
Saturday March 1931.
PAGE THE NIGHT HAWK TAIKS News from Abroad Revista ESCUELA DE AGRICULTURA Cane Juice! Cane Juice!
It is reported that within Honour by the French Gov of the effects. The approval, will Mr. Editor: condition of these innocent girls get from our different the past 12 days hurricanes ernent.
control the naval constructions In my solitary walks around ones Blood. No wonder that societies are chiefly to be have passed oven the Fiji Isof these Countries till 1936. In town, made quite a few there are so many juvenile blamed.
lands doing much damage It has now been denied consequence of the above, observations, which recall to mortalities, when they have no There are a lot of entice and causing over 100 deaths. that Premier Mc Donald con Henderson Mr. Alexander First my mind my article. IMMO resistance to fight the infec. ments, he argued, and the templated resigning on account Lord of the Admiralty and RALITY AMONGST OUR tions that they inherit from most destructive of them are, From Lima it is stated that of the defeat sustained last other members of the confeGIRLS. That article was indeed those who disgrace the sa the Jazz Band. the glare of Sr. Cerio Sanchez, Provisional week over the nonemployment rence left for London on the a scream, as all our elites cred name of Mother.
the nightlife, our parent President of Peru has been question. He is at resent 2nd instant.
were out to scalp me. Now How do mothers, fathers, propensities in not showing forced to leave for Europe giving his attention to the can boast that my timely warn sisters and brothers of these very edifying examples, the ap. The Marines refused to assist law referring to the insurance The largest and most import.
ing is affecting, most serious disgraces to the Negro Com parent indifference of our spir in taking out troops to meet of industrial workers.
ant theatro in Mexico City ly, those who were warned. munity feel, when they see itual leaders, our apparently the rebels.
was completely destroyed by Yesterday, which was Friday, them arraigned before the au. decent youngmen aptitude San Juan de Puerto Rico fire on the 2nd. instant. The Feb. 20th. the police force thorities of the Medical De. in initiating innocent girls to a On March 1st. legal proceed reports that the Association casualties were deaths and made a raid on a few of our partment How do they feel, life of shame and disgrace: ings were commenced at of Agriculture has asked the 14 seriously injured. The fire. Society dames and the city when they find that their and their cowardice to sup Kremlin Russia against men Legislative Council to solicit men experienced much difMedico had quite a time with daughters are classed as un port that very purity which cheviques who are accused the United States Congress to ficulty in saving the actors them. was made to under clean, and are branded with the they have tarnished as they of conspiracy against the So abolish the prohibition of li. who were hemmed in by the stand that a general cleaning SCARLET title, to live amongst are all stimulants for our young viet Government and of being quor in Puerto Rico thereby screen.
up will be in progress very the unclean, and to be dread girls to follow crime in all its parties to foreign intervention. re establishing the right to soon, until lawlessness and ed as something contagious? phases.
At the opening of the trial manufacture and sell liquor licenciousness shall find it in But they, the parents, the There was a cry by the there were 60 newspaper rein the Island Through news from Barrilconvenient to exist in this clime. brothers, the sisters, the friends Garvey Literary Club anent porters, both foreign and native, oche we learn that at p.
This type of people is get are all to be blamed. They do the Rowdyism of the present.
The Ministerial Council of on the nd instant the Prince ting bolder every day, on acnot help in the fight against crowd, and so we saw a Paris has approved of the of Wales his brother and their count of the notice that some this dread in the communi split. But taking a stroll along The negociations which Naval Pact agreed to betvveen Staff entered Argentine territ.
ot our Society men give to ty; this shameful thing that is Cieneguita, one would form have been procceding between England, Italy and France. ory. He was received by the them, after the bugle sounds making the better man think a different idea of this Club. Ghandi and Lord Irwin is rePremier Laval is highly satisfied Governor of the Province.
the LIGHT OUT. These that the negroes are so de It is just a case of like Moth ported from Delhi to have things reinind me of a Coy based that they encourage this er like Daughter. The week fallen through on account of ote Infested country. These sort of living amongst their ly rege is also in evidence, Ghandi refusing to accept the Human inoculators have people.
where the worst sort can bide Government proposals The caused a degeneration amongst have argued the question and perpetrate their rascally Viceroy has since consented the younger generation; and over and over, and was once deeds. What is the use of all to abolish the monopolity of La más barata del mundo y la que a usted más interesa every day we are seeing more convinced by a friend that the these clubs, when one has to Salt; and Civil desobedience Vale cuatro colones la subscrición por año.
deformities, as a result of the indulgence that our young stoop to the lowest depth to will cease if the rebels are Sólo en la agricultura encontrará Costa Rica su verda.
collect funds, to pay more allovved to participate in the dera redención. AGRICULTORICEMONOS.
rentals, and more taxes, so round Table Conferences sais Siembre zacate CALINGUERO, teniendo cuidado de que that a few can stand and Gandhi to vvhich fhe Viceroy a semilla sea de la aclimatada en el país. Siembre también preach improvement, when agreed.
maíz de semilla excepcional. Escríbame: toda clase de inforDrink pure ice cold Cane Juice, its delicious there is no improvement to beverage, it keeps the Kidneys alvvays show the public. What is the Henry Allen Cooper, the mes gratis. Luis Cruz Apdo. 1287. San José.
clean and alvvays keeps the organs use of these clubs? whose ideas oldest Deputy in the Ameriin good condition for upliftment rest upon the can Congress died at his home Sold everywhere at 10 per glass end that justifies the means.
in Washington and will be or at (H. DRUMMONDS m informed that the auburied in his native town of 6th. Street and 7th. Avenue thorities are about to make a Racine. He was 80 years old.
