
PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNAT Saturday April 18. 1931 Seeing is Believing QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES comCafiaspirina Bishop Jackson attacks Education Bill Dear Mr. Editor: stands prominent before my corresponds to Aries and in The Easter season is gone. mind eyes in the person of biblical Alchemy he represents But it is always my custom to the Apostle Thomas Gad, the 7th son of Jacob, evoke some novel sentiment monly knovvn as Doubting which means «armed and relative to the events that Thomas. The calumny placed prepared» and be not easily transpired after the Ressurupon so great a man by deceived. During the lifetime rection of Jesus, the Master. misinformed Christians is riof the Master Jesus, His twelve Among the many colourful diculous in my opinion, be Apostles, who were under His BEWARE OF IMITATIONS! episodes, is a character that direct tuition, Were conversant cause in Astrological lore he of the possibilities of some Dont accept any tube envelope BAYER of the Cosmic Laws; but that packets without the which favoured auto ressurBAYER CROSS rection of one being dead All Hail the three days was foreign to them. Hence when the Master ¡Who is this scientific gentleman informed them of the possibiWe read so much about!
lity of such an event they He sure does know his stuff, received it superficially. When Of that there is no doubt.
the event did occur and He You ll find him almost any day, manifested Himself to them Some where upon the job, to certify His pre transition The following is taken from meant that nothing of impor had to thank Hon.
Collecting all the needed facts statement, they were so the West Indian» of Grenada. tance would be done without Easter, the Director of EducOn some bird who tried to rob.
amazed that even if they were St. George, Sunday, March the consent of Roman Cath ation, who, as Roman Cathin doubt, they dared not When there been a crime committed, 15. sensation was caused olics. Gobernment, Dr. Jackson olic did not permit the Roman He has the right of way.
interrogate. Like the few, in the Anglican Church here said, had unwittingly played Catholic forces to be defeated.
No one allowed to touch a thing Thomas not fully convinced to day when His Lordship into the hands of the Roman This was merely a case of Till he gives his whether the form before him Dr. Vibert Jackson, Bishop of Catholic. invincible» ignorance, we are was an apparition or matter, the Windward Islands. attacked Administrator walkes out informed, for, as the EducaEfficiently he does his work, he decided to feel or see to Then to the office goes, the Education Bill passed by tion situation exists at present, Even then he does not pause, believe. Then he exclaimed the Legislative Council on At this stage the AdminisGreat Britain will not be subHe is right upon his toes.
My Lord and my Master. And Friday last, and His Honour trator, who was present with ject to Rome.
though the narrative states the Administrator, Mr.
Mrs. Blood, left the Church.
Quickly he goes through all the files, that Jesus censured this man Blood. who was Then at his desk he ll sit, Members of the congrega Church Council appeal And through a magnifying glass for his incredulous tempera present, unceremoniously left tion present were astonished The characteristics get.
ment, yet his evidence stands the church to see such action by the Grenada, March 10. At a prominent among all that Standing at the lectern temporary head of the Govern meeting of the Grenada AngliSPEED favoured the Ressurrection. can Church Council convensoon after the service had ment. His Majesty the King, felt and am convinced says begun, His Lordship referred many persons felt would not ed at St. George yesterday, Thomas and that is the only to the Education Bill. He said have been so thin skinned as with His Lordship Dr. Vibert argument that dispel all that he noticed it had been to insult Divine Worship in Jackson, Bishop of the dubious querries.
passed and as a result he was that manner were his Govern. Windward Islands, presiding, great lesson is taught by urging Anglican parents and ment attacked by a Christian the following resolution was the behaviour of «Doubting guardians to send their chil preacher. Although in the sa unanimously carried and agreed Thomas. The mass of mis dren only to Anglican schools cred edifice many persons upon to be forvvarded to the could not conceal their dis Secretary of State for the ColonAnother Kingdon has of his throne. The Repu conception that is prevailed because the Ordinance faies today through the local fallen. Another King has blican party recognizing upon us by the socalled vvise voured the Roman Catholic gust at such vulgar behaviour Government: lost his Crown. Spain, the their strength demanded would never occur if the denominations. In spite of the by His Honour the AdminisKingdom, once the largest his addication, in order, as majority of the human family protests of Non Romanists for trator. That this meeting of the and the proudest in the they plainly told him, to decided that «seeing is believ many years, the Ordinance Dr. Jackson continuing, said Grenada Church Council then civilized world, is now avoid the shedding of much ing. Would to God that still provided that half the that he did not think that he whilst ready to support all no more. Aristocracy has blood. He, therefore, had many «Doubting Thomases Board of Education should had said anything to offend efforts to improve the efficiendeparted and democracy no alternative but to accede would come forward today be Roman Catholics and that the Administrator, nevertheless cy of Primary Education in now reigns. That disintre to their demand and severe and teach the world the nehe felt that it was the duty the Colony, strongly protest gation which began in the the last link which had cessity of Seeing is believing.
