
PAGE The Healing of the Cripple Educational Sociology part of was Big Cricket Match, Prize Fight and Picnic For Sale at Reasonable Prices Scouts social meet Hotel ATLANTICO In one of Washington Ir bor misfortunes. have seen body with one hand, with We should give our tive they may have in view anything in literature is ving Stories he comments so many sick people, so many the other he would pick up cooperation in every manner but do not know how to concerned. Even our young on the fortitude with which cripples and other unfor his paralyzed legs, one at that we possibly can to proceed, instead of directing men fail to cooperate in we contemplate our neigh tunates; have for years been time, and throw them on a any individual or organiza them and cooperating with organizing a literary club.
so accustomed to dealing head as far as he could. He tion for the benefit of them, would stand by and There are many athletic Better than with the sick and have so would then swing his body himself or the community. say, They are trying but clubs here but few literary thoroughly trained myself to forward again and so, he When our older and do not know what they clubs; the athletic clubs PomonaBiscuits avoid the sort of sympathy went on until he had reach more experienced people, are doing.
are needful, but the literary ed his destination.
that might weaken my power see the younger people Hello boys. whats up. to help them that had The majority of our peo ones are more needful for watched him, my interest trying to achieve any objec. ple fail to cooperate where this pitiful Province so that Going up to Booths shop it may be recognized and man to buy some of his thought could not be much caught at first, by the novelremembered as a Biscuits.
affected by my neighbour ty of his actions. He looked misfortunes.
up, and in the black depths Cricket match and Picnic at the globe.
Eating one you will be One September day some of his burning eyes, seemed satisfied of the fact, that Penshurst The moneys that they to catch a realization of whaf take to enrich the proprie Booth Biscuits lead ten years ago, however, the loss of his legs meant where others fail to follow.
tors of the Weekly «rejes was walking across the lawn Remember the 12th April, all roads will lead to to him. have seen many Now see to it that you when and dances they would attention my Penshurst, crippled and legless men, but keep them, buy books, buy a Biscuit branded caught by a young man who never before had fully realassemble, read and exchange with the name Booth. was painfully making his way across the lawn, using uation: Somehow, did realized the tragedy of their sitThey can be had at all thoughts; there is much to Dont miss this opportunity. Train leaves Limón learn in that manner. There his hands in the place of ize as saw Ralph Roberts chinese vendors.
at a. and from Penshurst at 11 is an old adage that says Eating one you will be feet. He would put his hands for the first time that afterS. Richards Prop. Two heads are better than convinced that they are on the ground and by straighnoon.
one, and it is a well known certainly the best Local tening his arms he would He came here paralyzed, fact. Even two mutes, workBiscuits in the Country. lift his body and then swing without motion or sensation ing together, although Ask for them at Estrada it as far as possible, let him below the waist. In order to they cannot utter a single and Matina as well as self down to the ground and stand, he was compelled to word, can still react upon Limon.
then, while he supported his wear a set of steel braces and influence each other.
which reached from his ankSince we see and know les to his chin. He could sit FOR SALE In the most central locality of the village of that knowledge is power, in a wheel chair and he had Cieniguita Two fine cottages, one with four apart and vvithout it vve the good use of his arms, but ments and the other with two; with good water splendidly built Cottage containing four supply and the necessary Toilet and bath attachments.
negroes are nobody, ve rooms, dining apartment, kitchen and other necessary his legs were a total loss.
Large yard with numerous fruit Trees and a good should alvvays endeavour conveniences. Situate at the Hospital Point, Limón, Ralph Roberts was no quit Sea View.
to get as much as we can.
about 150 yards from the dyvelling of the Co ter. He had a perfectly good For prices and other information apply on the Manager.
excuse to accept invalidism. premises to Mrs. Margaret Richards, or to RichFor further particulares apply.
Many a man far less disabled ards, Penshurst Farm, Estrella.
To be continued. Steel has quit trying to make any.
Beef Cutter thing out of his life, has even Limón Market quit trying to get well. But Ralph Roberts was not made of quitter stuff, he was made of «fighter stuff. He The 2nd, Limon Boys Scout and gentle. Address, by Mr. boys to come in our would sit in his chair or lie troop George Frazer, Address, So thereby helping on that propropped up in bed and make held their first Social on Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see sofa pillows day after day. Thursday evening, March 19th ciety of St. Anthony. Address, gress vve so desire.
how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make He had never given up tryin connection vvith the feast Young. Women Standard Club, Dolores Joseph you comfortable at rediculous prices ing to get well and even of St. Joseph, their Patron, Miss Vera Gillings. Song, and thanks to the Misses Miss Maria Charles. Song, write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ when one of the foremost Maria Christina Povy On, and 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA specialists had told him that Maria Charles, vveare able Rufus Batson. Closing Hymn.
not only could he never hope to be well but that if he to report an exceedingly suc Banquet.
