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PAGE Wants Column El momento actual de Limón WANTED una News of the World PATRIOTISM Puerto Limón tiene en los bolsa de Nueva York y la ciantes se les presentaba que vivimos aquí en espera One colon per insertion of six lines actuales momentos grandes europea, asi como la falta de siempre hermoso el HORI de un cambio de frente en problemas que hay que resol mercados ha contribuido en ZONTE FINANCIERO.
nuestra vida actual. La Muniver, los cuales se relacionan el paro de muchas industrias En estos momentos de in cipalidad, la Junta encargada completamente con su porve las cuales tenían su campo quietud, de incertidumbre; de gestionar para llevar a la de acción en esos mercados cuando las cosas se presen práctica los proyectos de CA.
To sell a fine organ at the that Mrs. Charlotte Big. nir y que todos los limonen.
ridiculous price of 250. at gerstaf can accommodate ses deben de preocuparse palos cuales constituían nuestra tan con visos de peores días, NALIZACION DE LAS LA.
Jack Oranes.
your necessities at her ra conseguir en dia próximo vida y riqueza.
se necesita la cooperación de GUNAS DE TORTUGUERO, o home in Cartago with un mejor y positivo futuro Bien sabemos que la vida todas las actividades, todas cuyos miembros son persoto para la renovación económica de puerto Limón, su gran las fuerzas unidas, todas las nas progresistas y de ideas that there is nothing to break clean comfortable quarters social y política de esta bella movimiento comercial que voluntades y ponerlas al ser levantadas y ellos son don up a cold like a Cafiaspirin Bicycles ciudad en la cual vivo. llegó a tener o mejor dicho vicio de éste puerto para con Avelino de la Peña, don Eloy table taken in a Cup of hot lime juice tea immediately El movimiento comercial de tuvo, fué por el impulso que seguir la restauración en su Gotay, don Federico Gólcher, At Clearing Prices: after having contracted a cold.
este puerto ha sufrido le diera a la industria banamen Roadster Bicycles (110 parte económica y comercial don Alcides Ramírez y don 163 depresión bastante fuerte de nera la United Fruit Co. En para un mejor porvenir para Carlos Kirkpatrick, quienes si Those who would like to Rudge Withworth Racers 100 bido al poco trabajo en los sus grandes centros banane. los habitantes de esta ciudad. verdaderamente se interesan pass a few days of rest Ladies Roadster Bicycles 110 centros bananeros, el cual no ros habían centenares de bra Una vez que todos los por la FELICIDAD y GRAN.
and change in a quiet home At Jack Orane Store, es como en tiempos anterio ceros y estos centenares de hombres de este puerto se DEZA de esta localidad, conin the interior, to know Limon.
res cuando la industria bana hombres venían a gastar sus preocupen de verdad por la seguiremos su REDENCION nera era un emporio de ti dineros en esta provincia y vida y progreso de este pe así lo desea el CONDE DE queza, asi como la del cacao de allí que todos los nego dazo de tierra del Caribe, es XOLOTLAN MANUEL FERNANDEZ la cual llegó a obtener valores cios marchaban de tal mane toy seguro que se conseguirá Puerto Limón, Costa Rica, AGENTE halagadores en los mercados ra bien, que todos los comery lo que tanto deseamos los Mayo de 1931.
LIMON, COSTA RICA. APARTADO No. 564 extranjeros; hoy se puede de.
Se hace cargo de despachos de Aduana a precios de situación cir, que éste artículo ha teni.
GARANTIA PRONTITUD do una desvalorización terrible la cual ha venido a desiMANUEL FERNANDEZ quilibrar la vida financiera y Customs and Commission agency undertakes the despatching económica de los propietarios The Minister of Justice at under vvhich the personal Advises reaching us state of importations and exportations through the Customs at the de esta provincia.
Madrid has requested the fortune of ex King Alfonso that in the disturbances most reasonable charges La baja de valores en la Nuncio to recall Cardinal Pe.
is to be confiscated, it being which occurred in Cairo dro Segura y Sáenz, Primate held that same had become on Thursday last on ac.
of Spain, on account of his accumulated by improper meth count of the delegates political activities against the ods, by means of his Royal vvho had been declared Republic. It is stated the Car position.
as elected thirty persons dinal įvvill be leaving immeThe Attorney General vere killed and many diately for Rome to be attachof the Republic of Spain others injured. Among those Dear. Mr. Editor.
nation. But Patriotism based a place and its natives.
ed to the Congregation of has sent a communication killed vvere three englishsolely upon such sentiments Lots of people strive to attain Rites.
to the Daily Express men. Several buildings vvere crave the indulgence of is born of selfishnes, divor. success in a foreign land at in which he states that destroyed including some inserting a few remarks in your ced from true love and even the same time nurturing hate Due to the serious condithe extradition of ex King schools, The police were valuable paper of my opinion tuates in the destruction of and prejudice tovvard the place tions in vvhich the finances of Alfonso vvill be requested compelled to resort to the of Patriotism. Patriotism as the real. There is another and natives, alvvays finding the Royal Mail Steam Packet in order that he can be use of their gattling guns defined in the lexicon is the form of Patriotism vvhich the faults and longing to be in love of one country. Such a Co. have been for some time brought before the Courts to restore order.
majority of persons do not their native homes. This is an of his country.
