p. 6


Saturday April 18. 1931 PAGE Wants Column In aid of Managua sufferers Co. to take three quarter fruit Siquirres News have got.
our to SASTRERIA GRANT. GRANT 30 King George It is reported that the fruit the planters around One colon per insertion of six lines On Sunday 12th inst. the music of the Military ded to make certain trial once more be afforded the United Fruit Co. has deci. the Turrialba districts will there was a large proces Band accompanied by the WANTED sión in the town of Li Troops of the Boy Scouts shipments of 4 fruit to opportunity of disposing mon by the authorities, and an immense throng of California, the first of such of the fruit which they the Advertise To sell a fine organ at the the Red Cross and other sympathizers. After parad towards the end of this Elders Fyffe boats were Advertise your Grocery ridiculous price of 250. at Associations for the pur ing all the principal streets Week in the ship Suriname: taken off this route.
Jack Oranes.
pose of accumulating funds and making house to stock if not your doors for the aid of the Man house collections in aid By exporting this grade of shall lock. But when you agua sufferers by the alar of this charitable cause, publish what you have got The Community to know ming earthquake.
they dispersed at the Goyour friends will find you that there is nothing to break The procession started bernacion, meanvvhile the with spot cash. Dont you up a cold like a Cafiaspirin out from Park Vargas clubs of Sports gave ex. Comes from page make a single noise.
deep hearted yearning for table taken in a Cup of hot with the flags of the five hibition matches as a means But go ahead and adCo. in their sustanied and Negro aspiration.
lime juice tea inmediately Central American Repub of assisting the contribuvertise.
Mr. David Jones vvas after having contracted a cold. lics entwined, and head tious. The theatres also systematic organization. Se.
Make success by advered by the Consuls; this gave shovvs in aid of the veral solos and duets vvere greatly complimented for tising paraded the town under sufferers.
interspersed, but vve can his energy and dogged Advertise what e er you not help mentioning the determination to see the Owners of Dogs and solo rendered by Miss Kel. Division go over the top, Horsekind afflicted with Your houses, Land and Base Ball lerman, vvhich merited much and for bringing up the business spot.
Mange to try a flask of applause.
efficiency of the Choir and After many setbacks the ta Rica, Motive Povvers, DodgThe only way to make GROVERS MANGE ME Representative of the the Division. Mr. Stevvart success is to realize the D! CINES» there is nothing at last been formed and the Baseball League for 1931 has ers, Cubs and Barcelona. It «La Africa Div. Mr. Hibbert at this stage delivered one value of advertising is said that the Dodgers are followed next, and in his of his soul stirring appeals like it.
initial game vvill take place likely to carry the fame through usual style spoke encoura to all members of See Searchlight. It is also an Antiseptic on Sunday the 19th between out the season, although they gingly, exhorting the mem race This Division. vvill at gent Mr. Develante at every Hair remedy to prevent the Dodgers and the Motive may lose one of their best bers and friends of the an early date be staging a point and he will give you all information.
and cure falling hair. Povver. These teams are evenly players, Mr. Marshall. It to rally to the Social event in one of the To be had at Botica matched and it is expected is, hovvever, hoped that he Colours, making use of the Theatres of this town when NOTICE they vvill give a good exhibi vvill remain by his club occasion to score the cowVargas.
the public will be given an tion of Baseball.
assist in fighting their cause.
To whom is may San José Box 761 ards among us, but ex opportunity of hearing one The clubs entering are: Cosconcern, my wife Irene tolling the bold and the of the most eloquent Orators Johnson having left my home brave. Representatives of in Costa Rica. The President and protection since Decem.
the Progressive Lodge, Beth finally thanked the visitors ber 1930 and now living Those who would like to el Lodge Courts Louise and the Choir for their and Mount Hermon. presence and contribution with another man, hereby pass a few days of rest Suits made to order at the Shortest notice.
and change in a quiet home warn the public that am etc, etc gave short but to the Cause Afric, the not responsible for complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels pithy bits of eloquence. collection was lifted, Na in the interior, to know any debts contracted by her.
that Mrs. Charlotte Big. always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals. The Teacher, Mr. tional Anthem sung, bringgerstaf can accommodate North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viguez Tramway starts Corniffe also came in foring a well spent evening Joseph Johnson your necessities at her Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number much applause vvhen he to a close.
