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PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment Mass production and standardization go together vvith things material. But whenever standardization attemps to invade the moral and the intellectual realm, havoc results. It is in fact exceedingly doubtful vvhether that mysterious vvhole vvhich vve term personality vill ever yield to investigators, hovvever patient, honest and bmeticulous in their searching they may be.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY APRIL 18 1931 NUM. 74 CRICKET Devil let loose Among Lodges and Associations Siquirres News ron In response to the invitation Mr. Sankey, the ket as printed by Wisden to There is great descontent ministration by the present of the Society, althó fully extended to the cricket clubs Wanderers, Mr. Louis Mc. be the rules governing the among certain of our Lod Regime only eight months paid up for his work in of Costa Rica by the Board Gregor; The Cairo Mr. competition.
ges, some being before the iu charge, The Shareholders this direction; hence the of Control, the follovving Percy Irons, the Surprise Rule Each club to pay Tribunals of the Country. claim mal administration Society will either be made clubs have agreed to take part The other clubs have not an annual fee to the Board The District Lodge of during his Regime of ten to prosper or will fall into in the competition, vvhich vvill named their representatives, of Control of the sum of the of Good Samar years and now illegality on liquidation after the meeting begin the first vveek in May: The Bye Lavvs are as follovvs: tvventy colones. 20. 00) itans has summoned the his part, holding up the of the 3rd May. It therefore Excelsior, Matina, Wanderers, Bye Lavvs Governing Or vvhich amount will be used Mt. Purity and St. Step Banana checks, thus prev behoves every member to Cairo, Construction, Motive ane Cricket Cup competition for defraying expenses, such hens Lodges of this order enting progress.
be present to see what will Power, Surprise. It is expect of 1931 as stationary, printing, postage, to say why they should Much discontent is ex happen to his money ined that FORTUNA and PENSHURT Dravyn up and ratified by etc.
not operate under her pressed on account of the vested. He will either lose vvill also compete, likevvise, the Board of Control, April Rule The scoring in the guidance? These in turn negligence of their lawyer, or vvill have to make a ESTRADA, the last tvvo named 13th 1931.
matches played under this claim that she is not work Mr. Raul Marin, not having further loan to save the clubs have not yet sent in Rule The Board of Con competition vvill be as follows: ing in accordance with registered the Society and business from Ruin.
their application.
trol vvill be composed of a One (1) point for a vvin, mi the Regulations of the the property in the name The second meeting of the President, Vice President, Trea nus (One 1) for a defeat. Any Order.
Board of Control vvas held surer, Secretary and Assistant club failing to notify the Board The Bethfield Lodge is on Monday evening, presided Secretary, and one represent. of Control vvithin seven days also in turmoil, in conseover by Mr. Ferris, Bye Lavvs ative from each competing before the date fixed for a quence of the Rulings of vvere dravvn up and ratified. club, vvith povver to add to match of its inability, through the Chief Executive officer.
The follovving gentlemen vvill their number. Election to the causes over vvhich it has no The Free Gardiners of form part of the Board of Board of Control vvill be held control, to carry through the Siquirres, we note, have also This Division of the forward. Other short Control: Mr. Chambers annually. Retiring officers are game, vvill forfeit one point. broken away from Council pulled off another speeches follovved by Representing (Mr. Sut eligible for nomination. Neither side vill score any Rulings of the Order, and big event on Sunday 12th Messrs. Shavv, and ton, Substitute) the Excelsior Rule The rules of Cric. points for drayvn matches, are turning over to the Inst. at 30 vvhen Binns, hymns vvere Matches which have been Rites of The Scottish they laid the first stone of sung, the stone laid and abandoned vvill be given ex Mechanics.
their Liberty Hall on exposed to vievv, and the tra dates by the Board of The Eureka Lodge of their grounds. large crovvds formed again to Control.
Siquirres, is split in twain, number of persons assem march to the Hall, vvhere Unfortunately the details of Mechanics Lodge (200; ConRule All matches vill as a result of a difference bled at the Hall and, after a very select and exquisite contributions in Limón to cordia Lodge 40; The Free start not later than 10. 30 of opinion between the the opening preliminaries, program vvas carried vvards the relief of sufferers by Gardiners Lodge 60; Arras o clock. minimum of five white and black elements; proceeded to the site of through.
