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PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment have always advocated and will continue alvvays of the soil evvhether natural (illegitimate) or legitimate.
to advocate the state of equality before the Lavy of all sons cannot see vvhy there should be this classification of natural children and legitimate children under the law, as if vve vvere artificial, instead of all being as we are Natural vvith all rights to life. to honour, so expensive to Social Conventionalism. Clara González. Translated)
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY APRIL 25 1931 NUM. 75 CURRENT ITEMS First Game Atlantic Base Ball League Limon Municipality explanation of his attitude in Quesada having vvoundThe Motive Povver met the Schedule of the Atlantic Motive Povver vs. Cubs. 16 in the matter.
and its Comptroller ed Monge father some May.
Don Juanito Romagosa time ago for vvhich he Dodgers in tLe opening game Base ball League of the season and played in Unifruit Co. vs. Dodgers, The Municipality of Li will take charge, as Gov. suffered tvvo years and 1st months in prison; being President of the League. Mr.
honour of Mr. Mc. Guinness, April, May, June món and its Comptroller, ernor, of Limón on 23 May.
Motive Povver vs. Dodgers don Federico Gólcher are May, released on Friday he was Costa Rica vs. Motive PowMcGuinness opened the game 19th. April.
at daggers dravvn. Mr.
done upon Sunday by by pitching the first ball.
Monseñor Blessing er 30 May.
Costa Rica vs. Cubs, 26th.
Gólcher says he has done Monge.
Dodgers vs. Cubs June.
First innings started vvith April nothing prejudicial to the We are pleased to be the Motive Povver to bat, Big Unifruit Co. vs. Motive Povv.
Unifruit Co. vs. Costa Rica, dignity of the members of able to report that Mon Motor accident Boy made a magnificient hit er, May.
13 June the Municipality nor the señor Blessing is progresover the fence making a home Costa Rica vs. Dodgers Unifruit Co. vs. Cubs, 20 On Tuesday a truck runGovernor don José Her sing very favourably. We run. The Dodgers had a fine May.
nández Sánchez in the ex hope to see him out again ning from San José to ercise of his duties of vvithin a few days. Cartago, at arriving at San chance to score vvhen Rose Rafael de Tres Ríos on made a hit vvhich vvas caught Control; vvhile the memSandino Activities murder bers have passed a Resomeeting with another veby the Short Stop Babb, Innings closed vvithout scoring. In consequence of the the Nicaraguan guards, and lution declaring don Fede. On Sunday at midday hicle the driver svverv.
Second innings, Motive Po. recent activities of the that the local government rico non grata to the a man by the name of ed to his right, vvith the vver made the Dodgers score Sandinistas, the American had assumed all responsiBoard, and say if the gov Charles Monge shot and result that the truck, laden tvvo, the outfield missing a government have advised bility and acting vigoronsly ernment insist on his con killed his cousin Filiberto vvith drums of rum capall their subjects to vacate in spite of the difficulties tinued functioning they vvill Quesada about a hundred sisized over the embakment beautiful catch.
The third innings Motive Po. Nicaragua as they could caused by the earthquake.
refuse to sit on the Board. yards North West of the killing the driver and vvoun.
vver scored six. The Dodgers not guarantee them safety Rear Admiral Smith, in We will publish in our Railvvay station of Carta ded severely the sideman.
had tvvo men on base vvhen unless they placed them a report to his department, next issue Mr. Gólcher go. The revenge originating Strenuous labours Vernon made a double play selves under the protection states 16 foreigners bad bringing the innings to a of the warships in the been killed by the insurgents.
Congress has gone into close vvithout a score. harbours.
