p. 6


Saturday February 28 1931 Wants Column What is the real reason Garvey to go back to United States have got Wedding.
and shoes.
PROPRIETOR. Robbery during Fight. XWhile we in these parts to be able to meet as soon One colon per insertion of six lines are being told thal the as their nevy ship comPowerful influence is tion of cases of return to reason vvhich has led the mences operations in being used inside and out fhe country after deporta.
WANTED United Fruit Co. to decide April From this vve canside of the United States tion: Meetings are being on a curtailment of expor. not be blamed for assunto lift the ban and permit held in Chicago for this Advertise The Community to know tations from Costa Rica ing thal the reason for the return of Mr. Mar. purpose, backed by in.
that there is nothing to break to the English market is the United decision must cus Garvey to the United fluence from Abyssinia and Advertise your Grocery up a cold like a Cafiaspirin due to lack of sales and be sought for otherwise. States.
Liberia. What is being done stock if not your doors tablet taken in a Cup of hot unprofitable prices, vve It is vvell knovvn that The Garvey Organiza in Costa Rica by the Ne.
shall lock. But vvhen lime juice tea inmediately observe from a statement their poliey has alvvay tions are so optimistic in groes? Why not continue you publish what you have after having contracted a cold. made by a Director of the been to so restrict supplies their endeavour to bring the Comission work startgot your friends vvill find English marketing organi that prices will alvvays back Mr. Garvey to the ed by the Nation regime, you with spot cash. Dont zation vvhich disposes of as a consequence, be Kept States that they are in com properly conducted with you make a single noise. All persons suffering from all the fruit of the Jamai up; We do not agree that munication with the gover the help of the Limon But go ahead and ad. Malaria to try Carboni Anvertise.
tianofela it is the best eradi.
ca Producers Association this is a sonnd poliey to mental Department whose Service Bureau it is sure thal although the prices pursue, for if it shonld officials are in charge of to succeed? No reason Make suscess by adver cator of malaria from the have fallen still they are happen, as is not unlikely. that Section of investiga. why it should not.
tising system.
Advertise what e er you gettmg more orders for in the banana producing their fruit than they can at countries that the supply The new shoe store of Siquirres Your houses, Land and All Turf us will also re present supply. These or from a large area should We have removed business spot.
member the Races at the ders, hovvever they hope be suddenly cut off by our shoe establishment to Mr. Rivera Cafetin adjoinhurricane the financial ing the Commissary, where we maintain still our lowest prices, The only way to make New Jersey Track on 9th losses vvould cripple the and a complete assortment of materials for high class boots success is to realize the March.
value of advertising planters of those areas to See Searchlight AALDOR ROBERTS HUERTAS Continued fron page a far greater extent, than if there has been no such gent Mr. Develante at every Shareholders in the Agripoint and he will give you poration of 28 miles will vyho attended at the cultural and Building Cor. number of well wishers restrictions.
SE3EE We again express the do well to remember the.
hope that the lesson of «ELEGANT MODE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT important meeting at MaA reception vvas after cooperative trading vvill This is to notify my friends and patrons that have removed, from my former Establishment. am now Located at Peña Build For Sale. One Melo dre de Dios on Sunday wards held at the residence yet be learnt by the planing opposite the old Spanish School. Your visit to my new Es.
1st of March of the Groom parents tocracy of this and our dy. Saxaphone (Brass. in tablishment will be highly appreciated as an act of good will.
vvhen first Class. condition.
a very enjoyable neighbouring Republics.
My best service awaits you, with courtesy. Punctuality, Guaranteed workmanship and moderate prices, Give a trial and be conced.
time was spent.
2nd. AVENUE 15 METROS FROM CORNER OF STREET Apply to Brownie All sufferers from AsthmMr. and Mrs. Skipton Estrada.
JAS. PETERKIN. Box 140, LIMON, to try Botica Vargas specific were the recipients of a public. Cuajani Jordan large sized large number of presents.
The Ssarchlight» join Continued from page When you in are need bottles for. 00 of Glasses Get them fittheir many friends in ted with the Worlds best vvishing them a long and tructivas y de recreo y des While a fight was ta his hand being several Owners of Dogs and happy union.
pertando entre los asociados king place in the Limon hundred of dollars of this Ophthalmic lenses by Dr.
with Horsekind afflicted sentimientos de caridad, amor Market Azevedo Optome.
on Monday last much coveted commodity.
y orgullo, con el fin de proMange to try a flask of between an Assyrian and It is evident that the trista, Graduate of the Nor.
GROVERS MANGE ME Better than curar el mejoramiento posible a native, Mr. George Le chances of the benevolence.
thern Illinois College of Ophthalmology and OtoDICINES there is nothing Pomona Biscuits de la actual condición social vy, a friend of to Charity promised like it.
de la raza.
approached to enjoy the in his recent intervevv logy.
