p. 6


Saturday April 25. 1931 Wants Column IN SACRED MEMORY OF ALPHONSA JOSEPH OBITUARY 0Hotel ATLANTICO sad occurrence es ramas One colon per insertion of six lines Born Oct. 30 th. 1901, died in Limon April 25. th 1926 Five dreary years have lapsed, but yet she is.
WANTED With regret. vve chron the ceremony. The deceasA svveet rose that blushed unseen icle the death of Mr. Fred ed vas much respected To sell a fine organ at the that Mrs. Charlotte Big Pure and fragrant she lives in Paradise iving in innocence, love aná fear of God, erick Davvson of San Cle in the district of San Clemente. He took ill on his mente yvhere his death ridiculous price of 250. at gerstaf can accommodate Jack Oranes.
farm and vvas taken to the has been a serious blovy your necessities at her Humble vvas her life, gentle meek and good home in Hospital where he died to the residents around.
Cartago with bedient and kind, chaste vvas her soul The Community to know on the seventeenth. He We beg to extend our that there is nothing to break clean comfortable quarters Noble and patient in this vvorld of sin and Shame vvas interred on the eight condolence to his bereaved up a cold like a Cafiaspirin She fought for one Harbor, and that has been her goal eenth surrounded by a vvidovy Mrs. Rose Davytable taken in a Cup of hot One lot Plymouth Rock lime juice tea immediately Fovvls, recently imported, the Rose she vvas, and unblemished is her name.
large circle of friends. The son and other relatives.
after having contracted a cold. rooster taking 1st. prize at the Rev. Siley conducted Shovv held at «Campo Ayala By, Mother and Dolores Owners of Dogs and Cartago in February last. Also Horsekind afflicted with Incubator of 60 eggs capacity.
Ovvner leaving country.
Mange to try a flask of Apply «The Searchlight Relación de los.
DICINES» there is nothing Bicycles Viene de la página P. Continuando mi car like it.
Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see At Clearing Prices: It is also an Antiseptic men Roadster Bicycles 110 mi acerto con respecto a la ta anterior, debo recordarles how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make conducta que me impone mi a los españoles republicanos Hair remedy to prevent you comfortable at rediculous prices and cure falling hair. Rudge Withworth Racers 160 estirpe nobilísima, quiero ha aquí residentes, que ya no cerles un recuento de la his existe el recordado Nicolás write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ To be had at Botica Ladies Roadster Bicycles 110 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA Vargas.
At Jack Orane Store, toría de mis antepasados: Salmeron, jefe del verdadero Limon.
La casa Borbón a que Partido Republicano en EsSan José Box 761 pertenezco por sangre, fué la paña, para poder suponer en Those who would like to To advertise in antigua familia de Francia el aparente triunfo que fcsteque con Enrique IV en 1589 jan.
pass a few days of rest The Searchlight entró a ocupar el trono fran España en estos momentos and change in a quiet home Mr. Plunkett has his foot fastened in the in the interior, to know is to double your business cés terminándose en el Conestá indecisa, pero los gran met his death, by being stirrup; he died in the Hosde de Chambord en 1883. des talentos de nuestra dinasthrovvn from his mule and pitalon the 22nd. The Este cedió sus derechos a la tía que no son comunesdragged along the Track funeral Educational.
Ceremony was familia de Orleans cuyo jefe sabrán encausar a las masas for several chains on the conducted by the Millenium fué el Duque Felipe de Or populares por el verdadero Continued from page rect way, because it is the Santa Rosa Railway lines Dawnisst in which Society leans que vivió expatriado. camino de la verdad, que no mother who is responsible for all faults to the children, not on going to his farm on this gentleman was a promiNuestra familia extendió sus otra cosa que continuar knowing that that is the result the training of the child; a better life will be led between a Nápoles y España. regidos por mi primo Alfon: Monday 20th. The animal nent leader.
took fright at the approach The Searchlight begs to of neglecting them in their so XIII y mi prima Eugenia of a Motor Car, threw him tender its sympathy in this herself and her husband; she Aquí comenzó en Felipe en youth.
1700 y ha reinado hasta Victoria a quienes Dios gra and galloped away with sad accident.
The most prevalent habit will be able to entertain him Isabel II su hijo y su nieto cias los ha puesto fuera del among some parents, especial at home not allowing him to Alfonso XII y XIII. En Nápo alcance de la ambición y engo and seek entertainment ly fathers, being to refuse to les en Carlos VII concluyen vidia que bien pudiera haeducate their girls, they think elsewhere: Here we find the ELEGANT MODE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT do con Francisco Il en 1860. cerles daño. Yo en este puerit unwise; and the few that are model woman, for in this El nombre de mis familia to donde soy un desconociThis is to notify my friends and patrons that have removed, from my former Establishment. am now Located at Peña Build willing to do so are financial modern world, success lies not res Alfonso viene de antaño. do sabré defender los sagra ing opposite the old Spanish School. Your visit to my new Esly weak.
in her beauty of form but in Ese fué el nombre de todos dos fueros de mi legendario tablishment will be highly appreciated as an act of good will.
her beauty of intellect.
