
PA Patent Blood Medicines QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES Cafiaspirina Some desires of Rome Exhortations to the For the benefit of our read setting forth the value of some make the field of venereal ers we insert the following quack, secret prescription, disease cure exploitation a from the Bulletin of Public catches many people. Most rich one for the faker.
39 Health Edited and issued by people have pain in the back, Particularly in the male, it Dr. Paul Carley, Director at one time or another. It is is necessary to institute proper of the Bureau of Health Edu the most common complication treatment as early as possible cation, Jamaica: vvhich notes of advancing age.
to hope to cure this disease.
we shall continue to publish «Kidney Disease is a group The neglected cases become BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!
from time to time in our issues: term. It includes fifteen different chronic and may never be In previous articles on this Dont accept any tube or envelope and definite complaints. Money cured. It is even more difficult subject the general considerais wasted when used to in the female, to effect a cure BAYER packets without the tion of the nostrum evil and purchase a bottle of medicine, of gonorrhoea. In each case BAYER CROSS the specific criticisms of the treatment should be carried whose composition is secret. Patent Blood Medicines?
and which purports to cure out by but one person, a have been discussed. It is everything from a stone in competent physician.
proposed to deal in this issue, the kidney to high blood Venereal disease remedies with patent medicines for the pressure, and whose compos. may be classed as those applied relief of kidney diseases and ition may be changed overnight, to the seat of the disease and with fake preparations for the without any statement. those taken by mouth. The treatment of venereal diseases Venereal Diseases. Most of latter are of little use, when Papal Request an impending resignation. He The Pope is quite zealous and not mentioned in the «Blood the quackery practiced in properly prescribed: the former Dr. Lang Archbishop of is going on a health trip he requests the Archbishop of Medicine article.
through the manufacture of patent nostrums require skill in application. In Canterbury is again seriously Mediterranean Canterbury not to pay his The diseases of the kidney for the relief of symptoms of either case it is dangerous ill, and there are rumours of and intends to visit Palestine proposed visit to the Holy that are recognized by the venereal diseases, is directed for the patient to attempt to Land except in a private caphysician are numerous, and can be classified as those due toward the cure of gonorrhoea. be his own doctor, and that pacity. To British Protestants That disease is fairly wide is exactly vvhat he is doing ATTENTION such a Papal request is exto a slow degeneration of the kidney tissue, such as spread among young men in when he buys a secretly tremely unkind and illadvised, it Jamaica. When it is understood manufactured alleged cure.
BCN reveals how the Papacy is «Bright Disease and others now anxious to assert world that gonorrhoea is a specific Most cases of gonorrhoea that are acute illnesses. In dominion. To control Malta disease, caused by a definite end up under the treatment addition there are diseases of organism or germ, and that of a doctor, anyvvay, and the is bad enough, is the control to the urinary tract from the kidbe ney to the bladder, and further, of careful treatment, it will its cure is a matter of weeks money spent on fake advertised spread over the Mediterranean?
cures is vvasted.
diseases of the bladder itself. From the Churchmans be realized that it is folly to Dirty Mouths. dirty Amongst commoner diseases od Magazine of April. expect relief in a bottle of mouth is a culture place for HO of the urinary tract should be in nada secret remedy. The fact that many kinds of poisonous Rome and Education mentioned stones in the most young men do not want bacteria. Persons with adenIn view of the present economic depression. have decided Principal Griffiths Jones collecting part of the kidney, to admit that they have con oids, enlarged tonsils, decayed to give my clients a reasonable reduction in prices. Careful in his presidential address to stones passing down the tube attention vvill, as tisual, be given to all work.
tracted gonorrhoea, together teeth, and unclean mouths are the National Council of Evanconnecting the bladder to the 12 THE STANDARD.
with the very fallacious state far more likely fo catch diseases gelists Free Churches at Weskidney, and lastly stones of ment that the disease is than those persons whose Nelson, Tailor, Box 64 Limon ton Super More spoke out the bladder, either those form«No worse than a bad cold. mouths are normal and clean.
plainly with regard to the ed there, or those arriving arrogant claims of Rome on in that organ from higher up.
