
PAGE Saturday February 21. 1931 VITTOOS VENTRE Cricket at 28 Miles From Waldeck, 28 Miles ob LUMTUU The mem LIMON SERVICE BUREAU in a conten social. moral. and ethical ed that whereseover got one each. 03 1940 MOTO Cricket at.
On alo The members of the Wal the amount of interest the Members of the Waldeck fathom it with common counThe Nelson of his club made 57 runs deck Literary and Athletic members have showed in the Literary Club, We welcome sel, and to oppose it with Club held their weekly meet pursui of Literature and ath you back to your regular united strength. Whereas, this place engaged the while the Clovelly of Matina when they lie dispersed, Clovelly of Matina could only muster 31 foing on Wednesday night the fetic. She then introduced the place in keeping with our 11th inst. in Liberty Hall. Es President, Mr. Harri desire for community action, without concertorder, or on the 15th inst, resulting llowing are the perforMrs. Douglas, the Lady son, who delivered the follow in advancing the social, edu discipline, communication is in a victory for the 28 mances.
miles Club. The capt of Davis Chairman, called the meeting ing address.
Do cational and ethical standing uncertain councel difficults, to order and welcomed the To The Address of the people in this commu and resistance impracticable.
the Nelson called the spin Hayman Bowled Scott, members present, remarking nity. To night finds us in Nu man, who is not inflamed correctly and elected to O; Smith bovvled Rid «Chair Lady Officers and Liberty Hall, determined to by vainglory into enthusiasm bat; with the result that 10, Moodie caught Scot phow leased she was to see Troll push forward the principles can flatter himself that his 7, Williams bowled of education and the general single, unsupported, desultory, Reid 9, Shippy and Wonderful Remedy cause tending towards the unsystemized endeavours are Scott bowled by Allen 101 general uplift of the commu powerless to defeat the subtle for a cipher each, Wil is Elixir Antianofelo liasm 4, Gordon 3, o add nity. There is no force in the designs and united cabals of AND. 21 Slut 901 Scooth Run out for a world as great as education ambitious Citizens. When bad To kill malarlal fevers, the only BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY and when intelligently applied men combine the good must duck, James not out preparation guaranteed as a radical ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPEDshoa it protects not only your Nawith 7, Myrie 1, and associate. else they will fall cure for Yellow fever, blackwater plodotto tional interest but every inte. on one by one, an unpitied safever, Ague, intermittent fever, colds Byes 11. Bureau established for the greater convenience, under rest you have in common. crifice in a contemptible and all classes of fevers.
The Cloveliy men could It is reccommended for cleansing standing, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Pu Our programme for this year struggle.
not handle the bowling of blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed a disordered Liver.
is to advance the educational, Our civilization is so arrang.
Gordon, Williams and In proof of the above see for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
the you Scooth and could only following, for four months had Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a an ambition such as been suffering from Hay Fever muster 31 of which 15 Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the so that having advanced on ours, the purpose of which and after trying all sorts of medicines Were Byes. Allen being public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the a higher platform socially and is to supply a better educathe direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical was advised by Mr. Antonio top scorer with 6, Lewis Brenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago 3, Reice 3, Mento 2, experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts intellectually we may be bet tion for the comon people, to buy a flask at Carboni Co. Spence and Wilson he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supeter able to combat our trials such as We are now endeavI did so and after taking it, was rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials and tribulations. 1993 are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
ouring to supply in Waldeck.
permanently cured.
Boot In our urge for this intel The greatest Organization Tin turn reccommended it to For the Clovelly EMILIANO ODIO RENDEZ cole AURELIO BERMUDEZ leetual goal we are mindful in this country today is the Mrs. Gertrude Mata of Cartago, Allen got five wickets Barrister Investigator of the fact that success will founded by the and Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea Reid got and Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager Vieja who used The Elixir Antiancrown our efforts only when Scott Continued on page ofelo with marvelous effects as a we go about it in a spirit of For the Nelson, WilBRANCH OFFICE MAIN OFFICE re for all socurts of tropical fevers.
Co operativeness. In the words San Jose, 50 yards West of the No household should be withou.
liams got wickets, Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre Presidencia of Edmund Burke «Whilst it. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it at Gordon got 4, and men are linked together they Carboni Co. Cartago.
Scooth belised etilgorit Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of easily and speedily commuPanama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, nicate the alarm of any evil California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, for Extras contributed 17.
si DNB 29 design. They are enable to Allen has the magnificient onload adalaten average of 3 5, while 120 giorno SD) and IsWv9v 01039 IN Spence had for 20, and Burke for 33.
omili ya Vsont The Clove Valley in their ALMACEN ELECTRICO blog 2651 DHA WOW slostioase голт эдлог зэрэг turu at the wickets opened 975 voti) TL. Continued from page ild Am going to be considered Diplomatic, executive or Ad with Reid and Moodie to the trundling of South West Corner of the Cathedral.
San José, as an Critic? if so then the ministrative head to so shape Samuels and Sutton. MooTO the measure of law submitted blo Constitution of the Republic affairs of their respective Gov.
