
Saturday February 28 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Nationalism for the Black Race Cane Juice! Cane Juice!
Church and.
PALMERA SOAP a PALMERA SOAP Dr. GRILLO Dear Mr. Editor: no need to be puzzled as to whereby such a possibility Cordially yours for racia Obstetrics, diseases of women Your comment on my last where the black race should must be achieved is not for uplift, an individual to dictate. The DAVID LUKE nationalise. No other place is and of the Genito Urinary tract article has given me much more suitable than the Home nations past and present did Edit. Note. What vve food for thought. have now not become what they were realised that nationalism for land Africa. There and only PRIVATE MATERNITY CLINIC vvere trying to convey to the there untrammelled by other and are by a single indivi vvriter, is that in as much as the black race is not only an Half BLOCK NORTH OF MARKET individual feeling but it is the races can the black race form dual advice neither will Na it might be very inconvenient tionalism for the black race conviction of great minds like PYHSICAL THERAPY the nucleus for Nationalism.
if not impossible to Nationbe achieved by mine. Though alize in another man counyourself and others. There is As to the how and the means am convinced that it is of try, It is possible and quite SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Box 1080 paramount importance yet convenient to asist intenssifywill reiterate that will not ing Race Consciousnes intelreccommend any particular lectually to its highest pitch, scheme to follovy but vvil so that when the occasion Drink pure ice cold Cane Juice, its a delicious allow greater minds like yours arises, and a territory is affordbeverange, it keep the Kidneys alvvays and others to intensify the ed, nationalization may be Brought from page clean and alvvays keep the organs control which is so malignant in good condition race tovvard such a goal. appreciated and practiced as in Protestant communities, Sold everyvvhere at 10 per glass think you should agree with efficiently as other groups are ted against the attempted asor at (H. DRUMMONDS me in classifying Marcus Gar doing it.
sassination of President Ortiz destroying the American home vey as the Premier Agitator 6th. Street and 7th. Avenue If we watch what is hapRubio in a letter to the Pres and threatening the AngloSaxon race in the United Sta: for the renationalism of the tes with extinction. But this black race, because as far back pening in Africa (both French ident, in which he condemned and English colonies) it will this inmoral deed which disis no polemic. will examine as vve can trace, none of the be found that both these govhonors the nation.
objectively the accusations broNegro Leaders ever evoked On Sept. 21, 1930, the agreeernments, are getting to realize the vvidevvorld sentiment for Mindful of a duty out of (especially the English) that ment was again attacked in ught against Mexican Catholicism and the answers made getting the scattered sons of friendship the most popular there is hypocrisy existing in a newspaper, El Hombre Libre, by those most deeply concernAfrica into a consolidated by certain Catholics and apthe administration of the coed. shall shelter myself bevvhole, to vvork for one comlonies, the chiefs of which parently by certain of the clerhind the evidence of a third mon good to establish national home for the black loose; hence the only loyal have the ideas of breaking gy. The Apostolic Delegate, party and let the fair minded in a public statement, declared Has arranged to distribute a value of almost reader draw his own conclusdouble the former value of the wrappings as a race at home and abroad. am benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you ions.
afraid that you misrepresented subjects to them are the Blacks, that from the moment that can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before.
the Negroes: consequently betthe Pope made his decision On my way to Mexico at All No. wrappings have a much greater value my assertion. Imperative duter atention, more friendly atevery Catholic priest or Bisthe end of November, 1930, than No. and others.
ty to obey. That obedience titudes are being brought to hop was forbidden to criticize on the Ward Line steamer is not of other races but the Cosmic Urge vvhich impels of the white colonists; there.
bear, much against the desires publicly the accord or to disHavana, a young English arparage those who in any way chitect lent me a book by all enslaved and disorganized fore it seems to us if the represented the Pope should Charles Macomb Flandrau, ani Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts people to emancipate themadd that the two prelates specNegroes in all this countries American, formerly a wealthy will be placea at the disposal of our clients to choose.
selves through Nationalism. will adopt sincerely intellecially suspected of supporting ranch owner in Mexico. This Distributor in Limón beg to accept my gratitude the malcontents have since tually clanish fraternally, and book, entitled ¡Viva Mexico. ELOY GOTAY on behalf of the anticipated amorously the tenets of the recanted.
was published in 1907 by Distributors in Turrialba dignified position of Premier Universal Negro Improvement Even the Pope himself has Appleton in New York and Rojas Cortés Cía. President. suggestion on Association, and learn to put not been spared. The malconreissued in 1927. The author Nationalism could never catheir claims forward in a bus tents spread the rumor that summarizes the case against INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co. pacitate me to fill such a poiness like manner, the result may he acquiesced only because Mexican Catholicism in the sition and even if become be an Africa Redeemed wherethe Mexican Government of following terms: Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 a leader in the future vvill in one may be able to Na fered him a large sum of mo When the Mexican is marallovy some one else to claim tionalize in the fullest sense ney. In a letter dated Nov. 10, ried by a priest he believes that honour. May you Sir, of the word; but if we are to 1930, the Papal Secretary of himself to be married one through the columns of your remain separated from all State, writing to the faithful would suppose that the Church worthy paper instil the necesAssociations which make for Catholics in Mexic. expres would recognize this and en.