the Education question and The diagnosis of each of these 50 has shown to every one what tries the skill of the physician The treatment of each is out that Rome is vociferous different in some cases little in her appetite where the can be done, in others surgery Dear Mr. Editor.
bones. feel sure that if a stitution, but a cool head will loser. Be careful whilst play.
money of the Nation is conmust be resorted to, in still certain amount of determina kill whatever little demons ing your games, your harmcerned. The Free Church Preothers the primary seat of tion did not exist in your that may dare to tread your ful critics are ever around to pectfully, and publicly consident rightly enough declared the illness is in some far make up, your club would path. Remember these lines, crush that spirit that you are removed organ.
gratulate our few young have gone where all other whenever you may feel dis trying to build. Never give denominations to reach agree.
that the failure of the religious In the same manner that women who are trying to clubs of its type have gone, posed to schuck in the towel. them the least chance to say ments was due to insatiable the popular mind associates keep agoing the Young Wo.
in oblivion. Anchor yourselves Aligry words can do no good These girls are only preten.
boils and pimples with «bad men Standard Club. May suchunger of the Roman Cathoin the Master care and He Blows are dealt in blindness ces, they have no more sinlic hierachy for religious priviblood, so the average man cess attend its path, and may will lead you on to a higher Words are better understood cerity in them than the man associates a pain in the back they never be weary in doing calling. Peace and love go When they are mixed with in the moon. Look how they President, is going to suit lege. Nothing went on the with kidney disease. As a well. My dear young friends, hand in hand, and sincerity kindness are biting at each other, with these people, apparently, less matter of fact few kidney com it is very difficult for you to will be crowned with glory.
And spoken in the calmest out any sense of shame than their schools should plaints have as one of their get along, when harmful criMisunderstanding, the foremanner.
about them. It is not worth built, maintained in repair, adsymptoms any pain at all and tics hover around, like vul runner of failure, always atViewing your club broad. the while associating with when pain is present it is of ture ready to tear your very ministered, and their teachers tacks any well zed in mindedly, progress is apparthem.
think that this paid, all at the cost of the a definite nature, usually not ent. It may be slow, but is what we call a Standard Government, that to retain the located in the small of the sure. It is far better to be club full control of the appointment back. Pain low in the back, slow and sure, than to be But give those decentes and dismissal of their teachers, is usually caused by strained quick without any considera around something to say and of the kind and quality muscles in that vicinity or tion. You have already organ Ay sí, las negritas deveras of religion taught to their diseases of the bony structures ized a basket team, and play son cultas.
nearby. In case of the former BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY ed your maiden match with Bear in mind all the scholars without supervision the kidneys are not involved ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED the Barcelona, and although hills you have to climb, and Continued on page at all, and only rarely may the you suffered defeat, you fell whenever you should see kidneys be involved in an Bureau established for the greater convenience, under to rise triumphantly. In your a little plain, do not be too extension of the causes of standing, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed games be prudent, patient, and sure that your path will be forthe second.
for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
kind. Do not quarrel when ever level. Always think that The popular advertisement Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a through some misjudgement you have not reached your va appearing in periodicals, eulodestination, and vvith every of your companion, you reX Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the gizing the panacea for kidney public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the ceive a bad pass. Smile all effort, fight, fight, fight.
tw complaints, nearly always the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical the while, and even your adMay the links that bind stresses pain in the back, as experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts versaries will say that you your chain be Friendship, one symptom and frequency he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are good scouts. If you Love, Unity.
of passing water at night, as SAN ANTONIO Wishing you success, are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
fail to make a name as a the other. The second sympEMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ winner, make one as a genial AURELIO BERMUDEZ Philomela tom, while it is due, most Remedio eficaz, Barrister commonly to a kidney deficInvestigator Attorney at Law Notary Publio Soliciting Manager bra para la expulsión iency, requires a careful examPILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres de lombrices.
ination of the patient before MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE the treatment can be outlined: Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away The old scheme of heading Presidencia De venta en la and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be an advertisement with questions shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies 30 FARMACIA such as Have you severe Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
ESPAÑA back pains or Do you have California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Siquirres PILE LUCAS MORUA to get up at night and Farmaceutico following those questions by CARTAGO. I must most heartily, res3 LIMI SERVIỆE BUREAU AND TERMIFUGO BIZ Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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