
PAGE Saturday May 16. 1931 More Earthquakes Jamaica State Lottery World wide Troubles From Siquirres SEDITION Personal 0CON Labourers wanted 0Terrible loss of life and ed while 80 of the villaserious damage is reported ges in the Zangezar district effort to secure a State Cawley it was again brought For the second time the the motion of the Hon.
From Montevideo it is demanding the abolition of to be caused by a series were destroyed with a great Lottery for Jamaica has up, it was thrown out by reported that the Argentine Martial Law, now in force, of earthquake been defeated. When, on the small margin of one political situation is approach and the liberation of all which occurred recently in In the Armenian territory the first occasion, the mat vote. There were 20 members ing a serious crisis and it is political prisoners.
the Soviet Republic of Naki. the deaths are estimated chevan in Transcaucasia. at 400 and the injured at debated in the Legislative taken, voted in favour against the regime of General ter was introduced and present when the votes were probable that a revolution In the region of Gerusy 2, 000. The longest Shock In Havana, Cuba, 40 students Council, it was defeated of the motion, 10 against Uriburu will result. The govern 200 persons were killed lasted about one minute have been arrested in conse.
and declimed to record by, if our memory be cor.
and 205 injured. In the in the south Western re rect, a large majoirty, but their votes.
ment has enforced a strict censure against the press.
quence of disturbances which Sisiana region 192 are gion, followed by terrible took place in the commercial on the 30th ult, when on 0reported dead and 600 injur subterranean rumbling.
School of Santa Clara. More Io Portugal the police disthan twɔ hundred shots were covered another revolutionary fired but no one was wounded.
plot against the government, FOR SALE 200 large bombs and a quantily 0of explosives were seized in The Police department has splendidly built Cottage containing four At the last session of lish an agricultural colony Alverca, 50 bombs in Lisbon unearthed another plot of a rooms, dining apartment, kitchen and other necessary conveniences. Situate at the Hospital Point, Limón, the Municipality of Siquirres for the benefit of the and another large quantity of revolutionary nature in Mexico, about 150 yards from the dvvelling of the Co it was decided to petition district. Much enthusiasm rifles and ammunition in in which it is believed the Manager.
Congress for permission to is being displayed in the Alcobaca. Five persons were ex Secretary of the Treasury, For further particulars apply.
the use of 000 hectareas project and it is hoped arrested as being implicated Luis Cabrera and Raul Madero, Steel of the land in the Moravia that the request vvill be in the matter.
a brother of ex president FranBeef Cutter Valley on which to estab granted. 0cisco Madero, were implicated.
Limón Market In Greece, the Minister of Both parties were arrested but subsequently liberated, Cabrera the Interior notifies of the unearthing of a plot, by a has left the country for Guatemala.
number of ex officers of the army, to dynamite the public 0Jamaican gets 18 months buildings and the residence of Reports from Caracas advise We are indeed pleased her recent very severe illVenizelos. Many arrests have that General Juan Pablo Pe.
to see that Mrs. Rene Clarke, ness as to be able to re: Leonard Percival Waison, fender Committee, again been made and special precau ñalosa, who in company with of a make public tions taken to guard the ed friend Mr. Clarke of We wish her a speedy fast tried in Kingston Cirspeeches in which he re public buildings.
a body of highwaymen, had been operating along the front.
Bananito Commissary has and complete recovery. cuit Court for Sedition peated statements similar, ier and was implicated in sesufficiently recovered from and found guilty but against the authorities, to veral invasions into Venezuela In consequence of certain instead of being, sent to those for which he had been restrictions which the governfrom Colombian territory prison, the presiding Judge convicted. He was consement attempted to enforce, had been captured and placed granted him the leniency quentty called up before the drivers of all taxis in in jail at San Cristobal, in of being bound over to be the Courts and after the Lima went strike on Tachira.
of good behaviour for the necessary evidence had been Saturday last. Several clashes period of two years, but if submitted the Judge senten occurred between the police Radio messages received necessary, to come up for ced him to 18 months, and and the «Strikers in which recently in Mexico announce Mr. Septimus Seely, Drain Contractor of the sentence if called upon. has issued instructions for many persons were injured that several communistic disGuacimo new cultivations is on the search for labourers who are willing to work on this kind of Shortly after, Waison who a medical examination to The university students, are turbances had occurred in work. Information can be had of him at The Steel styles himself a Propa determine if Waison is of said to have joined on the Salvador during the past few Stall in the Limon market or direct at Guacimo gandist of the Native De sound mind.
side of the Strikers, and are weeks.
