
PAGE Experience Nil Desperandum Gandhi again man.
150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA horrible Notice of Raffle As there are many of yourself as walking home Mr. Ceorge Metaxa who Hollywood contract which The following are the 3rd prize 2433 our readers who are suf at the moon end to five till recently was numbers which drew the The first prize was sold fering in similar tones in savage wives and sixteen in the Ministery of Agri. week. great incentive to prizes for our raffle: in Zent. The second and consequence of recent dis voracious children with your culture at Bucharest earn us all to specialize is some 1st prize.
0523 third were not sold.
missals around us, who pocket filled with non ing thirty shillings per week, engagement that will bring 2nd prize.
1669 Lee could readily make use of existent. Not a sol but virtue was found in us fame.
like sentiments, we repro itudery sixpence; pity my his voice and in March Does young Cyril Hunter duce the following to strike horrible state. When being last he was engaged to sail not realize the asset he FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. the sympathetic chord: dejobbed and proceeding from London with a big possesses in his voice?
At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small with a heart and intestines reputation to take up a What is he doing here?
family residence adjoining the Post Office Man with five savage filled with misery to this Apply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES wives, 16 children den of doom, myself did And pocket filled with non greedily contemplate culpaThe Moin Canal existing.
ble homicide, but him who protected Daniel (poet) safe.
Vallabhai Patel, President would be a fight unheard In another article in this of every loyal inhabitant Dismissed from his job, ly through the lion den of the Indian Congress and of in history, those who issue We expressed our of the Province. On Wedthe plight of a West Afri will protect his servant in one of Ghandi chief sup. were afraid of death and pleasure on learning that nesday last don Juan visited can native seems to be sehis home of evil.
be advised don Juan Romagosa had the Secretary of Public. As to the reason given porters advises his country jail would men in the following strain to sell their property and been selected for the Gov. Works for the purpose of it in a letter of complaint bayi yourself esquire, for my We want either to win migrate to foreign countries ernorship of Limon as we being informed as to the Were sanguine he would actual position of the provultions of laughter.
tion was laziness. No sir, months or to fight a fierce turn to his civil disobe. whole heartedly interest ject to canalize the TorHe wrote to Mr. Oscar It were impossible that my battle. Be prepared there dience compaign, if Round himself in all that pertained tuguero lagoons. And in an Prentice, general manager self who has pitched sixfore and don trust the table talk does not give to the welfare of the Pro interview later he is said of the Sea Insurance Com. teen infant children into government, this fight India full independence.
vince. In this connection to have stated that one of pany, who had dispensed have a lazy atom in his therefore, it is most grati. the first matters to which with his services in his own fying for us to note that he would pay attention country as an insurance mortal frame, and the sudFor Sale Cheap ¡Cheap!
although be has not yet. Would be the canalization.
inspector. The native name den departure of eleven taken up office he has work. He further intimated One lot of land with three Houses situated was not revealed when pounds monthly had left started to display that inter that he had been offered me on the verge of the at Broadway Street Siquirres, at the western end of Mr. Prentice read the let est in a direction, in which the capital with which to Street. Fine water supply you need no Ice. In Sanitary ter at the dinner of the abyss of destitution and Condition.
if he succeeds, will earn finance the work.
One house contains rooms, the other tvvo Liverpool Marine Enginhim the undymg gratitude eers and Naval Architects hope this vision of contain tvvo rooms each.
Guild. This was the letter: dreams this night, and good horror will enrich your Near to the Railway Station.
This is a good chance for any one who needs Kind sir, on opening Hotel ATLANTICO a good property in Siquirres the Central Station for this epistle you will behold angel will meet and puleither the Moin Canal or the Nicaraguan Canal apply Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see to Albert Ellis Siquirres the work of a dejobbed verise your heart of nether how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make milestone so that you will person, and a very bewif.
ed and childenised gentle alacrity as may be compar.
awaken and with much you comfortable at rediculous prices China Still Suffers write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ Who was violently de.
able with your personal safe.
jobbed in a twinkling by ty you vvill hasten to rejobulate your servant. So must nevv rebellion is ally and his Minister of your goodself. For heaven A New Firm it be, Amen, your dispair reported to have broken Finance. Several rebel con sake, sir, consider this catastrophe as falling on your fully, out in China, the principal tingents are said to be political leaders have is. gradually surrounding the new commercial and the general banking busiown head, and remind The Gleaner sued a manifest against tovvn of Nanking.
banking firm of which the ness Sr. Solera leaves for the Minister of State Later reports state that principals are Messrs the United States in the Chiang Kai Shek, accusing General Chang Chaiton Stanley Lindo and Manuel interests of this new Firm FOR SALE him of negligence and has proclaimed the inde Solera, will start operations and on his return will being under foreign in pendence of the South and in San José in July next sever his connection with comfortable HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS vvith fluence. They further state announced the early estab Special attention will. it is Messrs Zonta to whom he varandahs back and front, vvater tanks, Kitchen and that they are not rebelling lishment of a provisional stated, be given to the is now under Contract.
