
Saturday March 28. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE FALSE LEADERSHIP Costa Rican Coffee er There is no forgetting the fact LIMON SERVICE BUREAU WUVUDWUDN000mg 0000000 WWWUSU. 000 CONDO Bootlegging in Jamaica velopment of our society, of perdition? What are our ses in direct opposition to His Our people are vvide avvake, 23 Years in Hospitals Dear Mr. or.
Too often we are obsessed but their sincerity is so far we may know a true Leader We are officially inform the average for the previous must thank you for having with Leaders who are the from lending beauty to their Because Our Blessed Lorded that during the week Week.
published my article, and am exact replica of that sect Christ teachings, that their very Sanctified His home for thirty ending March 21st 3791 Up to the present 63, 627 glad that the public did not fermed «whitewashed sepul homes give the truth of their years before He launched upon sacks of pergamino, coffee sacks of the 1930 1931 think it not up to the stard chers. We are truly muddled falsehcod to the world. What the world, to preach an erad and 4346 sacks of «Oro» crop have been placed on ard of literature. Now have up, and now we have reached should be the marks needed ication of sin and shame, were offered for sale in that Market resulting another! at have gone far that stage, where we no long to determine a true Leader? and to build His true church. the London Market, of in the sale of 50, 436 sacks and wios put together. It care what becomes of us. Every circle and every home His the perfect Home needed which 5775 were sold at for the total sum of is on e Leadership. Our Leaders mania is to preach, has a leader, but the success nothing. The lives of His pa the average price of 531. 465 or an average of every circle or home de. rents were stainless, and so or two shillings below of 109. 47 per sack.
0000081XXXXXWWWUWWOM080000 pends on the moral and in the Son, the Redeemer of the tellectual capacity of its leader. world, could lead, without Fathers do not bring up any fear of criticism, His people good and famous children, if in the true and happy way.
by their mode of living, their Russia is the best example That the only medicine which children are being scandalized.
AND we can quote, that the home Good mothers suffer, because is the cradle of the nation BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY cures Asma, and acute Bron.
they feel the piercing thorns That it has a great part to do ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED chitis is the within their hearts, because with the failure or success of Cuajani Jordan the patriarch of the home has any enterprise. Bureau established for the greater convenience, under allowed sin to rob him of that Thus vve find that Stalim standing, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking PuThe sole deposit and representation scantifying grace, which makes is enforcing the Lavy of the blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed of which is in for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
him a tower of strength, and Godles even into the minds Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a his home, a rock of strength, of the sucklings. It stands to Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the The BOTICA VARGAS that forms a unit, a very great reason that for us to reach public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the unit, to the building up of a anyvvhere in life, we must the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical SAN JOSE very prosperous nation. first try to blot sin from our experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts How can these be achieved lives which is the primary he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, SupeApartado 716 Telephone 2812 when our Leaders are only rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials cause of failure.
are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
00000030000000000000000000000000000 superficial in their doctrine? What are our successes, our EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ There are three great factors happy goal, if all our Leaders which are essential to the deBarrister Investigator are leading us along the road Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager which true Leaders must successes, if our Leaders preach MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE We learn at in conse Kingston to be sent on emphasize, and these are, the one thing, and do another? If Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the quence of the considerable to Nassau. It is believed Home, the Church and the they are vveaklings and canPresidencia amount of liquor which that from 600 to 700 ca. School. Each independently, not defy an ever slack and is now being shipped are handled in this leads nowhere, the whole col vulgar vvorld. If they haven Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, from amaica to the Uni way each week. Rumour lectively, spells Success. the stamina, the moral coura California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, ted Siates either direct or says, the proposal is to Therefore no true Leader ge to sacrifice pleasure to via Nassau, the Govern place a heavy tax on all can deny the existance of the suffer hunger, and persecu ment may introduce a such transhipments, pro Deity, nor lead contrary, nor tion to gain their noble end?
measure at the present bably about on each session of its Legislature case. If such a tax be laws. No truc Leader can and they can no longer be to check the business. The realy imposed and the succeed, if he lacks that cons fooled. Their faith in such liquor, mostly Bacardi business continue it would ciousness of the importance Leaders is so shaken, that they If, WHEN the next time science has any one patient rum, is brought over from provide a rather tidy sum of EDUCATION. Then the hate to hear their very names.
you are attacked by a severe been found who has come Cuba and transhipped at towards the Island re. essential attributes are, Belief headache or toothache you will anywhere near rivaling the Therefore Leaders should venue.
in the Deity, True Religion; be careful and moderate their bear in mind the case of the tragic record of the Sydney The Model Home; and Chris lives, making themselves some Australian youth who has spent youth.
tian Education.
thing above reproach.
