
Saturday April 11. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Young husband seeks divorce TRAVELLING months ago Death Dental Laboratory Recommendation THE PEÑA TEATRO. SIQUIRRES Clifford Emmanuel Steele, a Couple married but Love and harmony only lasted months The bugbear of travelling the joy until he is up againstvvhere he can feel AT HOME young local butcher, has filed to strange places is sup it; or it against him, vvhen a somebody vyhose services suit for a divorce a vinculo In summarizing his petition, And he continues: Itvvas pose the inadaptability to after travelling very many he can heartily appreciate, and matrimoni from his vvife, Mr. Steele states: vvas mar only three months after our unaccustomed surroundings, miles, tired, hungry and vvith one vvhom he can trust above Greta Telma Gooden, before ried to Greta Tetma Gooden conjugal union, vvhen my coupled with a sense of in but little knovvlege of the na all.
the Civil Court for the Pro a native of Kingston, Jamai companion begun to be dis security. One hardly realizes tive language, he finds a place Such vvas my experience vince of Limon. Disobedience, ca) before the Governor of obedient, agressive and made some days ago, vvhen after threats, defamation and adul the Province of Limón, at use of defamatory vvords atravelling from Limón to Cartery are the grounds for the on June 1930. gainst my mother, sister and tago, vvas amply entertained petition.
myself. She told me, he at the Biggerstaff Home BEBE continues, that my mother (Cartago) vvith clean quarters, vvas an old. and that my good meals, nice bed and sister vvas of similar characHubert Irving, beloved son of Mrs. Anita linen, toilet and shovi er bath, teristic My vvife vvas so all to confort the tired travelof MANUEL BATRES, Cartago bold, he emphasized, that Gilfillian, Born 1st August 1901 died Ist.
ler and in spite of it all Eastern Gate of the Market she admitted to me on one April 1931 leaving a sorrowing mother and two cheap.
occasion that she loved a.
When one is going in that Nearly every case of deranged Stomachs is traceable to Bad Teeth nother man; but thought then brothers to mourn their irreparable loss.
direction, it vvill pay him vvell Have yours done at once! and the best in Cartago that her admission vvas mereMay he rest in Peace to look up this Hostel to is at DENTISTA BATRES ly made to cause me vyrath.
vvhich he can be directed by First class materials and best workmanship Mrs. Gilfiffian also recently lost her son Harold. any one in the vicinity. He therefore the cheapest Documentary proof offered vvill be vvell accomodated and 30EEEEEEEEE2E3E shall submit to the Court, supplied with valuable inforin due time, he vurites. a mation (if needed) regarding FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. certified copy of a letter in the movements of the trains, vvhich my vvife confesses the vvhereabout of this, or At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small that she has been unfaithful to that, and of many other items family residence adjoining the Post Office me, and which she recognized We are recommending the Aragón firm, and has of interest to the traveller.
SIQUIRRES Apply to Sam McIntosh and accepted as her ovvn letour readers and other per acquired quite lan amount Going from Cartago to San ter judicially.
sons who may have any of experience in this line, José, found something vvhich dealings in Custom house which he is offering to vvas hardly expecting. From Desertion is also charged matters in clearing goods the public at rates suitable the time came to Costa Rifrom this Dept. to be in. to the conditions of the ca have alvvays heard that The petition also charges terested in the Agency of time. We are certain that the natives vvere particularly Mrs. Greta Steele vvith abandon Manuel Fernández es this nevy firm of Custom discourteous, and that they Look out for the new Films from Sunday night donment, as it is averred that tablished in Limon.
the 1st. March. They will surprise the public. Come House Agency vvill give look at you through envious one and all and enjoy yourselves, Sunday and Monday in the early part of January Don Manuel has been to its patrons the service eyes; but, quite to the contranights. Fine accommodations. Get your tickets in time. of this year she abandoned many years connected with that is required.
ry has been my experience.
Show starts at 30 Dont miss this chance. The her home and left for San have found them by far best Teatro on the Lines José, vvithout her husband more courteous, sympathetic VICENTE DE LA PEÑA knovvledge nor his consent; MANUEL FERNANDEZ and ready to please and acProp.
and that upon her return she AGENTE comodate, than most of cur vvas seen frequently on the LIMON, COSTA RICA. APARTADO No. 564 English speaking people vvho streets in bad company mak Se hace cargo de despachos de Aduana a precios de situación profess the vaunted High GARANTIA PRONTITUD Culture. and can say have proachable conduct. petition added a fevy more friends to for a separation a vinculo maMANUEL FERNANDEZ my list, through my contact trimoni o mensa et thoro has Customs and Commission agency undertakes the despatching vvith some of the most grato pay damages been filed subsidiary to the of importations and exportations through the Customs at the cious, kind and affable people divorce.
most reasonable charges it has been my good fortune decision vvas rendered in coal exist; but demanded that Defendant denies allegations which she to meet.
this case, vvherein the Plain some consideration should be Thanking you, Mr. Editor, labels as false and benious tiff, Robert Yammer Bovven, given for the improvement for the niche in your much To Mr. Steele allegations, sued Louis Edvvards on July made on, and services rendered esteemed paper.
