p. 6


Saturday February 21. 1931 Wants Column Asistencia del Sr. Presidente de la República One colon per insertion of six lines a la Sesion Municipal de esta ciudad WANTED XGreat Stock show Xa Dental Laboratory Reception to the Rev. Siley Great injustice.
Con motivo de la llegada don Granados, don Raaquí del Sr. Presidente de la mírez, don Ramírez don ELEGANT MODE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT The Community to know All sufferers from Asthm República Lic. González Ví.
Luis Reyes, don SoldeThis is to notify my friends and patrons that have removed, that there is nothing to break to try Botica Vargas specific quez el lunes 16 de los co villa, Br. Cruz don from my former Establishment. am now Located at Pena Build up a cold like a Cafiaspirin Cuajani Jordan large sized rrientes se notó en los áni Canalías, don Rafael París, ing opposite the old Spanish School. Your visit to my new Establishment will be highly appreciated as an act of good will.
tablet taken in a Cup of hot bottles for 00 mos alguna alegría, como se Mr. Reuben, don My best service awaits you, with courtesy. Punctuality, Guaranteed lime juice tea inmediately notó allá en tiempos remotos Dumand, Mr. Orane, workmanship and moderate prices, Give a trial and be convinced.
2nd. AVENUE 15 METROS FROM CORNER OF STREET after having contracted a cold.
To sell. 44 Manzana of en la Palestina, la llegada del Méndez, Alvarado, Mr.
JAS. PETERKIN. Box 140, LIMON, lands a few miles north of Mesías. Wendorf, Italo Marabotte EEEEE EEEEEE XCartago at a bargain, with a Muy temprano de la maña Dr. Velázquez, don small cultivation of coffee and na cuando don Cleto de a Raúl Velásquez, don Sajen To sell a fine organ at the Canes.
pie visitó varios lugares pú y tantos otros que recuerdo ridiculous price of 250. at blicos junto con una lujosa y que sería largo enumerar.
Jack Oranes.
All owners of Balsa logs of comitiva, circuló una hoja Llega el señor Presidente a la Before this weekly goes necessity of holding a ge.
their own holdings are invited volante en que se invitaba Municipalidad.
to press again the great neral Agricultural Exposito communicate with Mr. al público limonense a concuA las ocho en punto de la will have been an accom.
Cattle shovy of Cartago tion. At a time like this All persons sufferi. from George Feeley, Hotel Eu rrir a la Sesión Muricipal de no effort should be spared esa noche, en la cual se tranoche llegó el señor PresiMalaria to try Carbonis An ropa Puntarenas who is here plished fact.
to encourage every branch taría de la canalización de las dente de la República, acomtianofela it is the best eradi for purchasing all the Balsa It opens up on the 25 of Agriculture in the councator of malaria from the scantlings he can get. All in lagunas de Tortuguero. Esa pañado del señor Presidente th and closes on 1st March; try, and there is no better system.
formation from him or The hoja estaba firmada por Una Municipal don Claudio Calvo but we cannot help from way of doing it than by Searchlight.
Comisión. y de los demás regidores, calling attention to the inthusing all Agriculturists don Aurelio Castro Carazo, El Salón Municipal lleno por Franco Maduro, don Fulgreat lack of vision in the all over the Republic to All fites will also reel comercio, sobre todo los membe. che Races at the institution of this shovv; bring out on exhibit their Owners of Dogs ant gencio Campos Segura, don this is the second time best products. Immagine patentados chinos.
New Jersey Track on 9th Horsekind afflicted wihd Ernesto Alvarado Alvarez, don vvithin also what it would mean March.
year that a Mange to try o flask of las ocho de la noche del Carlos Manuel Fernández cattle shovy has been held, GROVERS MANGE ME.
to the businessmen of 17, el recinto del Salón Mu y don Horacio Tassie y and yet the Minister of Cartago to bring together XDICINES» there is nothing nicipal, estaba lleno de bote también de los señores Jefe farmers from ever district like it.
en bote de todo el comercio de la Casa Presidencial Coro Agriculture and his assoShareholders in the Agriciates do not see the in the Republic.
It is also an Antiseptic de Limón y sobre todo de nel Fabio Escribano y Lic.
cultural and Building Cor.
poration of 28 miles will Hair remedy to prevent los patentados chinos. Entre don Luis Cruz Meza.
los concurrentes pudimos anoThe new shoe store of Siquirres Comienza la Sesión do well to remember the and cure falling hair.
To be had at Botica tar a las siguientes e imporWe have removed important meeting at MaEl señor Presidente de la tantes personas: don Carlos Vargas.
our shoe establishment to Mr. Rivera Cafetin adjoin.
dre de Dios on Sunday Kirpatrick, don Luis Rojas Ca República asumió la Presidening the Commissary, where we maintain still our lowest prices, st of March San José Box 716 nales, don Egbert Brovvne, cia a indicación del señor Caland a complete assortment of materials for high class boots Mr. McRaee, don Asch, don vo y una vez hecho esto, el and shoes.