passion is pregnant in all past, many stockholders have observe and that is Patriotism important lesson vvhich such developed and undeveloped to the places that give them been pressing for a judicial persons must learn, e.
people. The prevalent notion ministered under Lord Kylsant Coutinued from page is that it is peculiar primary sands, yea millions of persons who put their vvhole hearts tv vo years longer to construct to the place vvhere one vvas and in reply to a question, in are domiciled in parts of this and souls in their ventures the house of Commons, Sir ed arguments are not only say a 30ft. WaterWay through born, and secondary to the planet that are foreign to them plus attunement to the Cosbeing introduced as a means those Rocky mountains. We race and nation one belongs and are making a confortable William Jovvit, the Attorney mic influences prevalent in of delaying the vvork, for to knovy hovvever that this is General, stated that he had to. Be that as it may. But livingand may never see their the environment, or psycholthink of connecting the Ciene only the sayings of inexpecalled for all relevant docusince no one has the last native land any more: Is it ogically speaking vvhen one rienced men, and that don vvord upon literary develop not right and just that such mind is fullot hate and preju Company affairs but as the ments in connection vvith the guita with the Moin River vvould not only cost a hideous Juan vvill simply smile at ment, deem it my preroga persons should love such dice for a place and its peomass of documents vvas very sum of money to one vvho such a proposition, and regard tive to throvv nevy light on places and their natives? Man ple, it causes many complexes has no chances of raising it, as unfit to sit on the Coma subject so important and is made to dominate this plagreat, he could not be hurried to impregnate the subconsbnt vvould need, vvith very diversified. It is natural that net and to reap the multipli ciusness. This evokes counter into making a statement regardmission any member vyho strenuous persistent labour, vould suggest such an idea.
one should have a sacred love city of inexhaustible vvealth attractions which irritate the ing any possible legal proc.
for the place that gave him that lies therein, and through human Aura. causing every cedings.
Another marriage failure or her birth. It is also impe his divine heritage he has a thing that one does to be rative that one should endea This is to adlvise the him my husband, as What is regarded as the right to go vvhere ever that overvvhelmed vvith a disintevour to the best of his and vvealth can be gathered, and grative vibration vyhich spell largest tree ever cut dovun is general public that, in con have had for a long time her ability to work for the being prosperous, settle dovun, sfailure in all ventures. Even the fir recently felled in the sequence of the lazy habits to work to support both prosperity of such a race and and exhibit Patriotism to such the native elements should Lyum Valley of British Co of my husband and the him and myself. He has lumbia. It vvas 417 feet high continual ill treatmet in consequence of this en reciprocate the Patriotism exbeing 300 feet to the first which have been patiently deavoured, from time to tended to them by foreigners, limb, 25 feet in diameter and enduring from him for the time, to scandalize my good for if they love fheir country Mindful of a duty out of 77 feet in circunference, and last three years, have and hate foreigners they are name even though he has friendship the most popular Now hindering their perpetual pro 000 years old.
is supposed to be about definitely decided been living off my earnto quit his home and ings from my different gress. The phrase United vue to return to the protection employments these many stand and Divided vve fall The Presidential elections of my Father. And further years.
is more than mere vvords: it is Has arranged to distribute a value of almost in France took place on Wedwish to advise that do IDA FOX double the former value of the wrappings as a an immutable Lavy upon benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you not any longer consider nesday last, and resulted in POCORA vvhose hinges hang the open can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before.
All No. wrappings have a much greater value door to progress into vvhich Paul Doumer being elected. NEW VACCINE than No. and others.
the other candidates vvere none may enter but those vvho Briand and Pierre Manand. vaccine for the treatment cus viridans, which he has adhere to its principles. God The defeat of Briand has of rheumatism is novv in an repeatedly isolated from the grant that the native and foreign inhabitants of this councome as a great surprise to experimental stage of develop blood of patients with acute those who have been taking an ment. Professor Benjamin and chronic arthritis The germ Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be try vvill arise in the name of exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts interest in the polilical affairs Clavvson of the University of is heatkilled to make a vaccine Patriotism and vvork for our will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
of France.
Minnesota Medical School in a conventional manner, but future good and vvelfare and Distributor in Limón The Government of the Span disclosed this fact in a scientific this vaccine is not injected ELOY GOTAY in course of time those bar. ish Repúblic has issued a decree paper before the American riers vvhich hinder our prounder the skin, as is a comAssociation of Pathologists Distributors in Turrialba mon practice, since this method gress vvill be removed because Master meant vvhen he said Rojas Cortés Cía.
and Bacteriologists meeting at would tend to make the patient vve adhere to the greatest Bless those that curse you, Cleveland. Rheumatic fever, of all lavvs. The Lavv of Love. Pray for those that despite arthritis, or rheumatism, as the more hypersensitive; instead it INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
The above remarks may fully use you, etc. vvill read disorder is variously knovun, is is injected directly into the blood stream. At least a year Teléfono 3103 not meet the approval of those Apartado 271 vvithin the lines and grasp the vvidepread thruoghout the vvho favour the turn for turn meaning therein.
vvill be needed before this vvorld. Professor Clavvson in encounter. But those who David Luke nevy vaccine is used by making his vaccine takes the physicians generally.
understand vvhat Jesus, the ALBA FARM causative organism, Streptococ bread and butter. Thou success comes only to those inquiry into its affairs as ad. The Moin PALMERA SOAP PALMERA SOAP Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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