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PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment The human soul is not to be harnessed; its rebellion against slavery is virtuous and spontaneous; and its escape from the mundane pitfall is likely to be attended by laughter that has in it less mirth than derision.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY APRIL 11 1931 NUM. 73 NICARAGUA HAS LOST HER CAPITAL Fate seems to choose certain fying Managua and building mentarily their political rivalry Leon, the seat of Government that the great political figure have left untold many of th individuals, as vvell as places roads to make good his pro and courteously entertain and efforvescence of Liberalism of Costa Rica, Sr. Echandi, spontaneous demonstrations and nations, as experimental mise.
foreigners. It vvould occupy to the neutral Indian village told his political colleagues of sympathy and love Which subjects.
During this lapse, Sandino too much time to enumerate that vvas known in the time recently, vvhen he vvas ques. have flovvn from the hearts In many cases, vve are sur rebels against his country for the various attractions of the of the Spaniards as Xolotan, tioned on an item of politics, of the Costa Ricans.
prised to see persons who allovving Foreign troops to city vvhich contributed to the and vvhere since both Con The only politics that we have suffered great financial remain on its soil. Under the comfort of a visitor.
servatives and liberals have must discuss novy is the In addition to the help losses, or bodily sufferings, shadovy of this righteous fever of Civic ethics co operated in gradualy extend great misfortune of our sister vvhich our Government has luoking healthy or conducting rebellion, as some people see seemed to have been gradually ing and improving, until fate republic Would to God could themselves cheerfully or happily it, banditry is being carried replacing the turmulous nature decided to make it its victim convert the city San José into already rendered the striken inhabitants of ruined Manaand except you are fully on in some of its central that political superiority had on the 3ist of March.
one large hospital vvith suffiacquainted with the circumtovuns.
inoculated in to the Nicara The readers of The Searchgua, the public bodies in cient necessities to assuage almost every town of imporstances, you vvould scarce But go to Managua and you guans. The National Bank ot ght have already been ac the sufferings of our brothers.
tance in the Republic are eatertain credence of the suf forget the descriptions given Nicaragua, nationally oWnied, quainted with the details of the Dr. Justo Facio, Minister of ferings they may have expe you of the country by the but under foreign manage. disaster through the periodicals Public Instructions entreats the organizing the means Whereby children of all the colleges commodities may be sent. In further assistance in cash and rienced. There is quite a simi extremists. You find a city ment, held sufficient security of the Capital, so it is not larity of these conditions vvith comparable to any of the to guarantee the Nicaraguan our intention to reiterate the and schools in Costa Rica, to Limón the various Sport Clubs some places and nations. Capitals of the other Central Cordoba at parity vvith the descriptions of the keen suf deprive themselves and conNicaragua has been consiare arranging for a series of American Countries. Its 50. 000 American Dollar. The Anglo ferings of the victims and tribute to the quake ravaged dered a vvar torn country for inhabitants, teaming vvith in South Americaa Bank, Banco survivors of Managua and the children of Managua. The Basket, Foot and Base Ball nearly a century.
games to take place today and dustry and commerce. Trans Agricola, Bank of Canada and people of Nicaragua. But we, Chamber of Commerce of Tvvo years have not quite portation by air, or by sea Banco Hipotecario y Agricola as livers in a neighboring retomorrovv. Similar games Will Cartago met for the purpose passed since she suffered from take place at Siquirres on vvhich you reach by rail in a vvere all established in Ma public, wish to emphasize the of disposing means and Ways Sunday the 19th instant.
an internal vvar, vvhich among fevy hours to its tidily kept nagua and satisfied that dea exemplified conduct of racial to corroborate effectively in The Bancos de Seguros, de other things, left the city of Pacific port Corinto, and from lings vvith Nicaragua vyere as feelings and simpathy which remitting aid, and among Costa Rica and Anglo CostaChinandega of about 20. 000 there to any part of the World. safe as in any other country Costa Rica has demonstrated many things they disposed an rricense have contributed inhabitants in perfect ruin. Its imposing and recently of the world, as vvell as in this moment of severe dire elaborate demonstration headed 5, 000, 4, 000 and 1, 000 Both Conservatives and rebuilt National Palace, its exposed to the eventualities sufferings of her sister republic. vvith the flag of Nicaragua respectively.
