
Saturday March 14. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
THE JAMAICA LEGISLATURE AT LIMON ENGLISH SPOKEN 20 Cc: 0: ex O more a El Mercadito de Alfonso Rivera Pérez en Siquirres Cuenta con los mejores y más baratos artículos en For the benefit of those the Legislative Council dur his opening speech stated Dovvning Street, the Gov.
Cantina y Abarrotes of our readers who take ing its spring session which that althongh the exporta. rnment again sought an interest in the public opened on the twentyfourth tion of their principal pro permission to provide for The Mercadito of Alfonso Rivera Pérez in Siquirres affairs of Jamaica, we are February. The follovving ducts for the year 1930 taking a census of the Islpublishing a résumé of the represents the first week: had exceeded the quantities ands population in April is complete vvith the best and cheapest Wines, Liquors Matters dealt vvith by the Governor in handled during the previous 1932. This vvas refused on of all kinds as well as groceries of year, they had to be dis the vote of the eleven recent importation posed of in the vvorld elected members present, LAWYERS NOTARIES markets at very unremu. vvho were of the opinion nerative rates due to the that present financial con Further Retrenchment Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA general depressive condi ditions did not vvarrant Offer their services to tne English Speaking Public as solicitors tions. Bananas reached the the 10. 000 to 15. 000 The United Fruit Co. the service of the Merchand before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; record figure of 24596, involved.
still continues to apply the ise Dept. for a long num.
Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
585 stems, an increase of On the motion of Mr. pruning knife. In the Rail ber of years have also, vue over 1 millons over the number exported in 1929, Wint vvith the Goroad Dep. seven engineers learn, been retired, vvhile vernment not opposing, it and six conductors have there are, it is reported, a but the value had fallen Habbow sentenced in New York from 2, 509. 878 to vvas agreed that an annual been let out. The vvork further number of men in allovvance of 300 should usually undertaken by the the fruit receiving division Joscelyn Davis alias Hab a Lottery. He similarly rob: 2, 309. 741. The exports of be given each elected mem office of the Supt. of Agri vvho are slated for dismis.
bow alias Victor Davis, bed Artemas Green of Cocoa and coffee yvere ber. The motion as amend culture has been remodel sal. majority of those whom it will be remem. 600 in April last, while a in excess of those of the ed by the President led on lines which has vvhose services have been bered was extradited from Lodger in his home, duping previous year but produced reads. That this Council effected a big reduction of dispensed with, being Kingston, Jamaica, some him with similar tricks. 35. 000 and. 103, is of the opinion that the the Staff. The Cía. Surti. Americans, have been almonths ago, has been sen This is the same dope less in money. While nine Elected members of the Ja dora is again in the reduclotted to Honduras, Santa tenced in New York to fiye that was being served out and a half million pounds maica Legislature should be tions, Messrs. Martin and Marta and Pto. Armuelles.
Manahan, vvho have been in years imprisonment, for his to Mr. David Powell some of pimento realized 150. paid an allovvance of 300 confidence tricks, played on weeks ago by the treasure 000 less than the amount perannm. Mr. Smith Mrs. Olive Dean of that seeker Telfer at 14 12 received for nine million vvas the only elected memCity, by swindling her of miles. It is to be hoped that pounds in 1929. The reber present who voted REMOVAL a Roll of money containing the authorities here will venue for the financial year aganist the motion. His MRS. CARMITA SMITH begs to advise her many friends and 460 which was exchang deal similarly in all such ending 31st March vvas objection vvas he stated, patrons that she has removed her dressmaking Department into ed in a Spirit seance cases. These are gentry espected to total based on the fact that he the upstair building at the corner of rd avenue and fifth meeting, for another roll who say that work was 226. 000 and the expendi personally received street, near by Mr. Murray Barber Shop, where she is still a tthe of useless paper but pur. never made for them. vvhen ture. 350. 000 leaving satisfaction in giving his disposal of her many clients.
porting to be her money, vvill our innocent people a deficit of 124. 000 on services to the Island vvith9: cie. CLO 00 in an attempt to reveal to be guarded.
the year transactions. This out revvard of any her the winning number in deficit vvould so affect the kind or in any form.
credit balances of previous FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. Mr. Wint also gave no.
years and as it was extice to move the following At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small pected that there would an up to date coloured restaurant recentTHE STAR RESTAURANT family residence adjoining the Post Office ly opened at the Western End of the be further falling off in in resolution. Be it resolved Siquirres Market.
