
PAGE BUTTINGS RANDOM echo of the Jamaica Graft Commission SO QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES Somniloquists and Dreamers It was Wednesday night of the public and yourself this that confession and prayer 66 the 18 th day of February 1931 is the house of Mr. Mendez said Mr. Taylor to when strolled into Park Var. He is the leading Lottery «Excelent replied.
gas to listen to the band Ticket Vendor in the courtry. It novy neared 20 oclock 9429 concert. As is customary! Just then the town clock and vve left for another part walked around the circle three BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!
times, and espying a likely and now friends and enemies us exactly tvventy minutes to tra person for an interview sat likewise lend me your ears get there and vvhen asked Dont accept any tube or envelope (BAYER)
on the same bench and for this is what heard coming Mr. Taylor vvhen vve arrived packets without the Eow started off thus. Good night from the mouth of the oc in front of a tvvo storey buildBAYER CROSS Mr. Taylor. Good night cupier of the house «Lord ing «Who lived there? Mr.
2010 came the reply. Pretty warm open the hearts of the United Taylor replied «Mr. Boyer. Oh no, harve been feeling Fruit Co.
We sat conversing in an unSen Sen DO bas u 1990 bluovy bn heat like this for donkeyy Lord soften the hearts of dertone vvhen vve heard a 99 years. Say, Mr. Taylor, Could the Co. Bananera de Costa voice start out vvith the vvell you be kind enough to grant Rica, knovvn hymn «Rock of Ages NO MORE me an interview for the Lord rent the hearts of the cleft for me and then Boyer Searchlight. Well, well, well, Company Surtidora de Costa burst forth.
As a result of the findings erations may be made but body concerned either the full you are yes said Rica. Lord of lotterry you made of the Graft Commission also with the persons by whom amount of the graft received. Mr. Taylor, then said That they may employ fools me once vvin 10. 000 colones.
which some months ago in the rewards are made or of or a part of same. Such a am the friend of all to buy my lottery tickets.
And thadk you.
vestigated the conduct of cer fered or who assist in either person will also be liable to and the enemy of none and my The more fools they em Could you be kind enough tain members of the Kingston the giving or the receiving of be declared incapable of eleclife here spread over a period ploy the more lottery tickets Lord of lottery, to let me Corporation, the Government the bribe.
tion or appointment to any known as majority in years, will sell.
vvin another 10. 000 colones. has decided to introduce at The proposed penalties are public office for years. In has been endowed to the Soften their hearts that they am novy married and my the present session of the as drastic as the most pure the event of a second convicUnited Fruit Co. and now the may not retrench any more. expenses are great Legislative Council, a Bil minded could wish, in fact tion he shall in addition be Company Bananera de Costa Lord if they do not obey Lord of lottery had knovun which may be cited as the they are we notice, dubbed, as liable to be declared for ever Rica and would not by any thee inflict upon them the marriage was expen Public Bodies Corrupt Pract. being Savage.
means care to converse on incapable of holding any pubTortuguero Canal Amen Amen sive would have remained ices Law for the prevention We reproduce the more imblic office and also incapable their business. If you would Amen.
and punishment of bribery portant: Any one on conviccare to know the names of «He is a Somniloquist for years of being registered The getting of the children and corruption of and by tion is liable to be imprisontheir different forms would said Mr. Taylor. Let us is not hard but the rearing members, officers or servants ed up to two years with or as an elector or voter. He shall further be liable to forgive you that, but it would get a move on to th other places of them is great.
of corporations, councils, pa without hard labour, or to not interest the reading pub Our next step will be in front Lord of lottery bear in mind feit his right and claim to rochial and other boards, com pay a fine of not more than lic, and might tell you conof the house of Powell. He is vvhat have said yours truly missions and public bodies. 500, or to both the imprisonany compensation or pension fidentially and not for public the leading butcher of this city Boyer.
to vvhich, if he was an emThe law, as proposed, is ment and fine, and in addiation that only one form do of ours vve arrived at 00. 30 «Come along far reaching in its provisions tion to these is liable to be ployee of a public body, he really trouble about, and that oclock. Lighting cigaretes we said Mr. Taylor «We are going would have been entitled.
as it provides the necessary ordered to pay to the public is number 1672. said were not kept waiting long novy to the dreamers) and provisions for dealing not only Mr. Taylor would you care to for Povvell soon got going off vve vvent. Arriving in front with such pnblic employees JUDUL 33 walk the town with me from and this is vvhat vve heard. of tailor Grey residence vve whom rewards for considPILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres 23. 45 until o clock and «Lord of beef thou knovy halted and sat on the side DET TEST 10 avy a onion Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away you will have food for thought est my short comings, vvalk. To our left vvas a Poand the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be answered With So cannot hide anything liceman standing in militar shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies pleasure. meet me at the from thee.
fashion under ihe Arc light.
