
Saturday May 1931 Cahuita News Formal opening Foresters Building For Sale at Reasonable Prices Dental Laboratory New Flag Some desires.
PALMERA SOAP Mr. Nation the last bag full across his dence this vvas all that Siquirres, Costa Rica Dear Sir: shoulders, his matchet in one happened ta him. We rejoice am sending you tvvo items hand, and his gun in the vvith our friend in his happy Monday night 30th March bers of the Court Mt. Hermon none for its simplicity, its of nevys and, trust that you other, became to a log deliverance from the grim 1931 marked an important and 9665 as well as those of easy financial obligations to javvs of a cruel death.
vvill find space in the columns which be attempted to cross memorable epoch in the annals Court Louise 9981.
its members were forcibly of the Searchlight» to insert and, in doing so, he placed 0of Forestry in Siquirres The function was ably con. expressed by Bro Frank Abel them.
the stock of the gun on the The other is that of Mr. when despite the many hard ducted by Bro Frank Abel log vvith the barrel pointing Charles Cornwall. He left his ships and obstacles through of the Court Reference was also made 0skyvvard and leaning on his home on Saturday the 11th. financial depression the For assisted by Bros. Davis by him towards the ProgresQuite a fevv accidents have forehead and, before he had inst (April) to go to his farm ester hall in this locality, and Muir sive Lodge taken place here of late and realized vvhat he did the gun in company with his wife tu was formally opened and de Addresses showing the high for the many favours which the most serious of them are discharged as if by magic and pick cacao it is said and, dicated with Forestic rules ideals of the order, its stand were received during the long the follovving: man by the as a result burnt avvay the when they reached the part of and ceremonies amidst the ing as a national fraternal and, tenancy of Court Mt Hermon name of Calderon (better hairs that were projecting the farm where he had intend rejoicing of officers and mem benevolent society, second to in the Mechanic Hall with knovvn as Ledje) vvent to above the forehead and burnt ed to work, his wife left him feelings of gratitude as also his farm to pick cocos and the surface of the flesh to for a remoter part of the farm.
the Bethel Lodge vvhilst he was going with bleeding. By a gracious provi Left alone, he started to work and of for their recent and, whlle engaged at work, cooperation.
he was attacked by a sanke An appeal to members of of unusual size it is imagined In the most central locality of the village of the Court for continued supof MANUEL BATRES, Cartago due to the enormity of the bite.
Cieniguita Two fine cottages, one with four apartport towards the stupendous ments and the other with two; with good water At vvhat time it happened supply and the necessary Toilet and bath attachments.
cause undertaken was also Eastern Gate of the Market no one knovvs for he vvas Large yard with numerous fruit Trees and a good made.
Nearly every case of deranged Stomachs is traceable to Bad Teeth alone.
Sea View.
The kindred societies in Providentially he was enFor prices and other information apply on the Have yours done at once! and the best in Cartago this locality, and elsewhere is at DENTISTA BATRES abled to mount his horse and, premises to Mrs. Margaret Richards, or to Richin this Republic, and the pub.
ards, Penshurst Farm, Estrella.
First class materials and best workmanship rode avvay for his home and lic in general must not think therefore the cheapest got as far as vvithin sight of this Court selfish or not conit vvhen he was seen by fraternal in not extending an OE DEDE33E BEBE3E33 one of his sons. He fell open invitation to the cerefrom the horse and vvas mony as it was incumbent on taken up and borne into the The new flag of Spain first Consul for the Spanish us to meet our present oblihouse.
as a Republic was flown Republic being señor Enfor the first time from the rique Herrero. The colours Hall in order to accomodate gations financially to open the Continued from page troduce a much needed reform The vvife had to be sent She had know yn Spanish Consulate here are Red, Yellowv and Purple. tennants but that the time for, into the present Educational as of any kind. That would be system of this country until nothing of the event.
yesterday 1st. of May, the a complete Catholic educationwill come when all concerned their ridiculous demand is Medical aid vvas at once al endowment in protestandt will be satisfied.
obtained, but, England. This impossible and allowed, that is but an attempt sought and Installation of officers arrogant demand wrecked the on the part of a single reli despite all efforts to save his Mindful of a duty out of life he succumbed five hours friendship the most popular Although this function may Education Bill. Nonconformists gious denomination, numberafter he arrived at his home.
be regarded as a departure said the President, asked for ing at most less than 000. 000 from constitutional rules yet a single system of education people to dictate the policy He was buried on Sunday it was found expedient by a which would for ever lay the of a nation, nineteen twen evening the 12th inst at p.
