p. 6


Saturday March 14. 1931 Wants Column WANTED Big Cricket Match, Prize Fight and Picnic departs SASTRERIA GRANT. GRANT successful operation Cricket match and Pcnic ati We are pleased to see Mr. to Panamá, but feeling confiLester Norton, our esteemed dent that he would be safe Penshurst One colon per insertion of six lines Merchant of Siquirres, once under Dr. Quesada, here mainmore restored to good health ed and vvith most gratifying Remember the 12th April, all roads will lead at Penshurst, after undesgoing a very deli results. Our congratulations to cate operation in the Clinic Dr. Quesada and those vvho Advertise The Community to know of Dr. Roberto Quesada. Mr. vvere associated vvith him.
that there is nothing to break Norton first thought of going Dont miss this opportunity. Train leaves Limón Advertise your Grocery up a cold like a Cafiaspirin at a. and from Penshurst at 11 stock if not your doors tablet taken in a Cup of hot The new shoe store of Siquirres Richards Prop.
shall lock. But vvhen lime juice tea inmediately We have removed you publish vvhat you have after having contracted a cold.
our shoe establishment to Mr. Rivera Cafetin adjoingot your friends vvill find ing the Commissary, where we maintain still our lowest prices Amonster you vith spot cash. Dont. and a complete assortment of materials for high class boots you make a single noise.
and shoes.
All persons suffering from Killed But go ahead and adALDOR ROBERTS HUERTAS The Editor vertise.
Malaria to try Carboni AnPROPRIETOR Sir.
Make success by adver tianofela it is the best eradiOn Saturday last while cator of malaria from the News Magnate: On account of receiving a con Alberto and Mr. Jacob tising Advertise what e er you system.
better offer, herevvith tender Davis Were Walking along have got It is impossible to publish vvays open to the use of our my resignation. will be leav the bank of the Cuba. Your houses, Land and so nonsensical unintelligent readers, vve can only produce ing for Nicaragua next vveck. Creek they came upon an business spot.
Owners of Dogs and an article re Somniloquists in them such articles as vvill Yours very truly, exceedingly large alligator Dreamers. While the columns not tend to lovver our standwhich they succeeded in The only way to make Horsekind afflicted with of The Searchlight are al ard of intellleence or offend shooting. Don Alberto had success is to realize the Mange to try a flask of that of our readers.
Edit. note. We are indeed it taken to Marrivia Farm value of advertising sorry to lose so efficient a and when measured it See Searchlight «GROVERS MANGE ME correspondent, but hope that was DICINES. there is nothing found to be 17 2 gent Mr. Develante at every point and he will give you like it. ELEGANT MODE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT one of our many young friends feet long. The Weight Was may nd it possible to take 448 pounds. Parent in This is to notify my friends and patrons that have removed, all information.
It is also an Antiseptic from my former Establishment. am now Located at Peña Build np vvhere has left this district should be very Hair remedy to prevent ing opposite the old Spanish School. Your visit to my new Es Xtablishment will be highly appreciated as an act of good will.
off. We also vish careful how far they allow and cure falling hair.
My best service awaits you, with courtesy. Punctuality, Guaranteed a successful future in his new their children to go from When you in are need To be had at Botica workmanship and moderate prices, Give a trial and be convinced.
their homes.
of Glasses Get them fit.
2nd. AVENUE 15 METROS FROM CORNER OF STREET JAS. PETERKIN. Box 140, LIMON, ted with the Worlds best Vargas.
EEEEE Ophthalmic lenses by Dr. San José Box 761 letter of appreciation to Doctor Azevedo Optome XSalisbury from a grateful father trista, Graduate of the Northern Illinois College of Those who would like to Doctor Salisbury.
Ophthalmology and Otopass a few days of rest Suits made to order at the Shortest notice.
This is the name of an eminent physician and logy.
and change in a quiet home complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels surgeon to whom God granted a discerning eye and a skilful hand (Port Limon. box No. 2) in the interior, to know always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals. feel it a bounden duty to make public my that Mrs. Charlotte Big.
North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts gratitude for his having saved the life of one of my XSuits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number daughters by the wonderful operation which he, gerstaf can accommodate assisted by Doctors Oreamuno, Jiménez and Roberts, winnings this week To sell a fine organ at the your necessities at her performed In Serie Drawing No. 33; won by Jorge Rojas with Ticket No. When the COMPANIA BANANERA DE COSTA RICA ridiculous price of. 250. at home in Cartago with Serie Guillermo Perez. 29 so wisely organized its hospital in Limón it created, Jack Oranes.
clean comfortable quarters.
In presence of Mario Fonseca and Francisco Cuadra most patently, a feeling of confidence in this much benefitted center, wherein so many of its residents BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 have been snatched from the hands of death. through the skill of her physicians.
May these phrases, bolstered by my sincerity, serve to unbosom my profound and lasting gratitude.
