
PAGE Saturday April 25. 1931 Enthronement of Bishop of the Windward Islands QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES Cafiaspirina ER Mr. Roper replies to Mr. Pearson warning to British West Indies Limon Liberty Hall that loyal the Limón Division and the The follovvinh article, sent us of St. Vincent, rightfully and and adorn the place to which 33 by our Special Correspondnet. lawfully proceeding, do induct, you have been appointed.
Odacremed. will we are install and enthrone you Right After offering a further prayer sure be read with a deal of Reverend Father in God, Vi followed by the Te Deum, interest, relating, as it does, bert, by Divine permission Archdeacon took the Bishop to one who laboured among LORD BISHOP of the Wind by the hand, led him to the us for several years and was ward Islands into the Bishop chancel steps, presented him BEWARE OF IMITATIONS! held in the highest esteem by ric and Episcopal Dignity of to the people and the people Dont accept any tube or envelope all.
the Bishop of this Diocese to him.
BAYE packets without the The Editor with all the Rights, Members, His Lordship then ascended Honors, Privileges, Perog. the pulpit and delivered his BAYER CROSS In the presence of a very atives, Preeminences thereunto sermon, in the course of which large congregation, the Rt Revd belonging, and we assign unto he explained the mission of Vibert Jackson. Lord Bishop you this Throne of our Bishops as successors of the of the Windward Islands was Bishops and Chair of the Apostles, He asked their prayrecently inducted, installed and Cathedral Church, and the enthroned in St. Georges Ca Pastoral staff of the Bishop; ers, and their unity with him in Sir: order that he might do the work sion has not given its consent tration of Aug 1929 brought thedral, St. Vincent. The cere. and we leave you so inducted crave your indulgence for or approval to the Garvey re enforcement in the form of mony was conducted by installed and enthroned in this of his office, serving God in Club or any unit or branch, the Garvey Literary Club, and a space in your Journal to the right spirit to the benefit the Venerable Archdeacon Pig HOLY seat. In which may defend a righteous cause, also of or belonging to the the strangest of happenings gott and was very impressive. the LORD JESUS CHRIST of the Church and the honour and in Costa are, that Certain Divisions to give in return, facts for and glory of God. At the end of The Islands which comprise preserve your going out and information receiv In your Rica except those Branches set up a continual vvailing the See were fully represented coming in from this time forth the sermon, a hymn was sung, issue of Febry 28th there established prior to Aug like the Jevvs in the case of by the priests in charge. and for ever more. May you during which the Bishop in appeared an article. Public 1930. The Audacity? Who Christ. Avvay with the Garvey As the clergy and choir rule in justice, live in sanctity procession left the church.
Warning to all concerned; from gave the Limon Division Club. Be it knovvn to Mr.
entered the Cathedral, Hymn the pen of One Power over any Division or Pearson that the Organizer 298 was sung, the Bishop of the Garvey Club of LiverPearson Secretary of the Limón Chapter opperating in Costa MANUEL FERNANDEZ with his Chaplains and RegisDivision of the a Rica? Can a Division that fails pool and Moin is the same trar remaining outside. At the AGENTE gentleman who hailed from to control its members, failed: vvho Organized the Old Har conclusion of the hymn, His LIMON, COSTA RICA. APARTADO No. 564 Cuba recently, who considers in the exercise of moral prin bour Div. No. 99 that maintains Lordship knocked thrice at Se hace cargo de despachos de Aduana a precios de situación GARANTIA PRONTITUD himself. Lord God Almighty, ciples, failed to retain the its prestige from 1920 until the door announcing his presand wants all Divisions and esteem, confidence and good this day. While the Limón ence and advancing requested will of the general public Division vvas in an imbroglio, MANUEL FERNANDEZ Chapters in Costa Rica to to be inducted, installed and bow to him in reverence and control other Divisions that the Organizer of the Garvey enthroned.
Customs and Commission agency undertakes the despatching cry Holy, holy holy. His are guided by a Moral code? Club then President of Old The Chaplians then ad of importations and exportations through the Customs at the article reads thus. Be it in Instead of meddling in the Harbour Division was intervanced up the nave with His most reasonable charges formed that this Limón Divi. affairs of other Divisions why preting the aims and objects Lordship with the Archdeacon dont Mr. Pearson try to fill of the and se.
in the rear. The Bishop was those empty benches in the cured Eleven Charters ahead of conducted to the footstool of the Chancel and there knelt and energetic members placed second Charter issued for in silent prayer.
be drawn together in a there and are driven out from Costa Rica. Mr. Pearson! Here As the chanting of the hymn Arising out of the recent former Danish West Indies circle of friendship.