come during the coming the Secretary of States for that the Right Honourable SIQUIRRES Apply to Sam McIntosh Meals supplied at all hours from a. until 12 Coffee Breakfast Dinner; Banquets to order.
year, it was proposed to at SHEDDON BUILDING, Isaac Clarke, Manager increase the import duty, the Colonies be novy reA Vault Robbed. OOO 00 on certain articles vvhich spectfully asked to reconcould be regarded, to a sider the vvhole question UNA FONDA MODERNA, Mercato de Siquirres; atiende a sus clien It appears that the crim in the possession of a tradgreater or less degree, as and to advise the inal characters in er vvho said he had purtes a toda hora desde las cinco de la mañana hasta las 24 horas.
luxuries; by vvhich it was King to be graciously pleas, midst are Café, almuerzos y Comidas; Banquetes a todo gusto.
novy turning chased them from tvvo perexpected to obtain ed to restore to the Island their attention to the City sons unknovun to him. This L50. 000. The Island public the Constitution, with all of the Dead. as vve notice party vvas taken to the debt vvas stated to be its rights and privileges. that a complaint vvas re office of the Detective DepL. 082. 000. tovvards the which existed up till 1865. cently lodged vvith the artment where he vvas able News of the World payment of which sinking It was agreed that the criminal authorities in San to identify photographs funds had accumulated to motion should be discussed José that the vault belong as those of the men from Brought from page granted the Minister of the approximate value of on Wednesday the 4th ing to the Victory family whom he had made the march.
Finance of Cuba an extenL. 243. 0.
had been broken into and purchase. The tvvo men Attorney General sion of tvvo years for the It was also stated that The Bill to amend the silver Urns robbed there have since been arrested office of Nevvark Nevv Jer payment of the tvventy during the year 70 miles Tariff Lavy vvas introduced from. On investigation the and novv avvait the further sey.
million dollar Loan which of new roads had been by the acting Collector police came across the Urns action of the authorities is due in April next.
constructed 10miles. brought General and passed, aad After an abolition of the up to the main road stan under vvhich the duty on death sentence in the State Never give up Hoping erected.
dard and 20 nevv bridges Beer, vvines, spirits and If you need a first class Medical man see of Michigan for over eighty Cigarretes imported into the Dr. Jorge Montes de Oca Under directions from Island has been increased.
years, a lavy vvas in. From Ontario, Canada, Office 175 yards south of the Gran Hotel Costa Rica stituted on the 5th. inst we find, by a clipping in TELP. 2950 Call at residence By TELP. 2740 again putting execution in the Gleaner, that Ernest force in that State. Harris, a hopeless and magnificent Electrical aparatus for treatment by penniless inmate of a 0the French method of heat application. Specialist Poorhouse committed suion Ladies ailments Box 987 San Jose Five vvomen and seven Look out for the new Films from Sunday night cide because he was des students vvere arrested on paired of life. He was the 1st. March. They will surprise the public. Come the 5th inst for plotting buried in a pauper grave.
one and all and enjoy yourselves, Sunday and Monday nights. Fine accommodations. Get your tickets in time.
against Machado governi week after his death, great Parliamentary Expert Show starts at 30 Dont miss this chance. The ment in Cuba.
best Teatro on the Lines news arrived from England By the Motor Ship Co. termsthrough arbitration the that he had been left a VICENTE DE LA PEÑA lombia of the Netherlands nations of the globe.
The Chase National fortune of 6000 by an line of boat vve observe He has been all through Bank of Nevy York has Aunt.
the arrival of a great inter South America, and from our CASA DE SHEDDON Admor. Isaac Clarke the THE PEÑA TEATRO SIQUIRRES Prop.
Sociedad Tipografica Cartago delimann. This gentleman, the other countries of La Hotel ATLANTICO Dr. GRILLO Obstetrics, diseases of women and of the Genito Urinary tract PRIVATE MATERNITY CLINIC Half BLOCK NORTH OF MARKET PYHSICAL THERAPY Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make you comfortable at rediculous prices write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA to ling as representative of arouse terest in the Union the Interparliamentary to point out any lacknion of Geneva, of which ing means of progress and Mons. Fernando Douisson to study and take back his of the French Chamber of personal observations of Deputies is President. each country as to its ef.
This Union is composed ficiency and progression of representatives of the tovvard civilization. He vvill Congresses of the several be here for a vveek discountries of the World and cussing vvith our Depu ies functions as an aid to the and authorities on matters League of Nations for con of progressive ideas.
serving on friendly, peaceful SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Box 1080 TO ADVERTISE IN THE SEARCHLIGHT IS TO DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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