
Saturday April 25. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Revolution in Honduras Highways Association Garvey Watchnight Sermon What looks like a pretty Corporations, principally On the initiative of Sres. Instruction. the objects of serious revolution has brok Americans. The American Arango, vice president of which will be to study en out in Honduras headed and British governments the Board of Commission and promote the fundamenby General Ferrera.
have advised all their sub of the Interamerican highway tal principles which will The reason given for jects to get out or get conand Manuel Antonio Ví. contribute to the developthis is that the populace centrated in the Ports under quez, Engineer and mem ment of public highways.
ber of the technical Commit The Association will be is opposed to the Conces the protection of the men sions granted to foreign o war.
tee of the Commission, a affiliated with the Panamermeeting was, on Tuesday ican Confederation estabJast held in the rooms of lished under the auspices the Chamber of Commerce of the Panamerican Union, PILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres when it was decided to and the Interamerican HighKeep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away establish an Association to Way Commission has offered and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be be known as The Na its collaboration.
shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies tional Federation of Road shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
Siquirres FOR SALE On the thirty first night of December watchnight kept in Edelweis Park If the readers now will only remember Where the Blackman paper had the talk It was a Sermon preached by Garvey It was a Sermon from his Soul And roused the members of the Brethren oh! what shall we say.
When he preached on the style of the Negro There was never a say more true The young the old, the grovving lads and lasses Are filled with words so foully vulgar Oh! negroes wont you be respectful So that the light may shine on you The light that shines on whites vvill also shine on you Why vvill you longer abuse. have spent some years in this Association And have tried the best can can almost say am novy so vveary Jesus fainted, and am but human You better change your vvays my people This coming vvatchnigbt may not stand To preach a Sermon here so you must bevvare Why are you treating me so.
We vvill kneel and pray in silent prayer While the old year is going by Let ambition novy inflict more light.
Let us put our trust in Him on high It is passing novv, its passing.
Its the closing of the year.
Then we vvill rise and sing to vvelcome the Nevv.
He said, wish you a happy Nevy Year.
Composed by JAMES, Bananito. PILE The Paper View There is a question novv to ask come novy tell us true It is a question and an easy task Ladies novy its up to you We have tvvo papers now going around Coming around right round the tovun It vvas the Blackman print gave us a hint Of the Watchnight ser mon preached by Marcus Ladies Ladies isnt Blackman print of good to you The other paper we can boldly say shining night and day It gives us comfort all the way Searchlight is the paper name Aint it a broadcast fast going paper today Selling day by day vvithout delay It gives us hints about governmental rule So vve all cannot be longer fooled Ladies Ladies aint Searchlight print doing good for you. JAMES; Composer. 0SASTRERIA GRANT. GRANT The Negro World OITEMS FROM. comfortable HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS vvith varandahs back and front, vater tanks, Kitchen and Continued from page than 100 fishing boats other conveniences, on lot of land vvith good sea were swamped and 125 vievy situate at Cieneguita, Limon.
of Athletics from countries like India and the West lives lost by a storm off the coast of Corea.
Apply BENJAMIN REID Indies to participate even or care of The Searchlight at the risk of appearing discourteous.
James Graham, the Jamaican, who it will be remembered was arrested The Ford Motor Co. in that Island sometime Luis Melara assassinated made a net profit of last year for the alleged 44, 460, 823 dollars for the larcency of a valuable lot On Friday, 17th instant, on behalf of the Cuyamel year 1930. In 1929 the of jewelry in Cuba and the sad news was received and Atlantic Fruit Cos.
net amount was 81, 797, 861 was sent back there for here by cable, that the when they endeavoured in dollars. The 1930 profit is trial, has just been found distinguished Honduranian 1928 to promote a Banana equal to 257. 52 dollars guilty by the Cuban Courts Advocate, don Luis Melara Association among the local a share on 162, 645 shares and sentenced to thirteen had been assassinated planters for the marketing of Capital Stock years, eight months and one José María Zepeda, in of their fruit on a coopertwenty one days imprision San Pedro Sula, Honduras. ative basis.
No details of the tragedy We deplore his tragic limestone tablet, about nor the cause have yet death and offer our deepest one foot square, on which Ex King Alfonso de been received. Mr. Melara sympathy to the members is a four line Aramaic ins Bourbon of Spain has ar became well known in this of his family.
cription recording the pre rived in London where he Republic by his activities sence of the bones of was most enthusiastically Uzziah King of Judah who received by an immense reigned from about 778 to crowd. One of his daught740 was recently ers the Infanta Isabel has discovered by Dr. entered a Convent Sukonik, of the Hebrew Suits made to order at the Shortest notice.