OLD HARBOUR home in Cartago with delivered one of his left.
winnings this week clean comfortable quarters Serie Drawing No. 38; won by Juan Diaz Special Reporter.
with Ticket No. 122 handers of oratory and April 11th 1931 Serie Roberto Delgado Bicycles One lot Plymouth Rock In presence of Jose Castillo, Ricardo Carranza and Olbrik Bogle At Clearing Prices: Fovvis, recently imported, the BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 His Majesty health is treatment. His physians are, men Roadster Bicycles 110 rooster taking 1st. prize at the again causing some anxiety, hovvever, of opinion that he is said to be suffering if he vvill forego much of Rudge Withworth Racers 160 Cartago in February last. Also from another acute attack his ceremonial duties and Ladies Roadster Bicycles 110 Incubator of 60 eggs capacity. Continued from page ever, Miss Vera Gillings in of bronchitis vvhich on remain more in bed, the At Jack Orane Store, Ovvner leaving country.
summing up the merits of account of the vveakened improvement already noLimon.
Apply «The Searchlight Scott, giving a short sy them all, felt that something condition of his chest and ticed vvill be maintained and TO ADVERTISE IN nopsis of his biography as was yet wanted among all the hardening of arteries complete recovery secured vvell as some of his most thatshe had heard that would does not readily yield to in a short vvhile.
THE SEARCHLIGHT touching quotations. Miss avvaken her soul to that BE Ethel Gillings then defend keeness of appreciation ed the merits of Collin that would delight her touch ELEGANT MODE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Bryan especially in his of Clan therefore to satis General Lazaro Chacón, the 10th instant. He had This is to notify my friends and patrons that have removed, ideas of the life of Fred fy that longing for a touch expresident of Guatemala been suffering from parafrom my former Establishment. am now Located at Peña Building opposite the old Spanish School. Your visit to my new Es erick Douglas, Miss Ru of mutual affinity, that died in Nevv Orleans onlysis.
tablishment will be highly appreciated as an act of good will.
bina Davis defended the My best service awaits you, with courtesy. Punctuality, Guaranteed oneness of spirit, she could workmanship and moderate prices, Give a trial and be convinced. rights to acknowledgment only find it in her favourof sentimentality of the ite, the Laureate of her Anglican Notes JAS. PETERKIN. Box 140, LIMON, Poet Witther, vvhen Miss own race Paul Lawrence During the absence of England.
DEZEBE Inez Gillings endeavoured Dunbar. This naturally the Ven. Austin Oakley With the departure of to put his mérits in the brought the applause of from the Cure, the Rev. the Rev. Rycart the Boy shade vvith her muses the audience.
Rycart will be in charge, Scouts of Limón vvillt from Byron, vvhom, al Messrs. Fraser, Henry and on the Archdeacon losing a true friend, on The governing authorities of funds. Some favour a centrathough she could not aud Nation all gave short return sometime about Sep. who has, not only taken claim intense morality as addresses of eulogy to tember, it is reported, he of the twenty hospitals in lization scheme, while others, a keen interest in their Dublin, Ireland, which are to including the Lord Mayor of she considered from his and especially to those nection with this Diocesetinued personal help brought one of his ruling passions the members of the Club will be severing his con cause, but has by his conparticipate in the half a millon Dublin, are of the opinion that lyrics and soul inspiring who were responsible for for work in a larger sphere, the several troops up to pounds obtained from the Sweepstakes recently held for the hospitals as they expressions worthy of ad this most pleasurable and after getting married in high standard of efficier their benefit, are apparently are. In addition to the above miration; Miss Leonie Ai. instructive meeting.
ken then seemed to take Mr. Nation promised to experiencing much more dif sum it is expected that a furthe cream of the compe. use his influence among ATTENTION ficulty as to the manner of ther half a millon will be ob.
spending this large sum than tained from the Derby Sweep. tion from her Poet Hovv Club a Library, which he tition by an interpreta. his friends in getting the they previously did from lack ell as to his ideas of the thought highly necessary, beauty of vvords in ex not only as a means of FOR SALE pressing ones thoughts. She bringing the ladies in touch vvound up by citing that with each other but also the fluency of Garfield as a means of encouragA comfortable HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS vvith oratory in presenting the ing self education.
varandahs back and front, vvater tanks, Kitchen and case of his candidate for Inasmuch as the gather.
other conveniences, on lot of land with good sea Presidency of the Uniteding was very small yet it States, so overvvhelmed was most inspiring, instrucIn view of the present economic depression. have decided vievv situate at Cieneguita, Limon.
his hearers that they unan tive, and pleasant, it is to give my clients a reasonable reduction in prices. Careful imously Apply BENJAMIN REID attention vvill, as usual, be given to all work.
nominated him only a pity that we are instead and carried his not entertained by this THE STANDARD or care of The Searchlight NELSON election through class of functions with 64. Limon The Chairlady, hovy greater frequency. 130 Shovv held at Campo Ayala. Literary.
Expresident dies 2nd. AVENUE 15 METROS FROM CORNER OF STREET Riches create embarrassment on 100 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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