It is also an Antiseptic Hello boys. whats up. tercera: El término de du bout and seemed to have vvill fade avvay from real(Port Limon. box No. 2) Hair remedy to prevent Going up to Booths shop ración de la sociedad es de been so intent upon the ization if this amount be and cure falling hair. man to buy some of his noventa y nueve años.
perforances of the combat not found; vve are there.
To be had at Botica Biscuits.
Be it understood that ve tants, that he did not ob fore hoping to hear of To sell a fine organ at the Vargas.
Eating one you will be are prepared to use every serve when a man slipped their recovery in the interridiculous price of 250. at satisfied of the fact that means at our disposal to com off vvith his bundle of est of Charity.
Jack Oranes.
San José Box 716 Booth Biscuits lead bat any infringement of our Lottery Tickets he had in where others fail to follow. legal rights. Interested parties 0.
Now see to it that you are asked to be governed acREMOVAL with the name Booth.
With best vvishes for the and what it stands for MRS. CARMITA SMITH begs to advise her many friends and They can be had at all public good.
patrons that she has removed her dressmaking Department into chinese vendors.
Thanking the editor for pubU is the union of the Race undaunted, undísmayed.
the upstair building at the corner of rd avenue and fifth for new Negroes, new ideals, new achievements that they Eating one you will be lication.
street, near by Mr. Murray Barber Shop, where she is still a tthe must make.
convinced that they are Limon Division No. 887 disposal of her many clients. is the Iron will of our Leader that fills foes hearts with fear, certainly the best Local KO 0: 08 is the Verge on which they stand to fall in dark despair, Biscuits in the Country. is for Ethiopía with hands stretched out to God.
Box No. 388. Limon, Ask for them at Estrada is the Release from punishment beneath the chastening and Matina rod; well as Per for the Sound of. Garvey voice thats heard o er land and Limon.
The Treasurer and an make good the shortage sea.
other officer of the Knights without the intervention of that Afric children must be absolutely free; that Last great struggle of Negroes in the fight.
of St. John Lodge of the the Police but they would Catholic Church have been not come to reason, hence is the Nerve to see, that might shall never conquer right.
discovered by the Presi: recourse had to be sought is the Everlasting urge that fills true Negroes breasts, Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see is the government he seeks till then he ll know 110 rest.
dent Mr. Peter Blackman of Don José Vivo, it is how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make is our rights of declaration to the world he shall proclaim to have been using up the left to be seen what steps is that Overlordship of Aliens we so disdain.
you comfortable at rediculous prices fands of the Society to he will adopt to force write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ is the Irrevocable decree that Ethiopia Prince shall reign.
their purposes, and were these men to replace their is the March of our Legions upon our pastures green.
150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA taken before the Agent of Trust. is for the Power we need to liberate our lands.
Police, and compelled to This is a great warning is Retribution so sure to fall on Japheth murderous band; sign pagarés0 make to other Lodges to secure is the Ode we chant of Afric sunny fount of old.
ZEME good the amts, so misappro their funds in some reV is the Valley where rolls the precious nugs of gold, is the Everlasting, fear in the words that Mattock used, priated. All efforts were putable Bank; or to force the Men to whom he pleaded, not to turn the tiger loose; used by Mr. Blackman to treasurer to sign Bonds for Enemies of Right oh! that they may see, urge the two officers to of Security the New awakening of Negroes where er they be. sees the. Tyrannic alien exploiters of his home.
of every tissue of the System is the Avenging hand that sure to root them from their thrones. is the Saviour of mankind vvho died for you and me by is for the Sufferings of Garvey that Negrnes might be free. is to Obey the Leader voice our flag vvave.
Look out for the new Films from Sunday night is the Call to follow to glory or the grave.
the 1st. March. They will surprise the public. Come is Improvement that knows no bound or guage.
one and all and enjoy yourselves, Sunday and Monday nights. Fine accommodations. Get your tickets in time. is the Association which Garvey first installca. is the Tomorrow that knows not what it yields.
Show starts at 30 Dont miss this chance. The His the Ignomy awaiting all the Slackers idle gang.
100 yards North of Corner of Alsina Printery best Teatro on the Lines is our one and Only hope, the redemption our home.
SAN JOSE VICENTE DE LA PENA is the Nationhood for which vve yearn on Afric sunny shore.
by EUGENE ROPER YO NTVEINTIS XUniversal Negro Improvement Association buy a Biscuit branded cordingly. Misappropriation of Lodge Funds as Hotel ATLANTICO Most minute examinations THE PEÑA TEATRO. SIQUIRRES Dr. Roberto Quesada. of London Prop.
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