Mal Administration. was not is not Cuba. The authorities much enraged over ended, the Archdeacon recited visit of President Hoover are The role America is inclined to ansvver this rublish are about tired of seing Necertain prayers and then led to The Virgin Islands these remarks, consequent His Lordship to the Throne, bought from Denmark ly the St. Thomas Mail destined to carry on, is since it appeared in print, but groes in the courts for bick.
unfortunately being held see that this gentleman haserings Brother! Why dont you from where he made his petiand Porto Rico gained by has raised its voice in no in abeyance through the become so bold as to be try to use a little discretion, if tion to be enthroned at the conquest in the Spanish uncertain terms. Among arrowness of the Ameri. seeking the aid of the Author you can not find anything same time presenting his Letters American War, President other things it says When can concept of the rights ities to stop the Garvey Club else and allovy some of the Mandatory. On receiving them from operating. Now Brother old Officers to make the attack, that the Virgin Islands West Indian possessions roWness has been brought Pearson it is time that call the Archdeacon directed the they vvould knovy vvhen and deal was a lamentably to the they cer forcibly before the minds Registrar to read them after a halt. Keep your hands off vvho to tackle. For your inwhich the oath was taken, bad bargain, for. it vvastainly did not constitute a of our people, but may the the Garvey Club, if you know formation and other busyand the enthronement affected 25, 000000 badly spent poorhouse. The United day never dawn when what is good for you. The body folks as yourself vvhile the following was recited in buying a. Poorhouse States Wanted these Is. the inhabitants of the founded by Marcus submit my Credential. If the In the NAME of THE which could never be lands for more than 75 Virgin Islands will look Garvey, was established for International Organizer and LORD AMEN. By the author made to support itself but years and when she obtainon America in the same the purpose of solving the other members of the High ity of HIM and in this sais rather a charge of ed her desires she did Executive Council possess as manner as do the people problems of the Race. You cred Cathedral of St. GEORGE charity on the American not find them a poor of México, Nicaragua and know what you men have much power as Mr.
in St. VINCENT, We Harold government.
house, but she certainly other Latin American count been doing with it, all along Pearson, the Garvey Club is George Piggott, Arch. deacon The inhabitants of the proceeded to make then ries.
contrary to its aims and going to remain until Marcus so by the application of The people of the Is. objects. Our Liberty Hall Garvey closes it dovyn.
stupid laws unsuited to lands are earnestly contem became the seat of conspiracy, Thanking you Mr. Editor for space.
their wellbeing. Any Amer plating emigrating and crime, calummny, immorality ican insultingly alluding abandoning them.
and scandal. The nevv adminisI am Eugene Roper to the Virgin Islands toOrganizer Garvey Literary Club Inc Liverpool and Moin day as a poorhouse can. AND Costa Rica BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY only appear devoid of deMindful of a duty out of To vvhom it may concern.
ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED cency even though that friendship the most popular individual be the President This is to certify that of the United States.
Maymie de Mena InterA Bureau established for the greater convenience, under national Organizer of the Unistanding, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Pu In the Spanish Ameriversal Negro Improvement blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed can War, although the VirHas arranged to distribute a value of almost for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
double the former value of the wrappings as a Association of Aug 1929 of gin Islands were under benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a the world, do hereby authorize the sceptre of the Danish can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before.
Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the the bearer Mr. Eugene All No. wrappings have a much greater value Crown, they were 100 per public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the than No. and others.
Roper of Liverpool Costa Ri.
the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical cent American; American ca to establish and carry on experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts warships were gladly wela Garvey Club under the he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supe comed when they ran to auspices of the above named rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials our Ports for Coal, and are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
Organization in the above Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be to cable to Washington exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts named locality known as EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ information of their bel will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
Liverpool. Mr. Roper shall Barrister Investigator ligerent activities. Surely Distributor in Limón carry on with the Constitution Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager this sympathy of a people ELOY GOTAY of the Organization as his is worth more than. Distributors in Turrialba guard, with the full intentio MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE 25, 000000 in gold!
Rojas Cortés Cía. of applying for Charter unde Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the the new Organization as sucn Presidencia which ought to be sufficient to save us from the INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co. as soon as sufficient member Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of have been connected there to President insult! Our Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 de Mena people did not walk into California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Done this 27th day of May American arms for charity; in the year of our Lord 1930 they desired primarily to at Limón Costa Rica.
LIMON SERVICE BUREAU PALMERA SOAP PALMERA SOAP Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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