Es ALDOR ROBERTS HUERTAS Villanova, Sr. Golcher, señor Calvo leyó una expoPROPRIETOR don Escalante, don José sición acerca de los motivos Vermond, don Luis Achong, que había tenido el Municipio of MANUEL BATRES, Cartago para llamar al señor Presidente de la República y sobre lo Eastern Gate of the Market que había que hacer en bien The Revd. Siley the pastor, who suitably Nearly every case of deranged Stomachs is traceable to Bad Teeth de Limón y lo que deseamos pastor of the Wesleyan replied to all the Eulogy todos los vecinos en general. denomination in this coun.
Have yours done at once! and the best in Cartago and compliments extended is at DENTISTA BATRES Brought from pahe Habla el Lic. Cruz Meza por try had a very enthusiastic him. The function was First class materials and best workmanship an explanation will be extendcomisión de varios paten reception, on his return interspersed by the musical therefore the cheapest ed you, as there are courteous tados.
from Jamaica where he had talents of the following.
E3BE33EE3EEEE gentlemen in these offices who El Lic. don Luis Cruz Me been attending the many Among them being Miss are always willing to attend Conferences convened by Gertrude Wright on the to sensible courteous quesza, en nombre de varios patentados hizo uso de la palathe Synod of this denomi. Violin, Miss Hines and PILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres tions.
nation. Among the items Mrs. Siley at the Organ, bra, pidiéndole al señor PreKeep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away sidente la intervención para of Welcome extended him, as well as many Vocal If necessary, send all your was a well tuned speech an the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be specialists of the Choir, requests with all data to The que se rebajen las patentes, make the shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies Editor of this Journal who se emprendan obras de fo by Mr. Angus, and another which went to by Mrs. Smith on behalf evening a most pleasant shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
will look after your affairs mento para darle trabajo a los of the women League; one, long to be remembe Siquirres obreros y jornaleros de Libefore the proper authoritics; and món y sobre todo para que Mr. Whitemann the Chair red, one that the dont allow ourself to be man, se lleve a feliz término la caon behalf of the guest of honour Mr. Siley exploited by yunscrupulous nalización de las Lagunas de Congregation made a very will always look back on persons.
complimentary speech to with pride.
Comisión nombrada para la 26 Better than canalización de las Lagunas Suits made to order tn the Shortest notice.
de Tortuguero REMOVAL complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels Pomona Biscuits También el señor Presidenalways on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
MRS. CARMITA SMITH begs to advise her many friends and te nombró la siguiente comiNorth West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Hello boys. whats up!! sión de caballeros, a excitatipatrons that she has removed her dressmaking Department into Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number Going up to Booths shop va del señor Gólcher, respecthe upstair building at the corner of rd avenue and fifth street, near by Mr. Murray Barber Shop, where she is still a tthe winnings this week man to buy some of his to a los trabajos sobre la ca disposal of her many clients.
In Serie Drawing No. 50; won by Jose Jimenez nalización del Tortuguero.
with Ticket No. 127 In Serie Drawing No. 30; won by Jose Vai as with Ticket No. 91 Estas personas son: don In presence of Rodolfo Gamboa, Carlos Castro All shareholders wishful of obiaining their suits, must of necessity bet up satisfied of the fact that Filadelfo Granados Casasola, to date with their payments.
Booth Biscuits lead don Avelino de la Peña Gon Don Cleto has been mised to do all he can SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW SERIE IN FORMATION where others fail to follow.
zález, don Alcides Ramírez much moved by the sev possibly for the benefit of Now see to it that you trick Price.
Rosas y don Carlos Kirpa eral representations made Limón and its inhabitants.
BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 to him, on his recent visit At Siquirres he ordered buy a Biscuit branded Nombramiento este que fue to Limón. He has sanction the Intendente to see to with the name Booth. muy bien recibido por toda ed the immediate repairs the construction of an Edi.
They can be had at all la concurrencia siendo moti El Mercadito de Alfonso Rivera Pérez en Siquirres of the waterworks. He has fice to house the Municipal vo de nutridos aplausos. named a Committee of office, the Alcaldia, Post chinese vendors.
Cuenta con los mejores más baratos artículos en Messrs Federico Golcher and Telegraph offices, but. ntina Abarrotes Eating one you will be Filadelfo Granados, Alcides what in our opinion is convinced that they are To advertise in Ramirez Carlos Kirkpatrick most necessary is to consto push the matter of the truct a Roadway even ten Biscuits in the Country.
is complete vvith the best and cheapest Wines, Liquors is to double your business Canal. He approved placing Monrovia Valley, so as to of all kinds as vell as groceries of Ask for them at Estrada recent importation the road to the Cemetery be a feeder for the town and Matina as well as on the Southern side of of Siquirres.
Sociedad Tipogràfica de Cartago the Railway lines and, proA. PILE SASTRERIA GRANT. GRANT Eating one you will be Federico Gólcher Quirós don, The President visit Limon The Mercadito of Alfonso Rivera Pérez in Siquirres certainly the best Local The Searchlight possibility of the Moin feet wide to get into the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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