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PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment Beliefs, Institutions and Practices are important and significant only in proportion as they serve the needs of mankind here and now, to the degree in which they advance human interests and promote usefulness of service to each other. By such Educative Institutions alone, is the intuitional faculiy able to perform its true function by bringing home to us the fact that our best achievements are consummated by our services to one and other.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY MAY 1931 NUM. 76 THE FUTURE OF OUR BANANAS Death of an Octogenarian Mrs. Lizzie Cash Arnold learn that all the employees The University Club New Comptroller Nevvs have arrived here of Honduras, and here novy interested in Costa Rican the antipathy of the Hondura is the reccompense.
neans and Nicaraguans towards Volumes could be vvritten It is understood that it is the foreign element vvhich as to vvhat Costa Rica has novy the intention of the Co.
dominates all Concessions in done for the Co. and to bring back Costa Rica to their Countries. Indeed the vise versa; even some of her her former status of a ten Revclution in Honduras is most prominent officials have million stem country. When It is vvith the profoundest interests of those around her; vvas in constant attendance, said to be caused by a dis discovered such amiability in this is accomplished we vvill of regrets vve today record there was at that time nothing she gradually sank until the content of the manner in Costa Rica as to found their feel that the right thing has the death of Mrs. Lizzie Cash of progress With Which her end came at abont o clock vvhich their labourers are families on Costa Rican basis; been done, and we are sure Arnold, the sad event taking name was not associated. An on Monday night. She vvas a treated on the plantations of and yet in consequence of they vvould never regret place on Monday night last accomplished equestrian, her faithful member of the Anglithe United Fruit Co. and other being asked to elevate our having brought back that at her residence on the Dos Well known figure could can Church and during her Concessionaires in that Re. Status financially on a line amicable feeling betwveen the Hermanas) Farm, Limón. always be seen on horseback last hours vvas administered public.
corresponding to her successes Costa Rican people and the The deceased lady came to around the town. She unfor to by the Rev. Rycart. Her we have been abandoned and Company vvhich vvere the Costa Rica some sixty years The same thing seem to be tunately sustained some time remains vvere interred on the made to feel that vve can be means of laying the foundation ago and vvas among the first ago going on in Nicaragua. In fact a dislocation of a hip grounds of «The Ark» at which rendered her almost vve learn that the great objec. dispensed vvith. Recent occur of vvhat is today, one of the lot of settlers here. She soon clock Tuesday afternoon in tive, in that country by the rences, therefore, must bring most povverful Concerns in after established the first, and helpless, and during the past the presence of a number of Sandinistas, is to destroy the secret gratification to everyone the vvorld.
for some time after, the largest year or so Mrs. Annie Gordon, persons. Thus was another Commissariats of the Co; and and most up to date Hotel an old friend, resided vvith chapter closed on the history and general Store on the lot her and undertook the man of Limon earlier inhabitants as a consequence vve further of land facing the present agement of affairs. Mrs. Gor of usefulness. Mrs. Arnold had station of the Northern Railway. don somewhat unexpected reached the advanced age of in such offices have been armed to vvithstand whatever Her extensive stock of purely death on Holy Saturday ap nearly 90 years and is survived To the Editor of to aspire towards the attain English merchandise, consis pears to have sadly affected by her adopted sister, Mrs.
attack may be launched against them. This is most unfortuTHE SEARCHLIGHT ment of a profession and ting of dry goods and grocer the old lady, as she soon Soden, to whom The Searchnate from a Commercial point Cartago, prepare the way for an hon ies, of vvhich she vvas then showed signs of Weakening, light offers its most sincere Dear Sir: orable and distinguished ca.
the only importer has hardly and in spite of the unremitting sympathy.
of vievv, as it must naturally tend to ruin the Commercial Will you kindly publish the reer; for service to their res. been equalled since. She also care of Dr. Salisbury vho and Agricultural exploits of following in your most val pective community.
established the first lumber and the Country and victimize uable paper for the purpose This is a long felt Want building material business from and jeopardize the lives of of giving a little publicity to and the organizers hope that which she supplied the early a movement which think thousands of people vvho the service which will be of settlers the lumber and other cannot be held responsible for will be a very useful social fered by this club will be material they required, on In consequence of the a loss keenly felt, especial the terms of vvhatever concesunit to the community and able to attract the attentions easy terms, to erect their disagreement arrising bet ly in the scheme for the the young men who are so of those who desire to dis. buildings on the lots in the ween don Feerico Gólsions vvhich might have been Canalization of Moin in extended very backward, intellectually tinguish themselves in any tovvrr vvhich wvere at that cher, governmental Comp which he was the moving and otherwise. Thanking you particular line of profession. time given free by the govern. troller of Municipal Reve spirit.
