p. 6


Saturday April 11. 1931 Wants Column SPORTS There is no forgetting the fact Correction. X0. 000000Dwund Bishop Blessing Limon quota for Managua started enthusiastically One colon per insertion of six lines Messrs. Alvarado Arias terest and activity displayed of the Arrasty Theatre by the Nicaraguan Consul. being made to organize za.
An effort is once more rected by Mr. Marcus CuWANTED The attendance was gave an audible picture Don Julio Jurado, in coshow on wednesday night, operating to the success connection vvith the Cup games the Cricket Competition in most gratifying; various Advertise To sell a fine organ at the April 8th for the benefit of the function. The pub; which Were indulged in vvas some years and full advantage taken Advertise your Grocery ridiculous price of 250. at of the Managua disaster lic patronage was a proof ago brought dovvn by Mr. of the literary facilities.
stock if not your doors Jack Oranes.
fund. The Orchestra of Mr. of their good will. The Jack Orane vvith a vievv Light refreshments were sershall lock. But vvhen you Stephen Robotham contri Consul has promised, at a to encouraging interest Oved. Mr. Logan, who act.
publish what you have got buted and not only added later date, to publish in in the good old game. ed as Chairman in a few well your friends will find you The Community to know lustre and entertainment to addition to the results of Board of Control has now, chosen remarks compliwith spot cash. Dont you that there is nothing to break the show, but was indeed this first item, the details we understand, been form mented the youthful memmake a single noise. up a cold like a Cafiaspirin opportune. The Municipal of all collections made in ed with Mr. Ferris as bers of the Band on their But go ahead and ad table taken in a Cup of hot band suspended their reg: Limon, for the benefit of President. and invitations proficient performance and vertise.
lime juice tea inmediately ular concert in the park, quake stricken Managua, have been issued to all assured them of his and Make success by adver after having contracted a cold and discoursed choiced through the columns of working Clubs in the city the Club support.
tising selections in front of the THE SEARCHLIGHT and on the lines to co XAs a result of this funcAdvertise what e er you Theatre.
operate and so infuse great tion, it has been decided have got Owners of Dogs and We cannot omit the in. Special Reporter er interest in the competi: to hold a musical enterYour houses, Land and Horsekind afflicted with tion. Clubs which have tainment every alternate Sa business spot.
000000SDUnnaMMODOXNUDWUXI000SXOXO Mange to try a flask of not yet sent in their re. turday night.
The only way to make GROVERS MANGE ME plies to the Secretar y of the success is to realize the Board, Mr. Chas. Hayvalue of advertising DICINES» there is nothing ling are asked to do so See Searchlight. like it.
by the 13th instant.
gent Mr. Develante at every It is also an Antiseptic point and he will give you Hair remedy to prevent That the only medicine which. all information.
cures Asma, and acute Bron very pleasant function and cure falling hair.
was held at the room of By mistake the surname chitis is the NOTICE To be had at Botica the Motive Power Sport Williams vvas unfortunateTo whom is may Vargas.
Cuajani Jordan Club, Limon, last Saturdayly omitted in the Obituanight, when the members ry of Mrs. Ketura Burrel concern, my wife Irene San José Box 761 The sole deposit and representation and their friends were en Williams, beloved vvife of Johnson having left my home of which is in tertained by the recently Mr. John Burrel Williams and protection since Decemformed Radio Band di of Limon.
ber 1930 and now living Those who would like to The BOTICA VARGAS with another man, hereby warn the public that am pass a few days of rest SAN JOSE PILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres not responsible for and change in a quiet home any debts contracted by her. in the interior, to know Apartado 716 Telephone 2812 Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away that Mrs. Charlotte Bigand the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be Joseph Johnson 1000000800000000000000000000000000000 gerstaf can accommodate shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies OLD HARBOUR shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
your necessities at her April 11th 1931 home in Cartago with Siquirres PILE Bicycles clean comfortable quarters At Clearing Prices: After many days of much the Governor of the ProNotas de Limón men Roadster Bicycles. 110 To advertise in the anxietyregarding the ill vince, and the Rev. Frs.
ness of his Lordship the Trapp and Wollgarten, who 130 entire community of Limón met the plane in the harViene de la pág. religiosos tanto en el seno Rudge Withworth Racers. 160 SEARCHLIGHT was relieved to hear that bour and transferred him varro, quien días antes ha. do la catedral como en Ladies Roadster Bicycles. 110 he would arrive by seato, the Government launch bía despreciado la suma curridos y ordenados. Bien At Jack Orane Store, were able to convey him de cincuenta colones. Ya Limon.
double your business plane on Saturday last.
