
Saturday March 1931 PAGE The Siquirres Turrialba Road Siquires receives another blow Reckoning Prematurely an Dr. GRILLO Good Thoughts Buttings.
Strange Ambition of every We are informed that is nothing of a remunerative on Saturday last, the few nature being done in the The Municipalities of on the way to Peralta a.
districts to By «La Tribuna we find of Free Trade, so far as these tvvo Tovvnships vailable for coffee, bananas employees of the North surrounding have ern Ry and United Fruit offset this additional loss. an article in which it is pronouncements have been entered into and any other products. Co. who had been left in agreement by which they The farmers around Peralta We hope that the pro presumed that the action made by the Chancellor vvill conjoi tly furnish the have banded themselves the Siquirres offices. were posal regarding the build of the Fruit Comopany in Mr. Phillip Snowden, we funds necessary et Rode together and are spending by completing the removai ing of thie Turrialba Siquir withdrawing the Elder and fail to see vvhere our conconstruction of the Roadtemporary could have arcommenced some time last pushed to a conclusion and is probably in anticipation rived at such a possibility vvay already surveyed out nes to construct seven year.
betvvcen these tvvo places. kilometers of Roadvvay of an extra Tax in England for the moment at any an early start made as The commercial interests would assist in the circulaThis vvould be a mag: on all Bananas not grown rate. The McDonald govfrom the station inlands.
nificent idea for connecting of this township have alrea tion of some ash.
With the connections within the Empire. We ernment argues that extra are feeling that this idea Tax on any Commodity these two inland towns of the Siquirres Turrialba dy been seriously affected We also hope the Comis much premature, because means increased cost of and void open up and Road to this, an immense ditions and now that its pany will find some other habilitate thousands of lot of territory vvould residents have been further suses for the several build there has been an argument vvhich cannot nový so far as we can see while living to the labouring man be hectareas of fertile lands, thus be available to culdepleted we hesitate to ings instead of demolishThe Monrovia Valley tivators and the dread of surmise what will be the ing them as has been the favoring preferential tariffs thought of. Hence for some not vvithin easy reach of Si the Bonilla, Lomas, slides to support Empire grown time yet there does case in other centres.
quirres vvould afford the vvould not be so much result, especially as there comodities, especially Sugar; seem to be any hope of 0opening up of abont 000 felt.
e 40 yet it is not the intention any protective Tariff for the hectareas of level country REMOVAL of the present government Colonies in so far as fruit to depart from the principle is concerned.
BE33E MRS. CARMITA SMITH begs to advise her many friends and Dental Laboratory patrons that she has removed her dressmaking Department into the upstair building at the corner of rd avenue and fifth of MANUEL BATRES, Cartago street, near by Mr. Murray Barber Shop, where she is still a tthe disposal of her many clients.
Eastern Gate of the Market Obstetrics, diseases of women. Nearly every case of deranged Stomachs is traceable to Bad Teeth and of the Genito Urinary tract Have yours done at once! and the best in Cartago PRIVATE MATERNITY CLINIC is at DENTISTA BATRES First class materials and best workmanship What is much indulged when little eyes will look Half BLOCK NORTH OF MARKET therefore the cheapest in, by the majority of our up into yours, for advice BEEEEEE folks of young age, and and correction. How then PYHSICAL THERAPY is much considered by can you close your ear to SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Box 1080 them as a past time, is idle conscience and without talk; and immoral jokes, regret and shame, censure Many of them are made most probably your own Continued on page he exclaimed 55 and 56 up of instances of their sons. pick up gangs. Whitelock have had a hell of a dream ovvnselves, vvhich should No, these ages call out then must have got avvake Mr. Taylor. dreamt soon after rather be kept avvay from to you for Excelsior, and going to his desk vve going to bed that had vvon the knowledge of a second the climbing of your heard him chant slovvly the the lottery, but must count party, so as not to disclose thoughts, so that depra.
number 3256 3256, and all the people male and female the depravedness of their vedness sort On Monday nd inst. No. 705 and placed the are 11, 11 and are 13, 13 that pass to and from Piuta minds, others are made whether action word, tvvo curtis Army planes machinery in operation and and are 16, is the num for a month. This is the 18th up of circumstances, that thought, or deed Should Nos. 705 and 106 belonging started ofi vvith the idea ber for the next dravving night and mean to do it might have occurred for be looked dovun on vvith to the military aerial service of encircling above San Mr. Taylor then asked What Mr. Taylor vvho replied eign to such conclusions scorn, and scramble every of the United States alight: Jose, but before they conld do you think of that coinci You are very lucky Mr. Rob that such parties may decide moment for higher and ed in the Savannahs of have gone any distance, dence in dreams erts that this February is loftier proceedings.
