p. 6


Saturday May 1931 PAGE Wants Column The University.
Compañia Surtidora de Costa Rica WANTED Continued from page benefits Mr. Egbert Polson, anything like a real and legit The Negro and his vocational One colon per insertion of six lines imate social mete held at any selections.
time, the only way of celebra For the 11th of May the ting their past times, is with Club plans to hold its first Quality Merchandise a dance. This is a very com. formal debate and have selec.
When you purchase goods at Co. Surtidora de R, To sell a fine organ at the Cartago in February last. Also mon and ordinary form and ted the subject, Capital Punridiculous price of 250. at Incubator of 60 eggs capacity. indulged in by everybody. ishment, is it justifiable? The Commissaries you may rest assured that you are Jack Oranes.
Ovvner leaving country. What can a young person Affirmative vvill be lead by buying clean, fresh merchandise. Old shopworn goods 0Apply «The Searchlight learn at a dance, they don Mr. Bermúdez and the are not allowed to remain in our stores.
The Community to know that there is nothing to break Bicycles even learn anything about negative by Mr. Egbert Polson up a cold like a Cafiaspirin parlour etiquette and social of the Metropolitan Bureau Zepol and Floradora Products table taken in a Cup of hot At Clearing Prices: deportment. They are so vith Messrs. Rivers, Wright, lime juice tea immediately men Roadster Bicycles 110 abrupt and indecent in their Mitchell and Scott supporting Have you joined the growing number of our after having contracted a cold. 130 conduct that it is more than respectively. The following customers who are saving money by buying Zepal Rudge Withworth Racers 160 and Floradora Products? Next time ask for Zepol Cod Those who would like to Ladies Roadster Bicycles 110 reproachable at times to even gentlemen, am informed vvill be asked to officiate as At Jack Orane Store, watch them. need not enu.
Liver Oil, Castor Oil, Fruit Salts, Unguento and pass a few days of rest Limon merate, the many instances, judges for the occasion Messrs.
and change in a quiet home Floradora Brillantine; Talcum, Perfume, Eau de Cologne for any keen observer in Li.
in the interior, to know Nation, Burrovv, and Lavender Lotion.
To notify the Public that that Mrs. Charlotte Big tvvo pieces National Lottery mon will, am sure, agree Hylton, Harriot to this fact.
gerstaf can accommodate Ticket No. 05622, vigésimos and Harold Smith. It is to be your necessities at her Consequently the organiza hoped that these gentlemen 16 and 17, for 3rd. May, tion of the above referred to home in Cartago with have been stolen from me.
vvill find it convenient to acclean comfortable quarters Hundreds of Patterns. Guaranteed Fast Color Club should readily attract cept the invitation which Fred Drummond the attention of every inspir vvill be extended so as to Matina ing youth and even grovvn afford a proper and impartial One lot Plymouth Rock ups too.
Fovvis, recently imported, the qualification of the merits of rooster taking 1st. prize at the Shovv held at Campo Ayala ings of the activities of the Club, the members were The members are actually On Monday last the Rican Engineer Mr. Ramón requested to speak on a subendeavouring to get in a fevy Commission to start the Muñoz.
ject of their selection and the more to join the ranks, so surveys of the Panameri The projected Route being follovving Were the topics as to make the competions can Roadway on this divi Cartago, La Estrella de discussed. Mr. Samuel Henry, much keener and interesting sion left Cartago toward Cartago, Santa María de The many Clients of MESSRS ZELEDON AND SILVA LAWYERS Iron and its uses; Mr.
from time to time. For the the Panamanian border, Dota, El Copey, El Gene.
AND NOTARIES of Limon are advised that they have removed their Bermúdez of the Limon Sernext meeting, the members headed by Engineers Brown ral, Buenos Aires, Cañas offices to the FORMER OFFICE OF MR. RUFINO SOLIS upstairs vice Bureau: Our form of Gov.
have been requested to get Filk and Davies, the Amer. Gordas, Panamá; the norththe building of the Commercial store; avenue and 3nd Street, where ernment; Mr. Félix Rivers, up a composition of prose, ican Commercial ataché Mr. ern route will go from they will attend to all Legal matters entrusted to their care with Poultry, does it pay? Mr.
Mitchell, The present day find themselves able to do.
poetry or essay, as they may George Peck, the Geologist Alajuela by way of Gua.
the usual promptitude and reliability, Dr. Vallis, and the Costa nacaste to the Nicaraguan economic situation; Mr.
Scott, Physical Culture and its Egbertus We Sell the GENUINE Peter Pan Prints Advertise Amongst the recent happen. the speakers vho vvill defend Panamerican Roadway Notice of Removal Formal opening.
Our Fruit trade Comes from page estry vvas delivered in fine Hartley 8885, court Louise. style by Bro. Sankey.
9981 and court Galeed 8590.
the veteran Forester of this Bro. Ben Sankey Republic of over 34 years court 8590 assisted by standing.