These occurrences, however, in advance Whilst remain, The people of this communi ment, but on vvhich it vvas nue and expenditures, and With don Ricardo Mora cannot but have their effects Yours very truly ty. coloured. as one can stipulated a small house should the members of the Limon and don Federico Gólcher on our banana Industry, beEgbertus see from the every day exam be erected in order to obtain Municipality, the Secretary cause so long as this state of Working in San José, LiLimon Organizes ples of their movements, are, a title.
of State has decided to món will be deprived of conditions exist, it is natural Limon is now preparing might venture to say, the Under the able management replace Don Frederick by two of her most interestvery little bananas can be for its young men by the most backward set of colored of the late Mr. Osmond Don Luis Laporace as ed workers which cannot shipped from those countries; therefore there is no apparent lectual ventures, which aim at America, and it is even furWay of organization of intel people in Central and South Nunes the business prospered Comptroller, while Mr. Gól but tend to the retarding all so vvell that Mrs. Arnold was cher will be placed in a evil that has not its corresprogress in the affairs of the gathering together of those ther strange, that in a like man able to acquire from a Haytian position under the Secre. the Province; but we trust pording amount of good, it who aspire and to help them ner, intelligent ones who named «Sivette» that extensive tary of State guidance. this will only be moment is only a pity that vve have that they may prepare the come to Limon and reside of land lying to the not here the quantity of banaThe Community will miss ary, as we have one salvaway for a better future. here for any considerable north of the City, on which nas to supply that vvhich Recently several young men length of time, become fool she established the present he having been a most is in the return, sa GoverMr. Gólcher very much, tion yet at hand and that may be destroyed over there.
of this community organized ish, just as though they were One cannot help feeling, what shall hereafter be known born here and never got any farm of «Dos Hermanas» and painstaking and efficient of nor, of our dear don Juawhich also enabled her to hovvever, vvhen thinking on ficer, very much interested nito; our exgovernor don as the University Club; which schooling at all. This can largely extend her activities these ravages, that they are a in everything that concerns José Hernández, was most shall have as it objective only blame by the lack of in the interests of the town sort of retribution Which one the Province of Limón his amiable to all and sundry, and aims to further the con social contact, which is the and its growing population.
abscence from us will be must expect, because tinuation of educational perContinued on page means of developing the proShe also went in for Dairycannot help from feeling that suits by a system of lectures per taste and aspiration in all ing and for many years Was the Co. has not treated and debates to be organized peoples for improvements of the only supplier of milk to THE AGRICULTURAL BUILDING CORPORATION OF 28 MILES Costa Rica squarely, consi from time to time. To secure this kind.
tne tovvn.
dering that this and Jamaica text books and other means, There isn t, really in Limon Mrs. Arnold lost her Hotel NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS vvere the cradle of the Co. for the use of it members, Continued on page buildings in the disastrons General Meeting of the Shareholders of the and that vvhatever she is fire of 1901, and thereafter above named Corporation will be held at the today originated from the. devoted her personal at Liberty Hall, Madre de Dios, on the Sunday 3rd. May 1931, open arms extended her in OCCULISTIC CLINIC tention to her Dairy and Farm.
commencing at 30 a. for the purpose of electing these places. She should a President and the transaction of other matters of vital After the death in 1913 of importance. Members who are unable to attend are never have abandoned Costa Dr. JOSE CORVETTI Mr. Nunes, she experienced particularly requested to forward to the Secretary their Rica as she has done, simply much difficulty in securing letters of Proxy. The Directors will not hold thembecause she was asked to do OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY competent management, but selves responsible to Shareholders who are absent or a little better for us than she Diseases and affections of the eyes she pluckily carried on, and unrepresented at this meeting. The lawyer will be at had been doing, she flung the this meeting to explain why the Society is not registOffice Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres in spite of advancing years, ered.
she continued to exhibit her sponge up and invested the The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA DAVID HENRY (Actg President) GIBB (Secretary)
many millions, vvhich she unselfish interest in all Which should have done here, in siliekeck appertained to furthering the run one EXCIEKE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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