
Saturday April 25. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Mr. PEARSON EXPLAINSCRICKET neFor Sale at Reasonable Prices Who can advise?
The trick will never try again UT We note with pleasure that men are available as umpires: Mr. Nation.
gro community, especially the the Registration of the Gar vvill be at the mercy of The the Cricket Board formed to Mr. Mc. Gregor, Mr. Linvarious Divisions, Branches, vey Club, and the Colours Garvey Club Bunch; and Editor, of the Limon Search control the «Orane Cup Com do, Mr. Woodley, Mr.
units etc. of the Universal of the our Secre vvill have to obey their orders petition are getting along rap Eubanks, Mr. Benjamin Foster, Negro Improvement Associa. tary made investigation, and or Cease from using them idly and arrangements are Mr. Foulkes, Mr. Edward Respected Sir: tion, African Communities vvhen he made reference to altogether. We of this Divishaping up nicely. Five clubs Moore, Mr. James FishWe the Officers on the League, in Costa Rica, to a the colours being mentioned sion mean to use every means in Limón have entered the er, Mr. Thomas Heavens and behalf of the Members of the paragraph in your paper of in the constitution, and that possible to prevent such Re.
competition, Viz Crusader Mr. Cyril Tomlinson.
Limon Division 887 of the the issue of the 18th inst, re the Constitution vvas mention gistration, of the Flag, as the formerly Surprise. Skip We hope to be able to A, as well as all divi fering to the Garvey Club ed in the Registration for Universal Negro Improvement per, Mr. Myers. Construct keep the public informed of sions in this most friendly and the Colours of the the Guidance of its Members, association will not exist ion CC. Skipper, Mr. David the doings of the Board from Republic; wish to call the We beg to he the Secretary vas told vvithout the Colours of the Banton; Wanderers CC. Skip time to time.
attention of the entire say that when vve heard of that, in as much as the co Red, Black, and Green, and per, Mr. Stanley Butler; Ex lours vvere not indicated in to beg permission from indiWhile on the subject of celsior CC. Skipper, Mr.
the Government Registration, viduals to use it is degrading Chambers; Motive Power. cricket we vvish to make mentany one could Register same us as a people who are CC. Skipper, Mr. Eggie Jones. ed a short time ago and ion of an incident vve observand use it, and of course proud of our race and the The Line Teams are: Cai.
prevent us from using them. Colours, adopted by us.
vvhich struck us as being a ro CC. Skipper, Mc. GreSo the statements used in In the most central locality of the village of Thanking You, dear Sir for very thoughtful and sympagor, Matina CC. Thomas Cieniguita Two fine cottages, one with four apart your columns are perfectly the Priviledge of giving this thetic action. We noticed the Gayle, Capt. Britanic CC.
ments and the other with two; with good water correct information to the Negro Peo. Estrada. Scott, Cap. and CC. walked on to the grounds President of the Construction supply and the necessary Toilet and bath attachments. The several Divisions in ple of this Country, vvill Large yard with numerous fruit Trees and a good this Country vvill see vvhy Say: As did Barbara Fletcher: Hazel; with this club is comb in play, immediately play vvas Penshurt CC, Skipper, vvhile his team vvas engaged Sea View vve vvere bound to take up Shoot if You Must, this For prices and other information apply on the ined the Fortuna CC.
premises to Mrs. Margaret Richards, or to Rich the issue against the Garvey Gray old Head.
suspended and heads vvere Efforts are being made to ards, Penshurst Farm, Estrella.
Club. You are also asked to But save, oh God! oh save!
bared. They were observing take up the matter of the flag five minutes of silence in resour Country Flag.
have things in readiness to Morally, and vvith the Parent With Best Regards, begin the competition the first pect to one of their team week in May.
Body, individually, at once; so We beg to remain Yours mates, the late Alexander as to save the Humiliation for Racial uplift.
The following named gentle. Gayle.
that the vvill have The Officers of the Limon Division No. 887.
The Editor of The Bible date is counted fo undergo in Costa Rica, ReTHE SEARCHLIGHT by Lunar (nevy or full member if the Flag is allovved Per. William Pearson moon time. The first to be Registered in this CounDear Sir: Executive Secretary An example to all gushers full moon in Spring time try by the Club the Divisions As a member of the vvhether it comes in March less advanced race. in When was eighteen years ping of a coin upon the or April, any date or day.
younger, at that time, work counter then a stern feminine my efforts at acquiring a The Jevvs were bound ing for United Fruit Co. voice saying «Serve. Serhigher kind of education, by the law to observe TE)
Merchandise Department at ve« at this sprang to my have to lay hold upon these rules and rites to Zent under Mr. a friend feet, and with the greatest anything which may tend the very letter. Every year of mine now, but not then, amount of courtesy ever to uplift me intellectually, the pass over Lamb and (1 must admit through my possessed, began to measure Being sometimes supper must be kept on own foolishness. Well do according to order 1 too eager to learn, swal time, full moon, no matter remember, for how can yards of Zephyr with fhe low things which in the on vhich day or date of forget?
same bludgeon that just a end are not very helpful. the month.
