
Saturday April 18. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Teacher appointment creates difficulty Congratulation At a recent meeting of the expense of the Government, ed instead. In as much as it a certificate from the Rawle untrained in school manage the St. Dominic management Board of Primary Education returned from training at the had been laid doven that Institute showed that Miss ment, should be considered had instead done something of Grenada, presided ever by Ravvle Institute, Barbadoes, be vvhen Certificated teachers Nurse had some training in better fitted for a post of as vvhich vvould have placated the Director of Education the appointed to succeed Mr. Pur vvere available uncertified ones school management and gen sistant teacher in the second public feeling on this score.
Hon. HB. Easter, a discus cell. The Director stated that should not be given the pref eral work as a teacher, Miss largest school in the colony Since they vvill have nothing sion took place on the termi since the last meeting, he had erence. The President said the Francis was apparently new to than a teacher like Miss Nurse to do vvith Miss Nurse, let nation of the appointment of been in receipt of a letter from Board found itself confronted such work; she had not even with a certificate and a thor them find another.
Mr. Julius Purcell as an uncer. the Management of the school vvith a difficult situation. He passed the local examination ough training at the Rawie Fr. Moss said they had tified assistant teacher at St. regretting their inability to vvas not prepared to appoint in school management. Institute where her progress their vievvs too, not the vievvs Dominic, School, agree to the suggested ap uncertificated teachers any The President said he could had been excellent.
of individuals but the vievys It vvas suggested that Miss pointment and requesting that where, so long as certificated not force the appointment of Mr. Richards said that the of adherents to a principle Ellen Nurse, vvho had, at the Miss Hilda Francis be appoint ones vvere available. Miss Miss Nurse on the Commit matter was a very grave one which vvas undyng and unNurse had been trained for tee of Management and he and he had held himself in changeable. do not knovi, tvvo years at Government ex had no intention of doing leash for a long time. After he said, hovv long we vvill be MANUEL FERNANDEZ pensé and vvas not able to anything of the kind. Whether all he was speaking as a here. As said before, we AGENTE find employment. That should they were acting wisely, in Granadian and when he saw have to deal with facts, GovLIMON, COSTA RICA. APARTADO No. 564 not be the case.
the existing circumstances, was another Granadian being done ernors may come and GovSe hace cargo de despachos de Aduana a precios de situación The Revd. Fr. Moss said it a matter for them and not un injustice, he could not sit ernors may go, but vve do GARANTIA PRONTITUD vvas really impossible for the for him, and if they recom without making it clear to not come and go. We stay St. Dominic management to mended a certificated teacher the public that he was against here alvvays. Not the indiMANUEL FERNANDEZ accept Miss Nurse. In the who was satisfactory, he would it. He agreed with the Direc vidual but the principle ve Customs and Commission agency undertakes the despatching first place, the Archbishop be glad to make the appoint tor that he would consider represent. am not a Prophet, of importations and exportations through the Customs at the visit to the colony was not ment, subject to the Board it an injustice to the colony do not knovy vvhat nevv most reasonable charges far off and Miss Nurse (a approval. As to Miss Hilda if Miss Francis was appoint code may be brought forvvard, Protestant) would not be able Francis, he agreed that she ed. It was not a part of their but personally, knovy this to prepare the pupils (Roman had some of the necessary educational policy, that because that if you could see Grenada catholics) in the required reli qualifications but she was only Miss Nurse was not able to after another five hundred gious exercises.
16 years of age and in addit teach Roman Catholicism she years have rolled by, vvhatHearty congratulations to last year, and particularly The Rev. Fr. Thompson ion was not certificate:1. He was unfitted to instruct such ever schools there may beMessrs. Lam, to Mr. Lam for obtaining said he did not, in principle, was of the opinion that he of the Colony children that this knovy that you will Leon and Pitt, Stu Honours.
see that they could have an should not agree to the ap came under her care. That see the Catholic Church dedents at the Calabar High of uncertificated was These young gentlemen Assistant teacher forced upon pointment School, Kingston, Jamaica, something outside of manding Catholic schools wheteachers when certificated ones are all natives of Limon them in a school which was education, outside of that Board rein Catholic children vvould for their success in the Juand members of well known the second largest in the cowere available and unemployed. Was Miss Nurse incapable of be taught her unchanging nior Division of the Cam; families, to whom we also long and she not a Roman Bishop Jackson expressed providing the children of St. principles, am as certain of catholic.
his consternation that a young Dominic with the elements that fact as am of the exisExamination held in that beg to extend our good Bishop Jackson said that girl of 16, uncertificated and wishes.
of education, as provided by tence of God.
