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PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment It is not the extension of Christianity as a conven tional majority of faith that counts, what does count in Christianity is rather the preservation of the essent al quality and purpose of the Christian, the consciousness to be able to look at the world with free consciences tour ways of life are similar iu purity and humility to the life, of the Christmaa. This is what eads us along the ways of the Cross.
YEAR 11 LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28 1931 NUM. 68 Sensational arrest of Treasure Digger La Oliva Farm 141 miles CURRENT ITEMS Moin by yvay Wedding Bells During the past two monthsed to have a certain charin continue the digging and bring or so a genteman of som on the Spirits vvhich guarded out the treasure. Telpha bre hue and faultlessly attired the deposits and assist the vvork failed in this, the only sign of in twceds could be scen pa: of digging. Thelpa and his friend a treasure vvich vvas discovertroling the streets of Limon in left for Limón after arranging ed vvas a concrete slab Miss Eva Stevens a great a most leisurely manner at all to return on the 23 rd. to do marked 60. 000 vvhich vvas Of the Lottery dravving Limon to hours. He apparently did no the vvork. Mr. Povvell vvhile evidentty placed thepe previous celebrity of the Camp One of the 1st of January there of Portette and back.
on a visit to Limon informed ly by Telpha. He is now Road residents passed into vvas vvork and vvas not in need discovered a falsifi This vvould give a oppor.
of any. From the sensational tvvo friends of vvhat had in the hand of the authorities, the great Sisterhood of cation of five pieces of tunity of employing a part events which took place on taken place. These friends and it is left to be seen vvhat Silence on Sunday last. the 200. 000 prize, the of the bour which the monday last, the 23 rd. inst. took him up to the Coman vvill be the result. There is This lady it is said van person presenting same for Uuited Fruit Co. is throwit novv appears that the gent dante of Police, vvho after much comment over the matter an ardent follovver of the payment was arrested and ing out of vvork.
ansvvered to the name of Phil hearing the tale, promised to and language of a threatening Magic Band of vvorkers, handed over to the Judilip Gonzalez alias James send out tvvo detectives on nature is being uttered by the and it is also said she cial Department investigations have been proceeding Dunn after administering His Lordstip Bishop Telpha, that he hailed from the the day of digging. All vvent ignorant ones of the Commu made great confessions at parish of St. Thomas, Jamaica, as arranged, Thelpha arrived, nity.
her last moments of the but a nevv phase has been the Rite of Confirmation but had long resided in the vvent to the spot and started The Package vvhich was many she had hurled avvay throvvn on it, as he says to over 50 members of City of Kamgton and was a to dig but he first demanded handed to Mr. Povvell purport into eternity by her sos that he was given these the St. Marks Church, member of the notorious «Sam an advance on his free of ing to contain the 000 cerous deeds; vve are also pieces of ticket to be. fie Gang 150. Povvell handed him a as the rental of the plot of told she refused the con. cashed by one of the De Limon, goes today to San Evidenty tiring of the tovun 10 piece vvich he had pre land vvas later found to be solation of the priesthood puties in Congress. As Jose and leaves for Monas she had her Rocker this body is immune from duras on Monday next.
vvhich seemed to have brought viousky had marked by the false clippings vuith a fevv him no gain, he tried the Police. After a short time had colones Bills around the outer abready prepared for her prosecution before the lavv lines. His first effort was elapsed and a depth obout a cover; all this is in the hands in His Satanic Majesty The Criminal Judge has On Thursday list the vvith a vvell Krovvn landed metre reached, the detectivs of the Police.
Kingdom asked Congress to put Dar less arrived proprietor at Estrada: there appeared and arrested Telpha, at Fuller details will tollovy in this gentleman at the dis in the harbour of Limon.
vvas, hovvever, nothing to be same time ordering him to our next issue.
We notice thal the Sevposed of the lavy Courts. The Commander held a had from this party, so Sr.
enth Day Adventists are review of the Boy Couts Gonzalez or Mr. Jelpha, along under the leadership of progress ng favourably The Secretary of Fo.
vvith it is said, a friend or vvith their rebuilding oper mento as on outcome of the Rev. Rycart and a the ations. The old church accomplice tried the district of President visit to foot ball team from the 141 miles vvhere they visited has been demolished and Limon, has agreed to find boat played a match against Mr. David Povvell at La Oli One of the prettiest, dered a solo with that in its place, vve are told the money to finish the the Barcelona Club vvhich va farm, and offered to rent though quiet, vveddings charm and expression so an up to date tvvo storey Construction of the Road the latter von. Further a small portion of the land vvithin recent time took peculiar to her.
concrete building vvill be to Portette, it is pity that games will be indulged in.