Continned from page H. Prado Salinas.
corner of the street that leads ther to get the bug vvhich Comes from page the Team been coloured and Limón, January 27 de 1931.
to the railroad track vve sehad fallen vvas great fun.
vyhom the Trinidadians did black men; but from vvhat creted ourselves under one of these bugs vvhich got injued not admire as a Wicket keep, can be gleamed through the Youthful Criminals the railroad cars and there vvere bisected equally beand not estimated as bein gable lines, the deportment, of not avvaited the actors. The first tyveen the eight cats and deto hold Constantine light only the players but the public voured, the Greenv vood puss On Sunday night last two The Correspondent of La lot to arrive vvere six various ning deliveries, has surprised of the antipodes has been most lads of eleven and twelve Tribuna classifies them as coloured costarican cats vvho doing the sharing. The great his critics and placed himself exemplary. By the reports, vve years of age got a fighting Jamaicans, but he forgets that took up their stations under est game have ever vvitnessamong the best exponents of find that our boys have been ed or mortals could see is in a fresco shop with the they are as much Costa the Arc Light. The Police the game in that position, the given an overvvhelmingly good result that Edgar Rubinson Ricans as he is. How can man stood in the center. Af this «bugging game vvhich refose Jamaica and Jamaicans time and the matches have been continued for the specified have every reason to be proud alvvays appreciated by immense stabbed his rival Clarence a person born in Costa Rica fer a vvait of tvvo minutes of the accomplishments of Dixon in the Chest, who be a Jamaican especially born ve discerned tvvo abnormal time of three hours. When the small selection allotted crovvds thus rendering the was taken to the hospital of Costa Rican born parents ly large cats coming West the Referee started to count Tour a huge financial success.
while Edgar was put in the the amount of bugs caught them, which must open the He may be a British subject from a vacant piece of land.
eyes of the others West IndThe ship, bringing them back Cuartel.
if he has been so registered As they approached vve made by each puss, it vvas found ian Cricketers to the fact that to us, vvill arrive in Panamá that the Moderna. puss by his parents with the them out immediately, one Jamaica can no longer be held vvas one ahead of a rather about 30th inst. from where West Indies. Australian Tour British Consul, but he canvvas the Moderna puss, dressin depreciation as has been old costarican cat, and he vvont to be done by them they vvill all separate for their not be a Jamaican.
ed as a Persian cat. His cosvvas therefore proclaimed the vvhen Cricket and cricketers respective homes. The JamaiSweep tume vvas tastily got up. His are being discussed.
cans are expected to reach tail protruded at least three vinner by acclamation. Whilst the counting vvas going on There is one thing that novv The follovving is the reKingston about the 3rd April feet behind his hind legs. The Mr. Angus and had stands out prominently before vvhere elaborate preparations sult of the dravving of the markings on his body vvere the admirers of Cricket and to keep their handkerchiefs at are being made by the public syveepstake on the West that is, that West Indians have and their respective clubs to Indies. Australian Cricket The ratfle came gray. His face vvas vvhite off on their mouths preventing them proven themselves sportsmen tour dravyn 3 31.
and his hair on his head Sunday as fly sheet. Stated black. The Greenwood puss from laughing aloud, for they worthy of recognition. When which they belong.
had noticed that the Moderna and was won in various parts vievving the acknowledged Nos.
In another column vvill be Names came as a West Indian puss.
of the country: and also on puss had stolen from one of inates Australia and Australians colour prejudism vvhich domseen the results of the syveep0637. St. Hill His attire was of brownish Tuesday 10th which prizes the costarican pusses the the complete success socially take vvhich vvas instituted colour with spots all over 0579. Bartlett are as follows.
the body thus denoting no one bug vvhich gave him and financially of the Tour by the lovers of Cricket in 0620. Geo. Headley 2080.
1st prize.
vvas secretly feared, the great this Country consequent on particular breed. They the 0363 Whight Does that not shovy that majority of the members of the chances of the Tour.
2nd prize. 2366.
Moderna puss and the Green I. Darrow not even Persian cats are 3rd prize. 2438.
vvood puss proceeded un0272 Birkett immune from their favourite The first prize was sold der the Arc Light where the hobby «stealing. Novv for 0924 Martín LAWYER AND NOTARY by Mr. Sinclain the second other six costarican cats 0183. Francis the benefit of readers of the prize was sold and returned vvere. The Policeman vvas Undertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases.
0161. Griffiths «Searchlight» only vvho desire Conveyances of properties, wills, and all sorts of legal unanimously voted Referee to see the next game of bug.
at the moment of drauwing 0681. Sealey the 3rd is sold on documents prepared. Honest advices on points of the old and then the fun commenced.
0160. De Caires ging, tickets vvill be on sale Line.
As soon as the bugs hit the at the Botica «Europa. Price Law given before going in to Courts; Never contest a 0257 Roach losing suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability my Motto.
Arc Light dovvn they came, 00. 75. men, 00. 50, vvomen.
0715 Hunte Rufino Solis. Lawyer Envíe sus trabajos a la to have 0055 seen the Moderna predict a great future for Constantine Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon.
0307 puss and the Greenvvood this Grant. Sociedad Tipogràfica de Cartago nevy game dedicated English and French Spoken puss vvith the Costarican «bugging. Sgd. y le quedarán a su gusto 44 Buttings Random cats rushing hither and thi. The West Indians.
Notice of the raffle Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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