Good prices for good workers, ordinarily 22 cents per CUBIC METRE in good Loam scil is not so bad. Engineers measurement as per the PROFILE is what yon are paid by. Passes furnished by him if yon are unable to travel off your own bat, Tools also found and deducted. The rumour With an earnest desire to it should be prepared for of rioting and wholesale killing is all a lie; have alleviate the very serious consumption Don Juan is We clip the following from Garvey, banished from this no fear going to Guacimo, you ll meet hundreds of your friends. Any good Shovelman can easily handle economic depression which sanguine that with proper the New York Americanof country after serving a prison in good soil Ten Cubic metres of earth per day, at present envelopes the Pro handling and advertising a Thursday 16th ult: and give sentence for promoting the thus earning two dollars.
vince, our new Governor has profitable business can be it for what it may be worth: Black Star Steamship fraud, SEPTIMUS SEELY stated that it his intention to done, especially as, he says. Holds Up Cash Mail is in Kingston, Jamaica, proinvestigate the possibilities of the cultivation of plantains is ed to Garvey, Negro «Libera móting an association for cothe Plantain as a substitute much easier than that of tar.
loured people, whose goal is for Bananas throughout bananas and the plant is not Hundreds of letters, with 600. 000. 000.
this zone. His idea is to se. so subject to disease.
cash and postal orders en In February, last year, his cure the assistance of the closed and addressed to MarThe proposal, as outlined. 600. 000. 000 «Empire in United Fruit Company for seems feasible and we sincerely cus Garvey, self styled liber frica» scheme was tn trouble.
planting a sufficient area with hope that don Juan will be ator of the negro race, are Kingston authorities cited him On Sunday last the Excelsior Were fortunate the best quality plants obtain able to put it through. We being held up by postal au for fraud. He now faces court Excelsior met the in obtaining a win, thusable and as soon as they have an idea of having heard, thorities, it was learned yes. action in Kingston.
Motive Power in scoring the first point come into production to ship some couple of years ago terday.
Limon, in the first fixture On Monday the Cons from 300 to 800 bunches to that the United Fruit Co. had in the competition. The truction lost in their New York, Boston and New been exporting this commodity fixture with the Estrada Orleans, where with the assis. from Almirante to New York.
tance of our Consuls it would It might help if don Juan could The following are the be introduced to the various ascertain what were the On Monday last a man found dead in the house games for Sunday 17th hotels and large restaurants results.
named Mc. Farlane residing on Tuesday morning.
Crusaders vs. Penshurst with instructions as to how at Guacimo, left his home We have not yet heard in Limon, Matina vs. Ex on a visit to a friend the verdict of the enquiry celsior in Matina. On home (a native lady. he into his death by the AuMonday 18th the Motive seem to have taken ill du thorities.
Power meets the Construcring the night and was tion in Limon.
LONDON, April 29. Stu ropean deputation proceeded SAN ANTONIO dents of the Representative to the interior of the establishThe following took the Council of the Edinburghment and harangued the examination prescribed by University took a strong line guests from the balcony proRemedio eficaz, the Board of Control and para la expulsión last night in dealing with testing against the «unjusti We are sorry that the or town life vvhich vvould de lombrices.
are qualified to Umpire the complaint of Indian stu fiable colour bar. number details of the debates which be more conductive to the games during the Orane dents who were refused ad of the guests signified their took place at the Reading best interests of our childCup Competition. mission to local cafes. de approval by withdrawing. The rooms of the Motive Power ren the presentation by De venta en la Messrs. Arthur Drummond, putation of 20 Europeans and student council has reques. Club during the past week Miss Leonie Aiken of the FARMACIA Moore, Foulkes, Indians called on one of ted the cafes to raise the bar have not come to hand, Young Women Standard ESPAÑA Mc. Laughlin, the offending establishments. threatening a boycott if this but we are pleased to in Club Was awarded the LUCAS MORUA Parchment, Gaston, The Europeans admitted that is not done.
form our readers that on winning vote by the judges. Foster, Fisher, the Indians were excluded (The Gleaner. April 30th) tye subject Country life Bravo. Our Standard CARTAGO. Hayling and Payne. without explanation. The EuClub. new project Cash held ир Cricket Sudden Death VERMIFUGO Students take action mene nada parang sela ilhe The debating Club Farmacoutico Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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