
Saturday February 28. 1931.
PAGE Church and State in Mexico QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES Cafiaspirina subiect reWith a view of the relativi terms that many thought his the present infortunate cond99 ty of the remarks of The Mi message a veiled threat aitions with all their consequennister of Internal affaires, in gainst the President if a solu ces. They are convinced that La Tribuna of a fortnight ago tion of the religious problem with perseverance they will at as to this opinions that cer should be reached. Tejeda later least teach the government a tain doctrines being introdu enlarged on his first telegram lesson and will gain from other BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!
ced under the headings of Re in another sent to Senator countries respect for our naligion shonld also be consi Manlio Fabio Altamira:10 on tional conscience. We enclose Dont accept any tube or envelope BAYER dered as undesirables for ex June 21. He explained his at a memorandum, and with packets without the pulsion, we publish the titude, claiming that the clergy greatest respect implore your BAYER CROSS follovving.
would always be the enemy Holiness to take this evidence Or: June 23, 1929, the preof national instituttons and into account.
liminary agreement between well being in Mexico.
The agreement which was the Mexican Government and On the other side, the ex finally reached between the opposition to order in the let ministered in a benevolent their authority directly from the Mexican clergy, as approvtremists were equally dissatis. government and the clergy ter quoted above. Degrelle spirit. This is the result of the the government, as was deed by the Vatican, was fied. revolt under General was a bitter blow to those came into contact with only the declarations of the President sired at the beginning of the announced. The main terms of Gorostieta flared up in 1926, who had approved sending viewe of the discontented of the republic himself, who revolution, continue to be unthe agreement were that Bish in which Catholics, called cris the foregoing dispatch. It is Catholics. Anglo Saxon jour has promised that these laws der the Bishop as they were ops might invest priests with teros, took up arms against claimed that one Archbishop nalists are in many ways infe shall be carried out without before the conflict. he Bishops their offices, but that the priests the Calles Governement. It and two or three other Bis rior to the Latin newspaper sectarian feeling and without select and nominate them and must also register with the was hoped after General Es hops approved armed resis writers, but they are invariably prejudice of any kind. send them where they think tance. But it is only just to government; that religiods te cobar uprising in 1928 to their superiors in fair play The episcopal hierarchy fit, and the government has aching was forbidden in either overthrow the government and state that Mgr. Orozco, Arch and objectivity. They have, of has obtained recognition. MO part in these arrangements public or private schools, but obtain religious and economic bishop of Guadalajara, concourse, their personal opin3. The government has other than being informed of freely allowed in the churches, reforms. The military chiefs, demned it from the beginning ions, but when they are in agreed that an Apostolic Deall such changes.
The gobernment; however, de and that the Mexican clergy laymen and Catholic, who had vestigating a disputed point legate shall be permanently The representatives of might, through constitutional heard of negotiations already pending entirely on rumors in they hear both sides of the stationed in Mexico as a Church and State are C011means, demand the annulment started in 1928 to put an end the press, accused him of becase, as is only just. The Belpresentative of the Supreme stantly at work to reconcile of any laws unfavorable to ing its originator; he sought gian reporter saw to the political religious cononly one Pontiff to deal with the gov.
those interests which the exof the CI ch.
flict, sent a message to Rome. refuge in the mountains side of the case. Ho sent to This has come to my hands Central Mexico and escaped his paper some twenty arti affairs of the Church.
ernement in regard to the tremists on both sides are The agreement pleased the trying to keep in opposition, from a reliable source. Al arrest.
extremists of neither party.
cles, all deeply colored by the To prevent schism within to the detriment of those spiThe following comment ap though it has neither date nor At the end of February, attitude of the Catholic oppo. the Church when 1929, Mgr. Ruiz y Flores, sition. Many contained direct separa ritual benefits which conciliapeared in an anonymous book, signature, its authenticity is tists claim to be Bishops and tion wold preserve.
unquestionable. give it here Apostolic Dclegate in Mexico, attacks on the Archbishop of atributed to a Jesuit. El Condemand certain churches, only An end has al last flicto Religioso de 1926 (1929. because it explains better than angrily protested in a public Mexico, Mgr. Diaz. No one possibly can the psychology letter against the pamphlets knows why he did not attack those will be officially recog been put to the endless and Several of the Governors have nized as Apostolic and Ro.
useless shedding of blood.
and speeches of Catholics in the Apostolic Delegate, who not obeyed the orders of the of the opposition and certain man Catholic Bishops who To show the conciliatory events that followed the accord: cluding a Mexican Bishop, had assumed all responsabiliFederal Government. Even towhich criticize in are designated as such by the attitude of the Church and its unpardon ty for the pact. His language Apostolic Delegate.
day in some States religious It is known that the opopposition to the extremists, able language the arrangements worship has not been resu position is circulating a rumor was extremely bitter and un5. The priests appointed to the Apostolic Delegate protes.
for the resumption of religious compromising. He asserted, as churches, instead of deriving med; in others obstacles have that everything has been arContinued on page been raised to prevent putting ranged with certain prelates, ter answering these critics, Mgr. protesting Catholics were boyworship in the churches. Af late as April, 1930, that the an end to the persecutions. with the promise that little by Ruiz y Flores wrote.
