
Saturday March 14. 1931 cl News of the World Hence an SER are mormons.
The United Fruit Co. will not renew HO AGATHA CHO VIAS MOMENTO Contracts on worn out Farms Very heavy Weather and inundations by flooded passed over the Mauritius In accordance with pri competition and depressed the life of their present storms have been passing rivers, the most powerful Island and caused considervate information received market conditions. Contracts and closely conover the Coast of France flashlights cannot penetrate able damage there, breakby us vve advised the small In future, Contracts will sult vvith the Superinten: snowstorm passed over nel; earthquakes and ava troying the Custom houses. the bog in English Chan ing Communications, desfarmers, some issues ago, only be granted to large dents of the Company benot to invest their savings farmers who are able to fore further investing their England and Scotland on lanches in the mountains churches and prominent Central of Bavaria.
buildings, in some sections to improve their old Farms open up nevv lands, select savings in lands vvhich the 9th, while vvithout first ascertaining ed and approved by the might be regarded as of Europe is suffering from The recent cyclone which and causing scarcity of intense Cold Wave, from the Managers of the Company, and who can second category.
destroyed the Fiji Islands, articles of food. Company if their Contracts furnish Tramvvays, etc. for our advice to Watch your vvould be renevved. We the convenient handling of steps.
Al Capone has refused are novv in a position to the fruit vvithout its being We cannot help from Dental Laboratory two million dollars for his autobiography for state, fearlessly, that the battered and bruised by again callingthegovennient film Cia. Bananera vvill not re long haulage on pack ani notice to the urgent need of MANUEL BATRES, Cartago purposes, he declares he will not be a film star nor nevy the existing contracts mals, especially as all the of the Moin Canal, vvhere Eastern Gate of the Market when they expire, because fruit, to be exported, vill there are thousands of. hecis he going in for the it is considered tlrat the be of heavy quality for the tareas of Virgin lands Nearly every case of deranged Slomaclis is traceable to Bad Teeth Literary business. He has bananas produced on vvorn American market. It is to be opened up along Have yours done at once! and the best in Cartago however been sentenced to is at DENTISTA BATRES out lands are of inferior therefore, of great import the Coastline. By means of six months imprisonment quality and do not give the ance to farmers who are tvvo or there miles of First class materials and best workmanship for Contempt of Court, therefore the cheapest results required under keen novv supplynig, to watch Tramvvays running inland, and his body guard will OV od there would be consideraas be deported to Italy. it til og Diangste Un ble traffic on the Water way to bring these bana MacDonald wins on the The Mormon religion is Mindful of a duty out of GV to gano na nas to Matina or Moin to stated to be gaining headfriendship the most popular load the Company Cars Dole issue le ayni way considerably in the spotted at these places; South Sea Islands and PALMERA SOAP vvhich of itself vvould at As arising out of quest six months uncovenanted New Zealand, where the a nominal fee, in a short ions by the opposition period during which time a old customs and traditions Has arranged to distribute a value of almost time, repay the cost of the party, it was disclosed that jobless man receives pay of the natives make them double the former value of the wrappings as a benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you construction of this useful the Brtiish unemployment ment from the State. Miss incline naturally towards u can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before. VITO watervvay, found is 67. 100. 000 in Bondfield also stated that such a religion. It is esti: All No. wrappings have a much greater value than No. and others.
Scoal strong Committee of debt; and by the support there are now 642. 000 mated that abont 60 of o ano Banana Farmers, vvill ap of the Liberal members the unemployed in Britain; She the Maoris in New Zealand PALMERA SOAP proach the Executive, ask government obtained per. at tributed this state of af.
ing that Congress vill ini mission to barrow another fairs to World Causes which, 30 Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be terpret the intentions of 20. 000. 000 for payments she said, had thrown on The Secretary of Agriexchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts clause of the Contract to the jobless. making a the list here, in one year, cuture and Public Works of will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
vvhich says That the Com total, now raised, of 115. 000, and in Germany Panama recently issued Distributor in Limón Ote)
pany vvill extend Contracts 90. 000. 0000 for nonem1. 673. 000 and had thrown orders that all foreigners obloh 59.