1st. of last year, to force the to the property, on vvhich he retorted Attorney Daniel ZeleI am etc. payment of rental from the had laboured for over years. dón, Counsel for defendant MICHAEL NEWTON defendant; Louis Edvvards, for Upon trial, the Court found Mrs. Steele, denying the PlaintThe Appelate Bench of Royal and Johnson appeal.
a parcel of land located at that Bovven did not justify iff allegations and thunderMoin and upon which he the Supreme Court has ed against the decision of his claim aud therefore the ing them as false, The plain just decided the interlocu first instance, feeling as has built a house, cultivated decision vvas adverse and tiff has not had the pluck to tory incident in the case of they expressly stated in vegetable and is burning coal. Bovven ordered to pay Ed specify his charges. he says, Reginald James, William these columns in our said to be the property of vvards damages and costs. but has simply based his ac.
Mowatt, Clifford Royal and issue of December 2, 1930 plaintiff.
Attorney Antonio Seguration on mere imaginary hear James Johnson, supposed that the judgment will Edvvards did not deny the represented Bovven, vvhile Li say information, and he has partners of the Cleland be revoked. allegations, so far as the house, mon Service Bureau represent been so vile that he ventures Tramway Company of Es. The decision of the Suvegetables and burning of ed Edvvards.
to tell the Court that the de.
trada, versus James Anson preme Court ordering Va.
fendant admitted to him on Cleland, so called Manager İlejo removal from the ofWe deeply regret having one occasion that she loved of the said corporation. fice of Judicial Depositor or to announce the death of another man, and with proMindful of a duty out of This is the nounced deception promises wherein Cleland Attorney Tramway will no incident Manager of the embargoed Mrs. Annie Gordon, a well friendship the most popular doubt known resident of Limón to produce a letter wherein filed a petition for the convince Messrs James, for very many years. The his vife confesses having removal of Justino Vallejos. Mowatt, Royal and John sorrowful event occurred being unfaithful to him. Police Judge at Estrada, son challenge Mr. Steele, Mr. Ze from the office of Manager the law governing Princithat their theory of in the hospital in that city Has arranged to distribute a value of almost on Saturday last in the double the former value of the wrappings as a ledón continues. to present of the embargoed tramway pal and Agent was wrong. presence of her daughter, benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you that letter vvhich he has not as can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before.
alleging negligence and All No. wrappings have a much greater value yet presented nor vvill he ever malpractices, the matter was Within a few days the Miss Dorothy Gordon, who, than No. and others.
Civil Court will proceed in answer to a call by present. Your Honour its all decided according to Clecable arrived from Guateto appoint Vallejo sucvvords, vvords mere vvords. land petition, but the mala two days previously.
he noted.
plaintiffs, James, Mowatt, Bar Reporter The funeral ceremony on Abandonment denied. Wife left for San Easter Sunday was conduct.
Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts José with husband permission who ed by the Very Rev. Archwill be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
deacon Oakley and was bought ticket himself Distributor in Limón ELOY GOTAY Regarding the abandonment THE SEARCHLIGHT Distributors in Turrialba alleged, Mr. Zeledón assured tenders its sincerest condThe many Clients of MESSRS ZELEDON AND SILVA LAWYERS Rojas Cortés Cía. the Court that Mrs. Steele left olence to the bereaved son AND NOTARIES of Limon are advised tbat they have removed their for San José during the early and daughter in the ir irrepoffices to the FORMER OFFICE OF MR. RUFINO SOLIS upstairs INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co. part of January vvith her husarable loss.
the building of the Commercial store; avenue and 3nd Street, where band permission, and that Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 he, the husband, personally they will attend to all Legal matters entrusted to their care with purchased her ticket at the the usual promptitude and reliability.
Continued on page Robert y Bowen vs. Luis ing public display of her reEduards. Landowner The Cleland Tramway case Death of Mrs. Gordon PALMERA SOAP PALMERA SOAP Notice of Removal largely attended.
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