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PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Phrase of the moment Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón It is one of the greatest helps to any one to start out with, and carry through, a determination to meet this, our credit becomes a fixture. Bankers will oblige uis, promptly every obligation he or she makes. If we do our neighbours will help us, and we can walk with our heads up and look the world in the face.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 16 MAY 1931 NUM. 77 SERIOUS UPRISINGS IN SPAIN An indignant Father The Moin Canal Qur Critics criticised Serions riotings have been has also been destroyed. In ments had been reported taking place in Madrid and Seville the famous «Virgen of pillaged and burnt.
other parts of Spain, vvhich Carmen» has been destroyed, The «Osservatore Romano, have been attributed, by the the Civil Guard being unable the official Organ of the Va government, to the recent ac to contend vvith the rrioters. tican has published an editivities of the monarchists and The Archbishop has ordered torial strongly condeming the The Editor merely contempt and humi in all the papers of the West Communists in their desire the evacuation of all the Con occurrences, and urges all Dear Sir: liation. should have thought Indies and ask your immedito destroy he nevvly establish vents and Monasteries. In Christian people to oppose this she would have been regard ate removal from this field of Will you kindly grant me ed Republic. The nevyspa Alicantes the convent of Ave advance of vvorld vvide desed as being entilted to that labour: Assuring you of my sufficient space in your valpers «El Debate) and ABC Maria and that of the Capu tructors, who, without lavvs uable weekly for the publica ly extended to one vvho does from so dignified an office, modicum of respect ordinari determination to displace you have suspended publication chinos were also burnt. In vvithout regard for God and tion of the attached letter.
by order of the government, Granada an attempt vvas made humanity pretend to be able her duty vvell and faithfully. and of my contempt for you and on the Civil Guards taking to burn the building hous to implant a nevv orden vvith YOURS TRULY Should you fail to repair as an individual.
possession of the offices of ing the Catholic publicationes: their barborous programme.
PHILIP BOOTH the blot you have caused, I remain the honoured father the latter, a large quantity of Gaceta del Sol and Noticiero The Extremists are novy Limon, Costa Rica, box 197.
shall cause your treatmeut of Miss Ethlin Booth arms were discovered and Granadino.
turning their attention to the and conduct to be circulated Philip Booth May, 6th 1931.
confiscated; the Editor, Luca In Gibraltar the Organ and Banks, whose reserves are Rev. Siley de Tenas, has fled from the altar in one of churches vvere being demanded for distribuDear Sir: City, but orders for his arrest, destroyed and all the statues tion among the populace. The have been sent to the guards thrown iu the streets. first reported attempt in this regret very much the treatment meted out to my stationed along the frontiers.
Martial Lavy has been de. respect vvas against the Bank As a result of the instructions clared in Madrid, Malaga, Car of Spain, but the attackers daughter (Ethelin Booth) some The work is seriously Cieniguita River, thus abanissued by the Fiscal General tagena, Sevilla, Cádiz, Alicante. vvere overpovvered by the days ago It is a great pity that all members of the late Gibraltar and other Cities. 400 troops sent to its protecyou did not show your finer engaging the attention of the doning the idea of a Port at qualities instead of exhibiting Commission named by the Moin, vvhich is claimed Would Cabinet of the Prime Minister Up to our latest advices a tjon.
Government the roughest stuff from which Supreme for have the effect of dravving Rivera should be arrested, total of 53 religious establishyou were made. have al supervising this undertaking avvay trade from Limón instead Admiral Honorio Cornejo, late Ways believed that men who and composed of Messrs Car of increasing it, but this is Minister of Marine, and Genergarbed themselves in the los Kirkpatrick, Avelino de la very short sighted and we al Damaso Berenguer have robes of righteousness could Peña, Alcides Ramírez, Eloy are sure don Juan vvould been taken in Charge.
ever be depended on to dis. Gotay and Federico Golcher never encourage such a thought.
The destruction of Churches vvith our play the light of their intelli in conjunetion In the first place there are no and Convents vvhich commengence; but am sorry to see influential and energetic Gov. Lands at Moin for the extenced in Madrid on Sunday last ernor, don Juan Romagosa. sion of a Tovvnship to the Mr. Editor has spread to many other sitting in our confortable your ignorance has so over.