ELOY GOTAY for the purchase and re ploment purposes.
out of work in the United employed on the work now Distributors in Turrialba ceival of the fruit from Furthermore, on the plead States 10. 000. 000 people being carried out on the bu Rojas Cortés Cía.
the producers in the same ings of Miss Margaret She said one of the contri National highways should onli terms and conditions as at Bondfield, the Minister of butory causes was decline be dismissed and their INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co. present exist vvith private labour, the House of Com in the number of emigrants places filled by natives. The ho TO 1999 famers at the same prices mons subceribed an extra from Britain for foreign foreigners, in this instance, Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 that have been paid during 15. 000. 000 for transition parts.
are all West Indians who Motor the last five years.
al benefit to cover the had acquired their positions These farmers, are conbre ПОНОНИ АЯ on account of their knowjecturing that inasmuch as 0800UMINADOMJUD00000003000) ledge and skill. Jamaica this clause has reference should make a note of to the nevy Concession this when the alien matter SHOT 11 collige bude lepingud yet they are entitled to a comes up for consideration Continued from page 2011 it is a matter which flows renevval of their existing in the Legislative Council.
on the offspring which is the from human nature ftself, no Contracts under that clause, fruit of marriage, says: less certain is the teaching of as they have been induced That the only medicine which These things are so contain our predecessor Leo XIII of to invest in the business, cures Asma, and acute BronTwentyfour earthquakes ed in matrimony by the very happy memory.
to be in three days have been chitis is the marriage pact that if anything ln choosing a state of life it registered in the Balkan to the contrary were express there is no doubt but that it to all producers as all fruit Cuajani Jordan States, causing considera.
ed in the consent which makes is in tile power and discret novv being obtained is the ble damages to property the marriage it would not be tion of each one to prefer one product of old Farms, there The sole deposit and representation and many lives in Bulgaa true marriage. 101 or the other: either to embrace not having been any nevv of which is in ria Greece, and Yugoslavia.
Thousands of persons By matrimony, therefore, thie the councel of virginity given plantings for the last tyvo souls of the contracting part by Jesus Christ or to bind The BOTICA VARGAS have abandoned their ies are joined and knit together himself in the bond of matri pretation of this clause is homes and are camping SAN JOSE out in the open squares, and inore intimately mony. To take away from therefore anxiosuly avvaitmuch distress and want than are their bodies, and man the natural and primevaled in the country.
Apartado 716 Telephone 2812 that not by a deliberate and right of marriage, to circumis being felt; the Red Cross firm act of the vvill; and from in association with the scribe in any way the princiWWSVDOWOWODUTOMOVIUDASOVIMAX Better than this union of souls by God pal ends of marriage laid down Police and Military, is decree is sacred and inviolable in the beginning by God him: PomonaBiscuits Civic Fiestas at Turrialba to help the suffering.
doing all that can be done bond arises. Hence the na self in the words: increase ture of this contract, which is and multiply is beyond the Hello boys. whats up. proper and peculiar to it alone, power of any human law. Going up to Booths shop The centrally situated tovvnships, leaving on the High tides and heavy makes it entirely different both Therefore the sacred parl man to buy some of his tovvn of Turrialba, which return trip at 10. 30 seas have recently caused from the union of animals en nership of true marriage is Biscuits.
is steadily pushing herself The seating capacity of considerable damages along tered into by the blind instinct coustituted, both by the vvill Eating one you will be forward along progressive the many stands erected the Massachusetts Coast of nature alone, in wich nei of God and the vill of man: satisfied of the fact, that lines, held her usual Civic on the plaza yvere, on rendering more than 300 ther reason nor free will plays From God comes the very Booth Biscuits lead Fiestas from the 7th to most occasions, taxed to families homeless.
a part, and also from the hap institution of marriage, the where others fail to follow. 10th instant. The Commit their utmost capacity and azard unions men which ends for vvhich it vvas ins Now see to it that you tee having charge of the the many forms of sportare far removed from all true tituted, the laws that gov buy a Biscuit branded arrangements worked most ing games, provided at back forgot, in December Mrs. Edgar Luckenand honorable conjunctions of ern it, the blessings that flow with the name Booth. assidouusly and should be these times, were fully last her satchel in a Taxicab wills and enjoy none of the from it; while man, through They can be had at all complimented on the re patronized. The business in New York City containrights of family life.
generous surrender of his own chinese vendors.
sults achieved. Everything section also came in for ing Jewelry valued at one From this is clear that legit person one to another for the Eating one you will be as provided for, wvent their fair share of patron; hundred thousand dollars.
imately constituted authorithy whole span of life, becomes convinced that they are through in clock like man age. The Military Band has the right and iherefore with the help and cooperation certainly the best Local ner. On Sunday a special from Cartago vas in Three weeks ago the satchel train took and its the duty to restrict, to prevent of God the author of each Biscuits in the Country, contents were a large attendance and their and to punish those base particular marriage, with the Ask for them at Estrada number of visitors from formances certainly deserv. mysteriously fowarded, by unions which are opposed to an unknovvn individual, to duties and blessings annexed and Matina as well as San José and intermediate ed the appreciation affordreason and to nature; but since thereto from divine institution. Limon.
ed them.
Continued on page Wooden Pope Pio XI on There is no forgetting the fact 0000000000000000000000 VOODVUUU over Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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