p. 6


Saturday March 1931 Wants Column The New wharf at Puntarenas lock.
Emergency Hospital to be opened in Siquirres Co Presidency XAT LIMON Hunger Riots in We note that the cost 13. 000, in 1930 at least, 100 more One colon per insertion of six lines cars present Government the of constructing the new 113. 000 vvhile the average shouid be obtained vvith far reaching benefits vvhich WANTED wharf at Puntarenas is for January and February out delay, as also an early can be accrued both finanstated to amount to the sum of this year is 35. 000 replacement of the tvvo cially and commercially if Advertise To sell a fine organ at the of 4. 100. 000 vvhich is which if kept up vvould large electrically driven vvork of a reproductive ridiculous price of 250. at about 700. 000 above produce no less an amount engines vvhich viere des nature vvere undertaken in Advertise your Grocery Jack Oranes.
the amount originally esti than 420. 000 for the troyed in the recent acci proper manner, especially stock if not your doors mated.
dent at Concepcion such as vvould result in bet.
shall But. vvhen Since it was put into In order hovvever, to The foregoing shonld, ter facilities being obtained you publish vvhat you have The Community to know service in 1929, its net satisfactorily handle the vve think, conclusively for disposing of the progot your friends will find that there is nothing to break earnings have been most import and export cargoes prove to those vvho control ducts of the Country.
you vith spot cash. Dont up a cold like a Cafiaspirin satisfactory and are steadily and afford quick transpor the puse strings of the you make a single noise. tablet taken in a Cup of hot on the increase. In 1929 tation from and to PuntaBut go ahead and ad. lime juice tea inmediately the amount realized vvas renas it is estimated that, vertise.
after having contracted a cold.
Make success by adverWe are reliably informed attached. This, we suppose, tising.
Advertise what e er you All persons suffering from that an emergency hospital is in conjunction vvith the Malaria to tiy Carboni Anis to established by the operations already started have got tianofela it is ie best eradiCompañía Bananera de in Guapiles for the conYour houses, Land and cator of malaria from the Costa Rica in some of the venience of the employees business spot.
We are glad to be able firmed in the Presidency buildings recently vacated novy located at the GuaThe only way to make system.
to inform our readers that for another term.
success is to realize the and to vvhich a properly cimo extension.
the change which we sta We are reminded in fitted out botica vvill be value of advertising All Turfites will also re. ted in our previous issue this connection of the See Searchlight member the Races at the was expected to take pla adage which advises that Mr. Abendana passes gent Mr. Develante at every New Jersey Track on 9th ce in the cabinet of the we had better contend with point and he will give you March.
of the United Fruit Co. the ills we know of than It is vvith sincere regret over 30 years identified all information.
has not materialized, Mr. fly to those we know nof. death of Mr. Auckland Aben in Limon, commencing as that we chronicle the vith the medical profession Cutter being condana vvhich sad event All sufferers from Asthma a dispenser under Dr. SteFor Sale. One Meloto try Botica Vargas specific took place in the Limon gall. To his bereavvd Widy. Saxaphone (Brass. in Cuajani Jordan large sized LAWYERS NOTARIES Hospital on Saturday Feby. dow the Searchlight tenfirst Class. condition. bottles for 7. 00 28. Mr. Abendana vvas for ders its deepest condolence.
Apply to Brownie. XMessrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA Estraca.
Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as solicitors Owners of Dogs and CRICKET before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Horsekind afflicted with Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
On Sunday, March 1st they could only total 27 When you in are need Mange to try a flask of ENGLISH SPOKEN a match was played at GROVERS MANGE ME of Glasses Get them fitruiis, Stevvart making Monte Verde betyveen the the highest score of 12.
ted with the Worlds best DICINES there is nothing Monte Verde and the The visitors then vvent in Ophthalmic lenses by Dr. like it. Azevedo Optome.
It is also an Antiseptic Sportmen of Cairo. and after 11 hours play On the call of the coin compiled a Hair remedy to prevent trista, Graduate of the Nor.
total of 47 the visiting Captain von runs, thereby vvinning the thern Illinois College of and cure falling hair.
Ophthalmology and Oto To be had at Botica but sent the homesters to match by 20 runs. The prinlogy: Vargas.
It might not be general. not the necessary wherethe bat, but ovving to the cipalscorers for the known that Food Riots withal for bodily susteneffective bovvling of Messrs Sportmen vvere Rams(Port Limon. box No. 2) San José Box 716 Maitland and have occurred in several ance.
