger train vvhich left San ments carried out on the Railonly a short run to Buenos More than half of all the the British and German. Over Agent of Police under orders José at a. for Limon vvas vvay. It is impossible to exAires and considered the this cosmopolitan people the he says from the Jefe Politico on her vvay dovyn; at about foreign capital in the country pect that thorough inspection of Guapiles except the appli half past eleven in the vicinity of the Cars can be novv carriis British, nearly 500. 000. 000 Brighton Beach ot the Argen Nation hovvever exerts a tine. After all this revelling, remarkable power of asimila.
cants are in possession of a of La Gloria the great coffee of British money is invested ed out before they leave the in a consciousnes of duty tion which promises vvell for Contract with the Fomento.
Estate of Messrs Lindo Bros, yards as formerly; from the in Argentine. The Exports of the future racial and social vvheat and meat from this vvell done, they vvill arrive They are novv being called something vvent vyrong vvith fact that in some cases 75 home about the end of April. integrity of the Country. You upon to send in another some break rod of one of the percent of the labour has been country to Britain amounts vvill find that after a long solicitud through our present to 80. 000. 000 per annum, It might be vvondered first class passenger Coaches, suspended; hence one man stay in the country, even the Agent of Police, vvhich costs possibly one of the brake but the imports from the why should the Princes be must do the work of ivvo egoistic British born immi another fee to him for his British Isles are only 30. 000. sent out as Trade Ambassashoes then got under the and three at times and in grant proudly calls himself an services although such expen vvheel and derailed this Coach, shorter hours tog.
000 hence it is to increase dors for the Empire, but is San JoArgentino; hence the reason se has already been incurred vvith the result that it also the sale of British goods that it anyvvonder vvhen it is se for instance the shops have for the visit of the Princes to this Trade Exhibition is being considered that Argentina costing these poor people drevv the other off the Track been made bare of hands held in March and to be ranks among the five greatest countries, a closer trade reopen in all these grovving 2500. What may be ask both cars capsizing laying on insomuch that the foremen has become of the first opened up by Englands fu Agriculturing countries of the the vindovvs, throvving all and timekeepers are dismissed lationship not only with solicitudes vvhich were acceptture King, that is the true vvorld, Buenos Aires vvith the passengers on the right or have to vvork at fifty per Britain but vvith the British ed and approved of by Foreason of all this noise. her tvvo millions of inhabiside, of the Coaches on top cent reduced Salaries; hovy Empire.
mento; surely the Jefe or Sub.
Brazil also vvith her 300. tants being the largest City of those on the left side, the can it be expected that inte000. 000 of British capital in of the vvorld South of the panic can better be immagi. rested efficiency can be secur.
ned than described.
vested there also does not Jatitude of Philadelfia, this ed under these conditions.
buy a half as much as she country boasting as it does NOTICE!
The great fortune is that the It vvill not be alarming to should. All these countries of of having the vvorld richest derailment occurred at a spot see not only vvrecks caused South America are closely per Capita population being vvhere the Cars capsized from defective Cars and Engvvound up with the mani. calculated at a rate of 900 against the cut. the Hill ines, but vvhole Bridges may pulations of British Capital. per head, of 11. 000. 000 people, and leaned against the hill soon collapse and engulf He left Peru for Bolivia and vvith an export trade of a most appreciative business meeting of cutting what migh have trains; as there is no time for vvill land in Santiago de thousand millions or the The Agricultural and Building Corporation of beer had the capsizeu occurinspection of rolling stock and Chile today from thence he American billion dollars, ovvit 28 miles came off at Madre de Dios on Sunday red on the precipitous side bridges novvadays as used vvill cross the Andes again ing more automobiles in vvhere in some places the to be done. little Tar spouted 15th inst. when many business matters of great roll dovvn the hillside in that out of a a jet by airpressure interest were transacted in a most cordial and vicinity vvould be hundreds on the Bridges novy is quite business like manner; it is a pity that there were of feet?
sufficient, the painter cannot OCCULISTIC CLINIC not more members present, The meeting was Fortunately there has been see if a bolt Or rivet is slack Dr. JOSE CORVETTI adjourned until the 1st of March at the same no casuality several passengers or the ironvvork corroded by place and hour 30 a. All shareholders are vvere battered and bruised by the touch of his brush; The OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY cordially invited to be present at this meeting.
the capsizing and falling on roadmaster having to run Diseas. and affections of the eyes top of one another, and the from Alajuca to Estrella, what DAVID HENRY GIBB Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres rear brakeman Chavarria got inspection can he give to the President Secretary badly bounced against the basements and footings of his The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA seats, but conjecture vvhat bridges? The Engineer Corps c might have occurred had they Continued on page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
The and Corporation of 28 miles


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