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PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment Happiness is something that can never be discover.
ed when it is the only object sought. It is a result. It comes from doing something for others; lifting a load for one who is weary, speaking a kind word to a discour.
aged soul: ministering to one who is sick; giving to one in need doing the little ordinary things about us that the other fellow dislikes and neglects. Happiness always lies hidden behind something else.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY MARCH 28 1931 NUM. 72 Inter American Highway News from abroad Success cona son a The desire to have all the ing from Panamá to the United American Union and the CenLatin American Republics of States is once more engaging tral Roads Board recently held Mr. Vincent Astor on a tervievv vvith a reporter of ilizing, with good results Central America linked togeth the active attention of all the a series of parleys in the city recent visit to Jamaica, The Gleaner said the po. the labour of prisoners from er by a great highway extend interested countries. The Pan of Panamá at which Costa stated there was absolutely yver station at Gold Street the Penitentiary, tvvo miles Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, no truth in he rumour in Kingston, vvas rot only of roadvvay along the Salvador, Nicaragua and Me that the Atlantic Fruit Co. superior to anything of its Palisadoes have already xico vvere represented, vwhile of which he is one of the kind in the West Indies, been macadamized and a Mr. Ely, President of principal Directors, would but the equal in efficiency further section to the light It is most gratifying for Thompson achievement the Roads Commission of Te. be leaving Jamaica and and reliability to anything house has been eleared and me to be able to chronicle has been gained entirely by xas represented the United giving up the banana busi of its size in North Amer. graded.
ness altogether, nor, so far ica.
the success attained by Miss her educational attainments States together with Messrs.
Federica Thompson of this We wish her every sucW. Parks, Corthay and as he knew, did they haveat We note vvith a great City. Miss Thompson who In the Baltimore City cess in the six years she Clingenpeel. The Costa any idea of a merger with is but 14 years of age, hav. now has for further and Ricans who attended vvere any other fruit Company deal of pleasure that the jail. a few day ago, ten ing successfully completed higher studies and we are Sres. Manuel Antonio Víquez, Mr. Astor further said the inhabitants of Kingston, lashes with a heavy catand Jacinto Arango.
banana business was not Jamaica, vvill soon her educational course in hoping that her success have o nine tails were applied the Escuela Rafael Yglesias, may inspire and encourage report vvas presented by all bad, prices had, it was the means of enjoying a to the naked back of John sat, with six spanish girls, others towards the same Mr. James, Chief of the true, gone dovvn but vere drive along that beautiful Kavvalsky. He was for an examination for en goal.
Transport Board of the Unit still quite good, it was stretch of foreshore from victed of beating his wife try, under a scholarship, Dolores Joseph ed States Bureau of Public only that banana people Harbour Head to the old who vvas ill, vvith a broom, into the Normal School of Roads, respecting the surveys had been accustomed for tovvn of Port Royal. Util chair and strap Heredia. There was but Edit. note: We take much which had been already com some years to extraordinaone scholarship open to pleasure in adding our pleted and of those now un rily high prices. On the other hand his Company Limón, and as a result of congrats. to Miss Thomp. der way, as also on the presLocal News the examination it has been son and to wish that her ent status of the roads be. had lost a good deal in awarded to Miss Thomp career through College will tyveen Panamá and the United sugar, but they vvere hop During last week enable his removal from be one of continued suc.
ing that the proposed li dastardly murder was com Almirante to Costa Rica mitation The first section of the This is the first occasion of production mitted at Ontario Farm. within the cess. With these educationext fifteen more There seen to have been days.
on which Limón has sent nal opportunities now being Highvvay extending from Pa would lead to up anyone for this exami. offered, we sincerely trust nama City to David has been stable condition.
some enmity existing between the Foreman and a Local Cricket has suffered nation, therefore we should they will be made use of completed and opened to trafbe all the more proud feel. in every possible way, by der of the roadvvay to the of the Jamaica Electric seeing the former sleeping of Mr. Alexander Gale, one Mr. Bell, president labourer, when the latter on a severe loss by the death ing assured that Miss our girls.
border of Costa Rica is ex Light Tramvvay Co. has in his room went in and of the best sporting mem.
pected to be through by the been making his usual chopped his head clean bers of The Construction end of this month, that being yearly trip of inspection to off and made his escape.
