
PAGE Young men to open Club QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES Cafiaspirina LIMON SERVICE BUREAU CURRENT ITEMS Immune Bananas Workmen banned Dear Mr. Editor.
so highly of them, and have will no longer see them stand.
Bas Bleu certainly struck a no reason to do so of us. The ing at the lamp posts, keeping fine chord when he or she shame is ours Mr. Editor, open air meetings; but you challenged the young men to and we realize it. Now young will see and hear of them sa get together and do something women, look out, we have a group of Intellectually and for their common good. That been slumbering, and you socially awakened boys.
certainly made us feel very have awaken us to Educatio Thanking you, Mr. Editor, bad, and so Mr. Frazer started nal Ire. Beware of us. Watch for your many taunts in your BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!
the ball a rolling, and it seems our colours. We are coming 13 most invaluable weekly, Dont accept any tube or envelope so nething like a club took with something substantial, and Dolores Joseph BAYE!
place last night, Monday 11th, dont imagine we will fail. You packets without the at Mr. Edward home. Ten of BAYER CROSS us answered the invitation, and having heard the plans, we readily fell in with Mr.
Frazer ideas. It might seem AND crowing too soon, but think the sooner we commence to BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY crow, the better it will be for us.
ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED It may help to a realization, An Outing by motor trucks of more than Pacific Railway Claims something of that which would Bureau established for the greater convenience, under five tons. The importation of never materialize, if we kept it standing, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Pu The Baptist Comunity of such trucks vvill consequently, On Wednesday last the under blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed cover. Shame alone Limon are arranging an outing it is stated, be prohibited.
Minister of State commenced for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
should make us his examination of the claims carry it Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a to Guapiles or Whit Tuesday, Municipal Vacancy through, and if we fail no Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the the 26th of May. special made against the government Don Carlos Manuel Fernán in connection with the ac the way, then we can be public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the train is to leave Limón at pitied for our efforts.
the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical dez havir. removed his resi cident on the Pacific Railroad a. The very reasonable think those who were experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts sum of 00 is being charged dence to San José his seat some months ago. The claims, he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supefor the round trip.
on the Municipality Board of gathered are enthusiastic over are said, to amount to 45 rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials Limón has been declared thousand colones.
the project, and every effort are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
Public Baths vacant.
will be made to make good.
EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ We will no longer depend on Barrister Investigator our seniors for help. We will We understand that the Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager Committee. vvhich vvas some paddle our own canoe. The months ago appointed by the aims and objects of this club, MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Municipality of Limon to are: To foster a love for literLimon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the investigate and report on the To those of our readers In the meantime, Panama ature and a more genial Presidencia proposal to establish an up to who are suffering financial Disease is still making adcomradeship amongst the Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of date bathing place in the City, losses through the banana vance, and will eventually boys; to raise the coming Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, has selected that section of «Scourge, the following succeed in wiping out the generation to a higher social California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, the foreshore, opposite the may be of some interest. present cultivations. When standard; to fight against public vvash house, as the It is taken from the Jamai. this stage is reached, as ignorance, by encouraging most suitable and convenient. ca Gleaner of May 2nd. economists have repeatedly educational topics; to cultivate The recommendation of the the finer sentiments, the finer pointed out, the markets of Experiments at Hope the world will have to be Committee is that the vvashtalents in our boys, making house be removed to to find immune banana content with the short finsome them feel that life owes them other something, and that something Under a decree issued entering the country. Ex: houses erected in its place; spot, and the bath resist this scourge.
they are going that to enjoy. by President Jorge Ubico, ception is made in the case ence and Agriculture is still Who do we aim to accept workmen the present roadvvay betwveen are prohibited of technical Workers who actively engaged in making the lot of land and the foreas members? Every young from entering Guatemala, are contracted by the Govshore vvould be abandoned experiments with a view man who realizes that time is except under certain condi ernment of the Republic or and the frontage reconstructed to finding a banana imtoo precious to be wasted tions. The decree reads. by industrial Companies so as to connect with the and suitable for the marmune from Panama Disease and that under a lamppost During the present crisis authorized to contract workbeach.
