p. 6


Saturday March 28 1931 Wants Column WANTED Charity Organization have go.
When you. XA Dream Trance Wha Not Mr. Editor.
His Excelency the President small sum of 625. 000 was expenditure of 10. 114. 070 One colon per insertion of six lines By your issue of the 14th of Liberia and his gubernato voted for his expenses, The or an average of more than inst. notice your very mirth rial Party inspected the vvork 8th, month savy real move five million colones to the ful correspondent ers and a sum of 250. 000 ment, three large barges for mile and the Government vvas would be leaving us, and you vvas voted to entertain the carrying bananas vvere import asked to float a loan through were hoping that some other vis tors, the week being declar ed and vvhen these arrived that Philantropic Compañía would find it possible to fill ed a public holiday only three it was found that the Canal Bananera de Costa Rica of Advertise To sell a fine organ at the the vacancy. therefore, make vveeks work was accomplished vvas too small to accomodate 10. 000. 000 to facilitate the bold to send you my first although the pay Roll shovved them. Ths barges cost.
Advertise your Grocery ridiculous price of 250. at Commissiou in the furtherance stock if not your doors Jack Oranes.
effort hoping you will not a substancial increase (327. 290 750. 000. The pay roll had of this most important vvork.
shall lock. But vvhen consider it unworthy there being actually spent vvith ex.
reached 127. 094 this time And there ended my dream quired space.
you publish vvhat you have penses. 219. 284. 00 vvhile and expenses 268. 087 and or nightmare on the building got your friends vvill find The Community to know Yours for progress.
the progress vvas 8 of a mile. vvork acomplished a quarter of the great vvatervvay knovvn you vvith spot cash. Dont that there is nothing to break The need of a hospttal for of a mile. The total mileage as the Tortuguero Canal.
you make a single noise. up a cold like a Cafiaspirin March 23 rd.
workers was at this time point built was tvvo miles vvith an Do dreams come true. But go ahead and ad. tablet taken in a Cup of hot had a dream, a most peed out to the Commission by ve tise.
lime juice tea inmediately culiar dream, dreamt was Dr. Miguel and 500. 000 vvas Make success by adver after having contracted a cold. dead and buried, in this voted to erect and equip a tising Xcountry, at Camp one, and three story building at Moin.
Adve tise what e er you there remained for 20 years. This hospital vvas the last Owners of Dogs and when came to myself and vord in hospital construction Your houses, Land and Horsekind a icted with recalled the little anecdotes though the patients principal business spot.
Mange to try a flask of in connection with my dream medicine vvas the fragrant The only way to make GROVERS MANGE ME: cried aloud with joy, and ozone from the Atlantic. The By the Gleaner we find the were given free medical atsuccess is to realize the will here try to give you, my fifth month vvork vvas inter surprising activities of the tendance.
value of advertising DICINES there is nothing readers, the dream in detail: ferred vvith by rain and as Kingston Charity Orgnization The Organization also owns See Searchlight like it. dreamt that the Tortuguero there vvas not much work which was founded in the some model dwellings which gent Mr. Develante at every It is also an Antiseptic Canal had been started, the accomplished, the pay roll vvas time of Archbishop Nuttall are rented very cheaply to the poor, thus affording point and he will give you Hair remedy to prevent first sod being cut by Don small 347. 000 being the and which has alvvays been all information.
Gotay, holding a frozen svveet amount vvith expenses.
and cure falling hair.
shelter to this class. Very a means of great assistance To be had at Botica in his left hand. Life and bus 392. 503. Another 118 of a to the aged and infirm in the much clothing has been given iness in PORT LIMON vvas mile vvas advanced. The Com vicinity of Kingston and St. to deserving persons, 220 new Vargas.
are in need novv in full svving, labourer mission got a move on in the Andrevy, garments and 282 second San José Box 761 pay vvas increased to 10. 00 sixth month and a record The report of the Board hand ones have been distriof Glasses Get them fitper day, rents were high, amoun of money vvas spent.
of Directons vvhich consists buted during the year. The ted with the Worlds best houses that vvere C50. 00 per Opht. almic lenses by Dr.
month vvere at a premium at The pay roll figures shovved of ten gentlemen and eleven soup kitchen run by this SoThose who would like to Azevedo Optome 100 per month, and every 283. 743 and expenses.
ladies has been most encour ciety has also done remarkone had vvhat is knovvn as trista, Graduate of the Nor. pass a few days of rest 318. 504 the work accom aging and inspiring. During able work supplying as much a bank account thern Illinois College of and change in a quiet home plished being actually half a the past year 407 special as 11. 580 meals to poor ones.
The Canal progressed rapmile. Expenses in connection cases from poor persons have Ophthalmology and Oto in the interior, to know idly, the amount actually voThis department is conductvvith the hospital upkeep, as been attended to, some being ed on the principle a penny logy that Mrs. Charlotte Big ted by our Congress vvas (10. 000. 000 SO there was preser ted by Dr. Robball, was sent to their homes, others a plate of soup. Charitably (Port Limon. box No. 2) gerstaf can accommodate money to burn. The firm of C292. 243. The seventh month given clothing, others supplied disposed ladies and gentleyour necessities at her Peña had the contract to supvvas another record breaking with tools and machines with Xmen will buy the tickets to month in the shape of expend.
which to work, others given this kitchen at a shilling a Bicycles home in Cartago with ply the labourers with boots food and nourishment while dozen and give them to the clean comfortable quarters the exclusive rights of selling iture, the payroll expenses frozen syveets and built a At Clearing Prices: being 750. 000 and expensome were given temporary begging poor instead of GONDOLIER specially for ses 625. 327 work accompli allowances. The «Benning giving them cash which is men Roadster Bicycles. 110. To exfund, was also a great bless, sometimes badly spent; in Rudge Withworth Racers. 160 of selling Patent medicines.
of Cía. Dos Hermanos vvas respectable poor, the sum of are fed.
