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PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment To serve has always been man highest privilege.
We cannot see into the tomorrow but through the keen eyes of experience. Every new gift that the intelligence of man has given to his fellowmen brings with it new opportunities experience has siezed those opportunities and converted them into service to mankind. Let us each therefore regis.
ter daily a kind action to another so that we may have the satisfaction of claiming that highest privilege of Service to the vvorld around us.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY MARCH 14 1931 NUM. 70 Buttings Random The West Indians Tour of Anstralia a our vvhile run and get a dress ly secured the last of our tests, Accident to Mons. Blessing ew games being play day night the sth inst at names of the games being Again Successful The new game Bugging now being played in Limon am thoroughly convinced next page savy a photo my pipe. Mr. Angus vas This Tour has been brought Mr. Grant for his good judg. more gratifying. As it stands, that Limon is somewhere graph depicting a scene some punctual to the minute. then to a cluse and our boys will ment and equanimity as hovvever, it is most exhilaratabout 15 20 years behind the where in France, where confided to him and htm all be at home again between Captain in the manner he ing to be left in the knovvl.
civilized time of the outside Officers and Soldiers vvere alone that was the the third and the tenth of April. handled his men.
edge of the fact that world and my reasons for playing a game called «Rat of the Searchlight. He Inasmuch as the Gleaner On the vvhole, we are feel young master Geo Headley coming to those conclusions ting. This game, as expainCricket critic St.
vvas mute by malice and not ing that the Tour has been a has easily taken first place in will endeavour to explain. ed by Punch, vvas played a lamthe visitation of the Lord, classifies the tour as success considering all things; the batting averages, Martin Meeting Mr. Angus with vvith the follovving instru recovering himself he exclaim.
entable failure, we are wont but vve must confess that vve has also upheld his reputation whom had been introduced, ments: small bags of cordite, ed. You have really taken to feel it as rather successful, are particularly proud of our as both a first class Batas he kindly loaned me 12 cop. matchesmops, and clubs. You me by surprise. Had known for when we come to think Jamaican boys; they have well as a bovvler, judging that ies of the famous journal proceed to where you savv that you vvere of it West Indian Cricket was creditably acquitted themselves he has perhaps been more Punch the London Herald, a «Rat holes and there you never would have given you but recently admitted into first as justifying their selec used than any other bovvler, these copies were from 1914. put a few strands of cordite, this information. assured class status and that this Tour tion and vve are also feeling having had avvay from the 1919 and embraced what is light your mop stick, placing Mr. Angus that would neis really their first real effort that vvere it possible for the last three matches. 238 overs known as the War Period, same at the entrance; the corat test competition.
selection Committee to have with 34 maidens as against ver vvrite or speak anything and yet this friend was actual dite gets ignited, the fumes Our Cricketers performances included tvvo more of our Constantine, the best, 187 about this, which promise ly seeing them for the first suffocate the rodents and out have kept faithfully and truthcan stand very fair comparison Jamaica favourites of the class overs vvith 16 maidens.
time, and stating to me that they run. Then the fun comwith those of the of our old Master Holt, fully until this article appears Scott has placed himself as would be most interested. mences, everybody joins in team in South Africa, consid Morales, Nethersole, Hylton or the 3rd best bovvler on the in print. Mr. Angus then said Presumably Mr. Angus did the chase until the rat is ering that of the five test Bloomfield, that the result of team, meanvvhile Barrovv. you vvill have to not know vvas HI. captured hence the name matches in that country, the the Tour might have been Continued on page disguise yourself. We have Englishmen have not won one, for Mr. Angust went on to Ratting. Meeting Mr. Anat least 30 minutes, sit here say that nightlife in Limón gus enquired of him vvhen while Vve have most brilliantwas getting fast and furious vvould it be convinient for and that he had heard of him to take me around. Suns Dear readers, you would have to loan you. vvhich he did. playing against the ackowledg.
lots of new ed best combination in the been convulsed vvith laughter voorld, vve cannot but feel The entire Community will be stricken with Sorrow ed. enquired of him the 23, 38 o clock meet me in to have seen vvearto know that our dear Bishop Blessing, Vicar Apostolic names of those participating front of the buildthat vve have made a very of the Province of Limon, lies suffering from a damaging a hobble skirt, and off good start in our Shall we in these new games and he, ing. arrived at least 15 mined leg in the Almirante Hospital.
