
PAGE Philomena Counsels Yaws and Hygiene Dear Mr. Editor: ashamed to see us suffering, enterprises which tend to the Only an example of Medi Sparrovvkeets. said Aunt vvas really need for it? Take must truly say that am for want of your ambition? building up of your intelli cal science fighting against Eliza. mi neber hear o dat the case of Retinella. She takng a very great step by What kind of men do you gence, your character and your ignorant beliefs and pernicious kind before. Dat is a nevy caught the yavvs at school entering the literary field, and intend to be? What kind of ambition? Educate yourselves habits. Reproduced from the breed. But young man mi last term and a large sore am sure that if critisism can living do you intend to make? in some line of thought, Bulletin of the Jamaica Pub vvan tell yu yu kno too much. developed. insisted that she kill, ll be dead very soon. How will you bring up your which will elevate you in the lic Health: Yu an yu high fallutin ideas. receive treatment, and the docam no genius, but feeling the children? Wouldn you all community in which you Aunt Eliza goes out Do yu kno dat yavvs is di tor gave her several jukes want of more artists in the like to be independent, work move.
a sporting mos natural ting in di vvorld. on the arm. Novy the sore field, and being a thinker on ing for one purpose, striving If you realize the impor. Mrs. Francis, yuno go a Yo can tek it from an oll is nearly better and the doc subjects of vital importance for a better life? Think pro tance of what have endeav. Race Course today. said vvoman vyho a born long tor says she vvill be cured in to all of us, shall venture perly and see if you can oured to point out start by Aunt Eliza. Dem mek big time before ya, an vvho a talk another tvvo or, three vveeks.
answer these questions. keeping your head above mud new stan dere an paint it to people ol enough to bə Doan mek dem fool yu, My first will be to our Rouse yourselves, young dy water, keep healthy both green an dem a hab a big your greatgranpuppa an you Mrs. Francis. said Aunt Eli.
young men, who ought to men, from the mire in which spiritually and physically, so horse race meetin dere. Every great granmumma. Mi hab fi za. Di sore vvould a get be constellations in this Pro. you have been wallowing that you may be able to do somebody in Kingston talk tell yu dat a child cannot better any ovv. Yu kno dere vince of ours, and should and think seriously, plan a battle for righteousness, with bout it an mi a tell yu dat grow up unless it hab yaws. is a certain kind o bush to like to impress on them, the course of living for your fu all confidence in yourself. all di youn chil dem goin Yaws is a mos natural ting put pon it to mek it viell importance of doing some ture benefit. sincerely hope Bear in mind this adage fi dere today. Mi remember an all dese grown up gal pick quick. Yu hab to tie di bush thing profitable and valuable. you will all strive to be men If at first you do not suc when mi was a gal dat dem ney dem, dem all hat fi hab over di sore vid a string an Now that times have changed, of noble qualities, with cha ceed, try, try and try again. use a hab di meetin dere an di jaws before dem can grow cover it vvid horse manure.
we are facing a tempest which racters and ambition. Should Think success, plan success mi was always in front of all big an strong. But im foolish, Yu leave dat on for six days only the fittest can survive. all our intelligent men pass and success shall surely be di chil dem. An mi dress! An Mrs. Francis, doant yu listen an vvhen yu tek it off di They ought not to entirely from this vale of service, yours.
di big boy dem! Dem use a to im or im will mek yu as sore gone. Mi tell yu mi has assign themselves to the or. could any of you honestly Thanking you for space in hab such a stick lick up foolish as hisself.
done it plenty times an, it dinary laboring class. There fill their places? We are suf your most invaluable means Dem was di good ol days. don know about his alvvays mek di sore better. It are lots of laborers, but little ferng on account of our lack for publicly expressing our Dem days is over now. But being so foolish, Aunt Eliza. di best ting fido. Doan yu hire, so they should try to of aspiration, why not make humble opinions me wan go today fi see wha said Mrs. Francis. Last term kno bout it, Mrs. Brovvn?
themselves above that a start on the stair of uplift.
yours truly dem goin fi do. Are you going, at school there was almost an Well, Aunt Eliza. interrupt.
class, to be able in turn to ment, why not associate with Philomela Mrs. Francis?
epidemic of yaws among the ed Thomas Ezekiel, am render them assistance. Even Well, Aunt Eliza. said children. Most of the children going to prove to everybody tradesmen are feeling the Mrs. Francis, intend to go got it, including Retinella. But that you are vorong. Do you pinch of hard times, yet with LAWYERS NOTARIES the Race Course today. Thomas Ezekiel escaped. When see that man buying a ticket their superior position in life, AT LIMON My neig ibours, Mr. and Mrs. asked him how he did it, on the first race? He has been they are able to battle with Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA Brown, are going with their he told me that he was very pointed out to me before and the tempest. So it is better Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as solicitors son, Thomas Ezekiel. They careful about personal hy. have been told he is sufferto equip one self with some before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; have asked me to call for giene and bodily cleanliness. ing from crab yavvs. Novy Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
professional knowledge, than them and as SOON as Mr. That he did not exchange if yavvs is the most natural ENGLISH SPOKEN remain on the lowest tread Francis is finished dressing, particles of food or pencils thing in thevvorld and a child of the ladder.
we are going along. Will you with the other boys for did cannot grovv and develop in.