My best service awaits you, with courtesy. Punctuality, Guaranteed It should be remembered los reyes de España: Asturias, blasón!
workmanship and moderate prices, Give a trial and be convinced.
All parents should try to that in educating your girl, leave with their children if León, Galicia y Castilla. El Nadie que no sea español, 2nd. AVENUE 15 METROS FROM CORNER OF STREET JAS. PETERKIN. Box 140, LIMON, helps to make a better nation; Católico de Asturias, yerno podrá comprender que Espa 33EEEE she will be able to direct and nothing else, the legacy of a EEEEE de Pelayo. El Casto que se good education, it would often ña no puede gobernarse en train her children in the corbe better than leaving us apoderó de Lisboa. El Granen la forma que han pretenwealth. Very rare do we find de Galicia que conquistó el dido los caudillos que hoy wealth associated with true reino de León y abdicó des rien. Cataluña, el antiguo prinhappiness, as often time it pués de muchas revueltas y cipado, a quien pertenecía el Monje de Castilla que se Barcelona, Gerona, Lérida y Debate was held at Norman Mc Donald and takes to itself wings and vanun monasterio mu Tarragona, no podrá consenthe room of the Motive Michael Nevyton.
ishes; but good education riendo a consecuencia de un tir en su desmembramiento, Povver Sport Club on Arguments on both cannot be taken from us; flechazo en el sitio de Visco. pues todas sus provincias Saturday night last, the sides vvere clearly dealt whether on the streets, or at También tuvimos en la home in social intercourse familia Alfonso el batallador comprenden que la división están identificadas en ideas y subject vvas Monarchyvvith, after which the judges or Republic Government decided that Monarchy with our friends, it conduces en Aragón, en Navarra y en SAN ANTONIO encarnaría la ruina perfecta vvhich is more progres had vvon.
to peace of mind, to love and Castilla, casado con doña de su bienestar sive. The speakers for the Miss Leonie Aikens, ond appreciation from others and Urraca que le hizo perecer Que despierte Carlomagno former vvere Messrs. Al of the visitors from the Remedio eficaz, brings us successes of all peleando contra los moros.
kinds including the possession En Nápoles y en Portugal de Barcelona en y vea a su antiguo Condado lan Hylton, Walter Logan, Standard Club, suggested para la expulsión manos des Leopold Forbes and Locks our next debate should be de lombrices.
of vvealth itself.
tuvimos también a los AlfonParents! alvvays bear in piadadas de destrucción y de ley Henry, and for the City or Country life. sos el uno hijo de Enrique ruina!
mind Aristocle philosophy de Borbón y el primero que latter the Misses Ena vvhich is better for grovvDe venta en la on education: Education is también fué Rey de Aragón. es tan fácil, como que a AnQue España sea república Duggins and Leonie Aik ing children?
ens, and Mr. Albert Steele, we meet again on SatFARMACIA an ornament to prosperity, and Digo que Toledo de Espa dalucía se le quitara el domi The presiding judges urday the 2nd. of May.
ESPANA a refuge in adversity. and ña se parece mucho a León act accordingly.
nio de Málaga. No amigos yvere Messrs. Claudio Jones, WALTER LOG AN LUCAS MORUA de Nicaragua, porque ocupa míos y compatriotas. No pienThe end.
Farmacoutico la misma situación topográfisen en esas nimiedades, por CARTAGO.
BAS BLEU ca, está en el centro de la que ya viene el cable que Managua Relief Fund República y fué como en los pondrá estupefactos, al España la antigua capital hasGenerous contributions leer que el Rey y su séquito In Cartago, the collecATTENTION ta Carlos y es de origen han entrado de nuevo al Paare still being received by fions amounted to more godo y la residencia de los the various Committees to than three thousand Cololacio de los Borbones y allí Arzobispos superiores. Yo me wards the relief of the nes. In San José supplies estará este humilde servidor eduqué con el Obispo más sufferers by the Managua and Cash amount to nigh de Uds. mis coterraneos con sabio de León Dr. Simeón disaster.
los brazos abiertos para deon twenty eight thousands.
Pereira y Castellón, y de mostrarles la nobleza de quien según decían mis connuestra sangre!
discípulos tenía yo mucho Vale parecido en lo físico, en lo of MANUEL BATRES, Cartago Fernández de Borbón moral y en lo intelectual.
Que Dios guarde a Ud. y Eastern Gate of the Market In view of the present economic depression. have decided al círculo de la Pensión Mo Los comentarios que los Nearly every case of deranged Stomachs is traceable to Bad Teeth to give my clients a reasonable reduction in prices. Careful derna.
haga el lector.
attention vvill, as usual, be given to all work.
Have yours done at once and the best in Cartago f) Fernández de Borbón Carlos Orozco Amador is at DENTISTA BATRES THE STANDARD.
ADVERTISE IN First class materials and best workmanship Nelson, Tailor, Box 64 Limon THE SEARCHLIGHT therefore the cheapest SE 3E2E3E3E ZE Debate VERMIFUGO retiró a 6 6 Dental Laboratory Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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