Mr. Cornvvall vvas one of Has arranged to distribute a value of almost resolution of the Court that ghost of all inequality, injus tieths of whom do not share double the former value of the wrappings as a the former administration be the distinctive belief of that the early settlers here and tice, inefficiency, and political benefit to its many users. For 15. wrappings you dissolved and a more congeentanglement. claim, he denomination.
had a fairly good following can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before, nial and efficient staff of said that the Romanist demand Is the British Parliament All No. wrappings have a much greater value at his funeral vvhich indicates than No. and others.
officers in Commercial accomto have the whole cost of ever going to submit to that? the regard in vvhich he vvas «their schools supplied by held by the inhabitants. He plishments be elected and inNote. week ago this the state, while they retain leaves to mourn his departure stalled to grapple with the paper published Bishop Jackcritical problems confronting vvife four children and the Liberty to make these son protest on similar lines Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be the Court, hence on the night schools centres of Catholic grand children, to all of vvhom exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts in reference to the Grenada will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose, of the 6th Inst. the following propaganda with the help of vve extend our most sincere Education board meeting on condolence commend brethren took the oath of and rates and taxes is the Distributor in Limón the appointment of a school them to the care, and keeping ELOY GOTAY real injustice. When they sucoffice according to ancient teacher.
forestic rites.
Suceed in holding up a Parli of the God of all consolations, Distributors in Turrialba Bros. Frank Abel.
mentary Bill intended to in Odacremed Very truly yours.
Rojas Cortés Cía. Bros Albert Ellis Wynter INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co. Alfred Davis CAHUITA Office at 5th St. corner of 2nd Ave. Address Box No. 544 secty, Brooks, Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 Treas, Muir Sharpe Brown Advertise in THE Palmer Fagan Janitor.
Lawyers and Notary Public Bro. Benjamin Frew.
General Judicial Commission Business SEARCHLIGHT assisted by Bro. Muir installed Bro. Frank We take the opportunity to offer our services to the general public, most particularly the coloured English speaking Abel as and according people of this and surrounding community in the following cap.
Better than The Costa Rica coffee lows: for the Tres Ríos to usages, and customs of the crop has resulted in. District which is the best order the newly installed Interpretations ne cited auditing, Spanish English Translations and of bad depts, rents, etc. Supervision Pomona Biscuits 335. 256 sacks of coffee ex. grade in the country, 70 installed the subordinate mercial and industrial. Benevolent and Social Societies. Athetics ported, of which 101. 060 colones per fanega of officers.
and Sporting Clubs. Write letters and take care of general cosacks went by way of Pun pimento sacks in husks; Bros. Chas. Francis and Prepare balance sheets and financial statements Hello boys. whats up. tarenas and 234. 196 by Cartago 62. 00, Heredia Brooks for meritorious aud Documents of all kinds, Wills, Leases, Bills Going up to Booths shop Port Limón thus drawn by 50. 00, San Isidro of San work and loyalty to the Court of Sale, Transfers, Contracts, etc.
The Metropolitan Bureau is established for the purpose man to buy some of his the Northern Railway. Of José. 62. 00, San Rafael, were raised to the position the English speaking coloured peoof cooperating Biscuits.
ple in settling And assist and intricate affairs and embarrassthese 251. 901 were sent to San Pablo and Santo Do of Retired Chief Rangers, ing problems with which they find themselves confronted daily. Eating one you will be the London Market. mingo 60. 00, Turrialba In conformity with the reMore especially in the matter of properly and correctly explain satisfied of the fact, that ing to them, by efficient and truthful interpretation of their interest and rights as set forth in the official language of this Booth Biscuits lead the cultivators by the Ben 62. 00, Alajuela. 55. 00.
The prices liquidated to 40. 00, around San José, quest of the Executive Council of the order, propaganda country.
where others fail to follow. eficios have been as fol.
Misunderstandings and malice are the two most cruel work for membership to secure enemies of world progress and peace. To understand and be Now see to it that you understood accelerates success and prosperity faster than any the million adult member other perceivable agency: buy a Biscuits branded MANUEL FERNANDEZ mark at the centenary of the Are you going to be naturalized? Going to organize? with the name Booth.
Have you Constitution and Byelaws of your society or club to order in 1934, Court Mt. HerAGENTE be translated in Spanish? Come let us make your will, before They can be had at all mon 9665 has secured eight you get sick and die.
chinese vendors.
LIMON, COSTA RICA. APARTADO No. 564 nevy members who were intiaSe hace cargo de despachos de Aduana a precios de situación Lic. Raúl Marín Egbert Polson Eating one you will be GARANTIA PRONTITUD ted on Sat night 18th Inst.
San José and Limón Accountant and Interpreter convinced that they are Fully sixty five members of Attorney Manager OFFICE HOURS certainly the best Local MANUEL FERNANDEZ the order representing five Biscuits in the Country.
Courts witnessed the function to 12 and from to daily Customs and Commission agency undertakes the despatching Ask for them at Estrada namely: court Mt. Herman, Sundays to 12 of importations and exportations through the Customs at the and Matina as well as 9665 court. Mizpah 8969, most reasonable charges Limon.
Continued on page PALMERA SOAP a THE METROPOLITAN BUREAU Our Coffee Crop rresponderen Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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