Liberals blame each other for macadamized streets, a vvork expected in the business World. Immediately after the sad and accompanied by damsels, The National Congress has its destruction, and they both carried on during the last Firms like Brockman news arrived President Gonzá from among the elite, vvho voted the sum of 25. 000 jointly blame the Aero revolution, started by Conser Co (German) and others lez Viquez sent Sr. Bonilla collected funds for the purpose. As a result of the Civic planes which bombed the vatives and terminated under vvith records nearly as old as piercing the air, as his special San José ladies from the most functions held in San José last city to exterminate the revolu Gen. Moncada administration. that of Managua as the Capi representative and that of the conspicuous of its society Sunday the large amount of tioners. But the fact remains The «Parque Infantil built tal. The commerce of Managua people of Costa Rica, to con vvere chosen to bear the flags 000 has been added to that Chinandega, a city larger especially as a recreation being chiefly in the hands of dole vwith the President and of the Republics of Central the funds being collected by than Limon, is ruined, and ground for school children Nicaraguans there is no accen people of Nicaragua. In the America for the same purpose. The Costa Rican Red Cross stands out as a consequence and serving as a foreground tuated difference betyveen meanvvhile a shipment of 700 The government declared the «The Searchlight begs to of Revolution. Gen Moncada to the stately looking «Club foreign and native business quintals of flour consigned to Republic in mourning for the add its profoundest sympathy has promised to rebuild it Managua» vvhere Conserva houses. So as to rid Managua the commerce of Costa Rica space of days; Limón headed to our Sister Republic and but he vvas too busy beauti tives and Liberals forget mo of its former military aspect, vvas arranged for by President a subcription list With 100. 00 particularly to the sorrovving Gen. Moncada had caused Gonzalez Viquez, and forwar cy from its Red, Cross inhabitants of the ruined City to be hevyn dovvn the «Lo ded to Corinto to be placed funds. For vvant of space We of Managua.
Tiscapa vvhich vvas at the order of the sufferers, usually fortified to command besides medicines, clothing, the city, and for that reason telegraph and telephone apparaOn very good authority as stated in La Tribuna a had become the view point tus and vvater which vvas at On the initiative of the On the closing night the Presidential we are informed that this fortnight ago, that it is the of political or the time badly needed. The Wesleyan Methodist Bro Rev. Mr. Pitt, in his vvell mysterious Petition which is intention of the Coy to pretenders, and in its place financial embarrasments which therhood of Limon, a se knovvn eloquent and ap.
alleged to have been pre have planted here 500 had erected a Presidential Costa Rica has been having ries of United Services pealing style, spoke on the sented to Congress for re hectáreas of bananas, it residence on the most modern is a knovvn fact, hence vve vvere held, during Holy Sacrament of the Lord patriation of Jamaicans would be an illconsidered lines of architecture, vvhich must regard the sacrifice she Week, by the Wesleyans, Supper, vvhich was aftersigned by some supposed step, in vievy of the fact remaires unscathed after the has made not only as a keen Baptists and Salvation Ar vvards administered to a Jamaicans, one being a Mr. that these labourers vvill be recent cataclysm as if to aWaken demonstration of duty but as my in the churches of the gratifying number. The Williams of Rio Hondo; required by them soon, esthe hearts of the nationals to one of love. Still it is not the tvvo former on alternate churches vvere crovvded realization of continued a naturalized Costa Rican pecially as any labourercomfirst time Costa Rica has been nights commencing on the on each occasion.
and others; was presented ing in the country novv peace, or as a monument de to the rescue of Nicaragua. Monday and closing on At the forenoon service to the Co officials mist shovy a thousand dicated to the burial of strife When the filibuster Walker Holy Thursday. Highly on Good Friday, the Rite here for their opinions on colones.
betyveen liberals and conser in the year 1856 laid the city apropriate and impressive of Baptism was adminisof Granada in ashes leaving addresses the question, who we learn This is a deep scheme to vatives.
vvere delivered tered, in the Baptist Church Managua, vvith its lake 30 but a placard reading this consulted the Boston offi root out the coloured peoat the different services by to 13 candidates.
miles long and similarly named as Cranada, in addition cials, who vie are told ple, but developments are the Revs. Siley, Forde and Easter Sunday was cele.
laying of the city, guard to the many other miseries Pitt and Adjutant Wright.
advised not to consider this being watched vvith anContinued on page ed by the volcano Momotom vvith vvhich he covered Nicasubject, as from the fact xiety.
bito and its series of high ragua, Costa Rica gave her. lands called the Sierras, blood and vvas a prominent THE AGRICULTURAL BUILDING CORPORATION OF 28 MILES OCCULISTIC CLINIC abounding vvith coffee and feature in ridding her of the NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS cattle farms, became the Cap. scourge. When reprentatives General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Dr. JOSE CORVETTI ital of Nicaragua not very of a povverful Government in Lbove named Corporation will be held at the long over 50 years ago. She the year 1848 incited Costa aiberty Hall, Madre de Dios, on the 12th April 1931, OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY vvas one of the country Rica to make claim on the commencing at 30 a. for the purpose of electing a President and the transaction of other matters of vital Diseases and affections of the eyes nevvest cities, although not San Juan River and Jake Niimportance. Members who are unable to attend are Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres the largest. The continnal strife caragua, as to create a particularly requested to forward to the Secretary their and rivalry betyveen the tvvo reason for intervention, Costa letters of Proxy.
The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA traditional parties caused the Rica frankly refused to do so DAVID HENRY (Acg President) GIBB (Secretary. ec Capital fo be removed from and vve have been informed Re this Petition ma Limon Church Notes a SO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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