
Saturday February 21 1931 PAGE News of the World BUTTINGS RANDOM POPULARITY and DUALITY one soon The Sandinistas have viously arranged for, so as taken the town of Gracias to be able to rush the reThe American Naval Base If there is a popular per place seemed charged and every ist and Tuner. Now dear reaa Dios at El Tule, Nica. at St. Thomas of The Virconstruction of the scliools, son among the multitude Who one viewed us with uspic ders name me another City ragua the American Mari.
and Hospitals destroyed inhabit this City of ours, that ion and ceased speaking. In in this Country of ours which nes had an encounter with gin Islands has been aban.
posssesses dual and trinom150 rebels of the Sandino doned, and the Forts are by the Hurricane of Sep. person is Popular troducing ourselves under nomtember last in that Repu. because no one knows Who is de plumes, every being demolished not being ial men of the type of DasParty, five of these were considered of Vit strategic blic.
he, and popular because he is got going and in a few mo. sefeda, Ruddríguez and Rodwounded. Sandino has ad popular with all the popularments the argument resumed gers, and yet these three are vised the American governimportance to the Canal.
people who multiply and repGhandi and the Viceroy lenish this City of ours. He whose name its full force. Speaker No. doubly dual by reason of the ment through a represen. we found out fact that they each possess a have been in consultation tative, that he will lay down has even been the rec! pient to be Dassefeda argued that «Better Half. Rodgers noticThe French Prison ship since the 17th as to the arms, as soon as the last of letters from the four per he was dual, as dual meant ing us, held his hand as if to American Marine, is with Martiniere is on her way bes tproposals to be obtainsons who have been already expressing the number two offer a word of prayer and drawn by the United States. to French Guayana with ed for the future Ruling interviewed by him asking for and he was both Occulist and stamping his foot, shouted 676 prisoners to be placed of India, He is said to be further interviews as such in the Exiled prison camps quite satisfied so far of the interviews have made them Shoemaker. Speaker No. «Silence which was instantly Admiral Butler of the of that French colony; for points acceded for his vvhose name was Ruddriguez obeyed. Can be measured famous and popular and yet argued with Speaker No. for a suit of linen certainty American Navy was reprov over a century this is where country interest.
he is not dual. He was con that he was also dual to which was his reply and after runned by his superiors for all the French Convicts making indiscreet remarks have been dumped perioversing with a friend whom Speaker No. replied proveing me over and measuring we shall style «The enemy of your case. to which Ruddrí.
more parts than were actualof Premier Mussolinlasdically. Among this lot is As a means of helping none» When a hauit was made guez answered am dual nat ly necessary, inquired my to be being the man in a youngster of 16 years the government to alleviate on the main street in front of ionality. British for protection name and address which Europe now fomenting a who killed his employer. the sufferings of unemploy a signboard marked «J. and Cuban for pay and col gave «G. care of «The war at a recent after dinner ment The Great Pennsyl Rodgers, The Vogue» Tailor.
speech; he was named for our. In walked the proprietor, Searchlight» Rodgers exclaimvanian Railway has decided We entered this uptodate estcourtmartial in consequenand without even noticing ed «Oh my and fainted. Had The Spanish Crown con to spend 175. 000. 000 to ablishment and inquired if the likely patrons, he joined in it not been for the agility of ce but later we observe tinues trembling on the improve the system, by proprietor was in. No came that he was decorat«d, and head of King Alfonso, electrification of certain the reply, sit down he will the argument. am greater Ruddriguez and Dassefeda to than you both, said he, am have removed him to a Bar now we find he is going Martial law and Censor lines, and constructing se shortly be in. The air in this trinomial, am Tailor, Occul opposite were it took twelve to be put up as Senator has been proclaimed through veral stations.
whiskeys and sodas to revive for Pensylvania against out the country.
him death might have interven.
Senator Davis. It does LAWYER AND NOTARY. Xed, then the three of them seem as if the people apXUndertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases.
departed singing a well known preciated his remarks rather The championship fight Conveyances of properties, wills, and all sorts of legal selection entitled «Woman than condemned them. commission from San. between Max Schmeling documents prepared. Honest advices on points of sweeter than man. Now isn to Domingo has been sent the present holder and Law given before going in to Courts; Never contest a Limón famous for its tergem Xto interview Mr. Stimson Young Stribbling is set for losing suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability my Motto. inous personalities.
The Washington Depart with a view of ratifying the 19th June at Soldier Rufino Solis. Lawyer ment of Commerce announ. the loan made with the Field.
Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon.
ces that the production of Banking house of the English and French Spoken Crude oil in 1930 was White Corporation to 896. 265. 000 Barrels, as speed up the release of the To advertise in The Strange time for Storm!
against 976. 913. 840 Barrels five millions balance of a storm passed along the in 1929.
the twentyfive millions pre. Atlantic Coast of the United SEARCHLIGHT LAWYERS NOTARIES States on Sunday last by AT LIMON double your business which steamers were If you need a first class Medical man see beached or damaged. The Offer their services to tne English Speaking Public as solicitors Co ship Oritani is before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Envíe sus trabajos a la Dr. Jorge Montes de Oca said to be badly damaged Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
Sociedad Tipográfica de tagoCar Office 175 yards south of the Gran Hotel Costa Rica The Fort Armstrong TELP. 2950 Call at residence By TELP. 2740 the Mallemac and a coastA magnificent Electrical aparatus for treatment by guard were beached of the the French method of heat application. Specialist on Ladies ailments Box 987 San Jose Virginia.
Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA ENGLISH SPOKEN Coasts of Carolina and, From Waldeck Current Items a Tea Brought from page educated in things racial the probable exception of the is the only that of British Honduras.
Hon. Marcus Garvey, the avenue through which they We heartily appreciate those greatest living Negro in the expect to find a solution of of you who have joined this World and yet the the Negro problem. To them Club and Who are recieving In the Hotel Atlantico of the Presidential Chair of that happiness and prosperity in has not made the progress it Mr. Garvey is Daniel in the the instructions that we are San José, vvas arrested a man Sister Republic of President her marital career through life. ought to have made since its den of lions, Shadrach in the endeavouring to impart to named Galvez alias Emilio Aranjo on 1st March. His The families DePass and inception here and all is due fiery furnace, Peter in the you, it is only in this way, Limery, vvho is supposed to Portfolio vvill be functioned Motta from vvhich Miss Ka to the lack of these two im dungeon of Herod, Paul at you will be equipped to im be an International forger. He by that of Gobernacion in therine springs have alvvays portant factors in the life of the bar of Nero, Ignatius in prove the community socially is supposed to be conneeted his absence.
enjoyed the highest estimation the Negroes Namely Co. the amphitheatre, Bun jan in and intellectually and consein a attempt to have robbed among the gentry of the. 0operation and Education. Bedford jail and Latimer at quently the entire country.
the English Central American Isle of springs and going On Sunday last at The Negroes of the United the stake. Hence the United can tell your interests in Bank of Nicaragua by forged Party in honour of her apnovy as she does to Panama States have taken a different States section of the Orga the Club by the way in which cheques to the tune of fifty proaching voyage a select group to be married to a medical nization is more pro, essive you have paid up your subs thousand dollars.
man of good repute. The view of Mr. Garvey and the of the Society of Limón To them better than any other section Withcriptions. The honour of the assembled at the Park Hotel. her its sincere good Wishes of Searchlight» begs to tender to Waldeck Literary and Athletic The Minister of Public to demonstrate to Miss Cata Club is in your hands. do 0000000000000000000000000 Eternal happiness throughout Safety don Arturo Quirós has lina DePass daughter of our not fear to leave it there.
the course of her nevy life.
been designated on a special esteemed fellow citizens and. 0Applause diplomatic mission of Cour Compatriots Mr. and Mrs.
The President of the Repub.
The address was preceeded tesy to the Republic of San Jack DePass, their sincere lic. His Excellency don Cleto by a beautiful Solo By Mrs.
Salvador, to represent Costa appreciation of her and their González víquez, has been heartiest Rica on the ascendency to Shippey, Reading of the desires for That the only medicine which her touring his country from East life of Phyllis Wheatly by to West, vveek ago he went cures Asma, and acute Bron.
Miss Edna Allen, Solo by to Puntarenas for a vvell LOOK. WHERE?
chitis is the Mrs. Reid, a brief address merited rest; this vveek he by Mrs. Clarke, and a solo THE STAR RESTAURANT opened at the Western End of the Cuajani Jordan has been to Limón to spend by Mrs. Lindo.
Siquirres Market a fevy days. His mission of Meals supplied at all hours from a. until 12 Coffee The sole deposit and representation During the Week the memBreakfast Dinner; Banquets to order.
interest has been about the of which is in bers enjoyed themselves nicely at SHEDDON BUILDING, Isaac Clarke, Manager vvater vvorks; but vve do in the game of Rounders 0000 vvish that his serious attention The BOTICA VARGAS on their nevv grounds kindly UNA FONDA MODERNA, Mercado de Siquirres; atiende a sus clienvvould be aroused in regard prepared under the manageto the Canalization Moin or tes a toda hora desde las cinco de la mañaSAN JOSE ment of Mr. Windt, Mr.
na hasta las 24 horas.
Matina Tortuguero, so as to Café, almuerzos y Comidas; Banquetes a todo gusto. Bryant and Mr. Shippy.
find vvork for the starving Apartado 716 Telephone 2812 CASA DE SHEDDON Admor. Isaac Clarke labourers of all classes on Mary Davis the Atlantic side of his country W000W 000000000000000000000DIOSUNUMO REPORTER There is no forgetting the fact 20020000DINML0000 000000000 000000000000 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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