
Saturday February 28. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE BUTTINGS RANDOM Election for Presidency of Co Church and.
Potato pone.
The Hatchet has fallen Scottish Society and reminiscences of Marrtina. 1900 1908 Dame Rumour has it the losses sustained by the thal. there will be some fall in value of the ComI had been out travelling on mentioned, of an exceedingly period of which write. His vvere made of the finest far reaching changes in panys Shares.
the. Railroad and naturally friendly disposition, made name was Mr. Howardson and banana thrash vvith a bunch of the official Cabinet of the we cannot of course, everything saw was of great the acquaintance of a gentle. he proved an excellent com akees hanging in front, as a United Fruit Co. as a re. make any pronouncement interest to me, but needed a man who was not only ac panion, filled with the most sporan.
sult of the elections sche as to the effects, which man in the Know to help quainted with the language interesting knowledge on all have heard too that duled for the 28 th ins such changes, if they do me. Being, as have already of this country but also of the matters, and who was, soon your dinners and dances were tant. We hear that the come about will have on found, by birth a Scot (by famous.
nominee of the Unofficial this Division, but we can absorption. The train neared a Oh yes, nothing but party is being supported and do say the planting station and inquired its name scotch dishes vvere served by the major portion of element cannot possibly Estrada was his reply. Mr. and scotch costumes vvorn.
the shareholders vvhose saffer any vvorse; vvhile it Howardson would you mind Could you remember support has been obtained is just probable that some Brought from page giving me an interview for a Menu?
partly through the activi of those vvho novy are in poorer people are infected, and to the Church. Yet they spend the «Searchlight asked. To Oh yes, have a copy ties of the Director vvho ocal command may be the proportion of licensed wo ten times as much on such this he answered, oh you are right here vwith me. alvvays secured his entry into the requested to vacate.
men all over Mexico is increas superfluities as cxpensive eh. Yes returned. carry it with me as a memenCabinet as one of the re We avvait results of the ing at an alarming rate. The clothes, automobiles and sump Mr. Howardson then asked sults of the Cuyamel deal election vvith much intto.
formalities of marriage among tuous vvedding feasts. can what would you like me to Hor vre Stamp an go.
and partly on account of erest.
the lower classes are almost add that during the missions tell you about. Well said I, Soup Callalou.
dispensed vvith.
in tovin and country, thous. have heard from one whom Fish, Cod. With akee.
LAWYER AND NOTARY have been assured that for andsof poor people are married understand is a reliable au Beef Stevved. With Wild the purpose of facilitating ci for nothing. thority that you were once cucumber.
Undertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases.
vil marriage formalities which the High Court Judge at Pork Fried With Roast Instances can be given Conveyances of properties, wills, and all sorts of legal should, according to lavv, preMarrtina, and that you took plantains.
documents prepared. Honest advices on points of of priests who exact too cede the religious ceremonies, Covy tail With rice and Law given before going in to Courts; Never contest a the Mexican Government a much money from the people great interest, as is to be exlosing suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability :y Motto.
vvhom they marry, despite the pected, in the Scott sh inhab peas vvith the watchman on year ago issued a decree ma itants of this place. Annual top.
Rufino Solis. Lawyer Archbishop forbidding it. But Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon.
king such formalities entirely one svvallovy does not make games were played, am told, Vegetables. Yam, Syveet English and French Spoken free of charge. young French on St. Andrew Day every Potatoes, ripe plantains.
a Sumner.
Catholic, vo has been enga1st. of August. That is quite Fruit. Mango, orange, pine, As to the abandonment ged for several months in hisof the poorer classes, it is pos true, Sir, replied Mr. Hovvard. bananas.
torical research in Mexico, told son, those vvere the golden Cream. Coconut.
FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. sible that many priests in the me that in certain rural disdays of Marrtina.
country, for various reasons, Puddings. Duckonoo and At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small tricts the clergy vvere not at Hovy did Marrtina defamily residence adjoining the Post Office all accommodating as regards have deserted their parishrive its name?
Savory. Roasted Red HerSIQUIRRES matrimonial fees. placed ioners. That is precisely the Apply to Sam McIntosh It was so named by ring.
state of affairs that our prethese serious accusations before a great Scot, vvho hailed from sent Archbishop vvants to But said Mister a Mexican priest vvhose intelPortland, Jamaica and vyhose Hovv ards on the dance ligence and broadmindedness remedy by visiting personally name vvas Walcott.
the smallest villages and makI vouch for. Here is his ansvvhich follovved vvas alvvays also understand that ing Catholicism function to a thing to be remembered. It vver: Christianize them anew.
Marrtina vvas a great business commenced at 11 o clock, the There are undoubtedly centre, Hovvardson?
music yvas supplied by a at the present time many vvho In the criticisms which Yes Sir, that sign there local band of Scotchmen and As has been long expected, by the vvar; hence the concall themselves Christians and you have shown me think «Lindo Bros on that building comprised the follovving in consequense of the series tract price for Bananas vvill in of retrenchments on every future be at the rate of fifty yet live immorally. The reason, there is a certain amount of on the right tells a tale. That struments:an accordian, a mouth hand by the Co. Cia.
as far as can see, is to be exaggeration which is vvas our meeting house.
cents pes Count bunch instead organ, a guitar, a comb vvith Bananera and Northern Railfound in the moral laxity novv doubtedly due to the infor Would you mind givof sixty as formerly paid, and a piece of fine paper around mation sent by Protestants to vvay Co. and from the fact prevalent not only in Mexico vvorse of all the re vvill be no ing me in detail the life at it, a grater vvith a tooth bursh but throughout the vvorld.