Hundreds, of the inhabitants from the prier to the waiten otras ocasiones han por nuestra religión que congregated on both whar ing ambulance.
es la universal porque esestropeado a personas granLAWYERS NOTARIES ves at the hour named tá basada en principios for his arrival, and so eager the Limon Hospital and His Lordship is now in des y pequeñas.
como son la caridad, la AT LIMON was each one to personal we are indeed pleased to Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON Estos dos dias de la se. piedad y el temor a Dios and CARLOS SILVA ly express his or her gra be able to state that his mana obre todas las cosas.
Offer their services to tne English Speaking Public as solicitors fueron de recogibefore the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; tification to his Lordship, health continues to make miento general y los actos Cronista Social.
Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
that it was with much satisfactory improvement.
ENGLISH SPOKEN difficulty the Port officials, For Sale Cheap ¡Cheap!
The new shoe store of Siquirres One lot of land with three Houses situated We have removed at Broadway Street Siquirres, at the western end of our shoe establishment to Mr. Rivera Cafetin adjoinStreet. Fine water supply you need no Ice. In Sanitary Continued from page cans and local Attorneys, the Condition.
ng the Commissary, where we maintain still our lowest prices, One house contains rooms, the other tvvo Railvvay Station. This he pro case has been the object and a complete assortment of materials for high class boots contain tvvo rooms each.
mised to prove in due time. of a great deal of comments Near to the Railway Station.
ALDOR ROBERTS HUERTAS Defendant Counsel denounces defects among Court Room frequent.
This is a good chance for any one who needs ers. The opinion prevails that a good property in Siquirres the Central Station for in the form of the suit the divorce may not be granteither the Moin Canal or the Nicaraguan Canal apply The Court attention is to Albert Ellis Siquirres ed due to certain defects of being invited by Attorney Zeform as Mr. Zeledón pointed ledón to the defective manner out to the Court, since plainin vvhich the suit is being tiff had not pointed out to Suits made to order at the shortest notice.
Limon Church prepared. There has been no the Court the specific date, complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels Continued from page «Now is Christ Risen specific charge. he claims. time and place of the different always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
brated in the St Marks led by Mrs Hilda McLean as it vvill be seen, that the occurrences, neither does the North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Church in a most befitting who sang well, her voice plaintiff has not determined name of the party vvith vvhom Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number manner. At A. a High being heard to perfection the facts on vvhich his suit the supposed adultery vvas winnings this week Mass Was sung by Fr although somewhat nervous is based, and, therefore, the committed appears on the pet Serie Drawing No. 37; won by Arturo Vargas with Ticket No. 78 Oakley. In place of a ser at the start. Miss Galloway suit has not been presented ition as these are requisite, Serie Juan Bautista Arroyo, mon the congregation was and Mrs Daisley Were in the form required by lavv, sine qua non the Courts vvill asked to meditate on the excellent in In presence of Mariano Mora and Olbrik Dogle the Anthem The petition must be denied.
not entertain a suit. Critics BOX 252 Mr. Zeledón sustains.
San José TELEPHONE 3320 meaning and significance Christ is risen from the have also found that, vvith of the day.
Dead. Miss Doris BeckCase has caused great deal of com the exception of the charges There were two other ford and Mr Morgan also ments among members of the Bar of adultery, the other facts. ELEGANT MODE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT masses at and a. rendered their duet in a and other persons familiar with these alleged are not grounds for This is to notify my friends and patrons that have removed, At there was most pleasing manner. The from my former Establishment. am now Located at Peñia Build proceedings divorce; and are investigating opposite the old Spanish School. Your visit to my new EsEvening song with sermon Choir master is to be ing the identity of Steele tablishment will be highly appreciated as an act of good will. by Fr. Rycart.
complimented for the manDue to Mr. Steele popul. Attorney in the issue, since My best service awaits you, with courtesy. Punctuality, Guaranteed workmanship and moderate prices, Give a trial and be convinced.
At this service the choir ner in which the members arity, among the West Indian his name has been concealed, rendered a special program. were trained.
element and Mrs. Steele poJAS. PETERKIN. Box 140, LIMON, Mention must be made of The attendances at the pularity, among the CostariBAR REPORTER BEBEEE the rendition of the Anthem different services Were good 19 99. Young husband.
and shoes.
PROPRIETOR SASTRERIA GRANT. GRANT 58 EZE 2nd. AVENUE 15 METROS FROM CORNER OF STREET Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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