After the usual prelimithe Managua Catastrophe ar ty Theatre 270. 75; The Stad hours will be allovved for the Dispensation has been the stone laying, led by a rived late for publication in ium Gate collections 201. 85 play with an interval of 30 stolen avvay by the black select band of music, vvith naries vvere performed by this issue, but we are proud Antonio Escalante 25; José minutes for luncheon. members, consequently the the Representatives of the the ex President Mr. AaStevvart, a selection to announce that so far the Vivo 20; mon Trading Rule Umpires vvill be white members, who claim different Divisions, the Of sum of 450 has been Co. 25.
appointed by the Board of to be in the right have and members and vvelle entitled Army of the King ficers of the local Div. vvas rendered by the Choir, collected; the principal donors The Railvvay gives a special Control for each match.
sent off for a Duplicate vvishers follovving, and this piece vvas about the being The Red Cross Com train to Siquirres on Sunday Rule Each club vvill be Charter.
mittee. 400; collections from 19th in aid. Full details vvill required to send in at least The Unión District of covering nearly a quarter very best rendition tvvo names of persons whom The Mechanics, seem also of amile.
the Flag Parade on Sunday appear in our next issue.
heard around this section.
they deem capable of umpir not run last 400; The Fraternidad as smoothly Arriving at the Liberty The Representative of ing.
Grounds. a as it should, and we would circle was the Limon Div. Mr.
Rule No player will be not be surprised to hear formed around the chosen Reid, vvas then called to allovved to question the deci of an early rupture.
spot, and the stone being deliver a speech vvhen he sion of an umpire on the field. There is friction between put in its place by the stressed the importance of architect Mr. Rhoden, Miss.
Continued on page a Garvey Club formed in Kellerman very fitting. vvard, citing some of his courage to go forOn Wednesday 8th The que privilege.
Cieniguita, Limón by penaly ly officiated in laying the past experiences in assoLadies of the Standard The chair vvas most zed and discontented memcement on Easter Week Club of Limon held their amiably occupied by Miss vvhich vvill ciation vvith others, vvho bers of the rest this structure of Ne.
vvere ridiculed for the usual Literary evening in Vera Gillings vvho certain.
and the Limon Division of Mirth gro Liberty, Mr. Edvvard cause of Africa redemtheir Club Rooms at the ly lent honour and brillithe Organization; The Club Hart in a very fine speech ption, he was followed Vestry of the Baptist ance to the function. The On Saturday, the eleventh, is registering not only itself, explained the signification by the Representative of Church so kindly placed evening took a poetic turn there was quite a gathering but the Colours of the of the elements which the Pacuaria Division, Mr.
at their disposal by the and the young ladies iid of friends at the home of Mr. Organization, the Red, Black made the pillar, namely: John Joseph, vvho spoke Revd. Forde. There vvere Justice to their respective and Mrs. Daisley foremost and the Green, by which cement, vvater and sand, on Cooperation and Une present of the nobler sex heroes.
among these vvere the memmeans they will prevent typical of that solidarity ity, giving as an examplMessrs. Nation.
Miss Iris Bruce led off bers of the Saint Marks Choir the main body from using which all Negroes must the exploits of the George Fraser a d Samuel in fine style vith her fa vvho came out en bloc to do it, hence trouble is brewing have if they are to go Continued on page Henry; Vvhile as a visitor vourite Poet, Sir Walter honour to the leading SopraThe Agricultural and of the gentler sex, Miss noist.
Building Corporation of Laura Abel held the uniContinued on page A very happy time vvas Madre de Dios is also exTHE AGRICULTURAL BUILDING CORPORATION OF 28 MILES spent, and dancing kept up periencing much difficulty.
NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS. until the vvee hours of the It will meet on Sunday General Meeting of the Shareholders of the OCCULISTIC CLINIC morning. The music vvas sup 3rd May to decide whether above named Corporation will be held at the plied by the Red Hot Six the property should be Liberty Hall, Madre de Dios, on the Sunday 3rd. May 1931, Dr. JOSE CORVETTI Band. Several prominent ladies cut up to give Mr. Si Shaw, co president and the transaction of other matters of vital and gentlemen of the city OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY vyere noticed in the assemhim out and appoint an particularly requested to forward to the Secretary their Diseases and affections of the eyes blage, and if ever there was administrator; or call in the letters of Proxy. The Directors will not hold themOffice Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres gathered a rare bunch of government to appoint a selves responsible to Shareholders who are absent or beauty and grace among our liquidator and sell out and unrepresented at this meeting.
The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA fairer sex, it vvas at this hap. Wind up the business.
DAVID HENRY (Actg President) GIBB (Secretary. 09 py event.
Mr. Shaw claims mal adever Literary evening nevy Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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