Ladies Roadster Bicycles 110 SEARCHLIGHT Don Alcides did a roaring business in Viseing passports sent to Colón to excavate one thirty four pounds ten shil This organization was At Jack Orane Store, Limon.
double your business he beingäthe only Consul or two of the french dredgeslings being distributed among started by a body of persons used by De Lesseps. The these; thirty two sick poor af the suggestion of the beSnr. don Haaold vvas agent EEE loved bishop Nuttall, might for the firm of Messers Plen our Ministers of Religion not ELEGANT MODE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT ty money etc. Fools who were get together here and instituThis is to notify my friends and patrons that have removed, to purchase the bananas.
te collectively such a plan from my former Establishment. am now Located at Peña Build ing opposite the old Spanish School. Your visit to my new EsSnr. Golcher vvas Secreta Following on my first article; that the club would not long for the care of our poor?
tablishment will be highly appreciated as an act of good will.
ry and Treasurer.
Harmful criticism, Lack of exist, because it was given each gloup seem to have a My best service awaits you, with courtesy. Punctuality, Guaranteed workmanship and moderate prices, Give a trial and be convinced. In vievy of the magnitude cooperation, and Parental neg birth by our local girls, for system of its own for the 2nd. AVENUE 15 METROS FROM CORNER OF STREET of the vvork, it was consider ligence then are the three vvhom vve have never enterhelp of individual member JAS. PETERKIN. Box 140, LIMON, ed necessary to obtain the principal factors that have tained any appreciable amount ships, but the idea that appeals most experienced men possi been impeding the social, in of respect nor given any conin real charity is the instituble for the positions of En tellectual and political progress sideration vvhatever, tending tion of a general place where gineer, Foreman of Works and of our people, in practically to stimulate them in the literthe entire Community would General Timekeeper so the all communities, but unfor ary and social world, confu be invited to do its best. Suits made to order at the Shortest notice.
Prince of Quirres was select tunately in our environmentsion vvould necessarily burn Committee of ladies and complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels ed as Engineer, Lieutenant those defects prevail over the the organization to oblivion; gentlemen would be appointalways on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals. Spyral Aubrey as Foreman and majority of our people. in the meantime, the maliged to appeal to cvery one in Sr. don Albino as General There is a saying among nant pessimists entertained the Province on behalf of its North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Timekeeper.
the people that «Any thing the opinion that this femenine efforts, and we are sure that Suits made on the Raffle System come in and get a number In the first month of start that begins in Limon never society vvas formed as an every resident would subwinnings this week ing the Canal, they actually continues? impossible! because appropiate centre for Love scribe in his own way wheSerie Drawing No. 35; won by Rogelio Nuñez with Ticket No. 22 spent for labour (36. 593 and harmful criticism forms the making.
ther by a ten cents or a Serie Juan Ramírez expenses (118. 793 the vvork bottomless pit into which But in spite of all the harm: dollar, whereas no one thinks In presence of Víctor MI. Gómez, Angel Guevara and Valentín Diaz.
accomplis hed was 200 yards. most have fallen.
ful criticisms, the girls are of helping individual selfish BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 The second month they did a Should a young ady, or a succeeding in their undertak aims from the fact that no greater amount of vvork as they group of young ladies, asso ings, progressing in their one knows for what purposes brought labourers from the ciate with a young man or a studies and advancing tovvard donations are used.
interior and the pay roll was group of young men, whom the goal.
If such an institution were 069. 783 vvhile expenses to they see and know will uplift We, the optimists, sincerely opened up we are sure that Brought from page is no vvonder things are vvhat talled 294. 743 the distance dred them, the conception among hope that they will alvvays the United Fruit Co. would ged was exactly a quarter of a the majority of our people is fording against the machina. they are.
be in unity with each other supply so much beef when tic is of brutes and men, and We know however that mile, Mr. Sam Nation applied immorality.
and each day plant fresh they butcher and every butthe motto hitherto of the for and got the exclusive When the Young Women to the Teacher, seeing that seeds of thoughts for their cher would follow suit, the there is no real cause or rea Company has always been to rights of selling the SEARCH Standard Club was organized, mental, phyeical and moral bakers would also help with LIGHT on the Canal.
son for is rude, and inhuman support none bit undenomiat which time the Young improvement, alvvays bearing a small supply of bread, the The third month vvas a from national Schools. The public Mens Christian Association in mind the vvords of Masprecedur, especially farmers would all supply progreat month as for as vvork was already in existence, a persons who profess to be the is however watcng the results.
singer. Soar not too high to visions, gentlemen would give leaders of Religious thoughs. It Parent vvnt, the pay roll vvaes. great deal of harmful cristi fall but stoop to rise. and cast off clothing and so on. 189. 292. 00 and expenses cism were heard; no in due time, the goal vvill be Will some one of influence (328. 292. 00 and a further thouht it would subsist; for reached.
not take the initiative and half mile of dredging complet while it was the opinion of BAS BLEN call a meeting for the purpose?
ed. During the fourth month a certain group of pessimists Coutinued 130 To advertise in The had also the exclusive rights pedite the work Sf. Eduardo ing to what is known as the this way very many people 19 99 Educational sociology SASTRERIA CRANI GRANT Siquirres News one Read The Searchlight Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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