
Saturday 28 March. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Pope Pius XI on Marriage and Morals a level Big Cricket Match, Prize Fight and Picnic GREAT BARGAIN SALE Inter American.
Hotel ATLANTICO Continued Creator Himself laid dow! Nor did Christ our Lord soil the love of husband and man person and in view of of their ignorance of human in the beginning when He wish only to condemn any The second blessing of wife which pervades all the her most noble office as affairs.
wished it to be not other form of polygamy or polyani duties of married life and vvife, mother and companion; But it forbids that exag.
matrimony which we said wise than between one man was mentioned by St. Augusdry, as they are called, whe holds pride of place in Christ nor does it bid her obey her gerated license which cares and one woman. And, al ther successive or simul tine is the blessing of conjug. though afterward this prime taneous, and every other exian marriage. For matrimonial husband every request even not for the good of the famfaith demands that husband al honour, which consists in val law was relaxed to some ternal dishonourable act, but if not in harmony with right ily, it forbids that in this and wife be joined in an the mutual fidelity of the reason or vvith the dignity body which is the family, extend by God, the Supreme in order that the sacred bonds especially holy and pure love, due to a vvife; nor in fine the heart be separated from spouses in fulfilling the marLegislator, there is no doubt of marriage may be guarded not as adulterers love each does it imply that the vvife the head to the great detririage contract so that what bethat the law of the Gospel absolutely inviolate; He for other, but as Christ loves ment of the vvhole body and longs to one of should be put on parties fully restored that original bade also even willful thoughts the Church.
the proximate danger of ruin.
on those persons who in by reason of this contract and perfect unity, and abro and desires ot such like Thts precept the apostle lavy are called minors, to For, if the man is the head, sanctioned by the divine law gated all dispensations as the things. But say to you, laid down when he said: the vvoman is the heart, and, may not be denied to him vvhom it is not customary to words of Christ and the that whosoever shall look on «Husbands love their vvives allovy free exercise of their as he occupies the chief or permitted to any third constant teaching and action a woman to lust after her place in ruling, so she may as Christ also loved the person, nor may there be of the Church show plainly.
rights on account of their and ought to claim for herhath already committed adult Church. vyhich of a truth conceded to one of the part With reason, therefore, does lack of mature judgment or ery with her in his heart, he embraced vvith a boundself the chief place in love.
ies that which, being contrary the Sacred Council of Trent which words of Christ our less love not for the sake of to the rights and laws of solemnly declare: Lord cannot be annulled even his ovvn advantage, but seek: God and entirely opposed to «Christ our Lord very clear. by the consent of one of the ing only the good of his Cricket match and Picnic at matrimonial faith, can never ly taught that in this bond partners of marriage, for they be conceded.
Penshurst two persons only are to be Wherefore, conjugal faith, united and joined together nature which no will of man express a law of God and of The love, then, of vvhich vve are speaking is not that Remember the 12th April, all roads will lead to or honour, demands in the when He said: Therefore Penshursi, can break or bend.
based on the passing lust first place the complete unity they are no longer two but Nay, that mutual familiar of the moment nor does it of matrimony which the one flesh.
intercourse between the spous consist in pleasing words es themselves, if the blessings only, but in the deep attach Dont miss this opportunity. Train leaves Limón of conjugal faith is to shine ment of the heart which is at a. and from Penshurst at 11 with becoming splendor, must expressed in action, since Richards Prop.
be distinguished by chastity love is proved by deeds.
in such wise that husband This outvvard expression ON THE 28 th, 30 th 31 st MARCH and wife must bear them of love in the home demands To Clear Surplus Stock selves in all things with the not only mutual help but Tempting Prices law of God and of nature must go further, indeed must and endeavor always to fol have for its primary purpose Continued from page heavily taxed for other domJACK ORANE low the will of their most that man and vvife help each carried out in Salvador by the estic purposes, and even if The People House, Limón wise and holy Creator with other day by day in forming local government is practical they are to be further, taxed the the greatest reverence toward and perfecting themselves in ly finished, while Mexico is proceeds vould better be the vvork of God.
the interior life; so that so yvell supplied vvith roads applied for defraying the counThis conjugal faith, how through partnership in life that very little is required to try present obligations vvhich be done in that country. The ever, which is most aptly they may advance ever more are in so complicated a posi.
called by St. Auhustine the and more in virtue, and above surveys in Costa Rica and tion at the present time. The Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see «faith of chastity blooms all that they may grovy in Nicaragua are estimated to be financial Ministers are being put how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make true love tovvard God and more freely, more beautifully finished vvithin the next fevv to to find the means of carrying you comfortable at rediculous prices and more nobly when it is their neighbor; on vvhich in months, as on account of the out the internal road building write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ rooted in that more excellent deed «dependeth the whole very mountainous and undeprogramme, and then there is 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA lavy and the prophets. veloped condition of this the Tortuguero Canal seheme For all men of every con Country it is anticipated there which s held up for the dition and in vvhatever ho vvill be much difticulty expe vvant of cash. Highvvay, nourable valk of life they rienced in getting across the such as is under consideramay be can and ought to entire length of 410 miles. tion, vvould we know afford imitate that mo st perfect The paramount question, Costa Rica certain benefits, In vievy of existing trade Further retrenchment con to hear that he was recently example of holiness placed hovvever, to be overcome is but vve cannot close sur eyes before man by God, na nely that of finance, but it is said to the fact that it an imposconditions, the Municipality of tinues in the various depart enthromed in the Cathedral Christ our Lord, and by that certain proposals in this sibility, until our local demands Cartago has on the represen ments of the Cía. Bananera at St. George, St. Vincent, as tation of the Chamber of Com and the Cía. Surtidora, Mr. Bishop of the Leevvard Islands.