Continued from page cessful entertaiment; many do Of the many addresses givwere to come to the Welten vve cannot help mentionmer Sanitarium he could not nations were also received.
nect every murder in this On Thursday morning vveing that by Miss. Gillings, country with Nicaraguans Continued from page certain sort of people, but expect to live more than three attended Holy Mass, at 45 it. vvas brimful of mirth, Why should the defence of the refuge of all lies, we may vvill in the run be Well pleasing weeks, he still refused to quit, to themselves, their God, and vvit and educative hints.
and came here determined to o clock in uniform, received Jamaica by a Jamaican vvho expect at no distant date to our Blessed Lord, in the Holy We thank them all for the is proud of her be distastefu.
their fellovv men. What vye get well. In three weeks he see a vast and sweeping need is a sane and proper Sacrament and besought His happy time they helped us to was walking to the «First Optimist) We change which will revolutionanalysis of our situation, one spend and vve hope that some Same Healing can be done blessing. Non Catholic memmay have Vices, but there are ize the whole world to a bers of the troop also attend more of our that vvould discriminate Wisely here by one of the Weltmer catholic and also Virtues, vvhy not proreal, just, and truthful realizaed thereby manifesting that other parents will help their betyveen the false and the Students Thos. Welclaim them sometimes too.
tion of facts as they exist, true of everything and person. lington.
good fellovvship which they naked, and unalloyed. Again hold for their brother troopers.
The leadership that is not full say, we need men and Our hall vvas of intrigue and deception, a artistically Limón.
women who will labour themleadership that vvill not remain arranged throught the Kindselves wet with sweat for ness of Miss Povy on. The supinely aside vvhile the young affecting a change in the banner of St. Joseph, our AND mental attitude of our people of our people (boys and girls)
scout flag and emblem, vvere as also the other race groups, are debauching themselves BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY highest moral all most pleasingly arranged.
against the ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED here, there, and everywhere The follovving among others which can be best affected standards, vvith no sense of graced our entertainment Bureau established for the greater convenience, under duty to God, their fellow men, by expressions in writings on or themselves, a leadership with their presence for vvhich standing, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Pumatters affecting eternal intervyho, instead of helping to vve thank them: blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed ests of our people firstly cloak darkness and error Will Scoutmaster Saunders, 1st for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
Racial education and general help to enlighten; avvay vvith Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a Limon, troop; Mr. George Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the cultural development. Here is such rotteness, give us men, SAN ANTONIO Frazer, Westly Guild; Misses public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the where we need men, real stalvvart men, men of honour Vera and Ettie Gillings, Young the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical men, not Dumb Dogs, cowards and sound morality, not figure Women Standard Club; Miss experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts who would lick spittle against heads vvhose only endeavours Remedio eficaz, Wilhelmina Robertson, Pres.
he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supetheir race, who vvould not be para la expulsión are for themselves at the cost St. Anthony Society; Miss rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials so much engrossed in trying of every sacred virtue, men de lombrices.
are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
Teresa Charles, Pres, Children to kill the fame of a superior vuho vvould be true in the EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ of Mary; Mrs. Apoline Joseph, AURELIO BERMUDEZ character, vvho vvould be bold darkness of the night as if De venta en la Pres. Ladies Auxiliary; Mr.
Barrister Investigator enough to call sin by its they vvere visible in the light Brovvn, secy Apostleship Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager FARMACIA name, and not to condone of day. These are a fevy of ESPAÑA of Prayer; Mr. Percy Salmons, MAIN OFFICE licentiousness in its diverse BRANCH OFFICE our needs, theoretically, and Black Star and Combination forms, but would be a Daniel, practically, ringing to the true LUCAS MORUA San Jose, 50 yards West of the Co.
Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre Farmaceutico a faithful servant of the invi. sound of the anvil of truth, CARTAGO.
The program vvas: sible but sure sentinel. Lea before God and man. More Hymn to St. Joseph, Address Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of ders of this sort have, and Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, anon.
by the Chairman. Life of St.
vvill alvvays court suspicion Petgrave California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Joseph, by Mr. Joseph; and possibly ill vvill among a Siquirres, March 19 1931 Sociedad Tipogràfica de Cartago Hymn, Hail St. Joseph pure Mr. Juan Charles, and Mr. The Opti.
Machinery a LIMON SERVICE BUREAU VERMIFUGO Presidencia Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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