vve vvent. On arriving at the Mr. Angus, replied confiden utes before Mr. Angus did, say. International competition. While going from ranch to ranch in the mountains of Tatially their names were Mc sat on the sidevvalk and lit Continued on page Another thing, the scores of lamanca among the Indians, he got damaged on the leg Rae and Greenwood, but the Australians against us have by a falling tree, and after several days suffering in vvould not disclose the not been as demoralizing as the mountains had to be borne out on shoulders by vvere the scoring done by the Indians, who had grown to love the dear father plaued, remarking if vvould them against the pick of Enin God.
care to accompany him any The many adherents of the widow of the Testa. glish cricketers on their ovun Due to his increasing years Mons. Blessing had night, he would take me athe Universal Negro Im tor also tried to set aside grounds, and especially should often been persuaded to send a young Priest to carry round. accepted his kind of provement Association in the bequest, and succeeded it be remembered that the on the Ministrations among the Indians, but he prefer, thanked him, and depart this country will be proud before. His Honour Justice Australian grounds, new to ferred to do the work himself.
to know of the successful Sisuett, but failed on appeal our men are entirely different ed taking vvith me my nevy.
est copies of Punch.
The Searchlight, voicing the sentiments of the Comissue of the case, in Belize by the Organization before and more dificult to any on which On arrival at my boarding Honduras, of Beeks vs. the the Judicial Committee of ours boys haveever played. munity does hope, that he will soon be well enough to return to us, where our prayers and attentions will house got into a comfort organization. This vvas the the House of Lords. This In vvinning, therefore, five able chair and started to read, case in vvhich Mr. Garvey inatter now scem to be of our County matches and soon recuperate him back to perfect health.
the very first copy amused vvent over some time ago definitely settled.
one of the Test, dravving one me, and laughed aloud so as principal vvitness. It While on the matter of and losing three against, as such an extent that my boardvvas instituted by a niece the Organization vve notice ve say the Champion CrickIN MEMORIAM ing lady rushed into the of the benefactor, Mr. Isiah in the Gleaner, that Mr. eters of the vvorld, it cannot PINNOCK Mrs. MARTHA HARRIS room to see what vvas Mortor, vvho vvilled the Garvey has advertised for be considered so lamentably vyrong, seeing me convulsed greater portion of his Es Sale the Edelweiss Park, his desastrous, after all for inex In syveet and loving memory of our darling mother vvho vvas called to rest on the 14 march 1929.
vvith laughter, she enquired tate in Belize Honduras own residence Somali Court perienced beginners in the if any thing was wrong. No, to the Organization, as a and Kelvin Lodge. It is struggle for supremacy, by This tvvo years since vvith aching heart replied, am reading an old means of setting aside the said he will take up per plazers unaccustomed to the We savy you pass avvay.
Punch. Punch. Punch» she vvill, so as to claim the manent residence in En tactics and habits of each Hovvever long our lives may last, exclaimed, only know you properties said to be val. gland. The Blackman news other; even our Captain vvas Whatever land vve vievv drank. Punch, never knevyued at near on to quar. paper is also, we learn, at a great disadvantage by Whatever grief or joy vve pass you could read Punch. ex ter million dollars, but the gone out of print in Ja being unacquainted vvith the We still remember you.
plained to her vvhat vvas Supreme Court decided maica but vvill be launch capabilities of his men on difPunch and as she left heard against her, following the ed in Magazine form in ferent pitches; and right here Gladys, Frank, Eric, Dudly, Carrie and little her remark Punch, Punch, decisions of the House of England.
vve must give much credit to Mary what a funny name to give Lords in a prior case of a paper. Turning over the a similar nature, in vvhich Another Fugitive Merchant OCCULISTIC CLINIC The Imperial Development feet long and 15 feet vvide. It is now tvvo vyceks no paña and The Miami of Dr. JOSE CORVETTI Committee has approved an This extension vvill complete one has been able to conject Cieniguita fame.
interest free loan of 34. 000 a highvvay 104 miles long brin ure vvhether Don Antonio An embargo has been plaOF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY to British Guiana for years ging the mighty Kaieteur Falls Fundiño has put the waters ced against the Small stock Diseases and affections of the eyes for the extension of the mo vvithin a motor drive of the betyveen us or he is still in in them by the Chinese mer.
Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres tor road from Bartica, at the coast line. This is a second the country, bot bath of his chant Mr. Edgar Young, but junction of the Esequebo and loan the Committee has made establishments have been clo from vvhat we can gather The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA Mazaruni rivers, vvith a steel to assist the road building sed up, The Restaurants Es there is not enongh to cover bridge across the latter 350 programme of British Guiana.
the expenses.
Br. Guiana gets another loan slo Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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