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PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Phrase of the moment Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón All of us have our faults. It is a good thing to think not about the faults of one another, but about that com mon striving after christian character which makes possible for us to supplement une another by our various christian graces, and to offset the faults of one another by a process of friendly overlooking.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 23 MAY 1931 NUM. 79 Political Movements Our impartiality Assailed With the successful meeting His chances would have been before the Government, vould rather find the vvay to called by the friends of Don good for this campaign of made him a martyr, and a his private residence, ibis ad.
Ricardo Jiménez in the Raven 1932 36 had he not go in a great favourite for Presidency; vice, coupled vvith recent occur The Editor of the Searchlight, letter to which Mr. Petgrave tos Theatre on Friday last; quarrel with don Ricardo be. but he is comparatively speak rences, as well as the six Dear Sir.
refers, we must point out, that his candidature coupled with cause he did not help him ing a poor man, and not sur millions left by him in the notice that you have pub. some time ago Mr. Pelgrave The name of Don Manuel against don Cleto González rounded by the influential Treasury, has turned all eyes lished in your paper of last sentus, for publication, a Castro Quesada was launched to win the seat; at the same friends which happen to be (even those of his enemies)
week a very caustic letter most unjustly, slanderous a! by an immense crowd of the time exposing the intrigues the good fortune of the other towards him as a great seer under the heading of «An in ticle against His Lordship Bismost influential gentlemen of which he himself engineered candidates.
and the only likely Saviour dignant father, perfectly know hop Bunn of British Hondu.
the land, pending the arrival to win the seat for don Ri Therefore as soon as don for the country at this critical that you have no fault in ras and the utility of the An and aceptation of the act bycardo in 1924 and which he cert Ricardo accepts his nominat stage. And certainly ve too publishing this, but while this glican Church, in regard to him.
ainly expected to be done for ion, which we expect vvill are thinking that at this mom. is so and the fact remains that the Bishop having obtained, The opponents of Don Ri him when his time came. This be at an carly date, the cam ent vve cannot afford to ex the letter sent you some time by his influence, the re allotcardo, are putting up a most of course lost him the confid paign vill burst forth in all periment, we need firm, hon ago directed to the Bishop of ment, in favour of the school dangerous front; by a coali ence of the honest minded quarters. With the votes being est minded experienced men the Anglican Church in the conducted by his denomination of all the Partidos. That Republicanos, and split the thus controlled by coalition, to guide our destinies by person of Mr. Durn contain tien, of a small subsidy by, is, it is well known that no party in tvvo, the majority of the Jimenistas vvill have to repaying our foreign and inthe United Fruit Co as a help ed much milder tone, am single candidate could run vvhich being novv vvith don Ri: fight very hard for supremacy ternal debts, manipulating our toward educational work at to ask you where is your with any degree of success Siquirres, which letter we re cardo as Jimenistas against and it is being considered if Bonds to meet our immediate equality of treatment or cour against him; hence the Carlis Carlistas.
don Ricardo does not accept obligations, as well as the tesy to white and black fused to publish from many stand points; primarily, because ta Republicans with don Car Don León Cortés came in the candidacy they will bring different monopolies being of alike? did Mr. Booth pay you it contained a.
los María Jiménez as Chief; fo prominence vvhen, as Min25, to publish his letter, or ridiculous in his cousin don Rafael Orea fered us, coupled with confithe Partido Agrícola with don ister of Public Works and comparison between the benmuno.
ence and influence in getting did you find more reason to efits derived by the commuAlberto Echandi as chief; the Agriculture, he displayed great The enemies of dou Ricar the Co. to so exploit publish his and not mine? do Partido Regeneration with don zeal, preparation and honesty our fruit areas as do are canvassing against his to bring you hold the person of Mr. nity as a result of the operaDunn as one to be more res tions of the Anglican Faith Leon Cortés as chief;are of purpose, just at the time age, meanvvhile his friends our export capacity at least when Don Carlos María, al to vvhere vve vvere a decade pected and held in awe, ot. as against those of the Prodeciding to formulate a great and infact the entire country the head of the opposition, were you convinced that Mr. gressive Lodge, which Lodge fusion and put forward a real are discussing his vvonderful ago.
was hacking to pieces the Booth attitude was right?
For these reasons it is exwas incidentally the loser of strong young favourite such povvers of vision, from the One thing is certain, that five dollars per month as ren as Dr. Moreno Cañas or don integrity of the manipulations fact that in 1927 he told the pected that the Political vvizard León Cortés. It therefore looks of the present administration country that if they did not would be the only man who to exact rigid disciplineamongst CO. at the request of Rev. Siley had a perfect right tal, by this decision of the and when don Arturo Volio as if our political campaign accept the propsitions of the vvould fill the Bill just novv his Choir, but am to ask, the Bishop. Just at this point will be a very busy one. Don resigned as a consequence of Co. for building the and it is hoped that so soon the claim of the Simmons Co.
