
Saturday March 28 1931 Cooperative Grocery QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES Cafiaspirina ous The many friends of Dr. The great idea is to foster if very wise steps are not Sinclair in this country among the people the impor now adopted by Mr. Shaw where he laboured for many tance of supporting them. and his brother Directors in years, will be pleased to know selves, by pooling their own the guidance of its affairs so that he is still thinking serious. money in a business, and as to immortalize his good ly on Cooperative lines. Dr. then standing by that business name. We say again that all Sinclair has launched a pro vvith their purchases.
these Organizations that have posal, to the businessmen of It is to be hoped that as a frizzled away, have died out BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!
Kingston, that if adopted will great example of cooperat on simply because the procedure be the means of solving a has been shown the inhabitants of the law here, is so slow Dont accept any tube or envelope BAYER packets without the great problem, especially of that little Island by the in bringing careless or villainamong the middle and la Jamaica Banana Producers managers to give proper BAYER CROSS bouring population of the Association, that they will accounts of their trusts. ConIsland, and would in reality readily adopt Dr. Sinclair fidence is therefore lost in put an end to the Monopoly suggestions in this line. this country by such manipin the hands, at present, of Of course, in Jamaica, the ulations in everything that ths Chinese element.
lavy protects all shareholders concerns Cooperation. We do He has suggested to start in such Organizations, because hope that this last Corporation a cooperative Grocery busi at a moment notice of will be saved from following Our readers will, no doubt give a certificate that the deportation in case of ant ness in Kingston which irregularities the Managers and the way of the others, by the remember the many expres. prints were made in his alien or other immigrant, and might later on be extended to Directors would be throvun integrity and wise counselings sions of dissatisfaction which presence and that the person in case of a native a fine of the country parts as well, by in Prison, if rascality is proven, of Mr. Shaw and his brother appeared in the Jamaica press making same is, to all irtents not less than 500 and not securing ten thousand mem. but in our Country here, colleagues thus proving to during last year with regard and purposes, the person less than two years imprison bers who would buy shares unfortunately, the administra. the world that we too are to the large number of aliens whose photograph is attached ment.
in the Company, from one tion of the Lavv gives ample capable of doing something especially. Chinese, who were to the certificate. In addition, For participating in these to tvventy, at one Pound each; room for encouraging Rascals worthy of thought in matters entering that Island, and of the a local declaration of relation games, or being in possession but it must be a Contract in such transactions. This is cooperative.
discussion which took place ship or other ground on which of lottery tickets therefor the vvith each shareholder that he the reason vvhy vve cannot at the Autumn session of the the application is based should Committee recommends, Firsi or she must buy at least five succeed in cooperative move.
Better than Legislative Council on the be filed together with the offence, fine of not less than shillings vvorth of Groceries ments of the kind out in subject, and resulted in the photograph and finger prints 25 or not less than months from the establishment per these parts.
Pomona Biscuits government appointing a of the local declarant. It is Second offence, fine of not vveek.
Several attempts have been Committee to enquire into the also suggested that in exchange less than 50 or not less The basis on the price of made here at Cooperation whole question. The report of for a Permit of entry each than months; any subsequent goods vvould be a ten per but have failed, simply because Hello boys. whats up. this Committee has just been immigrant of Asiatic origin offence, imprisonment for noi cent profit vyhich, by the of the tardiness of the Laws Going up to Booths shop published and we note that it shall deposit the sum of 100 less than 12 months vvithout quick turn over of stock, to punish those responsible man to buy some of his contains some very strong in the Island Treasury which the option of a fine.
vvould guarantee not only for misappropriations, take Biscuits.
suggestions. It is suggested shall not be returnable.
It is also further suggested securing the best and cheapest for instance, the Grocery Eating one you will be that no Chinese or Syrians It is further proposed to that on an order for deporgoods, but also a dividend of manipulations of the satisfied of the fact, that should be permitted entry for make it a criminal offence for tation being issued, it should not less than tvventy per A. and in Booth Biscuits lead the next three years, except any one to be concerned in be provided that any assets cent to its shareholders, Siquirres and Limón; those where others fail to follow.
the bona fide wives of those or aiding an attempt to smugof the deportee should be judging the many times the previously of the Great Union Now see to it that you established in business and gle any prohibited alien into vested in the Administrator stock vvould be turned per of Limón, managed by old buy a Biscuit branded permanently resident in Jamai the Island.
General for the benefit of his annum. Pa Joe and Bryant; with the name Booth.
ca, and that after this period In the case of aliens emcreditors and any surplus to Then shareholders, as vvell The Guacimo Farm and They can be had at all that a quota system be insti ployed on ships entering any be used towards the cost of as outsiders, vvould benefit Trading Society; The Castro chinese vendors.
tuted. Application for a Permit of the ports, the captain or deportation and the balance, by a five per cent bonus Farming Association; then Eatirg one you will be to enter the Islar under this owner or Agent of the ship to the party so deported.
on their Cash register, these lastly we have in evidence convinced that they are system should be accompanied should give a bond to be that redeemed at. Biscuits in the Country.