Groves den 21, Walters. 12 the former towns of the United States. In the Gleaner we read taking and McGregor vvickets and the latter In Philadelfia, for instance, that Mayor Mackey warms state of Semi Martial the rich people, that MarLaw exists on account of tial Law will be necessary Is Al Capone.
these hunger Riots where if they do not give more Continued from page it was that his many Creditors On Monday week while the circumstance was, that 250. 000 persons are being liberally for the relief of tors myself being one of them, were left wondering how they one drama was being Campbell seem to have fed by charitable doles the uuemployed.
that he should have left in the were to be paid since the carefully prepared at 141 shot a pig he found in and 50. 000 children have manner he did without making Bank had prior claim on the miles near Swampmouth a his farm a few days before arrangements how his obliga property? and as he is here tragedy was being enacted belonging to a friend of tions should have been met; now he might send me my at San Andres Farm at Es Craig, hence the revenge, If you need a first class Medical man see consequently it was common small amount bordering on trella. It appears that a Craig threw away his gun rumour that the Bank to which fifty colones, for advertising man named David Camp and made good his escape. Dr. Jorge Montes de Oca the property was mortgaged the sale of the properties.
bell was indebted to ano. Campbell being a member Office 175 yards south of the Gran Hotel Costa Rica had taken over the property Mr. Duncan speaks of his ther named Craig of the of the Bethfield Lodge, TELP. 2950 Call at residence By TELP. 2740 collecting the Rentals etc. he international crédit, and is same place for the amount was buried by that Socie. magnificent Electrical aparatus for treatment by must know whether this is mi ch hurt over my publishof 18. his latter ven ty at the Bananito, Cemethe French method of heat application. Specialist true or not. His dear wife had ing was he says what had and demanded his money tery. The Police are on on Ladies ailments Box 987. San Jose also left the home and gone no right to interfere with but he and on Campbell not the hunt for the murderer to Jamaica Town.
forgets that we too have a being able to pay at the mo Craig. This is the second In so far as the story being National crédit to protect, ment, Craig emptied his murder on this farm in a lie; it is for Mr. Duncan to and how he damaged my double barrel gun on him, three months. The Police prove it a lie, by saying why good name among a people killing him instantly. What have not yet discovered with whom have lived unseem to ave aggravated who committed the first tarnished for thirty years, by murder.
Better than The Chamber of Com Salvador vvere larger, neisaying, which he knows to merce of Hamburg an ther they nor any other Pomona Biscuits be a lie that had used the nounces that during the year producing country shevved Credit of the pro1930 Germany consumed as large an increase. Of Hello boys. whats up. perty to borrow from him 000. 000 kilos more of the total amount exported Going up to Booths shop 500 for my personal use.
Suits made to order tn the shortest notice.
Costa Rica coffee than the from Costa Rica, during man to buy some of his Ah! Mr. Duncan the Bible complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels previous year, and that 1930 Germay purchased Biscuits.
is an ur failing Truth, and always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals. although the importations 49 as against 45 in Eating one you will be can only always leave you io North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts from Brazil, Guatemala and 1929 and 23 in 1925.
satisfied of the fact that the value of the 109th Psalm Booth Biscuits lead after you ve done me up.
Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number where others fail to follow.
winnings this week LOOK. WHERE? am at your disposal in Now see to it that you Cartago at any time, ill in In Serie Drawing No. 32; won by José Schaefer with Ticket No. 58 THE STAR RESTAURANT an up to date coloured restaurant recentIn presence of Mario Fonseca and Alberto Jiménez buy a Biscuit branded bed, you can come and disly opened at the Western End of the Siquirres Market with the name Booth.
All shareholders wishful of obiaining their suits, musi of necessity bet up Meals supplied at all hours from a. until 12 Coffee pose of my life as it best to date with their payments.
Breakfast Dinner; Banquets to order.
They can be had at all suits you, but before doing at SHEDDON BUILDING, Isaac Clarke, Manager chinese vendors.
SERIE WILL BE STARTED ON MONDAY, SEND IN AND so please send me a valid 6000 Eating one you will be cheque tor the 50 honourTAKE YOUR NUMBER recientemente abierta al lado Oeste del convinced that they are ably, as paid you your acBOX 252 San José UNA FONDA MODERNA, Mercado de Siquirres; atiende a sus clien: TELEPHONE 3320 certainly the best Local count; so it may help my tes a toda hora desde las cinco de la maña Biscuits in the Country. people to bury what left of Café, almuerzos y Comidas; Banquetes a todo gusto.
Ask for them at Estrada as you would then be CASA DE SHEDDON and Matina as well as through with me.
Another Murder a Costa Rican Coffee in Germany SASTRERIA GRANT. GRANT na hasta las 24 horas.
me Read The Searchlight Admor. Isaac Clarke Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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