Alberto Echandi has always Río Frío San Carlos Railvvay as he realizes that the coun.
what right or jurisdiction had and from the fact that Mr.
against the Government for Bishop Dum over a school Petgrave is endeavouring to had a very good following in and developing the areas in try is willing to recompense held in the Progressive Lodge make us appear ridiculously recent elections, and is consi cancelling their contract, he that direction, that the coun his past good services, by and financed by Negro pa.
partial and one sided, one is dered as a very suitable man claiming that don Cleto was try vould be faced with complete confidence in him, he in sides with don Luis An rents and the tempted to ask of the twelve for Presidency, yet somehow great privations, and as he will certainly declars himself has never been able to get derson the lavvyer for the Kindly publish this letter, years rental at per month vvould not like to be a party at their disposal once again. and thanking you in advance, paid by the CO. supposSimmons Co. The advent of on top with the voting: Don to such lack of Judgment he Ləón Cortés at this juncture, am yours very truly edly to the Progressive Lodge, Carlos María Jiménez, a great his most economic adminisW. PETGRAVE how much has the poor Prosupporter of Don Ricardo in tration of the Department; Siquirres, May 18 1931.
gressive ever got? devolving his campaign for 1924 28 was therefore as a personal inter expected to win the seat in highly satisfactory even to the In reply to the above.
opposition; then suddenly his It is a real pity that some 1928 32 but Don Cleto Gonbreak vvith the President on On Saturday 16th inst made represent lies of the men, who profess to operate His Lordship had nothing to Secondarily we knew that zález gave him the surprise the unexpected arrival from the Alma Mater Lodge Principal Column of fraterof his life by his coalition on The Square, wink conve of San José nal integrity. The ceremony niently, at times, at the fact subsidy, but rather that it was Washington of don Manuel do with the withdrawal of the with Genl. Volio labour party. Castro Quesada our Minister carried out a memorable vvas ably carried out by that the lines projected by promulgated at the instance function vvhen eleven fel Bros Nation. Etelberto the use of this instrument are low crafts assembled to be Arroyo, and Goulof Mr. Petgrave himself, in at all times in Rectitudinal consequence of a row he enraised to the White Order bourne of the Fraternidad correctiess.
gineered (unjustly) and carried The Agricultural Building as adepts in the Blue Lodge. No. 10, and the Concordia In justice to ourselves, and out with the Teacher at a most As soon as the formali No. 1, respectively ably in order to afford our readers Corporation of 28 miles ties of the opening etc. Was assisted by Bros. Juan de a proper understanding of the Continued on page NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS gone through Bro Dios Ramirez, Camp.
Nation in his capacity of bell Holms of the General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Past District Grand Master Eureka, Bro. Quiros from announced the sad nevvs Puntarenas, and other mast above named Corporation will be held at the of the death in Englanders in the art. So soon as Liberty Hall, Madre de Dios, on the Sunday 7th. June 1931 of Bro. John Hills, the elevation of the Bro. comfortable home at Guacimo consisting of a. commencing at 30 m, for the purpose of Grand Master of the Grand thers to higher ranks was of Executive Council of the accomplished, the fraternity house of four apartments with necessary kitchen termining the value of their shares, as also to fulfill Order, and asked as a repaired from their labours and Sanitary, conveniences on a spacious lot with the other requirements of the Law for the proper ad mark of recognition in the to refreshment when Bro. many bearing fruit trees; as well as a large Oven, Bakershop and waterpipe installed; a shop also present.
deceased Brother career, Bro Arroyo vvelcoming all under construction Beautifully situated for business in front of the Watertank, just where the Passenger requested to forward to the Secretary their letters of to its feet vvith bovved speech: Bro. Goulbourne heads and crossed hands Master of the Concordia Trains stop and all the movements towards the Proxy.
for tvvo minutes; this done, Lodge and District Grand new Cultivation branch off No other spot like it NATION (President) GIBB (Secretary)
the Lodge resumed its bus Master of The Union Dis. in Guacimo. Apply on the premises to Barnes.
iness vvhen eleven prom.
or To THE SEARCHLIGHT inent brethren vvere duly Continued on page Lodge Function FOR SALE 2) ministration of the Corporation. The Lawyer will be closure of the illustrious Nation opened the Table. Members who are unable to attend are particularly the Lodge vrould come present in an appropriate Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    León CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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