Continued on page that Ísland, and in an in. The authorities of Siquirres The Cricketers all turned are busy on thc Case. out in fine Style for the We are indebted alone over 33, 000, 000 a year.
funeral, taking the body to esteemed correspondent for 90 per cent of them can St. Marks Church and from the following article, which read and write.
cathey do writ:150, 000 homes Death of Mrs. Burrell to be able to inform our amid a great following of gives us to was evidently taken from a white publication. He uniorvalued at 225, 000, 000.
readers that our esteemed Sympathizers, where the tunately did not give us the They have invested.
name of the magizine, but 40, 000, 000 in churches. And We are endeed sad to home and from there to Bishop Blessing is im last honours were conferred.
chronicle the passing of the Cemetry where the proving satisfactorily and This Journal begs to we are glad of the opportunity they pay 700, 000 a year for Mrs. Ketura Burrell afforded of funeral Rites vvere perform that it is expected his con sympathize with the sorus of placing it the support of their own Cieneguita. This lady has ed and in a most impresdition will be such as to rowing family and friends.
before our readers, as it may schools.
There are 6, 000 Negro been one of the most ensive manner. The Revd.
act as an inspiration to those who would climb to greater doctors, 35 Negro banks, 67 thusiastic supporters of this Siley performed the heights:insurance companies, and 270 Journal. The sad occurrence Church Ceremony.
took place at the Hospital The loss of such a proNegroes are Learning These figures prove that from whence she was re. minent member of the nasty attempt at injustice been causing quite a stir Efficiency Negroes are learning efficiency moved to her home by the Cieneguita Community vvill has been made against the among certain persons, and This magazine has a few and climbing up to a higher members of the Forresters long be felt vvhere she Teacher of the school the Public is looking on to Negro readers, not many, but level in spite of many unjust Court of this town to has lived an exemplary life. operating in the Progressive see the final outcome, one.
we have plenty of Negroes disadvantages.
which herself and husband THE SEARCHLIGHT Lodge of Mechanics here, it thing is certain, that this in the British Empire and the When it is remembered that were prominent members. begs to tender its heartfelt would appear as if on his vvould be an injustice to both more they prosper, the better their grandparents were slaves, beautiful procession condolence to the bereaved recent visit here, the Bishop the Teacher as also the Prowe are pleased this progress is well worth headed by Bros. Ben. San husband, Mr. John Burrell, of the Anglican Diocese made gressive Lodge, the latter In America, where there are a word of praise. They have key and Bertie Barrett went and the sorrovving family. representations to the Com having been the sponser of 12, 000, 000 Negroes, they have produced great actors, musi from the Lodge to her pany that the small grant and the school all these years, made astonishing progress. cians, teachers, and business rent be transferred to one of vvhen there vvas no other Here are the latest figures. men. They are steadily moving his hench men here, this has Continued on page They are spending on food up.
THE AGRICULTURAL BUILDING CORPORATION OF 28 MILES OCCULISTIC CLINIC NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Dr. JOSE CORVETTI Political troubles conti ble. They have issued a above named Corporation will be held at the nue apace in Spain, latest proclamation declaring the Liberty Hall, Madre de Dios, on the 29th March 1931, OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY reports inform us that in country a Republic and de.
commencing at 30 a. for the purpose of electing a President and the transaction of other matters of vital Diseas. and affections of the eyes Madrid, Barcelona, Valen. manding the abdication of importance. Members who are unable to attend are Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres cia and other centres the the King. It is stated that particularly requested to forward to the Secretary their University Students and several deaths occurred in letters of Proexy.
The Optician of the clinic. GUILLERMO RIVERA other anti monarchists have a clash vvith the troops.
DAVID HENRY (Actg President) GIBB (Secretary. been making serious trouto an Siquirres News Spain troubles Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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