
Saturday March 14. 1931 Pope Pius XI on Marriage and Morals QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES Cafiaspirina Greater Defenses for the Canal LIMON SERVICE BUREAU and accordingly entrusted all Wonderful Remedy Having regard to the world tower, but you, also, vener and indeed the whole human wide interest now being taken, able brethren, see, and seeing, race, on the nature and digniby leading religious dignitaries deeply grieve with us that a ty of Christian marriage, on and others, ou the modern great number of men, forget the advantages and benefits tendencies regarding marriage ful of that divine work of which accrue from it to the and birth control, we have redemption, either entirely ig family and to human society decided to reproduce, as a more or shamelessly deny the itself, on the errors contrary to BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!
serial the encyclical of Pope great sanctity of Christian wed this most important point of Pius XI published on January lock, or even, relying on the the gospel teaching, on the Dont accept any tube or envelope BAYER 9th 1931, feeling confident that false principles of a new and vices opposed to conjugal packets without the it will afford much interest to utterly perverse morality, too union, and lastly on the prinBAYER CROSS our readers.
often trample it under foot. cipal remedies to be applied.
The full text is as follows: And since these most per In so doing we follow the How great is the dignity of niçious errors and depraved footsteps of our predecessor chaste wedlock, venerable morals have begun to spread Leo XIII, of happy memory, brethren, may be judged best even among the faithful and whose encyclical Arcanum, pubfrom these, that Christ our are gradually gaining ground, blished fifty years ago, we Lord, Son of the Eternal Fath in our office as Christ vicar hereby confirm and make our As a result of the is considered by the Tech. Considering that at present er, having assumed the nature upon earth and supreme shep own, and while we wish to of fallen min, not only, with herd and teacher we consider expound more fully certain United States Pacific fleet that a more advanced line plane bases in the Pacific recent manoeuvres of the nical advisers of the Navy the only dependable airHis loving desire of compass it our duty to raise our voice points called for by the cir against the defenses of of defenses vvould be ne.
ing the redemption of our to keep the flock committed cumstances of ppr vvould be from San Die race, ordained it in an especial to our care from poisoned revertheless we declare that, far vvhich the attackers gain. Canal from invasion and sary to equip bases neartimes, the Panama Canal, by cessary to safeguard the go, California, it is necesmanner as the principle and pastures and, as far as in us from being obsolete it retains ed all their objectives, it destruction in case of vvar.
foundation of domestic socie lies, to preserve if from harm. its tull force at the present er the approach of the ty and therefore of all human We have decided, therefore, day, Canal, so as to assist the intercourse, but also raised it to speak to you, venerable fortresses on Flamenco Is.
And to begin with that very to the rank of land and the Ancon bata truly and brethren and through you to encyclical, which is wholly great sacrament of the rew the whole Church of Christ concerned in vindicating the teries; therefore it is being, considered to acquire law, restored it to the original divine institution of matriAND vyhether by leasehold or purity of its divine institution, mony, its sacramental dignity BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY purchase from Costa Rica, and its perpetual stability, let ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED the Coco Island and porits discipline and care to His it be repeated as an immutais Elixir Antianofelo ble and inviolable fundamental tions of Golfo Dulce and spouse, the Church. Bureau established for the greater convenience, under Culebra Bay for purposes In order, however, that a To kill malarlal fevers, the only doctrine that matrimony was standing, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Puof fortifications. It is found mong, men of every nation and preparation guaranteed as a radical not instituted or restored by blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed that a superior fleet vvithevery age the desired fruits may cure for Yellow fever, blackwater man, but by God; not by man for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors. out being hacked and be obtained from this renewal fever, Ague, intermittent fever, colds were the laws made to strengthA Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a and all classes of fevers.
kept at bay by advanced Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the of matrimony, it is necessary.
en and confirm and elevate it, It is reccommended for cleansing but by God, the author of public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the protective defenses could first of all, that men minds a disordered Liver.
the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical easily destroy the Miraflo be illuminated with the true In proof of the above see the nature, and by Christ our Lord, experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts res Locks by her tvvelve doctrine of Christ regarding following, for four months had by whom nature was redeem he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supe and fifteen inches guns, it, and, secondly, that Chris been suffering from Hay Fever ed, and hence these laws can rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials and after trying all sorts of medicines are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
thus rendering the Canal tian spouses, the weakness of not be subject to any human was advised by Mr. Antonio useless; By having, hovv.
their wills strengthened by the decrees or to any contrary EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ Brenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago AURELIO BERMUDEZ ever, fortifications erected internal grace of God, shape to buy a flask at Carboni Co.
pact even of the spouses Barrister Investigator on Coco Island vvhich all their ways of thinking and did so and after taking it, was themselves.
Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager vvould be about 50 miles of acting in conformity with permanently cured.
This is the doctrine of Holy out at sea and batteries that pure law of Christ so as in turn reccommended it to Scripture, this is the constant MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE and airplane bases at Golto obtain true peace and hapMrs. Gertrude ata of Cartago, tradition of the universal church, Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia fo and Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea Dulce and Culebra piness for themselves and for Vieja who used The Elixir Antianthis the solemn definition Bay on the border of their families.
ofelo with marvelous effects as a of the Sacred Council of Trent, Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Costa Rica and Panama, Yet not only do we, look. re for all socurts of tropical fevers. which declares and establishes Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, these vvould afford very ing with paternal eye on the No household should be withou.
California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, from the words of Holy Writ effective cooperation in the universal world from this Ait. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it al itself that God is the author Defense vvorks of the postolic See as from a watch Carboni Co. Cartago. of the perpetual stability of great vvatervvay. It is exthe marriage bond, its unity pected therefore, that ne.
and its firmness.
Ofice at 5th St. corner of 2nd Ave. Address Box No. 544 Yet, although matrimony is try will soon be begun of its very nature of divine for the right of ovvner institution, the human will, too ship of thse strategic points enters into it and performs a for Canal defense purLawyers and Notary Public most noble part. For each inThousands of visitors the great job which speaks poses.
dividual marriage, inasmuch witnessed the passing of for itself: General Judicial Commission Business the Nelson through The members as it is a conjugal union of of the We take the opportunity to offer our services to the a particular man and woman, the Locks of the Panama Inter Oceanic Canal Board general public, most particularly the coloured English speaking Canal on the 24th February; returned to Washington arises only from the free people of this and surrounding community in the following capconsent of each of the spo speculation was rife as to yesterday after surveying acity which we especialize in.
Interpretations Collectionditie Spanish English Translations and uses; and this free act of the possibility or not of the suggested canal route and administration. Organization aud corganization of firms co the will by, which each party this giant fighting ship of through Nicaragua.
mercial and industrial. Benevolent and Social Societies. Athetics hands over and accepts those 33000 tons succeeding, as They declared that a and Sporting Clubs. Write letters and take care of general coslowly wended her decision had been reached rrespondence. Prepare balance sheets and financial statements rights proper to the state of she aud comercial reports. Documents of all kinds, Wills, Leases, Bills marriage, is so necessary to way through the gateways. that such a canal would SAN ANTONIO of Sale, Transfers, Contracts, etc.
The Metropolitan Bureau is established for the purpose constitute true marriage that The steel plates of the be practicable from the of cooperating and the English speaking coloured peo it cannot be supplied by any bumping on both sides of my and of sanitation. gieat ship bulged slightly, standpoint both of econoDifficult their and intricate affairs and embarrassRemedio eficaz, ing problems with which they find themselves confronted daily, More especially in the matter of properly and correctly explainthe Locks. The paint work day and a half would be ing to them, by efficient and truthful interpretation of their in. This freedom, however, repara la expulsión was scraped but whatever saved thie sea route de lombrices.
terest and rights as set forth in the official language of this gards only the point whether damage there was, was from New York to San country.
Misunderstandings and malice are the two most cruel the contracting parties really only superficial.
Francisco by the Canal, enemies of world progress and peace. To understand and be wish to enter upon matrimony understood accelerates success and prosperity faster than any It might be interesting to which it was estimated De venta en la other perceivable agency, or to marry this particular our readers to know that would cost 700, 000, 000 FARMACIA Are you going to be naturalized? Going to organize? person; but the nature of maHave you Constitution and Byelaws of your society or club to the gateways of the Locks dollars as compared with ESPAÑA be translated in Spanish? Come let us make your will, before trimony is entirely independent are 110 feet wide while the the cost of the Panama you get sick and die.
of the free will of man, so LUCAS MORUA Nelson has a beam of 106 Canal which amounted to Farmaceutico ic. Raúl Marin Egbert Poison that if one has once contract feet. This is where the neces 74, 000, 000 and the Suez CARTAGO.
San José and Limón Accountant and Interpreter ed matrimony he is therebysity for the construction of Canal estimated at between Attorney Manager subject to its divinely made the Nicaraguan Canalshould OFFICE HOURS 17, 000, 000 and laws and its essential proper8 to 12 and from to daily To advertise in The be evident to the American 18, 000, 000 pounds.
ties. For the angelic doctor, government. From Sundays to 12 It is expected that work SEARCHLIGHT writing on conjugal honor and Gleaner We take the clip will be started in the near Continued on page ping of the practibility of future, double your business The Necessity of the gotiations with this coun: Nicaragua Canal THE METROPOLITAN BUREAU VERMIFUGO human power, on the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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