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THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment Guard well your conversation, gainst all harmful words and speak but words of hope, wisdom, goodness and of Truth. Who talks of evil, conjures into shape the formless thing and gives it life and scope. Thisis the law; then let no word escape that does not breathe of everlasting hope.
When love, health, happiness and plenty hear their names repeated over day by day, they wing their way like answeriug fairies near, then nestle down within our homes to stay.
We trust our readers vvill River Traffic from Bluefields be paid in a number of years, to discountenance such efforts? to vvith hold the help to de. have stuck together, in spite not vveary of our continual ref thus enlarging the maritime vvhich payment will be guar God helps those who help velope one self after all these of all rebuffs and disappointference to this subject, but as trade of Limón a hundred fold. anteed by the Export Tax themselves, and affer the Li efforts have been made? It ments, to be able to bring vve are convinced that this is They vvould knovv, that on Bananas shipped from this monenses have done all this, vvould certainly be, and for this gigantic benefit to the Prothe only hope for the resus. the cattle trade vvith Nicara Port, estimated at the present done more, vve happen to this reason vve feel that opvince of Limon, and principalcitation of commercial activities gua could be quadrupled thus output in the sum of ffity knovy that arrangements have erations vvill soon be on foot. ly among them we see don on the Atlantic Zone, vve can bringing eheaper meats into thousand dollars per annum, been completed vvhereby, if And yvhile here we would Federico Gólcher, don Filadelnot but refer continually to Costa Rican homes, and that therefore the construction of sufficient free fruit can be fo Granados, don Harold urge every planter in the ProSmtth, don Ricardo Mora the prjoect, vvith an idea that there would be a continual the Canal vvill not be a bur got along the coasts to load vince, large and small, to join and Dr. Velazquez.
Don Cleto Government vvill exchange of commercial in den on the ratepayers of the a ship vvith 75, 000 stems of the Agricultural Society and But as we do things on a see vvith the same eyes tercourse between the tvvo Country, alleyve vvant is the fruit fortnightly, the neces so swell its ranks and expand small scale in this small counthrough vvhich vve gleam at sister republics.
guarantee from the govsary ships will be provided its influence before the author try, at least the group should this Ca, as being the only They would know that byernment to the Contractors for conveyng the fruit to Eu ities.
be taken, enlarged and exbibi.
salvation for the City of Li the fomentation of agriculture and permission to stick the ropean markets on a cooper In coming to a close we ted in the Municipal Hall so mon and its surroundings. along the coast, vve vvould first spade in the soil. Would ative trading basis; vvould it cannot but congratulate the as to perpetuate the memory The members of the Agri soon be encouraging compe it not be criminal negligence not be criminal vve say again gentlemen of the Society who of such worthy sons.
cultural Board of Limón have ftion in our Banana Trade, done and are still doing all whereby a European Fruit they can to bring the impor Co. vvould enter the market tance of this Canal prominent and take all the fruit offered ly before the eyes of the Pres along the coasts; yes vve reident and his executive of peat if they knevy their. terWe understand that claims Municipal offices as unficers as well as before the ritory as they should, they vvould cease spending moneys amounting to nearly C46000 employed.
San José, March de 1931.
deputies of Congress to incrazy man really. want you have heen filed with the to send me necessary explanadicate the great importance on many unproductive vvorks Mr. Nation tion anyhow: vvhich this Canal vvould be, of the interior and grasp the Secretary of Hacienda in Cartago The Bill on Immigration Bull by the born instead of connection vvith the mernot alone to the Atlantie DiUpon the face of such slanchandise and other mate recently presented to ConDear Sir: the tail, and rush the convision of the Republic but to der shall upon your expect rial destroyed in the recent gress has passed the neces.
ed answer act by the dictates struction of the Moin Tortu the entire country, yet ve In your widely circulated collision on the Pacific sary stages into law.
cannot but say they cannot guero Canal as fast as it could of my concience: that you have daily, in the Hotel Central in Railvvay.