isn genial society; young men persons employed in workWith a sincere desire to men; and in the case of kets abroad. Recently a behalf who would like to elevate shops or factories who in. those who enjoy this pe Motor Trucks number of specimens have do their «bit» on themselves above their present tend to undertake such rogative in accordance with been produced at Hope of the sufferers of the social standard, without re employment in the terri the special treaties, conUnder advice from the and have been transferred Managua earthquake, the garding ourselves as being tory of the Republic are ventions or agreements enCovernment consulting Eng. to the experimental plot on scholars of the St. Joseph above the ordinary, but making temporarily prohibited from tered into with Guatemala. ineer, the Department of Public the Caymanas Estate. The Catholic School, Siquirres, every one feel that a healthy Works has issued instructions difficulty is still the same opened a Ten cents Fund environment is a help to good prohibiting the use of the the fingers of the immune and were able to get breeding. Therefore, every New Restaurant at Guacimo recently re constructed roads bananas are a bit short. together the sum of four mother who should read this colones, which has been article, should inquire of this The general public will be pleased to know that their forwarded to the local col 3000WMIDDU000 00000000000000000000 club and induce their boys to old caterer Theodore Levy of Las Lomas and Bonilla lecting authority. Well done become members.
has opened his usual RESTAURANT AND BARBER SHOP at little ones.
We have all promised to Guacimo Junction, near the Barnes home at the Tank, all do our very best to boost the Company employees are taken special care of. New this club, as we feel ashamed Better than clean quarters, everything Spic and Span that our only solace has been THEODORE LEVY in associating with the REGE Pomona Biscuits class. certainly hope that our boys will not drop the effort DEAR FRIENDS: Hello boys. whats up. of Mr. Frazer, and so sink The first sign of eye Strain, nerves, headaches or similar Going up to Booths shop deeper in the mire of social Symptoms of eye disorder should be a warning for you to take immediate action to prevent what Might develop into man to buy some of his disgrace. Let us follow in the Something of a more serious nature.
footsteps of the Young Ladies What is said to be the insuffering but slight Timely visual correction may mean only temporary need of the Standard Club.
Eating one you will be first case of a serious ac bruises. The matter is unof Glasses. Or at any rate, you thereby eliminate any chance of Contracting the many eye diseases that continued Neglect satisfied of the fact, that Mr. Editor, words cannot cident, by an automobile der investigation by the will bring about. The eye like every other delicate instrument, be too strongly used, in driven by a woman, took Traffic Agent.
must be watched carefully and the first sign of Weakness Booth Biscuits lead corrected insure Maximum and continued efficiency.
where others fail to follow boosting a club of this kind. place on Sunday last, at The Blessing of Strong, healthy eyes has too often been Efforts used in presenting our the Malavassi curve.
appreciated after it becomes too late. Remember that Good eyeNow see to it that you on Sight cannot be even at fabulous prices. The eye is buy a Biscuits branded activities to the public will the San José Cartago road.
the most precious gift man possesses and should be guarded as with the name Booth.
never be wasted.
The Physical comfort and the Knowledge, that you have Is it not a shame we cannot by a Mrs. González and received expert professional attention will repay you many times They can be had at ali Dr. William stand up with the Young carried two ladies passen Deeks, over, for the time taken in making an early appointment.
chinese vendors.
Know that your eye sight is safe!
Women, competing with them gers; in consequence of Head of United Fruit Co Dr. Azevedo Optometrista Graduate of the Northem Eating one you will be convinced that they are and probably defeating them Miss González taking the medical department is reN Glasses Supplied from 50, 00 50 00 00 in an argument? It is a shame curve at an excessive rate ported as being critically ill and upward to suit your pockets. Examination free from to certainly the best Local that we allow them to know of speed, the car overturn in New York. We sincere. Save money by buying from me.
Biscuits in the Country.
more about the poets than ed, throwing the occupants ly trust the worthy doctor Ask for them at Estrada we do. It is a shame that on the road; they vvere will soon be restored to and Matina as well as the «Searchlight» should speak all however very fortunate good health.
100000000000000000000000000000000000000 Limon.
The Department of Sci. gered variety, which can laudable effort Motor Accident purchased The car was being driven Dr. Deeks Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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