San José from San by some apparently wrong betyveen Witelock and Grey. not a leap year or you vvould These conversations most From the Album of a contributor.
Salvador on the way to adjustments the huge bird Simply vvonderful the effect have had harder work. If generally prominent, in bar their bases in Panama. came back to mother earth lottery has on the people it held 56 days instead of 28 rooms, drinking clubs, bach While the aviators left from an altitude of about mind replied. Come along vvould have set up day and elors apartments, and carto present their papers to eight metres a perfect vvreck. said Mr. Taylor night and counted the people ried as far as to street the Authorities and the The value of this aircraft We have one more place to as they vvent by replied Mr. gatherings, are far from American Legation, leaving is said to be 40. 000 go and that is the residence Roberts. Novy can anyone what should be cultivated, By the British Guiana in charge the field Police being, a 450 horse povver of Mr. Roberts near the hos truthfully and vvith conscience by youths, who in future Chronicle we note that man vvho in turn left his machine; needless to say pital. There we found Rob at heart say that a lottery is years onght to be looked there is a proposition from son in charge vvhile he vven that both young men vvere erts fully dressed sitting by conducive to the health and upon as modelcitizens of Mr. Henry Ford to build for his pay; tvvo young as arrested and safely lodged the side of the road, seeing wealth of a people.
the vicinity in which they Highvvays through that pirants to aviation Franklin in the jail, vvhile investi Mr. Taylor vvhom knevy may reside. Again, they country into Brazil. for the Maduro and Fernando Za gations are proceeding. The are most elevative to the purpose of getting out his mora, came up and presented President tendered his heartmind, and when they are supply of Rubber from the to the youngster vvhon the felt sympathy in the inciconstantly encouraged, Northern Forests of Brazil. Police had left in charge. dent and offered to stand thay become so tenacious, His request is that for a certificate signed by the the cost of the Repairs of that it is with great effort ten years after the comple Director of Police Mr. Ro the craft. The American AND that it is suppressed on tion of the Highvvays no bles since 1929, acknowl Minister Mr. Eberhardt has BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY occasions, which if dis other motor vehicle would edging them as Airplane assured the President that ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED closed, would serve chiefly be imported into the coun attendents and Mechanics; there can be no responsito scorn even the sight try but Ford s, as a com on presentation of this, bility attachable to the govA Bureau established for the greater convenience, under of those who indulge in pensation for the construc they vvere allowed to go ernment of Costa Rica, standing, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Puthem, by parties to whosetion of the Roads.
into the Hangar and no because his government blic, in their legal affo 3, and Collection Department annexed ear they might have en We learn that a similar sooner for the protection of sinessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
in, they took looked upon the incident Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a tered like steel against proposition was made here charge of one of the planes as merely an accident.
Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the crystal.
in the administration of public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the Youths should then en don Ricardo but it was the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical deavour to shun these not considered advisable to El Mercadito de Alfonso Rivera Pérez en Siquirres experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts temptations and adopted, accept; subsequent events he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supecustoms, and encourage in must have brought a realCuenta con los mejores y más baratos artículos en Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials place of them, wholesome, ization of the great mis.
Cantina y Abarrotes are reds of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
high lifting conversations, take to the then advisers EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ such as can be recalled, of the country, and we The Marcadito of Alfonso Rivera Pérez in Siquirres Investigator with pleasure and satisfac must now say: oh! if opAttorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager tion, in the days of ripen portunities could only vrap is complete vvith the best and cheapest Wines, Liquors of all kinds as well as groceries of MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE ed years, in the days at our doors more than once recent importation Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of TO ADVERTISE IN At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, family residence adjoining the Post Office THE SEARCHLIGHT Apply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES IS TO DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS on.
Highway Proposition LIMON SERVICE BUREAU rior Barrister Presidencia Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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