FOTO shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
corner of the Phoenix at 20. 33 You knovy Lord that have Suddenly vve heard from inSiquirres PILE o clock said Mr. Taylor. given fourteen ounces to the side Grey residence «Police thanked him and departed. pound.
Police Police Grey rushed dos Miu yo 1976 to I counted the minutes until And have taken all this out from his home perfectly orion at the titty the town clock struck 20, 33 money and played lottery.
nude, a sight vvould never and got going to have never vvon yea a like to behold again, ran 21001 meet Mr. Taylor. was a few five hundred prize in thirty straight up to the Policeman, ED By her will. Mr Catherine Ward in perpetuation of her minutes ahead of him when looked at his number. 1056 years.
Nunes Field, widow of the memory. The amount realized espied him coming from the Lord of beef am novy vve heard him say 1056 Remedio eficaz, late Inspector Field for many from the residue is said to West. you are very thinking of giving tvvelve God of lottery 1056) and para la expulsión years in charge of the police be 876. which has been punctual. am sir» Let us ounces to the pound as things walking backvvards he repeatde lombrices.
department of the parish of handed over to the Governgo this way, said Mr. Taylor.
are getting harder and people ed «1056 Lord of lottery St. Catherine, Jamaica, has di ment. It is proposed to utiand we walked on stopping are eating less.
hold them this time. 1056.
rected the Executors of her lize the amount in the erection in front of a very large up Lord of beef help me to am going to play nothing De venta en la Estate, after providing for many of two semidetached wards stair house. Mr. Taylor then win the grand Prize and forbut 56 for this dravving to FARMACIA bequests, to pay over the of two beds each. be said «G. at the hour of give me for my short vveights come off on the 8th Inst.
ESPANA net residue to the proper autho There are doubtless a num24. 00 o clock you will hear Amen. and closing his door he LUCAS MORUA rities of the Kingston Public ber of Jamaicans residing in something that will interest What do you think of went back to bed. Mr.
Farmacoutico General Hospital for the pur this country to whom the Taylor said Is CARTAQO. pose of erecting a ward to donor and her husband were this man sane. perfectly be called the Katie Field known.
said Mr. Taylor «Excepting on lottery. On our vvay to LAWYER AND NOTARY another part of the tovvn ve conversed most freely and is Elixir Antianofelo Undertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases.
friendly. In Mr. Taylor. had Quality Merchandise Conveyances of properties, wills, and all sorts of legal Tian found the man had To kill malarlal fevers, the only documents prepared. Honest advices on points of When you purchase goods at Co. Surtidora de R, yearned to meet. Good natured, preparation guaranteed as a radical Law given before going in to Courts; Never contest a kindly at heart, philantropcure for Yellow fever, blackwater Commissaries you may rest assured that you are losing suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability my Motto.
ic, a man vvhose vyhole life fever, Ague, intermittent fever, colds buying clean, fresh merchandise. Old shopworn goods Rufino Solis. Lawyer and all classes of fevers.
Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon.
had been given to the Starare not allowed to remain in our stores.
It is recommended for cleansing English and French Spoken vation Army Arriving at a cot. a disordered Liver.
Zepol and Floradora Products tage vvhich looked very neat In proof of the above see the 294 suit the Mr. Taylor informed me that following, for four months had Have you joined the growing number of our vvas vvhere Whitebeen suffering from Hay Fever customers who are saving money by buying Zepol lock lived. This man said and after trying all sorts of medicines was advised by Mr. Antonio 1000 92 bit and Floradora Products? Next time ask for Zepol Cod to Mr. Taylor must be Brenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago By: a decree recently sanc where gaming in many of its having a nightmare. He vvas to buy a flask at Carboni Co.
Liver Oil, Castor Oil, Fruit Salts, Unguento and tioned by the Secretary of the best know forms bacarrat, svvearing profusely Blast you did so and after taking it, was Floradora Brillantine, Talcum, Perfume, Eau de Cologne brute you are fired you are permanently cured.
Interior gambling is now per roulette, poker, dice, chemin and Lavender Lotion. in turn reccommended it to mitted in public saloons in de fer and keno will be ina son of a gun. Handle them Mrs. Gertrude Mata of Cartago, the Island of Cuba. The nabanana easier three by six dulged in.
and Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea car No. 3256. What is he tional police has been instructThis is the first country, so Vieja who used The Elixir Antiansayiug enquired of Mr.
ed to allow the games provid far as we know, to remove ofelo with marvelous effects as a Taylor vvho ansvvered That re for all socurts of tropical fevers.
ed those participating do not the ban on this form of a Hundreds of Patterns. Guaranteed Fast Color No household should be without is the language of the molest the public. Several nusement which has always it. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it al large places, it is said have alContinued from page A. Carboni Co. Cartago. ready been opened in Havana been regarded as demoralizing.
TERMIFUGO Public Hospital benefits SAN ANTONIO Compañia Surtidora de Costa Rica Wonderful Remedy this Gambling no longer outlawed We Sell the GENUINE Peter Pan Prints Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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