DEAR FRIENDS: When, one morning at while had played pranks The following notice, which Jesús death occurred on The first sign of eye Strain, nerves, headaches or similar about 10 o clock with no is having free circulation Friday, Nisan loth or SoSymptoms of eye disorder should be a warning for you to upon my head. The thing take immediate action to prevent what Might develop into purchasers in, and Mr. at seemed so surprizing; there here, appeals to me as lar time, April 4th of a more serious nature.
tending important matters at was no noisy threat from something very strange, 34. a full moon time. Timely visual correction may mean only temporary need of Glasses. Or at any rate, you the telephone, in came a tidy her, no scandal, no report to and nevv to my knowledge. This full moon day and of Contracting the many eye diseacreby eliminate any chance that continued Neglect young woman of dark com the boss which would have The Writer seems to date, never alvvays recurs will bring about. The must be watched like every other delicate instrument, first Sign of Weakness plexion. It was not her tidi meant dismissal, surely. She claim authority for the on a Friday. Search your corrected to insure Maximum and continued ness that attracted me SO left so cooly and dignified subject matter, and as know. Almanac. Therefore the much; as rtght set in her bo that remorse set in and ledge is increasing fear observance of Good FriSight cannot be purchased too late. Remember that Good eyeeven at fabulous prices. The eye is som were a pair of the most began to conjecture all kinds to reject it but am not days and Saturdays althe most precious gift man possesses and should be guarded as such to charming early budding orbs of things relative to the inciquite generous enough to vvays is «vvrong. Jesus The Physical comfort and the Knowledge, that you have that nature ever blest a young dent; among them; may hear accept. Any other contra. Our Pass Over is sacreceived expert professional attention will repay you many times over, for the time making an carly appointment.
lass with. They were so from her through her parents dictory but plainer vievvrificed for Us, and not Know that your eye sight is safe!
round, so plump, so very or relatives which may end Azevedo Optometrista Graduate of the Northem would, am sure assist, only Us, but for all, thereIllinois College of Ophthalmology and Otology beautifully perfect; that temp worse. It may have to be not only myself, but many fore let «us» keep the B. Glasses Supplied from 50, 00 50 00 00 tation seemed somehow to decided by a gun or knife.
poor race vvho Feast and not the day.
and upward to suit your pockets. Examination free from to p. Save money by buying from me.
have got the better of decen waited in suspense for are struggling to know All Christian Bible studcy, good sense and moral about a Week; day by day more.
ents, the world over, will, training, and with my right less perturbed; When, about Yours very truly on each year, meet on 000000000000000000000000000000 hand half opened, patted o clock, who strolled right Negro Churchman Wednesday night April 1st her bosom. In those days, in but the very lass. As 6 in their respective the Line Commissaries seemed saw her my heart bounded Siquirres Gethsemane Date circles in commemoration to have opened up a compe and saluted her; but she 4 of 1931.
of the World greatest tition in carrying heavy yard never responded. dare say event (not the day) and The Notice Notwithstanding the sethe share of Jesu cup of sticks and at that particular she thought that Was pokAustralia, having accomtime Zent surely held the ing fun at her; but believe From 6, April 1st suffering, vvhich is left paration of the Church and plished the trip in 219 proud lead. No sooner had to p. Thursday the behind, to be filled by as a result of the change State which has taken place hours.
me it was as genuine a sa.
my haná lodged on her, than lute, as that, that might have nd. day of April (one the Us Class» not sinin the Spanish government, The South African Amashe grabbed the yard stick been delivered to Royalty lay of 24 hours) 1931, ners (Col 24 to 27. The the Vatican is not alarmed teur Athletic Association de which was laying on the coun Who released a condemned vill be the 6th day of filling is nearly complete over possible unfavourable cided at the annual meet. ter, and the next thing. soldier. For there stood be.
the Jevvish, week. There the poor groaning Crea treatment to the Church. ing to uphold the colour knew was that the weight of fore me, one who demanded pre the 7th day, or, Jevvish tion, vvill soon be deliver Obar with respect to the hold36 inches of solid yellow pine my respect and admiration, bbath, according to the ed from the earth s, prelanded fairly and squarely on Charles Scott, ing of the Empire Games one vvho could stand her criptures will be Friday sent groanings.
ovvn troubles, a Heroine, a British Airman, who left in South Africa during. my head, as have already intil 1932 (Spring. Proof.
Bible Searcher England on April 1st has 1934, and in view of existsaid, never can forget. The perfect lady.
blow that received, imme.
knocked off 18 hours of ing conditions, the Union Thanking you for space the record made by Kings will not permit the entry diately threw me in a semi in your much esteemed jourford Smith in his flight to nal Continued on page conscious state; and beheld quite a meteoric outburst of am varied hues darting through The Traveller One ladies dress crimping Machine, almost LAWYERS NOTARIES mere darkness with incon Ed. Note: Would that there ceivable velocity. There re might be more frequent payAT LIMON nevy. In 1 condition. Original cost 250. No mained at that time on all ments of the kind for such auMessrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA reasonable offer refused.
Offer their services to tne English Speaking Public as solicitors fours, almost under the count dacity. Our Womenfolk Would before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; er; until heard like the tap command more respect.
Apply The Searchlight Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
ENGLISH SPOKEN Advertise in THE SEARCHLIGHT Something of appreciated aftesine becostengo chealthy eyes has too often been taken in of my Items from Abroad FOR SALE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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