23 years in various hospitals, Here is the list of his sickWhy is it that the Home is nesses; you ll consider yourself lucky Mindful of a duty out of Yours truly, considered one of the most to escape so lightly.
Five attacks of pneumonia.
friendship the most popular important factors, by which The White Pimpernel.
Job in all his misery, as three of measles, seven recounted in the Old Testa and throat operations, typhoid, ment, had nothing on this epileptic fits, chicken pox, LAWYER AND NOTARY unfortunate individual, who Has arranged to distribute a value of almost aural abscesses, a fractured skull double the former value of the wrappings as a finally has offered his disease bronchitis, sleeping sickness, benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you Undertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases.
ridden body to the medical appendicitis, fractured ribs and can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before.
Conveyances of properties, wills, and all sorts of legal All No. wrappings have a much greater value department of Sydney Univer leg, rheumatism, and four tu than No. and others.
documents prepared. Honest advices on points of sity, at Sydney, Australia. for mors.
Law given before going in to Courts; Never contest a what you think it is worth. His latest affiction is a losing suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability my Motto.
Doctors marvel Rufino Solis. Lawyer over what growth near the brain that has kept the youth alive ail drive him mad. Now he has Upstairs the Commercia Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon.
Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be these years. Never before in English and French Spoken exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts offered his body to science, will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
the records of the medical From The Grit Distributor in Limón ELOY GOTAY Distributs in Tu falba Rojas Cortés Cía. splendidly built Cottage containing four rooms, dining apartment, kitchen and other necessary INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
In connection with the said, in that and the adjoining conveniences. Situate at the Hospital Point, Limón, about 150 yards from the dvvelling of the Co Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 efforts made some time ago parishes, from which a sufManager.
to assist and encourage na ficient amount of milk can For further particulares apply.
tive industries, the Govern be had to start a factory. We Steel ment of Jamaica carried out wish the Doctor efforts Beef Cutter certain experiments with re every success.
Limón Market Cuba has already made a condensed milk, but, so for start and with such success By a recent issue of the We trust this enquiry as we kuow, no scheme has that an appreciable reduction Gleaner we notice that will be successfully met, since been brought forvvard, of the imported article has a manufacturing firm in as it would give, some of nor were the results of the been noticed.
England desires to obtain the planters at least, a experiments made public. We We have often wondered The Legislative Commission lars for ten years, proposed a supply of Banana Flour splendid opportunity for however, observe that the why such an industry has which was appointed to dis by a Swiss firm, Kreuger Co.
from Jamaica and are disposing of a part of their member of the Legislative never been attempetd here in cuss the «Cedula Personal. for a monopoly on Matches prepared to make a con surplus fruit and rejections, Council for the parish of Costa Rica. With her many Head tax, or Income tax, by which the price of this tract for 25 tons per year which, at present, is of Westmoreland, the Hon. Dr, and well knowu herds of ped whatever it might be termed, commodity would be slightly liverable in quantities of no financial value to them. Hudson, has now taken igreed cattle and immense cannot agree as to a majority increased, but as the repre2 tons per month, with It would also, probably, up the matter, and is receiving grazing facilities there could in their Reports. They are sentative of this firm is exthe likelihood of the quan provide employment for the enthusiastic support of hardly be any doubt as to more in favour of a Tax on pected this week, further ar tity being increased, within a number of women who the people.
the success of such an un Tabacco and a monopoly on guments have been postponed a short time to 100 tons are novv idiing.
There are hundreds of cattle dertaking.
Gasoline, while there is a pending his arrival.
a year.
of good milking strain, it is Loan of three thousand dolhe ha o nose PALMERA SOAP PALMERA SOAP The manufacture of Condensed Milk FOR SALE Banana Flour needed gard to the manufacture of Monopoly on Matches Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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