sity of Nationalism and vvho inculcating Race Conscious. sed the hope that those becourage unions of more or less knows through the mighty ness as the stepping stone longing to the Action Cathil stability by making marriage povver of your pen vvhat to Nationalization because ique would increase in numinexpensible fand easy. If it effect it will have on the such and such a Leader is bers and prove by their exhad the slightest desire to The Minister of state dance of howkers and Ped psychology of the members acting falsely, without step ample that Christ the King elevate the lower classes in senor Raul Gurdián has dlers, in competition with of the black race domiciled in ping out to combat and correct could best be served by fide Mexico from their frankly bes.
placed before Congress for Licensed Merchants.
this country, thereby causing the wrong. Then Nationaliza lity to legitimate discipline and tial attitude toward the mariamendits adoption an The authorities are ema national drive to start vvhich tion will only always he spok by the abandonment of their tal relation, to inculcate ideas ment to the former laws powered to expel from the vvill set the ball a rolling unen of as Mr. Luke is now personal opinions.
different from and finer than til the entire race is rolled in on Immigration, by which country as per informations doing without being able to One of the most serious to Nationalism. Would to God those maintained by their chic.
no one will he permitted from abroad; or by refereccommind a course; If all criticisms made of Mexican kens and their pigs, it could that you could live to see to enter the country after rences that may he sent the negroes of Mr. Luke in Catholicism by Protestants, long since easily have done its passing no one who in to them, any person honour the nation could haft telligence will put petty griev especially in North America, so. But quite simply is has no is not in possession of two whom they may consider ord vvould be conferred upon ances and fault finding aside is that the Church takes no such desire. In the morality hundred and fifty dollars abnoxious to the Country, and stepout boldly and intelinterest in the morals of its of the masses it shows no you.
U, S, formerly it was As well they shall have lectually and assist to lead the members.
interest. For performing the twenty five dollars, to be the control of the entry cause by right thoughts, then While admitting the more or marriage ceremony it charges presented to the authori. of great exploiters of Inwill he be of some use to less genuinemotives of these much more than poor people ties of the Port of entry or ternational Criminology the Premier Agitator (again acusations, may we not say can pay without going into ont he Frontier as the case vvho althongg they may as he calls him. The cause to them, before listening to debt. Now and then they dis As a means of possess the thousand co is Elixir Antianofelo needs you Mr. Luke come their explanations, Physician pense with the ceremony.
contralling the entry into lones and more are to be out and reccomend others of heal thyself. Cure your own To kill malarlal fevers, the only Moreover, the editor of a the country of persons included under the follow. preparation guaranteed as a radical your Type to actions that ills before you attempt to treat leading American magazine, morally undesirable; Labour. ing Category. Svvindlers, cure for Yellow fever, blackwater must lead to Nationalization the ills, real or imaginary, of published in New York, who ers seeking work, those imposters and professional fever, Ague, intermittent fever, colds on the Green Fields of Sunny others. For example. cure the is neither Catholic nor antipersons who come to exrogues; gambling tricksters, and all classes of fevers.
cancer of divorce and birth Catholic and whose only desIt is reccommended for cleansing ploit small Commerce, as Knavish gentry, Dealers ire is to be enlightened on a disordered Liver.
for instance Polish Jews, in white slave traffie etc In proof of the above see the the matter, wrote to me on and the kind of traders of the first reading has been LOOK. WHERE?
following, for four months had Nov. 11, 1936, as follows: whom there iare an abun passed.
been suffering from Hay Fever THE STAR RESTAURANT 1y upened at the Western End of the We received an article and after trying all sorts of medicines Siquirres Market some months ago written by a was advised by Mr. Antonio Meals supplied at all hours from a. until 12 Coffee Brenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago Breakfast Dinner; Banquets to order.
very reputable person, in which El Mercadito de Alfonso Rivera Pérez en Siquirres to buy a flask at Carboni Co.
at SHEDDON BUILDING, Isaac Clarke, Manager he surveyd the deplorable si. did so and after taking it, was 0B 90 tuation of social relations and Cuenta con los mejores y más baratos artículos en permanently cured.
recientemente abierta al lado Oeste del conditions in Mexico. He maUNA FONDA MODERNA, Mercado de Siquirres; atiende a sus clienCantina y Abarrotes in turn reccommended it to de some perfectly startling Mrs. Gertrude Mata of Cartago, tes a toda hora desde las cinco de la maña.
na hasta las 24 horas.
statements of the large and Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea Café, almuerzos y Comidas; Banquetes a todo gusto.
porcentage of illegitimacy Vieja who used The Elixir AntianCASA DE SHEDDON Admor. Isaac Clarke and of the terribly desolating is complete vvith the best and cheapest Wines, Liquors ofelo with marvelous effects as a inroads of social diseases.
of all kinds as vuell as groceries of re for all socurts of tropical fevers.
recent importation No household should be withou.
According to his statement, a it. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it al very great percentage of the Carboni Co. Cartago.
Continued on page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Amendment to the Immigration Law Wonderful Remedy may be.
The Mercadito of Alfonso Rivera Pérez in Siquirres Sociedad Tipografica Cartago CENZA


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