The bride dress vvas from him for 21 days for the place in the Wesleyan erected the upper floor to the continuation of the Belt The Boat leaves on mon tempting amonnt of 000 Church, Limon on Tues of vvhite Celanese Jafeta be reserved for their ser: Road back to Limon is not day next.
The most The Limon Cricketers at the same time producing day last. The contracting vvith the veil falling its vices vvhile the day school undertakeri.
essential vvones be the vill have a chance of from his pocket a package vvhich parties vvere Miss Gertrude full length in the back, vvill be conducted in the vvith vvas said to contaim the mon. Parker, adopted daugh and she carried a lovely lovver floor. The denom Road to the Cemetery and trying conclusions from thence to Moin vvhich the ey. Mr. Povvell very naturalnovy carrying the ter of Mrs. Adela and her bouquet of vvhite carna ination is originators of ly became curions to Knovy husband, the late Mr. Isaac tions and tube roses in on at the Cine Mundial vvould complete the Belt, game.
the reason vvhich could in Parker and Mr. Vivian terspersed with maiden duce such a generons offer Constantine Skipton, third hair fern.
and vvas informed that on The government is sure.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Miss Taylor vvhosely doing a great cleaning this piece of his property there philus Skipton, vvell knovvn mother Mrs. John Taylor up all around. The Agent vvere tvvo treasures buried, residents of this City. is also an adoption of the of Police of San José has the one consisting of 60. 000 At 45 the bride late Mr. Parker, attended put a fine of 150 on a Ms. Nation rights; vve will not assume (U. Cry) and the other escorted by Mr. Clunie, as Chief Maid. She was cuban negromanser named Editor Limon Search Light any responsibility, wherein 30, 000. After some talk it an intimate friend of the dressed in Mauve Crepe Lezcano, whom it is allegvve have not consputed, or Box No. 123, Cartago given our approval.
vvas decided that Telpha vvas family entered the Church and carried a bouquet of ed charged a lady client to unearth the 60, 000 one She made a most charm. Astors. The other four of his 500 to give Respected Sir: Herein please see for a fixed fee of 150 ing picture as she slovy maids were the Misses her a talisman. His busiPermit Us, a little space to thority from the Registration plus 50 of the treasure. ly proceeded up the aisle Clunie: Lord, ness is also closed up.
vvith the Government of Cos give the follovving information Telpha did certain preliminary and on to the Rostrum. Brock and Fitz; all dress.
for the public good.
ta Rica Of the Many work on the spot, a part of The Rev. Siley, ed in blue Jafina with In Limon the Hygiene articles fr the public informBe it informed that this Li ation vare inserting Three.
vvhich vvas the placing of a officiated and conducted hats to match. The little Officers are grabbing up mon Division has not, given glass of vvater mixed vvith the ceremony vvhich vvas Misses Majory Hayling and all the loose Primera: Se esta lece una women of its consent or approval to the ociedad civil con domicilio sugar and with tvvo gold rings fully choral, in a most Carmen Taylor acted as the town and submitting Garvey Club or any unit or taken from the hand of Mr. impressive manner. At the flovver girls dressed in them to doctors examinaen esta ciudad que se denobranch of for belonging to Povell. These were suppos close, Miss Forbes ren pink. All the youngladies tion and inscription as minará UNIVERSAL NEGRO the in presented most pleasing Birds of Prey. This IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIA.
Costa Rica. EXCEPT those effects.
TION dicha sociedad puede was a long felt necessity. Branches established provious.
OCCULISTIC CLINIC The Bridegroom brother tener ramas o sucursales en ly or prior to August 1929.
Mr. Parnell Skipton acted las demás poblaciones de la As a result of the These mean and include such República.
Dr. JOSE CORVETTI as groonis man and Messrs rounding up of the crooks units or branches published Ryley and Covvard as and swindlers by the Po in the official organ of the Soc.
Segunda: El objeto de esta OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY Ushers.
institución es fomentar el adelice, one has being sent íety viz, The Negro World (OR) lanto de la raza negra, Diseass and affections of the eyes The popularity of the out by force while 38 Black Man. Nevvs Paper.
cual fuere su nacionalidad, Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres young couple vvas amply others according to Police Whilc vve are not antagoprocurando su acercamiento evidensed by the large statistics have left the coun: The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA nistic, to any Club or Society: por medio de reuniones instry of their own vvill.
vve cannot or vvill not allovy Continued on page any one to infringe on Continued on page A public warning to all concerned our au.
sea our Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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