Boys, you will be the men of to morrow.
Are you not Advertise in THE SEARCHLIGHT join us, Aunt Eliza? It will be he use the common drinking to a normal adult without it. a big party, if you do. cup.
hovy is it that crab yavvs doan like dat forward Mi surprise pon yu, Mrs. occurs? You know that the youn man, Thomas. said Aunt Francis, saying such a ting. feet get tender and painfu Eliza. But dem say yu musna said Aunt Eliza. It was a vvith the sores and that the bear malice in dis world, so blessin pon di school dat di person affected sometimes mi will come along wid yu, yaws come pon it. It vvill vvalks like a crab. Can you Mrs. Francis. Besides, miwan mek all di children dem grow tell me hovy that is good for say one or two tings to Tho up strong an big. Mi tell yu the body and lovy it makes mas and dis is a good oppor when mi vvas a chil. me get the body grovv? Again, yavvs tunity to let im knu wha mi di yavvs an look vvhat sort occurring in later life destroys tink o im and of is ideas of a woman mi is today. An parts of the nose and throat dem.
di same vid mi puppa and and causes horrible deformiSo off they went to the mi mummia. Dem all hab it ties. Hovy can that be necesBrowns whom they found and dem live to a good old sary for the body? And final ready and waiting and all set edg. Di idea o dis doctor ly, Aunt Eliza, Doctor told out for the Race Course. Arri giving di people dem free me he has actually seen the ved there; they found a large treatment. Yes, yu go to im germs causing the seres.
crowd of people. They strug.
an in a juk your arm. Youn man, you a talk gled and pushed to get as Mi doan like it an mi no tek rubbish. said Aunt Eliza. Crab near the stand as possible. no child o mine to im fi yavvs is a different ting alto Pon mi sould, Mrs. Brown. juk im.
gether an yavvs neber destroy said Aunt Eliza, wiping her But Aunt Eliza, continued di nose an throat. Mi granpa forehead with her handker Mrs. Francis, am sure your an mi granma neber tell mi chief. Dis is real ard vvok. are vorong. The Government dat an in all mi born existence Me vvan a getto di front provides free treatment for mi neber see it. But nobody dere but dem a squeeze mi yavvs, and this treatment here belieb vvha mi hab up so much dat mi doan tink anybody can get from a Dis. fi say. So mi mus do some.
Dont fail to see Programme No. of this coloured mi can move one step furder. trict Medical Ofificer. Novv, tin else. Mrs. Francis, look!
troupe on 25 May and 1st. June at But di somebody dem a rude. do you think the Government The horses are ready to start.
Instead o meking vvay fi a would do this unless there They re off!
Arrasty Theatre, Limon lady to pass, dem a mash yu up. Look, look, Mrs. Francis, The great Comedian Billi and his Pal Mike will laugh you all the week there is a boy in front of me SEE AND HEAR OUR COLOURED PATTI, AS WELL AS OUR vvith sores. said Thomas ATTENTION Ezekiel, and it seems to me BUCK DANCES AND SIDE SPLITTING VAUDEVILLES to be Yavvs. Papa, vve must AND COMEDIES all keep avvay from him or The Red Hot Six Remember the else vue vvill all get it. Docdates and be sure tor vvas at school the other Ochestra will be to book your day and he told us about the at their best seats early evils of yavvs. He said that yavvs vas a catching disease THOMAS and that the germs of yavvs Prof Thomas will WELLINGTON vvere spread from one person also show you DIRECTOR to another by insanitary habits In view of the present economic depression. have decided some of his mar.
and filthy surroundings, and to give my clients a reasonable reduction in prices. Careful attention vvill, as usual, be given to all work.
velous Hipnotic by flies. That the germs enterJ. SAMUELS THE STANDARD.
ed the body through little Stunts Stage Manager cuts and scratches which Nelson, Tailor, Box 64 Limon vvere not kept clean and that they came from the sores of people suffering from yavvs.
ADVERTISE IN Palco 2. 00. Lunota C1:50. Butaca 1. 00. Galeria 0. 75. Children Galería 0. 50 These germs vvere called spirochoetes.
THE SEARCHLIGHT The Central American Stars and Combination Co. 6 6 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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