We wish the Firm every other conveniences, on lot of land vvith good sea against the Government government, probably in handling of Four, Lard, but against Chiang person Canton.
Sugar and rice in large success.
vievy situate at Cieneguita, Limon.
quantities, in addition to Apply BENJAMIN REID Contribución del.
or care of The Searchlight Viene de la página In the Court of the for the occupancy of the Yep Hong Leon Fan Guep Agent of Police, Limon, chair of one of our José León Chong Francisco León San 00 Etta Brevvn accused Ma Star Samaritan Lodges Young Lewis.
Ramón Wong vis Bryan of the use to of this City.
Chin Gon Cia 00 Ghong Way Ng. 00 From San Juan it is They are of denomina her of language both ob What an example of Salomon Jan 00 Felipe Weng Chin 00 reported that in an effort tion and and are to become noxious foul of conduct this is for such Hop Chin Sin 00 José Chan 00 towards resusitating the payable, from the Repub. vvhich she was found guil. people to place before the Salomon Bros José Fong 00 Republic of Porto Rico lic Treasury, five years ty; but the evil of it is Agent of Police and the Yee Fook Hermanos Hop Sin Lung Rafael Yee proclaimed at the time of after the Republic has been that Bryan is an aspirant Public.
Julio Quirós Ng.
the unsuccessful revolution recognised together with Kong Sin Lee Young Lee in the year 1867, the Na. interest, at calculated José Chin Wing Juan Willie tionalist party has now from the date of recogni Sad Accident Manuel Chin Manuel Soto issued the first 200. 000 tion. Each bond is signed Gilberto Yee Rafael León Yee 00 of 5000, 000 gold bonds by officials of the party On April 30 a torpedo said, to have been hurled On Sing Lee Alfredo Edgar Ng. 00 known as the. Independence and bear the party seal. of 350 pounds exploded a distance of a quarter of Total de contribuyentes y suma: 1. 070. 00 Loan.
in the naval chemical la. a mile. It was necessary Dado a Ud, pues los nom Con las muestras de nuestra boratory at Nichteroy, Bra to employ 30 ambulances bres de los contribuyentes y consideración y alto aprecio, zil, causing the death of to remove the bodies of el resultado obtenido, sirvase tengo el gusto de suscribirme 100 persons and the victims. The Laborato. señor Presidente junto con la de Ud. en nombre del Comité injuring many others. Frag ry was destroyed.
presente, encontrar el cheque Chino de Limón, y demás No. 13972, por valor de miembros de la Colonia, sú Suits made to order at the Shortest notice.
ments of the killed, is 266. 00 oro que en colones muy atlo, y complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels al tipo legal de aqui, del 400 always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
da un total de 1. 068. 20 conJ. Achión Ng North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts tra el Banco de John Keith. Srio. del Comité Pro Nicaragua FOR SALE Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number splendidly built Cottage containing four Alleged Irregularities winnings this week rooms, dining apartment, kitchen and other necessary Serie Drawing No. 40; won by Miguel Hernández with Ticket No. 108 conveniences. Situate at the Hospital Point, Limón, With respect to the ir. Finance to make investigaSerie José Quirós about 150 yards from the dvvelling of the Co regularities, which it was tion, has novy returned In presence of Jose Castillo, and Angel Guevara Manager.
rumoured were taking and filed his report; and BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 For further particulars apply.
place in the Aduana at although it has not yet Steel Sixaola, Mr. Méndez, the been made public, it is ADVERTISE IN Accountant of the Limon understood that the books Limón Market Aduana, vvho vvas sent vvere found all correct.
THE SEARCHLIGHT dovun by the Secretary of An Example This. 00 Making Preparation. Preparation. Ei Brevvn accused oma 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 SASTRERIA GRANT. GRANT some 44 Beef Cutter Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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