Amid great enthusiasm and productions of Art, handicrafts war on these Régés. and the number of street urchins, Charlie Chaplin is to be expectancy the community and products put before the who are pests in the atmosdecorated with the Legion of inaugurated the seeond Horn visitors to shovy vvhat Costa ed Stock exposition from phere of good society. Our Rica does produce and could wednesday 25 th Feb. to Sun be made to produce. Furniture young men who have been day 1st. March.
stung by these damsels. Here lies a poor woman who always was tired; etc. of its ovvn Lumber, clothShe lived in a house where help wasn hired, should be wise and report to The quality of animals of ing, hats and shoes from the police, so that such obA man can live on love alone, Her last words, on earth were: Dear friends, am going pure blood that were brought its ovvn materials Medicines man can live on thought; out on exhibition of the breeds, stacles in the way of healthand Where washing ain done, nor cooking, nor sewing; and oils as extracts from man can live on liberty, But everything there is exact to my wishes, sanitation be removed, thus Holstein, Ayrshire, Guernsey its herbs and plants; meats, No odds how dearly bought.
making the town safer for all.
and Jersey was such as indeed For where they don eat there no washing of dishes.
fish, cheese, milk etc. saited All these are nothing to a manI ll be vvhere loud anthems will always be ringing, any country might well be and preserved from our ovvn So Mr. Editor, think that don care what you say proud of, and Unless he manages to get a truth the products, ornamental laces and But, having no voice, ll be clear of the singing.
you will agree with me, by curtains and such like houseThree good square meals a day. Judge Mr. Salsbury who is Don weep for me now; don weep for me publishing this article. Those an expert Ayrshire an had m going to do nothing for ever and ever. man can lose his pile entire hold articles made from the of our people who condemn And never turn a hair: the time of his in his bark and products of our trees Written by an Unknown Writter before 1850. The Searchlight for publishing Gleaner Bnt if the ham and eggs are cold qualifications because they etc. the different classes of such articles have never read There brimstone in the air.
were all of a bunch fit for flours that could be produced newspapers before, or they man can lose his hair and teeth, would see that tne Gleaner of And friends, and still be gay, first honours that it was only from our food tubers and If he is fixed so he can get on circumstantial points that fruits; vvould all be an educaMindful of a duty out of Kingston, and every other Three good square meals a day. a decision could be given one tion tu our people, and vvould friendship the most popular newspaper throughout the man can wear a smilng face wa or another.
world, are very emphatic when have the result of opening up Above a broken heart: The showing was grand, nevy avenues of Industry.
dealing with immorality and man can grin and bear the pain the preparation on the part of It is to be hoped that the crime. If these persons are When fondest hope depart.
Has arranged to distribute a value of almost the Department of Fomento gentlemen responsible for the not disposed to read these The only thing that downs a man double the former value of the wrappings as a And puts him out to stay and agriculture could not be inauguration of this shovy in benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you articles, let them better the ls separating him for keeps, better; the amusements pro Cartago vvil think the matter can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before.
condition of things by their All No. wrappings have a much greater value From three square meals a day. vided for the visitors was good over and use our suggestions than No. and others.
mode of living and in every Now some want gold and some but the only item lacking was for instituting next year not way possible help to fight the want fame a combination of a variety of only an animal shovy, but a IMMORALITY RING And some want liberty exhibits as would be expected great Agricultural and handi.
which is daily embracing the best But all mankind in ev ry clime On one great want agree.
in a purely Agricultural Coun craft Exposition in vvhich the Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be of our young girls. Our Holy try such as ours is.
For be theyr slaves or emperors, seven provinces vould comexchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts Father the Pope, in his Encywill be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
Young lads or sages gray, There is no telling what pete vvith each other; thus clical letter, of Jan. 1931 does There not a a one of them but wants would have been the rejoicing giving an impetus, to every Distributor in Limón not disguise his words in ELOY GOTAY Three good square meals a day, and enthusiasm of such an class of industry trade and dealing with this sort of thing. The Gleaner Exposition were it an Agri commerce and bringing to Distributors in Turrialba He opens his mouth to the Rojas Cortés Cía.
cultural Show in all its pha. Cartago an overvvhelming entire world, and asks that ses, where each Province vyould influx of business to the decency and respectability from the Weeping and Guashvie vith the other in its pro merchants and propietors of would not turn their backs, hyp ing of teeth that he sees them ductions, each having its ovvn real Estate in the Vicinity.
Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 ocritically, on these pollutions heading forward into.
Court or village with all its in their midst, but face forward Yours truly and fight more than ever to save the coming generation THE NIGHT HAWK Advertise in THE SEARCHLIGHT The Cattle Exhibition at Cartago Epitaph on an overworked housewife Three Meals a Day PALMERA SOAP PALMERA SOAP INDUSTRIAL SOAP CO.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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