University among a collec The Prince of Wales and complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels tion of antiquities in the his brother George are has always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
Russian Convent on the tening home in consequence Horth West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Mount of Olives.
of their father illness, havSuits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number ing completed their mission winnings this week From Tokio, April 10th, of Goodwill in South Serie Drawing No. 39; won by Eduardo Goldoni with Ticket No. 124 it is reported that more American countries.
Serie Arturo Bolaños In presence of Jose Castillo, Angel Guevara and BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 Office at 5th St. corner of 2nd Ave. Address Box No. 544 THE METROPOLITAN BUREAU Jamaica Cricket Heroes Lawyers and Notary Public The four Jamaica Cricket Park on Saturday last in General Judicial Commission Business heroes had an over whelm. their honour was a signal ing reception in Jamaica on success as an expression We take the opportunity to offer our services to their arrival on Friday 10th of appreciation of their general public, most particularly the coloured English speaking people of this and surrounding community in the following cap.
The functions at Melbourne accomplishments in the An.
acity which we especialize in tipodes. The team under Interpretations and auditing, Spanish English Translations and of bad depts, rents, etc. Supervision Better than 25 won the elder men. All and administration. Organization audR corganization of firms coand the Clubs to which they industrial.
Benevolent and Social Societies. Athetics and Sporting Clubs. Write letters and take care of general coPomona Biscuits belong will hold similar en Prepare balance sheets and financial statements aud tertainments in their honour Hello boys. whats up. of Sale, Transfers. Documents of all kinds, Wills, Leases, Bills Contracts, etc.
The Metropolitan Bureau is established for the purpose Going up to Booths shop Lucas honours Headley on of cooperating and assisting the English speaking coloured peoman to buy some of his Monday; needless to say ple in their difficult and intricate affairs and embarrass. Biscuits.
the young master Headley ing problems with which they find themselves confronted daily.
More especially in the matter of properly and correctly explain Eating one you will be and Martin, whose batting ing to them, by efficient and truthful interpretation of their in satisfied of the fact, that prowess saved the Situaterest and rights as set forth in the official language of this Booth Biscuits lead tion, Were the prime fa.
country Misunderstandings and malice are the two most cruel where others fail to follow.
enemies of world progress and peace. To understand and be understood accelerates success and prosperity faster than any Now see to it that you They were entertained at other perceivable agency.
buy a Biscuits branded a welcome Dinner at South Are you going to be naturalized? Going to organize?
Have you Constitution and Byelaws of your society or club to with the name Booth. Camp Road Hotel by the be translated in Spanish? Come let us make your will, before They can be had at all Jamaica Cricket Association you get sick and die.
chinese vendors.
His Excellency the Gov.
Lic. Raúl Marin Egbert Polson ernor and other notables Eating one you will be San José and Limón Accountant and Interpreter Attorney Manager convinced that they are being present. Sir William OFFICE HOURS certainly the best Local Morrison presided and a to 12 and from to daily Biscuits in the Country.
very pleasant two and a Sundays to 12 Ask for them at Estrada half hours were spent in and Matina as well as honour of Cricket and its Limon.
players. 31 39 39 The Negro World paper vve must call it our ovun We vvill novy never leave it alone It sails on the Ocean cross blue seas Brings tidings of comfort to rescue you and me CHORUS Yes this paper isa beautiful one Coming direct from America land Marcus Garvey sent out this paper To protect the race of colour ban. Rpt.
Hovv loudly it echos from sea to sea Cheering every Negro where er he be Pleading redemption story o er and o er Wide to the hundreds of millions «vvhich is four cho. yes, All Negroes find virtue in the Negro World Lift high its banner novy unfurled It makes us understand the Red Black and Green On Afric hill tops these colours shall be seen. cho. yes.
Composed by JAMES, Bananito.
the The Searchlight mercial rrespondence comercial The Searchlight paper the nevvly made We have around today Beautiful paper, its a vponderful aid We do adore it vve can say It helps the people in all this country To realize beauty in action Materially searching the corners obscure. Repeat)
It goes in all corners and timely unearths The things that vvere hidden from you And tells them out in a diplomatic vvay The knovvledge then is up to you The natives feel proud of the Searchlight And so too do the alien folk Nation Searchlight shines over the Land.
Editor Nation vvonderful man We have to thank him today There is no paper never a one So cheap so povverful and gay There are no secrets in all the country No actions the Searchlight vvill not find Nation Searchlight Shines over the land.
Words and music composed by JAMES, Bananito. All rights reserved.
Space paid for.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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