
Saturday February 21. 1931 PAGE Unemployment and Income Tax QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES Cafiaspirina com Dr. GRILLO SO Cricket at Matina PYHSICAL THERAPY a Newcastle Function Right Thinking The Editor of the Search the so much desired effect of, and not so much the prefeslight.
if not fuity, but at least satis sional who works with his Dear Sir: fying in part the desires of refined and cultivated superior Kindly allow me the labouring man.
intellects. The situation that space in confronts the Country at your valuable journal to give In the first place the term present, while it may be reaexpressin to a few thoughts labouring man must be consBEWARE OF IMITATIONS! soned that this situation, criwhich to my humbly way of trued to mean the person Dont accept any tube or envelope looking at things may have who labours with his hand sis, depression, or call it what BAYER you may, is World wide, and packets without the for this, and as a satisfaction BAYER CROSS this Country is no exception to the rule, is not to be truthful World wide as some would have the less Obstetrics, diseases of women informed to beleive. If we and of the Genito Urinary tract take the situation in France as also Russia, the conditions, PRIVATE MATERNITY CLINIC Economic, Socialy and comerHe BLOCK NORTH OF MARKET cially are as a fact superior EXCELSOIR OVER by rail to Matina and tried at the wickets. Opening with to most of the so called leadWHELMINGLY PEFEATS CLOVE conclusions with the Clove himself and Moore to ing Governments of, not VALLEY SC. OF MATINA IN alone Europe, But the AmeriValley on their grounds, the attack of Spence and Wil.
AN ENGAGEMENT AT MATINA which ended in decisive son, despite the various chan SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Box 1080 cas. It may be well for one BY AN INNING AND 34 RUNS.
to spread Propaganda (falsely) SPLENDID BAITING BY victory for the visitors ges, they stayed together for over 40 minutes and at 28 against a people in case of Vice Captain Bonner called the coin incorrectly, but was the vice was nicely caught war, so as to stir up the On the 2nd Inst. the Excelanimosity of other peoples sior Cricket Club journeyed ordered to have first knock by Spence off Allen for runs. Wareham replaced him against the enemy, but it is but made no addition to the stupid and unwise to spread score, as he was sent back false propaganda, distort facts by Spence for a cipher.
which if the truth was properSutton succeeded, when To The Editor of THE addresses. There were sevly known would bring peace, eralof the officers from joy, contentment to a large another foundation was laid SEARCHLIGHT.
After playing himself in, he the Bananito Division as majority of the human family, Dear Sir: Right thoughts are thoughts that lead to deeds, treated his lookers on with a well as the ar y President am beginning to affirm that Not hopeless thoughts of task and needs, fine display of cricket. With am respectfully asking of the Limon Div. 887 if the trath in respect to the Not thoughts of things, and times and men, the score at 48, he played you for space in your Mrs. Cipriana McPherson real working of both these Nor thoughts of goods that might have been.
over a shoot from Burke and valuable Journal to record who gave a very warm Governments (France and Your thoughts are actions of your mind, was clean bowled. His contri the following. On Sunday and stirring address.
Russia) was properly and Desires to purposes they bind, bution being 8th inst. The New Castle The Bananito friends truthfully known that every Imagination gives them Souls, By this time the team Div. had a Pleasant Sun also rendered some most reasonable person would And reason guides them to their goals.
publican had taken day afternoon among its appropriate Songs and ad agree that they are on the root, and was out to do justice members and friends. dresses, after which the right track in the establishing If could see your thoughts, my friend, to himself and his team. Bring The function was called President gave a warm of justice, equity, and a well In each d find beside the trend ing off his shots all around to order by president address of welcome and balance adjustment of the To some achievement old or new, the wickets, and backed by Mr. McFarlane the chairman thanked all primordial principles of GoThe thinker soul, the form of you.
applause from all around, he with prayer and singing present who helped to vernment.
And as your thoughts would come to me timely mastered the situation the Sankey To the work make the event such a am perfectly aware Mr.
The very heart of you d see; Johnson after scoring to the work and turned very pleasantone, but Editor, in writing this article, When kind yet firm Life path you plod fell a prey to Spence, and the meeting over to the especially he thanked the that the average sinner will You bring to me a touch of God.