Bros. Chas Nelson Then follovved the toast and Bro Frank Abel for the Executive Council by R, Court 9665 conducted the Bro. Malachi Cox ceremony when the following of court Galeed 8590 giving were inducted impressively a tribute of praise for the into the mysteries of Foresty; consolidation of the order as Messrs. Fairclough, Gayle, a National fraternal society Golding, Hibbert, Williams, through this august body.
Allen, and Hawkes after which We take pleasure in also all repaired to the bauquet mentioning that on this very Hall to feast on the good night seven more links vvere things provided.
added to the Order in Count The Toast of the Order Mizpah 8969. Port Limon.
showing the merits of For Frank Abel 000000000000000000000000000 DUDE 00000000000000000 FOR SALE In consequence of the done, considering how all One ladies dress crimping Machine, almost passing of the fruit season these Republics are ousting in Canada, it is noted that West Indian labourers from nevv. In 1 condition. Original cost 250. No the United Fruit Co. has the Banana plantations; they reasonable offer refused.
replaced the four boats will naturally have to resort which she formerly had to the undeveloped terrriApply The Searchlight on the Jamaica Montreal tories of British Guiana run. Of course under the and British Honduras. Then trade Agreement existing so soon as these colonies between that Dominion and cultivate Bananas on a basis Jamaica, no Bananas will to be considered, the Bri.
LAWYERS NOTARIES be consumed there, free of tish government will have AT LIMON duty, except Empire grown, to do something similar to Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA hence the reason for draft Canada, as these scores of Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as solicitors ing the Jamaican growii thousands of labourers will before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
fruit to Canada; and the have to be provided for.
reason also for putting on Every country is bawling ENGLISH SPOKEN an extra boat to take our out our Country is for Costa Rican fruit to Eng. Nationals, what then will New Com.
land, which country is de become of coloured Britishtermined to stand by her ers if the British Parlia.
Coutinued from page Granados, the Alvarados, open door of free tradement does not look to the but he was not an Organ the Peñas and Ramírezes even to the detriment of protection of Empire grown izer, he made many ene to work out the salvation her colonies. The day is goods so as to provide mies among the influential of Limón and the limonen coming however when work for her rejected coloualiens, so could not get ses. THE SEARCHLIGHT something will have to be red labour.
any assistance in his pro begs most enthusiastically jects for betterments, but to welcome don Juan Ro.
don Jnanito is diplomatic magosa again amongst us. ELEGANT MODE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT This is to notify my friends and patrons that have removed, enough to get all he wants, as Governor of Limón, at from my former Establishment. am now Located at Peña Build So We must condole our the same time tendering ing opposite the old Spanish School. Your visit to my new Es.
selves by the belief that him our most sincere thanks tablishment will be highly appreciated as an act of good will.
My best service awaits you, with courtesy. Punctuality, Guaranteed there is a silvery lining for his sympathetic view to workmanship and moderate prices, Give a trial and be convinced.
2nd. AVENUE 15 METROS FROM CORNER OF STREET behind every dark cloud us ever since this journal JAS. PETERKIN. Box 140, LIMON, Mr. Romagosa has been saw light, having beena 3EEEEEEEEE fitted in to uphold the constant subscriber all this hands of don Filadelfо time.
The Colour Mark FOR SALE FOR SALE rejections of coloured peo not be made a misdemeanCamp Buildings being sacrificed ple of note by High grade our under the Licensing Hotels in England, among. Law, by which any Hotel Anyone interested in buying TWO ROOM CAMPS which cost 1, 800 to build, for the very low prices of from 200 to them even being the United keeper could be prosecuted C300 may do so by seeing the Overseers of Rio Jimenez States Minister to the Libe for ejecting coloured peo and La Perla Farms. We can provide you with a mule and rian Republic, Miss Ellen ple without reasonable cause car, free of charge, to transfer the lumber to the loading point. Wilkinson, in the House Mr. Clines replied th ta he If you have a Banana farm we will give you three morths to pay. of Commons asked the had no power to make a Cimarrones Fruit Company Minister of Interior, whether pronouncement just now BEEEEEEE on the matter.
LV aiter DEAR FRIENDS: The first sign of eye Strain, nerves, headaches or similar Symptoms of eye disorder should be a warning for you to take immediate action to prevent what Might develop into Something of a more serious nature.
Timely visual correction may mean only temporary need of Glasses. Or at any rate, you thereby eliminate any chance of Contracting the many eye diseases that continued Neglect will bring about. The eye like every other delicate instrument, must be watched carefully and the first Sign of Weakness corrected to insure Maximum and continued efficiency.
The Blessing of Strong, healthy eyes has too often been appreciated becomes too late. Remember that Good eye.
Sight cannot be purchased at fabulous prices. The eye is the most precious gift man possesses and should be guarded as such to preserve its The Physical comfort and the Knowledge, that you have received expert professional attention will repay you many times over, for the time taken in making an early appointment.
Know that your eye sight is safe! Azevedo Optometrista Graduate of the Northem Illinois College of Ophthalmology and Otology B. Glasses Supplied from 50, 00 50 00 00 and upward to suit your pockets. Examination free from to p. Save money by buying from me. even value.
1000000000000000000002 AMONGMIN000 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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