Sale of Motors y Dynamos or to be submitted to the die swatted Samuel first to ernment so as to bring joy, consideration of the Soveriegn guarantees me free speech in the boundary, and in the bolest smis 91 Otros blow Congress must suffer vast expressing in a legal form on peace, and contentment to second delivery fell a victim. tomto the great majority, and to my Clayton the Jessup of the SIEMENS 10 blu reforms if it is to be accep themes affecting the life of CODICE ta mind there will te no panacea table as a durable measure this my second home of side followed and soon M10 гэр of alleviation. There has been adoption, Arts. 36 and 37 of so long as man is selfish to settled down to do his club bibowo his less favoured fellinan; much comment pro and con, the Political Constitution. To but really none seems to the minds of sane, prudent, what is needed is as God justice. After scoring 18, and apparently well set his canTELEFONO APARTADO come to the point at which wise, and unselfish persons, said it, a seeking after peace, nonading was checked with TO 3509 Ποιοι 1061 divergence the public mind the needs of this old World of a seeking after righteousness, Globe 1115997 would be inclined to accept ours is not so much planning (by the question arises, What one of Sutt wiles.
Apart from Burke, and all blir as a reasonable substitute. to further place more Iburdens isotis is righteousness. What is Shipper Allen 3, the remainotobom Oh foils. have my ideas as an opinion where it can or cannot be needed is a better adjusting batsmen failed nego.
Bhi bisa Gatwo on this measure, but will not borne, but to find a God given ment of diffusion of Wealth concommittant, of tiate Bonner, the wily spin All class of materials of installation of disclose it in this article, yet solution of social economic and its GPS Luxurious Lamps at the rather than leave this oppor problems confronting the Gov. commodities in recompense tosser, who replaced Sutton and partner Samuels.
Olt tunity for another time so say ernments of the world, there for honest toil, of a more just The side fell for 45. Samuels Sunt book Lowest prices. WOM something on the point, will is an old and trite saying of all work or labour, in 25W here say that if the law as which runs thus: Sameness with for comparison age of 2 17 7; Sutton submitted to Congress wvere creates staleness, and staletigis or agreement with the standard 21 and Vice Captain Bonner to pass as it is, then the poor ness breeds comtempt, this for vvill have every reason to be apparently foolish saying may the commodities of life. com of values, both of work, and The Home Team was asked OG poor, and the rich vvill more aptly be applied to the vast, What is needed is more to follow on. In their second so have every reason to be stealthy, and gigantic yet to venture they failed to withbo smo bit yllitused a rich in a more unreasonable Dear Mr. Editor behaved most some imperceptible, changes humility, and true Godliness unseemly, 20 occuring among and around on the part of the law makers, stand the trundling of Bonner and Samuels, who were on Please allow me space lack of home training on which was evidence of the way than fornerly.
in giving and making laws In respect to the efforts put us every day, if we take the Which will be administered the spot, with the leather.
in your valuable the branch of agriculture, of surthe part of the ignorant forvvard for relieving record a shameful Apart from Reid 9, Paequally to the rich and poor occurtrick 6, and Clayton 5, no rence over the funeral of ones who made a public urgent and indispensable ne gery, of scientific achievements cesities of the out of vvork in every branch of human alike, to the Negro as to the disgrace of themselves.
vvhite, to the big as to the other negotiated the attackers.
Mr. Dennis who departed small.
They fell for 26, loosing the this life on the 14th. inst.
no of vision must come to also a very good effort, but In my next vvill endeavour match by one inning and after a long and painful 1991 19 one fraught vvith humiliations, other conclusion than that 34 runs.
to prove that labour saving illness. He was belonging confusions, and evil habit form God Almighty through his Bonner secured for 11 machinery is intended of God to four fraternal Societies, The Friedman Anti ing precedents; this also son Jesus Christ has begun for a blessing and not a in 1 overs, while Samuels but only one, the Ancient to take charge, and to shape curse as it is at present. Eggie. had 1 4. Sutton Mystic Order of Ethiopia tuberculosis Vacuna vvill leave for the future to comment on, but while here, human affairs as he has prohad 0. 1.
attended, while the funeral can be had by writing vvill say only one vvord, could mised he will do in this time, Petgrave, Siquirres. Weather was ideal, wickets sa Ceremony of the Order to Messrs Atwell y Cia not the Government provide yet some are heaping contempt Ed. Note. We must confeso fair, discipline and hospitality Was speedy all on these confusions. It vvill that the vviter is so much at was second to none.
random vvith the pointo he most enjoyable day was doled out in the form of pay even the average person to tries to convey that vve do spent. The visitors went sightTO ADVERTISE IN 1999 or salary in a dignified and agree that there exist a perfect not grasp him hovvever he seeing etc. and returned to THE SEARCHLIGHT binanly fashion, rather than in confusion on the part of even promises to explain himself Port happily by the afternoon IS TO DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS the most righteously inclined the way of gifts of charity. in his next. mer Train.
Pandorants ono alla ba Doldur Stromtorta Solo here basis of apreciation of value fith, and in 20 News of Monte Verde paper to relatives in the deceased Apartado 861. Jose these same funds could be not take much efforts for Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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