Capt. Myers followed. He Chaplain Mr. Charles Gor young Organist Miss Hesba belilve me to be a full fledhowever did not survive and don as Chairman, after a McPherson, who was a ged Soviet, and one in the careless thought a broken law, was given out with an unpo short address he started credit not only to her employ of the Government, as brick of sand, and mud, and Straw, pular decision on a catch. on the Programme, which mother but all of us. they have to say of any that weak point in a temple wall Johnson scored 4, when he was a lengthy one of Songs, attempts to make a departure point where stress may some day fall!
fell to Allen. Clayton, Pocitations, dialogues and James McPherson in Civics or even in Philosophy; Build honest walls, build straight and true recent addition to the team but if the thoughts to be With thoughts and actions true to you, made the famous 7th. wicke exposed will make me to be Think of the things you wish to see.
stand with He batte Office at 5th St. corner of 2nd Ave. Address Box No. 544 considered as such, then For as you think you re sure to be.
gracefully and well but at most gladly accept this end.
he fell to Allen.
As a Costa Rican, have by Thomas Granville Edwards another been silently, and carefully LIMON new blood, faced Allen, and Lawyers and Notary Public weighing certain actions of principally one or two of the was returned with a beauty General Judicial Commission Business Officers of this Government to the pavillion. He scored the 4th. cipher.
We take the opportunity to offer our services to the in their endeavours of seeking At this stage Samuels general public, most particularly the coloured english speaking out, and implanting radical people of this and surrounding community in the following cap.
and new ideas in the GovFOR SALE GOING CHEAP. had just dropped in, padde.
acity which we especialize in Accounting and and partnered ernment in the shape of laws Collection of bad depts, rents, etc. Supervision auditing, Spanish English Translations and At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small and He was ordered to dig in Interpretasistration. Organizatent and Social Societies. Athetics eorganization of firms cofor the purpose of lifting the family residence adjoining the Post Office mercial and industrial.
machinery of the Government as Allen vvas proving himsel and Clubs. Write SIQUIRRES Sporting letters and take care of general coApply to Sam McIntosh out of the condition in which deadly and was a thorn to enes cordercial reports. Documents of all kinds, Wills, Leases, Bills it has been placed by a sucesthe tailenders. In partnership of Sale, Transfers, Contracts, etc.
sion of well meaning, but with Moore they treated the The Metropolitan Bureau is established for the purpose acold assisting and intricate affairs and embarrasswithal, illadvised adminisspectators to a fine display of cricket, and stayed togeth ing with trations.
More especially in the matter of properly and correctly explain To be brief, the efforts until the century was passed ing to them, by efficient and truthful interpretation of their inAgain we have met this another ten feet apart terest and rights as set forth in the official language of this recently put forth by señor famous Professor but this bottles and articles of food. Interval, after piling Immediately after the Lunc!
Tomas Soley Guell, to create Misunderstards and nalice are the two most cruel time in Colon performing He also materialized the enemies of world prog. ess and peace. To understand and be a tax per capita or persons magnificent 60. with lives understood accelerates success and prosperity faster than any from 18 years up, to provide Central Avenue at the Li dead and the other living: Allen. His innings was ful some wonderful stunts in photos of two persons one was passed with a daisy fron other perceivable agency funds to cancell the floating Are you going to be naturalized? Going to organize?
Have you Constitution and Byelaws of your society or club to debt that weighs so heavilyberty Hall of Division 187, he also used his gazing of life and hisvariety of shots be translated in Spanish? Come let us make your will, before There according to the crystal and magic Mirror was fine. He has eclipse you get sick and die.
on us all, is worthy of eulogy in its intention, but when the his audience spell bound wering questions of Love, Star and Herald he kept to great advantage in ansMcCoy (his teammate) 58 Lic. Raúl Marín Egbert Poison as highest individual scor José and Limón matter is scrutinized, analyzied, Accountant and Interpreter for two hours by his ma business and lawsuits. Fi.
Attorney for his club. Nesbeth failin Manager clarified, delved into in all its OFFICE HOURS ramifications, it is already gical performances, serving nally he escaped from a to negotiate Capt. Allen to 12 and from to daily found by some of the clear coffee, wine, brandy and box firmly nailed together deliveries, the side fell fo cornflakes from empty of new boards by willing 105. Samuels carring his be Sundays to 12 thinkers of this country, that glasses, causing to be transhands on the stage.
Continued on page ferred from one table to Continued on page THE METROPOLITAN BUREAU audi Profesor Carlini which Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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