Marrtina in those balmy days? handle. The programme vas that the Bonus of ten cents the United States.
more Cargoes of 4 fruit to As to illegitimate chil. However, it must be adA. With pleasure. We met per count bunch of Bananas England as from 1st March; dren in Mexico City and, mitted that, generally speaking at this meeting house one composed mostly of mentos vvas only conditional, it vvas It is claimed Icy the Company and reels. vvill never forget feared that this too vvould think throughout the republic, vve of the clergy have in ihe evening at p. in the month that there is not sufficient their number is much smaller past been resting on our laua particular scene in this of June 1900, for the soon go, and at last the inev three quaters fruit offered to beautiful ball room vvhich vvas itable has ocurred. The Com load a boat hence these must than that of legitimate children. rels, but the shocking situapurpose of forming a Club. light by candles, vvhen the You can convince yourself of tion out of vvhich vye are he sent vvhere they can reAs far as can remember the president Bardar Walcott and pany states that in consequence this by going through the novy passing has undoubtedly names of those present vvere.
of the depressed condition ceive full Cargoes.
Vice President Laird Findle of of all the Fruit markets of the This move must have a baptism registers in the par opened our eyes, and we Don Standleigh, Walcott, Fin. Darliston and Don Dave led vvorld, she can no longer hope that our apostleship aud dle, Brock, Caroll White, their ladies in. Walcott had most disastrous effect on lacontinue thes bonus vvhich vvas The fees for performing good example vvill enable us Sam. Williams, Geo. Black bour as the large Planters have on his arm Miss Burrovvs ggiven in consequence of the the marriage ceremony in this to replant the true faith of and Smith. Don Standseen the necessity of lovverº archdiocese; and think in the Jesus Christ in the hearts of leigh vvas elected Patron, Waland Findle, Miss Nellie, while high price of labour caused ing prices of work on their Don Dave of Baltimore vvhole of Mexico! amount to our brethren.
cott, pesident, Findle, Vicecame in vvith Miss Brosie.
15 pesos (about 50. When Let us not forget eithe, that president, Secretary and TreaMiss Nellie dress vvas voted the couple are poor, they are the Indians of Mexico, almost surer, Hovvardson. The manag by one and all the grandest LAWYERS NOTARIES asked hovy much they can al the only ones not destroyed ing Committee consisted of thing ever seen on a vvoman.
AT LIMON ford. If they are already living by colonization, have been the following Colones Gale, She vvent as a Lass of the Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA together they are not usually Christians for only three cenMoses Morrison, Bob, Taylor, Seventeenth century. shall Offer their services to tne English Speaking Public as solicitors asked to pay anything. Al turies.
Mills, Reddish and Tommy try to describe her costume before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; most all those who marry Clark. The rules which made in detail; the dress vvas of Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
object to paying marriage fees Abbe Alphonse Lugan this Club exclusive, will ENGLISH SPOKEN tissue paper, throvvn over this try to give you as correctly vvas mesh vvire of fairly large WWX8000WW. CAN. DOUDOXIXSIXOXOOXJE as can remember.
meshes, rovvs Barbed vvire ing and they had to respond which the principals all sepRule The applicant must around the hips. She wore vvith Lavvd Ivvouldn ball arated for their Ancestral Glens, be able to drink six bottles a rope of conk shells and atall. At seven a. anim Laird Findle being conducted of Rum or Whiskey before on her fingers vvere displayed promptu breakfast vvas served. home to Lock Lommond by Committee without getting horse shoe rings. In her flow. This breakfast vvas voted the Herr Ike, lived in seclusion drunk.
ing hair was a hunter head That the only medicine which very best ever served at the from the friends of his youthRule The applicant must litght. She looked the thing Club. It consisted of Scotch ful days with the Viscount cures Asma, and acute Bron be able to throvv twelve nicks in vvomanhood. The spirit of Cod from Halifax, Coconut de Hurstpenn, Bard Walcott chitis is the at seven eleven in succession. the dance vvas Scotch. The Oil from Perth, Scotch Bon ught the solitude of PortRuler The applicant must scottish expressions used Cuajani Jordan net peppers from Glasgowy, land cliffe, Don Standleigh be able to prove that he has vvould have made Bobby Yellovy Yuca from Bethel and Rabbi Dave vvent North visited the home of a Scottish The sole deposit and representation Burns hair stand on end and Tovun, Avocado Pears from vvhile othes have gone from Lady living at Estrada named of which is in vvhen the hour of six arrived Edinburgh and Fruta de pan us for aye.
Miss Bagpipe.
Laird Findle and Miss Nellie procured locally. Thus ended Shaking Mr. Hovvardson The BOTICA VARGAS The Club hada particular sang feelingly that good old the greatest event held on hand heartily, thanked him dress and that was what is worn scotch song Gang ai va bon St. Andreve Day that had for his most interesting interSAN JOSE by the Black Watch Regiment nie Lassie, gang avva. They taken place at Marrtina, after vievy and parted.
for (cunvenience) excepting the vvere boisterously enchored Apartado 716 Telephone 2812 president and vice president, and replied vvith Just a vue whovvore the kilt of their doch an doris before vve gang MODWUSUW00000000000000000000000000 Ele deumento es propiedad estiveca Nalans. Miguh Siregdill ano artistema Agatare bandistas deshecho de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. חי ishes.
There is no forgetting the fact 000000 OOOOOOOO Sociedad Tipográfica Cartago


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