
PAGE The New Corporation Law New Calendar proposed Prisoners to be released From time to time, within rious governments as well each year will As we foreshadowed in tude of the government not be our previous article, the decided to abstain froin recent years suggestions as Leaders of the Protestant attached to any month, have been made with the and Greek Churches; and but is be named YEAR New Law for the Cor taking part in the discussion.
DAY and observed as a porate area of Kingston and view of changing the system it is expected that the CathThe member for the par under which the calendar olic Church will fall into holiday in all countries. made, it is stated, by the Consequent on a promise St. Andrew, Jamaica which rish of Clarendon Mr.
we know it, is line.
came up for the 2nd. read. Smith who has all year, as Similarly in leap years, President and other officers ing on the 5th. instant, along taken a very keen calculated, but no definite The proposal is that, the extra day will be of the Cuban government has given rise to a great interest in this matter of conclusions were ever arriv. commencing from the 1st. placed at the end of June, to Sir Thomas Morris, deal of discussion; the ma the amalgamation, has also, that a Committee of the should be divided into 13 be a universal holiday.
ed at. It appears, however, of January 1934, the year named «LEAP DAY and former British Envoy Plejority of the electives dis. in consequence of the Attor. League of Nations has months of 28 days each.
nipotentiary in Cuba when Under this plan all church he has vacating office, that changes proposed, and to entertain certain of his been studying the matter The additional or 13th. festivals would fall on fixed as a token of their appreand has formulated a plan, month would be inserted dates. Easter Day, for exam.
ciation of him, a free pardon suggested counter proposals suggestions, which be conwhich is said to have between June and July and ple, would be Sunday, April would be granted all Ja.
exceptions, the government decided, that though able consideration of vawhich, but with a few minor sidered of vital importance. already received the favour. is recommended to be called 15th. and Christmas Day maicans in the prisons in has, so far as the matter he will not withdraw, to SOL. thc 365th. day of on Monday. December 23rd. that Island, we understand that the release of these reached refused, to accept adoptan attitude which Mr. George Seymour, the would afford the Attorney men will soon be effected; sitting member for the General no relief of his but only on the distinct parish of St. Andrew, who responsibility for the prounderstanding that they will has had much experience visions brought foward. The return immediately to their native land.
regarding municipal affairs, Bill was still under discus.
and is an ex Mayor, has sion when the Council adin consequence of the atti. journed over the week end.
The Central American Stars and Combination Co.
Cricket Competition ATTENTION The Excelsior met the Matina On the grounds of the latter on Sunday last and was able to score another point in the competition. On the following day on the Limón Oval the Motive Power again lost, this time to the Construction.
The fixtures for the coming Week are.
Sunday, 24th, Estrada vs. Cairo at Estrada and Penshurst vs. Matina in Limón. On the 25th, the Wanderers vs. Crusaders and on the 26th Excelsior vs. Construction, both being also played in Limón.
In view of the present economic depression. have decided to give my clients a reasonable reduction in prices. Careful attention vvill, as usual, be given to all work.
THE STANDARD. Nelson, Tailor, Box 64 Limon ADVERTISE IN THE SEARCHLIGHT good sized man James Finch, said to be a day. The stretcher on the biggest citizen, of which he was taken to the Harlem, died in hospital had to be made hospital there on May 5th. of four inch boards and He was 28 years old, seven sail cloth, borne by eight feet six inches tall, weighed men, and his bed in hos678 ponnds, wore a size pital was provided by using 24 shoe and his coat, which two bedsteads alongside had an appearance much each other and reinforced like a tent was said to be by nailing boards undersize 70. Finch was employed neath. special casket was by a shoe store as a walking built to contain the body.
advertisement at 12. 50 Dont fail to see Programme No. of this coloured troupe on 25 May and ist. June at Arrasty Theatre, Limon The great Comedian Billi and his Pal Mike will laugh you all the week SEE AND HEAR OUR COLOURED PATTI, AS WELL AS OUR BUCK DANCES AND SIDE SPLITTING VAUDEVILLES AND COMEDIES The Red Hot Six Remember the dates and be sure Ochestra will be to book your at their best seats early THOMAS Prof Thomas will WELLINGTON also show you DIRECTOR some of his marvelous Hipnotic SAMUELS Stunts Stage Manager SOWAVY WOMVOY Better than Pomona Biscuits Hello boys. whats up. Going up to Booths shop man to buy some of his Biscuits.
Eating one you will be satisfied of the fact that Booth Biscuits lead where others fail to follow Now see to it that you buy a Biscuits branded with the name Booth.
They can be had at all chinese vendors.
Eating one you will be convinced that they are certainly the best Local Biscuits in the Country.
Ask for them at Estrada and Matina aswell Sa Limon.
Palco 00. Luneta C1. 50. Butaca 1. 00. Galeria 0. 75. Children Galeria 0. 50 Mindful of a duty out of friendship the most popular PALMERA SOAP Court decides against President Banana Prices TERUGO Has arranged to distribute a value of almost double the former value of the wrappings as a benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before.
All No. wrappings have a much greater value than No. and others.
PALMERA SOAP SAN ANTONIO Some four months ago ries. It is said that the Court The following is clipped President Machado of Cu also gave indication of from the Gleaner of May ba ordered the closing, for other unconstitutional acts 7th.
an indefinite period, of all by the President. The press The West India Committhe normal schools in the in commenting on these tee Circular of April 16th provinces of Havana and rulings assert that they indi.
said: Matanzas, on account of cate that the President is the actions of the students either incapable of correctly Bananas: Jamaicans are against his government. The interpreting the constitut in fairly good demand and matter was taken to the ional provisions or else he are a further 10 per Courts and the Supreme willingly violates them ton higher at 22 deCourt has now issued its pending appeals to the high livered London and 22 ruling (agreed to by its est Court.
nearest railway station; the thirteen members) that the decree of the President price to retailers is about To advertise in Was unconstitutional, as also unchanged at per dozen.
the suspension from em The Searchlight mand and unchanged at Brazilians are in good de.
ployment of the professors at these schools and the is to double your business 18 per ton delivered confiscation of their sala.
nearest railway station.
Remedio eficaz, para la expulsión de lombrices Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
Distributor in Limón ELOY GOTAY Distributors in Turrialba Rojas Cortés Cía.
Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 De venta en la FARMACIA ESPAÑA LUCAS MORUA Farmacoutico CARTAGO. R Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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