Tourists, passengers in Panama city some weeks ago rolledau unnecessary stone grasp the situation; because be developed.
transit and persons protect. was shown and given a in my way, hope yon ll find the very great majority of them It vvas a pleasure to see our old friend don Federico On the 2nd. inst. there ed by agreements or con clipping by a do not knovy their country rell known a way to roll it out: will be but on a Map. If the men were but 835 labourers tracts are exempted. from young Lady who searched me doing so, at my first opporGólcher again on the job, pushvvho are the present guides ing the point in every joint registered at the San José its provisions.
out for that purpose tunity and shall use all knowof the destiny of the country ledge, all strength and all God of the Executive Council, and left my duties ii hat disknevy their Territory sufficient so far as vve have seen, it tant city undone and am given powers for the satisfacly, they would knovy that to tion of those disgraced; vvont be long before permisback in Costa Rica. canalize these Lagoons vvould hope you ll reply early, sion vvill be got to put these first advising you that am be to open up some of the and as am at Liberty to vise vvorks in hand; and hovy else here want you to tell why my passport to any part of most fertile lands of the Rep could it be, don Federico as its not a surprise that left ublic, vvhere unthought of President of the Commithe Lim, what caused me to the world without fear or worry the sooner we skip Limon and last but not timber forests abound, from get vvhich has been instituted to vvhich could be obtained mil investigate the possibility of from the Gleaner we learn the newly appointed Chair least to which bank my Prop. through the quicker go.
You better make a general lions and millions of feet of the Canal, has placed before man.
that some interesting develerties are sold, and when: also mahogany, cedar, laurel, pitch the Chief of State, his Minis opements are likely to take Mr. Price has been summoned in what way have fallen or we investigation of my whole life pine and other valuable lum ters of Fomento and Agricul.
place during the present Ses.
and career and publish same to appear before the Executive You have damaged my Intsion of the Jamaica Baptist ernational to substantiate Credit not those facts to answer for his conduct and ber, eagerly sought at, vvhich to ture and that of Gobernación, Union regarding the conduct failing a satisfactory explana mention in Costa Rica by and when you are finished vvould be a great source vvhat has been done by the of Revenue to the watervvay Agricultural Society of Limón of the Rev. Mr. Price, PrinciI will do like wise.
tion, it is expected the case printing a perfect Lie: and Kindly publish this letler, and vvould soon help to de of vvhich our friend Mr. pal of the Calabar College, will be reported to the Bap something you had no right who has refused to attend fray the cost of its construc Harold Smith is a member, tist authorities in London.
to do wanted you to answer DUNCAN tion and maintenance.
and has been instrumental in any meeting presided over by me these things personally, San Jose but as can meet you They would know, that it getting in touch with the Ed note: vvould be a direct communi shipping and Contracting Comhope you can find time to write. am here for a few At the request of Mr. Clevecation by vvay of Colorado panies; these gentlemen of land Duncan have published straight into the heart of Nic Limón have gone so far as weeks my wife will be here his letter to me, above; and aragua by vvay of the San to arrange with a dredging to spend some time also and According to a recent attributed, several persons can only explain in defence Juan River up into the great Company to construct the ruling approved of by both lost their lives by it during my stay or before Lake by vwhich the shipping works on their ovvn account, houses a of my previous article relative lavy has been and many vvere injured.
again leave for Panama want this thing settled as to his sudden departure from capabilities of Moin and Li finding the necessary funds, passed only avvaiting the have Limon. that it was certainly món vvould absorb all the machinery and materials to sanction of the President, come back personally only on by vvhich American ladies that occasion; you must be a Continued on page retain their American Citi Paris Deputy Pagazenship irrespective of their non discussing the policy marriage.
of the foreign Trade of Dr. JOSE CORVETTI France; proved that the Exportation of the United Nos given for the drawing on the 8th March are as follows: OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY Athens At a tovyn States has been reduced 10831 to 10840 10 Tickets 8041 to 8045 named Kounina near by by 25 per cent in conseDiseasus and affections of the eyes Tickets Tickets are deposited at Mr. Mendez. Limon Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres to Aegehion a population quence of the retaliation of about 300 houses vvas adopted by other countries DAVID LEE The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA suddenly sunken, vvithont to the increased Tariff imN. Tickets unpaid for, have no chance to win any apparent causes to be posed by that Nation.
am Conduct of Principal of Calabar College under investigation News of the World OCCULISTIC CLINIC To those concerned. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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