He was of the opinion a days prior The fourth Innings Big From Washington it is that their recent attacks ral Session of don Cleto for the Motive Povver vvhich IV not insist that the children be administration on the 1st. of created a great enthusiasm, being sent in pursuit of for the rainy seasons. He As an exception to the rule punctual, whether at school. May. What vvith Regular Brovvn also made a home Sandino and he was cos said all was quiet at Blue.
that teachers charge exorbichurch or to appointments; and Extraordinay Sessions run resulting in six runs. The fident he would be brought fields and Puerto Cabezas.
tant prices, we find a few who they complain the teachers do the Deputies have been kept Dodgers failed to score. to justice for by his cold Pedro Altamirano, one of are reasonable in their charges; not teach the children to speak busy the whole year on The 5th. innings, Motive Po blooded murder of nine the principal leaders of the their parliamentary deliber vver scored one. Dodgers no and whenever those competent correctly; but it is only a North American citizens, rebels and who was sup.
teachers come to this Province question of about five hours ations. It is not expected score.
he had placed himself posed to have died in a with the aim of assisting the a day that they spend in that this year vvill have as The sixth Innings, Big Boy outside the bounds of recent encounter, is said to school with the teacher, when much business before it as scored another home run and the lavv. and civilization; have been in charge of the unfortunate in entering the literary and social world, they ever they do attend; they, the the past one. The President innings closed vvith eleven his projected attacks on 300 insurgents who were are always driven away for parents, in speaking to fhe is busy preparing his last runs.
Puerto Cabezas and other procceding against Bluelack of cooperation by parenchildren speak incorrectly and Message to the country to The Dodgers in this innings towns had been frustrated fields.
tal negligence.
if practice becomes perfect, be presented on Friday made a home run by White thanks to the vigilance of how then must they be perSome parents do not think next 1st of May.
and Great Garfield vvas struck fect? The home is the most out.
he is to be remunerated for his fundamental of all social groups.
services; they refuse to supInnings closed vvith tvvo ply their children with the Some parents no matter how The Geologists of the Sintext books and other necessamuch their children need scold clair Oil Co. vvho have been The 8th. innings neither ries for school, whereby they ing, would allow them to have carrying out explorations side scored.
Mr. Brown, The North sired to start during the are to learn in connection with they own way with the idea in Talamanca regions, have The 9th. innings Motive American delegate and pre early part of the coming the instructions of the teacher; that they will outgrow those stated that they have dis Povver failed to score.
sident of the Interamerican week in the region of San they fail to cooperate with the bads habits. They would lie covered the Black Gold in While the Dodgers scored Highvvay Commission vis. Marcos de Tarrazu. Sr. Ra.
teachers by seeing that the to their children and even tell fairly good commercial another home run by Muir. ited the Minister of Pub món Muñoz Salas was children study at home them how to deceive others quantities.
Game closed vvith 19 in lic Works on Tuesday last named as the Engineer that when they get to school and then they would marvel Company is novv being favour of the Motive Povver. with respect to the prelim. who would be representing the time that would be wast when they are lied to in re formed vvith a capital of At the close of the game inary work and surveys the local Government ined in studyng those items turn.
one million dollars for its a ball vvas presented by Mr. which the Commission de terests.
that should be studied at home If naturally their children exploitation.
Mc. Guinness vvhich vvas would be used up to receive grow to be careless men and tossed for and vvon by the instructions from their teachers women, unsuccessful in every Motive Povver.
THE AGRICULTURAL BUILDING CORPORATION OF 28 MILES on a new chapter or subject, sphere of life, they attribute Up to April 17th. 205 We understand that through thus helping both themselves Bonds of 500 each had the instrumentality of the PreNOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS and their children. They do Continued on page been sold in connection sident of the League, the dating the Public Debt of Unifruit Co. Club vvill apply above named Corporation will be held at the Ni the Liberty Hall, Madre de Dios, on the Sunday 3rd. May 1931, the Country to enter this League.
OCCULISTIC CLINIC commencing at 30 a. for the purpose of electing The defeat of the Dodgers a President and the transaction of other matters of vital Dr. JOSE CORVETTI came as a great surprise to particularly requested to forward to the Secretary their Prices for buying coffee most base ball fans, but they letters of Proxy. The Directors will not hold themOF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY during the present year selves responsible to Shareholders who are absent or Diseases and affections of the eyes have been fixed in Here are still held as a formidable unrepresented at this meeting. The lawyer will be at dia at 50 per fanega or combination and their backers this meeting to explain why the Society is not registOffice Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres 2 less than last year; are sanguine vvill dodge up ered.
The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA In Barba. 60 and in San again.
DAVID HENRY (Acty President) GIBB (Secretary)
Rece« 30. Rafael 70.
WALTER LOGAN The Interamerican Highway runs.
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