Island during December. B ED EEE30 our Primary Education Code? Bishop Jackson. belong They say there is a confir to the Catholic Church, and FOR SALE FOR SALE mation by the Archbishop com object to the use of the Will Federation be ing on and the assistant teach vvord «Catholic» as employed Camp Buildings being sacrificed er must be able to instruct by the last speaker. We have the public in religious knovv here Wesleyans, Anglicans C1, 800 to build, for the very low prices of from 200 to ledge, therefore religious Presbyterians all claiming a C300 may do so by seeing the Overseers of Rio Jimenez The desire for a Federa concerned, the Secretary of education vvas given a higher belief in the Holly Catholic and La Perla Farms. We can provide you with a mule and ted British West Indies, State for the Colonies, has place than the ordinary educ Church and if they were car, free of charge, to transfer the lumber to the loading point. ational curriculum.
which has been making we are told, reviewed the asked to speak from their If you have a Banana farm we will give you three morths to pay. Fr. Moss. Yes, vve do itself heard in different whole subject of federation point of vievy they vvould be Cimarrones Fruit Company. directions within recent in the Caribbean area, and count it the chiefest thing. just as strong. E33EE3133 Mr. Richard continuing, said The President finally sug.
years, may well be regarded is of the opinion that the as having been given an proposed enquiry could not he would not allovy the pos gested that Miss Francis be impetus by Lord Passfield usefully be extended to ition to be so. As long as he appointed temporarily to the remained a member of the post of assistant teacher and proposal to appoint a small other colonies at this tiine.
The matter is now enBoard, he vvould do everyCommission to visit TriniMiss Nurse as a «supply dad and the Windward and gagnig the attention of the According to the Daily to arrive in London early thing in his pouver to kill teachers, that is, she would be sent round to schools Leeward Islands to conduct Governors, who have been Express, the hotels in Lon in May to give a series of denominational education. He vvould have done anything to a comprehensive enquiry requested to submit their don have refused to receive concerts. Failing to secure vvhenever a vacancy occurs into the whole question of views at an early date. We Mr. Ronald Hayes, a dis. rooms at an hotel, Mr. have avoided this, and vvished subject to the Govt approval.
a closer union between think we can with safety tinguished negro who sang Haye friends have arrangthose Islands.
predict favourable replies before His Majesty at Buck ed private accommodation LAWYERS NOTARIES In his despatch to the from all.
ingham Palace ten years instead.
Governors of the Islands ago, and who is expected AT LIMON no Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA Offer their services to tne English Speaking Public as solicitors before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
ENGLISH SPOKEN ultimately obtained anyone interested in buying TWO ROOM camps which cost Hotels refuse Noted Negro Singer LIMON SERVICE BUREAU Notice of Removal. AND BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Commissarians Arrested thief Bureau established for the greater convenience, under standing, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed or the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ Barrister Investigator Attorney at Law Notary Publio Soliciting Manager The many Clients of MESSRS ZELEDON AND SILVA LAWYERS AND NOTARIES of Limon are advised tbat they have removed their offices to the FORMER OFFICE OF MR. RUFINO SOLIS upstairs the building of the Commercial store; avenue and 3nd Street, where We learn that the Com allege that his shortage they will attend to all Legal matters entrusted to their care with missarians at 25 and 28 was occasioned by the usual promptitude and reliability.
miles have been arrested or thieves having broken and jailed in Limon, at into the building some the instance of the Cía. short while before his Bishop de Carteret resigns Surtidora de Costa Rica. stock was checked, but he for shortages in their stocks did not, we understand, The Rt. Rev. Cecil de of May; meanwhile the in trade. The Commissa report the loss to the Carteret, who had been Assistant Bishop, the Rt. rian of 28 miles is said to Company attached to the Diocese of Rev. Hardie, will Jamaica since 1913 first as be in charge of the DioAssistant Bishop and then cese.
as Bishop of the Anglican It is reported that up to FOR SALE Church, has resigned his the present three candidates position and sailed from will be nominated, they are One ladies dress crimping Machine, almost the Island on the 21st. the Assistant Bishop; the March for England. The Rev. Canon Swaby, nevv. In 1 condition. Original cost 250. No election of a Bishop to fill Canon Missioner, and the reasonable offer refused.
the vacancy will, it is ex Rev. Sexton, Commissary pected, take place at to the Lord Bishop in Apply The Searchlight special synod to be con England.
vened during the early part MAIN OFFICE Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre BRANCH OFFICE San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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