Don Juan has brought to prejudice of Limón. In the cities. Seven of the one hurseats, shaking the leg and povered you that it had to be exploded on my daughter. the attention of the govern second place, in vievy of the Dear Sir.
dred and odd Convents sitleisurely using our vveight vvould like you to rement that a fixed Revenue from restricted resources at the uate in Madrid have already less pens to ridicule vvhat member that you came to this disposal of the Commission, We have from time to vve could easily remedy, some other source beside that this idea is an to have been started of the many writers who Of vvhat use are all our daughter beyond. that from the Postal Dept is vvould Cost much more to by members of the Extremsit have watched vvith scorn.
she still is, and occupying a comments or criticisms if necessary as these are inade.
cut through the Hills around party. Included in these is ful interest the social proplace in the Choir of the quate; the former diminishing Moin and Rio Bartolo to the building knovvn vve are afraid to demonsWesleyan Church; and vvith day by day vvhile the latter connect vvith the Rio Limon Teresa and occupied by the ceedings of our coloured trate hovy the wrong comout the least shadovy of a mented on or criticized is being used up for its own Order of Carmelites. It was cito or Cieneguita How many doubt you, Mr. Siley, vvill fly extensions, therefore some millions of colones vould it considered one of the most We are saturated vvith may be remedied.
from this Limon and leave other Tax must be imposed the views of an army of Let us, instead, come magnificent structures in the her here. am indeed sorry not cost to cut through those to do this vvork. He explains immense Hills of Rock, in the city and was very recently imperialistic commentators, dovun from our seats and that the opportunity was erected with funds obtained of optimistic regenerators in spite of the times, donthat he can get tvvo dredges, vicinity of Moin, to make a not afforded me to be preand social reformers, but ate our energies tovvards, sent at the time, as surely bian, to do the vvork, but again say more than the two on good terms from a Colom passage to Sea Level? We from Chile and other South American Countries. Fires vvere we failed in our search as a start, the establishwould have knocked the the government vvill have to vvhich it is estimated the Ca.
discovered in eleven other among all these to find ment of a Library for the guarantee the payments.
nal from Moin to Colorado Convents but onc, even one, vvho would benefit of our uncultured rough edges off your head vvere extinvvith my dirty hands since The Commission is also vvill Cost.
guished vvith the aid of the be willing to lend the real young. We can easily do this here and novv. regard you as anything but considering the possibility of We hope that these farfetch.
troops before much damage helping hand.
a gentleman.
Some there may be vvho taking the Canal into the Continued on page What is the use of our vvas done. Jesuit Church vvill forget the singer, but My conception of your all vvill not forget the compatibility for the office song; so let us rid ouryou occupy, is that the field selves of our selfish habits. of agriculture has been rob.
The Agricultural Building bed of a useful but unskilled Yours truly, labourer. comfortable home at Guacimo consisting of a Constructive Critic You are devoid of the house of four apartments with necessary kitchen NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS slightest knowledge of courLimon, and Sanitary conveniences on a spacious lot with tesy and respect. Your comA General Meeting of the Shareholders of the prehension of good taste and many bearing fruit trees; as well as a large Oven, above named Corporation will be held at the order might have led you to Bakershop and waterpipe installed; a shop also Liberty Hall, Madre de Dios, on the Sunday 7th. June 1931 convene a meeting, instead of under construction Beautifully situated for business commencing at 30 a. for the purpose of allovving your passion to in front of the Watertank, just where the Passenger the transaction of matters of vital importance. Members We will be glad if those over rule justice and good who are unable to attend are particularly requested to Trains stop and all the movements towards the of our correspondents vvho conduct. What was your forward to the Secretary their letters of Proxy.
new Cultivation branch off No other spot like it can do so vvill send in their reason for vvishing to humble NATION (President) GIBB (Suretary)
articles, etc. to reach us on my daughter? Her nine years in Guacimo. Apply on the premises to Barnes.
Tuesday afternoon, this vvill service has brought her noor To THE SEARCHLIGHT facilitate us.
thing of esteem nor gratitude posed destroyed by elimestariteo time noticed the comments if vve vvould, by acting littech limowo and found my from the Banana Tax, and sibility, fifo the fact that it as St.
FOR SALE Corporation of 28 miles To our Correspondents Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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