These acts cannot, with fair little the sectarian law shall cotted and that lawyers and In any such situation as ness, be blamed on the Fed be repealed and public wordoctors who opposed the setthis it is most unwise for ei tlement lost their clients and eral Government; they are due ship restored. We are unanther party to the agreement to to lack of cooperation and to imously of opinion that our patients. His personal attacks boast of victory; the arangethe reactionary tendencies of persecutors wish to play upon on Mgr. Diaz were especially ment attempts to conciliate certain political personages in the good will of certain of both parties, the only possible the campaign waged by the violent. This is illustrative of Quality Merchandise the States. The best known the clergy and, under the preway of forming a rruly nation opposition to arouse EuroWhen you purchase goods at Co. Surtidora de R, of these, former Minister of text of national unrest, to enal government. Not only is the Interior Tejeda, has ang.
slave the Mexican Church.
pean and American Catholics Commissaries you may rest assured that you are it essential to avoid aggres.
ered even enemies of the These people are seriously to reprisals.
buying clean, fresh merchandise. Old shopworn goods sive statements. it is also im.
Church. He sent an urgent disturbing the nation; it The Archbishop of Mexico are not allowed to remain in our stores.
portant to cooperate in all the himself, in a reply to to priest telegram to the President ex is impossible to deal with pressing the hope that the latmen who have no honor. governament activities as far Naranjo, who had attacked Zepol and Floradora Products as one conscience as a Catter would recognize the new We are sure that Catholicsthe accord, pointed out the holic permits. The Church does advantages which the Church Have you joined the growing number of our attacks of the opposition. He of all classes, including not want a change of govern gained from it: customers who are saving money by buying Zepol promised his snpport in such the military, would prefer ment; she is trying by purely The existence of the and Floradora Products? Next time ask for Zepol Cod legal means so to change the Church, wiht all its rights and Liver Oil, Castor Oil, Fruit Salts, Unguento and laws that they will guarantee privileges, has been recogniCatholics in Mexico the same Floradora Brillantine, Talcum, Perfume, Eau de Cologne zed as an actual fact. From liberties which they enjoy in and Lavender Lotion.
this standpoint it has been other countries.
admitted that the laws, as long The Opponents to the agre as it is impossible to have One of the most important houses of Hamburg ement conducted rather a crude them modified, are being ad.
campaign in Europe against Hundreds of Patterns. Guaranteed Fast Color Importation and Exportation the so called persecution and had little difficulty in Exclusive Agents in Costa Rica bringing Catholics of several countries to their way of thinking In December, 1929, the Ving Suits made to order tn the Shortest notice.
liéme Siècle of Brussels, a San José, South West Corner of the Cathedral complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels Fascist paper and strongly always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
TELEP. No. 3509 APARTADO 1061 Catholic, sent a correspondent SAN ANTONIO Horth West Corner of Central Avenue here Plaza liquez Tron may starts to México to investigate the Exportation: All products of the country: coffee, situasión. He was a young Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number hides, honey, pearl shells, etc.
man of some literary ability, winnings this week Remedio eficaz, In Serie Drawing No. 31; won by Elias Muñoz with Ticket No. 100 but completely ignorant of para la expulsión In presence of Juan Monge, Rodolfo Vargas and Mario Fonseca Importation: All that may be needed, especially Gerthe language and of Mexican de lombrices.
All shareholders wishful of obiaining their suits, must of necessity bet up man Merchandise, Articles for manufacturing or indus history. He was called Degreto date with their payments.
lle, but no one in Mexico trial lines; as well as for domestic purposes; for Ironmon.
De venta en la SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW SERIE IN FORMATION WICH WILL knew him by his real name.
HAVE ITS FIRST DRAWING ON MONDAY NEXT gers, iron, Wires of all kinds, Leathers, Cement, Manures; His visit coincided with a vio FARMACIA BOX 252 San José ESPANA TELEPHONE 3320 Stationery; Agricultural implements; Articles for Druglent campaign against the acstores; Beer, fabrics of all kinds, Hosiery, etc.
cord and against those who LUCAS MORUA had signed it. The Apostolic Farmacoutico CARTAGO.
Delegate had to bring this Compañia Surtidora de Costa Rica SCHLUBACH, THIEMER Co.
We Soll the GENUINE Peter Pan Prints VERMIFUGO RAMON ULLOA Co. SC SASTRERIA GRANT GRANT Read The Seacrhlight Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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