God grace to arrive at the respect have been suggested have been met.
summit of perfection, as is by the United States any one If, hovvever, it can be merce, decided to allovy a Moore, who for many years rebate of 25 on all trade attended to the collection of We regret to learn of the proved by the example of of which if adopted, vvill en arranged, as has been done many saints.
able the project to be success. in other countries, Europe licenses of or above the value electric light dues, has been continued illness of Mr. George fully concluded. On saturday elsevvhere, for the imposition of C20. 00 By this same love it is ne.
dispensed vvith, vvhile the Leoy of Limon, and of a Toll Tax, vvhereby every vvholesale Hardvvare and gro wish him an early recovery cessary that all the other last the American delegates We learn that quite a large cely departments are to be rights and duties of the marvisited San José on their return vehicle, using the road, on number of the residents in Li amalgamated under the sole It vvas a pleasure for as to riage state be regulated so trip from the conference, entering the Costa Rica section meet mon are once more suffering Management of Mr. Bloomour good friend, Mr. that the words of the apostle, and in an intervievvvvith vvould be confronted vvith a Harold Smith of Limon from the «Flu» but that the field. Let the husband render the our President, it vvas disclo. Toll gate» so arranged that attacks have, up to this, been here in Cartago during the debt to the vvife, and the sed that a group of financiers entry could only be obtained of a milder form than those The many friends and ad vveek. He vvas up taking a vvife also in like manner to in the States vvere vvilling to by the payment of a certain of the previous occasion.
mirers of the Rt. Rev. Vibert «rest cure. the husband. express not advance the respective coun amount, then vvell and good, Jackson vvill be glad only a lavy of justice but a tries the amounts required for as this Tax vvould in no vvay 000 hectareas of land va: lued at 22, 000 ovvned jointly norm of charity.
their particular section of the affect those ovvners of vehiby Sr. Florencio Harmodio Domestic society being conhighvvay, the repayment to cles vvhose only means of Arosemena, ex President of firmed therefore, by this bond be by small installments spread livelihood is vvhat they can Panama and Sr. Eduardo Icaza of love, it is necessary that over a number of years. With earn from the operations of Look out for the new Films from Sunday night have been confiscated by the their camions, taxi cabs, etc.
there should flourish in it regard to the financing of the 1st. March. They will surprise the public. Come Govermment of that Republic «order of love, as St. Au these amounts if, as vve noyvho now find it exceedingly one and all and enjoy yourselves, Sunday and Monday for non payment of taxes and nights. Fine accommodations. Get your tickets in time.
vvill be put up for sale by gustine calls it. This order tice, it is proposed to impose difficult in making tvvo ends includes both privacy of the an aditional tax on vvheels meet.
Show starts at 30 Dont miss this chance. The auction on the 27th instant.
best Teatro on the Lines husband vvith regard to the and gasoline, vve are of the VICENTE DE LA PEÑA There is a rumour around vvife and chi:dren, and the opinion that this could not be affected as these are already that a certain Shipping Co. ready subjection of the vvife already trading in these parts and her vvilling obedience intend taking up the run just which the apostle commends abandoned by the Elders in these vvords. Let vyomen Fyffes.
be subject to their husbands If you need a first class Medical man see We undeestand that Mr. as to the Lord, because the In the most central locality of the village of Boschen, vvho for many husband is the head of the Cieniguita Two fine cottages, one with four apartOffice 175 yards south of the Gran Hotel Costa Rica years vvas in charge here of vife, as Christ is the head ments and the other with two; with good water supply and the necessary Toilet and bath attachments.
TELP. 2950 Call at residence By TELP. 2740 the Freight and Passenger de of Church, partment of the United Fruit This subjection, hovvever, Large yard with numerous fruit Trees and a good magnificent Electrical aparatus for treatment by Sea View Co. and vvas abont a year or does not deny or take avvay the French method of heat application. Specialist For prices and other information apply on the so ago transferred to Havana, the liberty vvhich futly beon Ladies ailments Box 987 San Jose premises to Mrs. Margaret Richards, or to RichCuba, has left the Compa longs to the vvoman both in ards, Penshurst Farm, Estrella.
pany service.
vievy of her dignity as a huCURRENT ITEMS THE PEÑA TEATRO. SIQUIRRES Advertise Prop.
For Sale at Reasonable Prices Dr. Jorge Montes de Oca Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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