of Government to see that against the injustice of providBetter than there was no impartiality a.
distant past by which she bound her to her mighty The many vague unfulfilled ing in the Ordinance (1931)
witnessed the loss of her past.
promises, the multiplicity of Pomona Biscuits mongst denominationsand one that half of the Board of Prinumerous colonies, has The royal family have theories we accept which should not be favoured against mary Education must Roever been proceeding, left for Paris on their play havoc with our mentality, the other.
Hello boys. whats up. man Catholics as it consid.
though slowlyuntil as a way, it is said, to London and the silver tongued flatterers Going up to Booths shop Bishop Jackson also made ers it to be the duty of the result of the general Mu where the ex king expects who ensnare their victims man to buy some of his reference to the Education Or. Government to be absolutely micipal elections held rec to join them.
into traps which wreck their Biscuits.
dinance at the following even impartial amongst denomina.
ently her King, Alfonso Coronel Francisco Macia bodies and souls would never Eating one you will being service of the Church tions. It regrets that vvhen the XIII. realized that he had, has been named provisional occur. Spiritually speaking, a satisfied of the fact, that when be again stressed the Government had the opporas he says, lost the love of President with don Niceto mere belief in the Creator Booth Biscuits lead necessity of impartiality and tunity of redressing this long his people, and consequently Alcalá Zamora, Minister of and Cosmic Laws is not where others fail to follow. stated that he had no intent standing injustice and thereby hís fight for the retention State.
sufficient to justify our con Now see to it that you ion of keeping quiet.
allaying public suspicions by viction. We should metaphor buy a Biscuits branded Roman Catholics exult adopting the principle of ically speaking reach out our with the name Booth.
strictly impartial neutrality, the mental and psychical hands They can be had at all In Roman Catholic circles Mindful of a duty out of Bill vvas passed vvithout an and after feeling, our beings chinese vendors.
friendship the most popular the passing of the Education open vote being allovved to will be so thrilled With estacy Eating one you will be Bill was hailed with exultat the Official members of the that We Will exclaim like convinced that they are Council.
ion as a remarkable victory.
Doubting Thomas. My certainly the best Local Fr. Moss, the Vicar General, The Council comprised reLord and God, have seen Has arranged to distribute a value of almost Biscuits in the Country. speaking at the Roman Cath presentatives of all the parishes double the former value of the wrappings as a and now believe.
Ask for them at Estrada olic Church in St. George on benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you of the colony and of the decan get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before.
David Luke and Matina as well as Friday night, said that they pendency of Carriacou.
All No. wrappings have a much greater value Alba Farn Limon.
than No. and others.
Spain. PALMERA SOAP PALMERA SOAP New Castle Division For Sale at Reasonable Prices is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts On Easter Sunday, the sident; Mrs. Brown.
will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
In the most central locality of the village of New Castle Branch of the Misses Calvin and Cieniguita Two fine cottages, one with four apartDistributor in Limón A. Miller. Messrs Dixon, ments and the other with two; with good water ELOY GOTAY held a pleasant Sunday Cho ilr Master; supply and the necessary Toilet and bath attachments.
Distributors in Turrialba evening Service at the Li Mac. Farlane, Division Large yard with numerous fruit Trees and a good Sea View.
Rojas Cortés Cía.
berty Hall commencing at President; Coultas; For prices and other information apply on the about 15 Mr. Medford; all of whom premises to Mrs. Margaret Richards, or to RichINDUSTRIAL SOAP Co. Gordon occupied the Chair. helped towards the success ards, Penshurst Farm, Estrella.
The programme consisted of of the entertainment.
Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 Solos, duets and recitations Wilson which were contributed by Mrs. Lewis Lady Preno Ast. Secy Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Sociedad Tipogràfica Cartago


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