1930 the number of Chinese of the applicant, the finger of maintenance and repatriation the corresponding values. founded by Messrs. Shaw, Ask for them at Estrada prints being made before a of any such alien who may and Syrians who entered Of course the delivery Vans Farqutharson and others and Matina as well as British Judicial, police officer be left behind for any cause Jamaica was.
vvould deliver outside of which has over two hundred Limon.
or Notary Public, who should whatever.
1927, 69 Chinese, 48 Syrians Kingston, vvherever there may shareholders, in operation for With regard to the question 1928, 121 Chinese, 36 Syrians be a sufficient quantily of over ten years, withont any 90of gambling the Committee 1929, 224 Chinese, 12 Syrians shareholders to send in their benefits to them and is on has submitted drastic fines 1930, 551 Chinese, 30 Syrians orders for supply.
the verge of liquidation now, REMOVAL and penalties for both Aliens 965 Chinese 126 Syrians MRS. CARMITA SMITH begs to advise her many friends and and Natives convicted of patrons that she has removed her dressmaking Department into «Peak a Peow and Drop The Chinese population of Office at 5th St. corner of 28d Ave. Address Box No. 544 the upstair building at the corner of rd avenue and fifth Pan offences. With respect the Island is stated to be street, near by Mr. Murray Barber Shop, where she is still a tthe to the organizers of a «Peak 000 at the present.
disposal of her many clients.
a Pow, Drop Pan or any Should the proposals of ihe other form of Oriental gamb Committee be accepted, they Lawyers and Notary Public ling and the Keepers of would certainly go a long way common gaming houses, the towards ridding the comGeneral Judicial Commission Business following recommendations munity of the gambling dens We take the opportunity to offer our services to the Liverpool Spur Costa Rica. Before calling upon the choir have been made. First offence which are, so ofter the cause general public, most particularly the coloured English speaking Mr. Nation.
a fine of not less than 200 to render svveet music: the people of this and surrounding community in the following capof ruined lives among our acity which we especialize in.
Dear Mr. Editor: aims and objects of the society or not less than months; younger men.
Accounting and auditing, Spanish English Translations and They should also effectively Interpretations, Collection Kindly allow me space in were explained; of the many be second offence, 12 month and administration. Organization audk eorganization of firms coyour valuable columns to menvvithout the nevolent societiez in existence, imprisominent check the entry of these mercial and industrial. Benevolent and Social Societies. Athetics and tion something concerning the special importance being put option of a fine; Third offence, Orientals into Jamaica.
rrespondence Clubs. Write letters and take care of general coPrepare balance sheets and financial statements working of a Sick Fund So upon the caring of the sick.
BESOE of Sale, Transfers. Documents of all kiuds, Wills, Leases, Bills Contracts, etc.
ciety in this Section, References were also made The Metropolitan Bureau is established for the purpose Some of the friends and to the work of Red Cross of cooperating and assisting the English speaking coloured people in settling their difficult and intricate affairs and embarrass. adherents of the Nurses during the Great War.
ing problems with which they find themselves confronted daily.
have come together and or The choir then rendered of MANUEL BATRES, Cartago More especially in the matter of properly and correctly explaining to them, by efficient and truthful interpretation of their ganised this Society.
different songs, and there were Eastern Gate of the Market terest and rights as set forth in the official language of this You vvill be interested to solos, and recitations intercountry Nearly every case of deranged Stomachs is traceable to Bad Teeth Misunderstandings and malice are the two most cruel knovy that it is in operation spered Mr. Arthur Peart as enemies of world progress and peace. To understand and be for over a year nov.
Have yours done at once! and the best in Cartago president of the Sick Fund understood accelerates success and prosperity faster than any is at DENTISTA BATRES other perceivable agency On Sunday evening the 8th gave a warm invitation for more Are you going to be naturalized? Going to organize?
of this month a pleasant time members, emphazing the necesFirst class materials and best workmanship Have you Constitution and Byelaws of your society or club to therefore the cheapest be translated in Spanish? Come let us make your will, before was spent by the friends here sity for the same.
you get sick and die.
in listening to songs, solos EEEEEEEEEEEEEE The meeting was brought Lic. Raúl Marin Egbert Polson and recitations.
to a close by the singing of San José and Limón Accountant and Interpreter The chair was occupied by the hymn. Sun of my soul Attorney Manager Mr. Bown who called out OFFICE HOURS FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. thou Saviour dear. All felt that the hymn. At Evening when to 12 and from to daily a pleasant Sunday evening was At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small the sun was set Spent.
family residence adjoining the Post Office Sundays to 12 The audience joined in sing Apply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES ing it heartly. WHYTE.
the end of each montlad foring Corporation of 28 miles certainly the best Local by photographs and finger prints responsible for any expenses during the four years 1927100 THE METROPOLITAN BUREAU Pleasant time aud comercial Dental Laboratory Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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